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Good 90's Fun For All Power Rangers Fan And Viewer With A Few Flaws.........
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= Personal Opinion I Feel this is a Greatly an Underrated Film and I'm just saying that as a 90's Kid. And I'm saying this as a 90's Kid who is also an Obsessed Power Rangers Fan and No I'm saying this as a Reviewer who Genially Thinks that this Film is a Little Bit Misunderstood and Underrated. But first I Must ask you One thing, If You're Not a Power Rangers Fan or haven't even Watched the Series Than why did you even watched this Movie? As it was Made For and Best Viewed by Ones Who Are Fans of Power Rangers or at Least have Watched the Series and Enjoyed it.

So with that Said and if you're a Fan or have watched the Series Hare's my Review for The Power Rangers Movie. And don't Worry I have Quit A Few Issues with this Film Too. But for now the Pros and to Start Us Off I Really Like the New Armor Like Ranger Suits. As it's a Fair Upgrade from their Usual Coloured Spandex Suits Yes those Spandex Suits are Iconic I'm Not Disputing that but I also like these Armored Versions Too. Then the Next is that I just don't Get The Massive and Universal Hate for the 3D Animated Zords And Megazord as that Never Really Bothered me at all. In Fact when I was a Kid seeing the Visuals of the 3D Zords in the Trailer 'Blew My Mind' as it Not Only Looked Really Cool to Me, but also it was Something Deferent from the usual Affair in the Series. But I must Admit I Hate the Face Plate on the Movie Ninja Megazord.

Then there's Ivan Ooze the Big Bad of the Film and for what he is I though he was a Pretty Solid Villin. As I found him to be that Much More of a Threat Even Compared to Lord Zedd who was a Terrifying Villin ever since his Introduction in the Beginning of Season 2 of the Series. And I just Loved All of his Wisecracks that he makes through out the film I actually found most of them Funny, and I still kind of do. When it comes to the Fight Scenes I found them to Be Exceptional and in some ways Better than the Fights in the Series even they are Played by the Same Actors and Stunt Fighters when they are in the Armored Suits. It Feels Like in this Movie they weren't Holding Back in Terms of Not Only Giving Their All but also The Fight Choreography as well.

When it comes to Mentors that Gives All of The Power Rangers Their New Ninja Powers I Really Like and Prefer Dulcea. As I found her a Much More Enjoyable Character to watch over Ninjor in the Third Season of Series as She Not Only doesn't talk like an Over The Top Bad Opera Singer. And Not Only She is So Much More BA but also Her Character and Outfit Really Fits with Location to Which the Powerless Power Rangers to Travel too to Get their New Ninja Powers, but also Dulcea's Introduction was way Much More Better. Of course it goes with out saying the Location that the Powerless Power Rangers had to Travel to was just much more Better than the Location that they had to Travel to in the Series. Now Touching on why I think is one of the Biggest Complaints about this Film which is The Humor. And quit Simply, If you didn't Like The Humor in The Series than why would think the Humor in this Film would be any Deferent or Better? As the Humor was on Par with the Series.

It's Really Great that they Decided to have a Ticking Clock as it not only Adds some Extra Pressure and Challenge on and for The Power Rangers to get their New Ninja Powers, but also an Extra Reason Aside from the Usual Beat The Big Bad and Save The World. And it was Nice to Know that they didn't quit make it but they some how accomplish Both of the Reasons why they Needed to Get New Ninja Powers aside from continue on being Superheroes to keep the World and the Galaxy Safe. When it comes to Alpha 5 I just Personally Found him Much More Tolerable in this Movie Verses than the Series as I just found him a Lot Less Annoying and Whiny. And there's just something about his Design that Looks a little Better then the on in the series.

Then when it comes to the Soundtrack I just found it to be not only Nostalgic but also Really Great, In Fact it's the Best Part of the film. Luckily The Soundtrack is the One Thing that Everyone can Agree on that I know of Thankfully. Not Only That but also there's something abut that Soundtrack that says 90's Saturday Night. Another Part that I Feel is the Best is the Wonderful Epilogue just before the Skydiving Scene. The Story for the Film as a Whole was also Really Great as it's not only simple to fallow but also it Really Justifies the Runtime. Which of course was accompanied by the Well Pacing of the Film. And aside from the Ranger Actors I Feel that it's a bit of a Mixed bag as Most are Good with the Exception to one but more on this person in the Cons. And as for All Of Power Ranger Acting Both the Suit Perfumers and Stars I thought it was not only on Par but Exceed the Acting that they dished out in the Series, not that I hate all of their acting on the series Obviously I just think that their acting was amped up in the movie.

