
26 Reviews
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Seize the Day (1986)
True Grit
1 May 2021
The fact it was made for tv does show with the film quality but the quality of acting makes up for this. A great performance from Robin Williams also the other actors seem to be lifted by his inspirational acting. No pretty actors in this just strong characters.
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20 September 2020
Let's throw in 2 dimensional characters loads of special effects and explosions, plus constant action maybe no one will notice how bad the film is.
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
The fail.
5 September 2020
This started off ok , well acted and produced. But wow is it drawn out, I am into this genre but at the start of season 2 I totally lost interest. My wife lasted till season 3 but fell asleep and gave up on it. To be honest I do not care how it finished. Gillian Anderson must have been at a loose end. She plays the lead investigator who tries to sleep with the whole police department, great way to get the respect of your team. That in itself made no sense.
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Aliens go somewhere interesting.
19 July 2020
Yo I am a maverick, yo I am a legend, hi I am gorgeous, yo I am here for the money. Enough said.
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Let's go chopping
24 April 2020
Cast brilliantly and well acted , especially the main character and the psychopathic head of the drug gang. Not a big plot to say the least but worth watching once (not a film you would return to).
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War of the Worlds (2019–2022)
Release the dogs
22 March 2020
The first few episodes were quite good but it gets worse as it progresses. I can suffer bad effects if it has a gripping story but the story gets drawn out and you start to lose interest. I just watched I believe episode 5 and I realised I know longer care what happens. The End.
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Luther (2010–2019)
Luther van dross
6 March 2020
I have never watched this series and as there was not much on so I thought I would give it a go. The first episode was ok but opportunity's we're missed to build the other characters backgrounds creating more atmosphere. The second episode kept the other characters superficial to the main character. The female psychopath was carried over to this second episode which was ridiculous. I know this review is 10 years to late but I felt I had to post it as an 8 star rating seems way to high.
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The Irishman (2019)
Still the best
28 November 2019
Done in the classic maffia style, they are looking old but hey who cares.
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Pass me that spittoon.
5 September 2019
Ok so it's a bit slow but don't let that put you off, it's gritty with empathy towards the main characters. It has political and moral undertones and we'll acted throughout.
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Inspector Morse: Fat Chance (1991)
Season 5, Episode 2
Slim pickings
21 August 2019
Possibly the weakest Morse episode, hard to believe he is no longer with us.
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Holds water.
30 June 2019
Thought I would give this a go and I wasn't disappointed . Liam Neeson at his best in this Water Gate drama. The film is well balanced and comes together well.
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Detroit (2017)
Panic in Detroit
27 June 2019
Builds nicely and gets the atmosphere of the 60s . Based on a true story with a bit of artistic licence. The acting is excellent and a well chosen cast. The only down side is the middle section is to long otherwise I would have rated it higher but well worth a watch.
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Upgrade (2018)
No blue badge for this guy.
10 June 2019
The Australians are proving a strong force in Syfy , this is no exception. A few new ideas are incorporated in this future world , it's slick and visually pleasing. You actually feel for the main characters not like the latest blade runner. Well worth a watch.
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Don't beam me up.
5 June 2019
I can't believe I have never seen this film , only took me 26 years to find it. Very atmospheric and we'll acted, based on a true story (maybe). Worth a watch on a par with Xfiles.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
Where's Johnny.
27 May 2019
Draws you in from the start as you get to know Jack Nicholson's character. It shows how an obsession can work well to get results but it can mess you up in the long run. It kind of ran out of steam towards the end but worth a watch.
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12 May 2019
Based on a true story that happened in Alaska. Well directed and nice to see Nicolas Cage in a decent movie as he's picked a few bad ones over this period. I watched it for the second time last night and I must say I enjoyed it more second time around.
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16 April 2019
A bit dubious how these two actors would work, how wrong I was. The film builds nicely and the stark period was portrayed so well. You had no sympathy for Bonny and Clyde but showed how some of the down trodden public hero worshiped them. Acting, casting and direction all deserve credit.
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Dib dib dib
12 April 2019
You often read reviews and wonder what they were watching, this was good from the offset and built up well and not at all drawn out. I agree with the references to BTK as there were similarities. The acting and casting were bang on. Well worth a watch if you like murder and suspense.
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True Detective (2014– )
Truly awesome
10 February 2019
Even the opening credits at the start are good! It oozes quality and depth of storyline. The acting is first class as is the makeup and casting deserve a mention. I started with the 3rd series and I am now watching the 1st series which is maybe even slightly better but very slightly.
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Sound animation.
27 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I put this film on but I was not hopeful, how wrong I was. It had a good mix of action and storyline and King Kong in the second race scene was amazing. I am not a big action movie fan but this was worth the watch.
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Well crafted
27 January 2019
Gets you hooked from the start and could have been done by the Coen brothers at their best (Fargo). It's about guilt and coping with what life throws at you. Brilliantly acted by all concerned, the direction is faultless.
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Black Panther (2018)
Lost interest
27 January 2019
The critics seem to rave about this so I gave it a go. To start with it seemed not to bad at all, but after 40 long minutes I lost interest in the characters and got bored with the all action but limited storyline. I only laste 20 minutes with kingsman 2 so this was a slight improvement. Aimed at 13 year olds as most of this genre usually are.
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The Founder (2016)
Prime beef
8 October 2018
This film has what a lot of films try for but often don't get ,soul. Michael Keaton draws you in straight away and keeps you there. How true his character is I do not know ( I recon the real Ray Kroc may have had more of a mean streak) but you can understand his attitude and how he was influenced by events. The film makes you see both sides of the story and you feel for every character, this is a film I could keep watching and would certainly put it in my top 30 films.
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25 September 2018
Excellent feel good film takes you back to your childhood acting was outstanding would recommend this amazing film .
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21 September 2018
This is such an unusual film , I had not read the book before seeing the film. This film has an essential sad element to it, but it takes you on such a journey of mixed emotions , I never get tired of watching this film. The acting is superb.especially Stanley Tucchi.
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