And that's No Small Feat as All of them where Double Time as they where Filming Season 3 of the Show at the Same time that they where Filming this Movie If Memory Serves. And All without Lossing any of their Steam or Showing any Stress in the Movie, and they didn't even showed any signs of even thinking of the words 'I Quit'. Now we get to the Ending I thought it was Really Heartwarming and Fitting and Well Deserved with all that they've been through in the film. And Unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Pros for now.

The Cons= Now for the moment that all of you are waiting for the Cons the Issues that I have about this film. Starting off is that Yes the Humor is Still there but Aside from Ivan Ooze, I Feel that everyone else that tried to use a Pun. Just comes off as Really Cringy and Chessy Half of the Time Sadly that also extends to the Rangers as well. Such as "Hay Fossil Head I got a Bone to Pick with you" and "What is this Pick On the Frog Day?" and "You Ooze you Loss" and so on. Now moving on to the Fred Kelman Character I just found him to be the Most Single Pointless and Worse Actor Ever in the Franchise. Oh sure I get it he was just there to have some one for the Kids to identify with. Even when I was a Kid I Never Liked Him nor Identified with him ever.

And as a Character he was Pointless from beginning to the End it's like he was just there aside from what I've already said, was just to say that he's one of Tommy's Friends for No Reasons at all. Aside from 'Just Because' I think he was most useful was when he some how Railed all of the Other Kids to Tried (And I Say that very Loosely) 'Help' the Power Rangers Save the Day. And to no Pointless Surprise he was Depicted as the Smartest of the Group of Kids so Smart in fact Apparently he Could Operate A C-Train. As if he had done it before Countless of times. In fact I think that's why they decided to Try it again with Justin Stewart in Turbo as The Blue Turbo Ranger. Aside from Steve Cardenas aka the Actor who Plays Rocky wanting to Quit because of Pay Issues. Anyways moving on to Dulcea She's BA and all but I just don't get it as she says that she couldn't leave the Temple or She'll Start Aging Rapidly. But yet she's already left that Temple when she saved the Powerless Power Rangers in her Introduction.

Although the Prolouge was Great I just found the Skydiving Sene Afterwards was Pointless as they could've come up with a much better one. And why doesn't Adam the Black Ranger is the Only One that didn't have some kind of Unique Gear? While Pink has a Whip Ribbon thing Blue has a Taser Yellow has a Helmet that Transforms in to a Flashlight, Red has a Helmet that Transforms in to a Inferred Scanner and Even White has his Saba Weapon. And I found that it was Pretty Cheesy that Every Kid actually bought in to Ivan Ooze's Trap of having All of their Parents Turned into Mindless Zombies. Speaking of I just Feel that Ivan Ooze Telling Every Mindless Zombie Parents to Kill Themselves was Pretty Dark for this Kind of Movie and Franchise even if he used the words "Leap To Your Doom" but the Message is the same, when he was finished with them.

And I find it as equally as Cheesy when All it Took for the Parents to Snap Out Of It Just as they where about to Jump Off a Cliff and Die, was Just Being Sprayed by Water. And I Admit Some Effects maybe Good but Sadly Some just didn't Aged Really Well. That should do it for The Cons for now Unless I'm Forgetting anything else.
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Good And To A Trilogy......
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= Before we begin Yes I know they made MIB International which is the Fourth Film in this Franchise but Both Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones was not in that one, which was why I said End of Trilogy as I Consider MIB International a whole Movie. And an Attempt at a whole New Trilogy. Just Like How X Men's One Through Three is One Trilogy and X Men's First Class Through Dark Phoenix was. As they are they all Take Place in the same Franchise More Or Less Just the First Class Films takes place Earlier in the Timeline Verses the Original X Men Films. As James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are the Exact Same Charles Xavier and Magneto Respectively as Sir Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen, just Younger Versions. Anyways you're not hare about you're hare to Read my Review for MIB 3 so hare we go.

To start off I Feel that Boris the Big Bad for this Film Feels like Such an Over The Top and Cartoony (You Better Get Used to that 'Over The Top And Cartoony' Because you're going to be seeing a lot) Villin with Convent Abilities such as, All of the Abilities that they gave him just seems like something that was specifically made for that Exact Situation. Such as he such so happens to have an Ability to Anchor Him to the Floor of the Space Prison, or an Ability to Shoot Spikes Out of his Hands They even gave him an Little Alien Pet Buddy that happens to be a Piece of him, that happens to be Already Detached from him at the Start of the Film Ectara. And I just found that his laugh was Over The Top and Cartoony and Fake and Sarcastic which goes to the same to his voice, As it was not only Way Too Deep even for a Evil Alien Character but he always sounds like he has a Mouth Full Of Food while Trying to Talk By Raising His Voice.

Then there is Idiotic Motives it's so Stupid that I'm just going to Spoil it for you his Big Bag Ultimate Goal. Is Revenge All Because Agent K Shoot Off one his Arms. Which he was Super Upset About to the Point where he wants to Go Back to a Time to Kill Agent K so that his Ram wouldn't be shoot off. And as for Leading his Race for a Pointless and Motiveless Invasion of Earth just Seems Not Only Pointless and Secondary. As he's some how the Last Of His Kind at the Beginning of the Film but after Changing Time The First Time he's No Longer The Last Of His Kind. So in short Boris was an Over The Top And Cartoony Villin.

Then I Feel that the Ending was Over The Top again So Stupid I'm going to Spoil it, that Ending it was Not Just A Little But Way Over The Top. According to the Ending An Asteroid would've Hit Earth and Destroyed it All Because Agent K Didn't Leave a Tip. But Luckily Crisis Adverted Turns Out Agent K only Forgot to Leave a Tip. And as soon as he Remembered to Leave a Tip that Asteroid that was about to End Earth was Deflected in this Over The Top Way. It's Really Too Bad that this MIB Film didn't have a Music Video Companion, Unlike with 'MIB' in the First Film and 'Black Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head)' for the Second MIB Film. As for that Chinese Restaurant Scene to me Felt a Tad Bit on the Offensive and Raciest Side. But Luckily I've Seen Way Worse in Other Films before. Some which I've already Mentioned in their Respective Review. And as for Very Large Neutralizer just felt a Tad bit Over The Top and Not Particle. And Unless I'm Forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons for now.

The Pros= But on the other side of things I do like Seeing the Reason Why Agent K Recruited J for MIB in the First Film, or at least I'd like to think so. And I just Loved the Looks of those Sleek and Slim MIB Motorcycles in fact in some ways I've Seen almost a Similar Basic Design in an Anime One Of My Personal Favs By The Way. But back to this Film I Really Liked that the Humor in this Film hadn't changed from the Previous MIB Films in terms of Level and how it still manages to Amuse me. As I found myself Laughing Wildly in this Film as I did in the Previous Two MIB Films. But back to a More Serious Side of things I Love how Both Agent K's and Agent J's Team Work Had Improved Greatly Since we Last Time We Saw them in MIB 2. So much so they seemed to be Equals even if Agent K Still Sees Agent J as that Rookie from the First Film. Speaking of Agent K I Absolutely Loved Josh Borlin's Performance as the Young Agent K he did a wonderful Job at Imitating Tommy Lee Jones, as he supposed to be the Younger Version of Tommy Lee Jones Agent K Character.

As for the Upgrades that they made for the MIB HQ of the Current Timeline I thought that they where Pretty Cool and Interesting. And it kind of has this Futuristic Vibe to it and the MIB HQ of the Past Looked Pretty Cool too, of course it has nothing on the MIB HQ of the Present Day. The Idea of having Agent J Being Promoted to Senor Agent was Pretty Cool as he's Earned it, although I thought that he already was Promoted to Senor Agent in the Second Film which was why we was Both Respected and a Little Bit Feared, Up Until the Return Of Agent K of course, oh sure he may have Saved The Planet in the First Film but you Got To Remember Agent K was there too to Help Save the Planet. Anyways I thought Griffin was a Great and an Interesting Addition to The Film as a Side Character.

Personal Opinion to me this was Better than the Second MIB Film Not That I thought that the Second MIB Film was Trash or anything like that. It's just that when it comes to Entertainment Value Despite All of This Films Issues I was still Entertained by it more than I was with the Second Film. And I guess in a way the International Film as well, a Big Part of it is that it was So Lighthearted that it Retains that Family Friendly Statutes with out Treating Their Audience Like Compete Mental Idiots. And that should do it for the Pros for Now Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else.
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If You Take The Red Pill I'll Only Show You The Truth.......
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= I kind of get why but still I Feel that there was way too much Easter Eggs and Call Backs to the Previous Matrix Films. So much so it Really Reminded me of The CW Arrowverse's Version of The 'Crisis On Infinite Earths' End All Be All Super Crossover. Wow was there a Lot and I Mean A Lot of Easter Eggs in that Crossover. Enough Said about that Now Moving on to Morpheus 2 is what I'm going to call him as he is not Laurence Fishburn, as this Morpheus 2 Feels all over the Place Some Times. Just Think MCU's 'He Who Remains' but thankfully Only Not as Bad or Sever, but still Noticeable. And I Guess The Big Bad The Analyst was Kind Of The Same too. And I say the same thong for The Smith Character as Jonathan Groff is a Good Smith but Not Quit as Iconic or Good as Hugo Weaving's Smith. As Joanathan's Version just Feels like some kind of a Weird Imitation again Still Good But Not As Good as Hugo Weaving's Version. There was just something about Hugo Weaving's Version of Smith, that's Better.

Then there is Mister Anderson's Friend Neo's Friend before he was Freed that's just isn't enjoyable to watch, he's not annoying or anything like that it's just his High School Jock Personality jut took me Personally out of the Film, Enough said about him. Now moving on to the Matrix Program, it just doesn't make any sense to me. With them Constantly Reminding Mister Anderson aka Neo of The Events of the Previous Matrix Films. By Not Only Making Him the Creator of the Matrix Games Based Off of The Events of the Matrix Films, but also Making Those Very Same Matrix Video Games Big Hits. And at the same time they Keep On Pumping Him with The Blue Pills in the form of Medicin. That his Therapist Keeps Proscribing to him all the while Telling him that The Pressure of His Matrix Video Games Got To, him which was why Neo or Rather Mister Anderson Keeps on seeing all if these Matrix Related things. Oh and did I Mention Neo's Therapist is The Big Bad Himself The Analyst? That just didn't make any sense to me especially if they wanted to Not Only Keep Neo Enslaved but also to Keep Him Away from Trinity.

Then Unlike with the Other Matrix Films this one doesn't have any Noticeable Philosophical or Religious Discussion or Analysts Points Other then the New City Aion. And speaking of I Feel the same with the Iconic Scenes and or Lines in this Matrix Film or Rather Lack there of. As Literally Nothing Comes up when you Mention Matrix Resurrection, Unlike with the Other Matrix Films where there well be quit a few Iconic Scenes and Lines do Pop Up In My Mind Personally, I Wished there was I really do. I've already Hinted and even Mentioned it But I just Feel that Up Until when Neo gets Freed from The Grip of The Matrix Again and in some ways after, the Film is Completely Boring, Pointless and Very Unnecessary Long Drawn Out. And also Speaking of I just didn't Find any of the Visuals all that Exciting or Iconic at all In This Film, Not Only they don't use 'Bullet Time' which is one of the Signature things for the Franchise. But also Instead of Bullet Time They have an Insane Amount of Slow Motion Shoots. That should do it for the Cons for Now Unless I'm forgetting anything else.

The Pros= But what I do like about this Film is that I Really Love how they've some how found a way to Continue the Story of the Other Matrix Films, even though in My Personal Opinion The Story Had Already Concluded with such a Great and Satisfying Ending. But at least from what I've Read it sounds like the Story that they Chose for this films sounds A Lot Better than The Story that they chose for the 'Enter The Matrix' Computer Game Which was also a Continuation of the Matrix Story After The Matrix Revelations Film. As for the New Rendition of the 'Wake Up' Song sure it doesn't beat the Original Version from the Original Matrix Film, but I still like this New Version of the 'Wake Up' Song. And I thought the Ending Scene was Pretty Cool as it Feels Like to me at least they might be Setting Up for a Sequel.

Then the Evolution from using Cell Phones and Regular Phone to Using Reflections as Gateways To and From One Area to an other with in The Matrix. And that's not all I also like the Sleek Desings of the New Machines in the Real World although I have to admit the Down Side they Look kind of Cartoony, but regardless I Personally Still Kind Of Like it. And I Really Like what they did with the Trinity Character and the Twist that they eventually gave her in the third act, After when she was Eventually and Finally Woken Up. And that should do it for the Pros for now Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else.

Final Thoughts= And if you asked me if this Film was a Cash Grab? My answer would be I don't know I Really don't know, in one hand Yes it's Unnecessary but on the other hand No as they Still were able construct some kind of story to Continue the Universe. But I guess this is as much as a Cash Grab as The Terminator Films are. So in Regards of this being a Cash Grab I'm going to Leave All of that for you to Answer for yourself, in Hopes that you have Read my Review.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
All Others Are Extinct IMHO...........
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= Personal Opinion this is the Only Watchable Jurassic Film as I Feel that All of The Jurassic Films had Gotten Progressively Worse and Worse so much so they've All Quickly started becoming simply 'Cash Grabs' to me. Although I'd admit the only Jurassic Film that I would watch is maybe Lost World maybe. Now Let's get in to my Review, first I just Feel that Hammond is a Selfish Man as he's welling to put he's Own Grandchildren in Harms way. Even when he knew that he still needs that Approval from his Investors On Top of Testing and Retesting his Systems Over and Over again Until they are Perfected. And how was he able to Get in to the Trailer of Grant and the Rest of his Archology Team while his Helicopter's is still in the Process of Landing? And what's worse is that while he was in that Trailer he just Helped himself to the Fridge and a Bottle of Champaign. All because he thinks he's a Rich Man and he's about to open a Dino Theme Park or at least he hopes he could do just about anything he wants.

Further More On Top of All of that he Clams that he 'Spared No Expense' on the Park but Yet there are still No Redundancies in his Systems. Which doesn't include All Of The Corners that He Cut. Such as why aren't the Enclosed Environments and the Cages Don't have Electric or some other kind of Automatic Door System, so that they could Open and Close them at a Safe Distance? Or even why aren't there any Magnetic Clap or Clamp System in place when they hare ready to transfer the Dino's from the Cage to the Enclosed Environments and Vis Versa for Obvious Safety Reason? And Speaking of Magnetic Locking Mechanisms why Hammond didn't Instal those or a Similar System on those Electric Jeeps. He even said it himself in the film itself? Well we all know what Malcolm's answer to all of that is especially to Hammond's comment of 'Sparing No Expense' is?

Until right up until the First T-Rex Attack and even after I found that Tim was a Really Annoying 'Know It All Show Off'. Sure I get it was Interacting with his Idol and all, it's just that he just Never Shots Up. And Speaking of Kids where was that Nameless Kid's Parents the one that was all by himself at the Dig Site that seemingly popped out of no where? Who was kind of Annoying too. And how did he even get up there? Anyways I just Feel that there was Way Too Much Self Promotion with this Film so much so that it Feels that was the True Purpose of this Film. Seriously every where you Turn both With in Universe and Without Universe you see the Jurassic Park Logo. From the Hard Hats that you See at the Beginning of the Film to the Literal Merch that you could Actually Buy For Its Time, and maybe even now on the Internet. Even Both Versions of the Jeeps and the Monitors Have the Jurassic Park Logo. Wow Not even Disney is that Excessive when it come to Displaying their Logo at their Parks. At least Not To the Extent of Having their Logo Plastered on Everything from their Merch to the Plates and Silverware. So in Short this Film was Specifically Made to Sell A Ton of Merch And Make Lots and Lots of Money. It's Like a 2 Hour Plus Commercial. In Fact Malcolm Said it the Best in the Film when he said 'Slapping a Sticker and Selling It.....'

But enough of that moving on I just Feel that it's Impossible that Both Lex and Ellie could Fall from that Hight Without Suffering A Single Injury At Least but they did some how, which in my Opinion is Both Impossible and Unrealistic. Speaking of Impossible and Unrealistic, Sure I get it Lex is the Smart Character of the film but also Feel that Not Even she should be Smart Enough to Hack into Nedry's Computer. Like she also Worked at the same Field as Nedry in the Park, in a matter of Minutes and a Few Mouse Clicks. When Not Even Arnold Samual Jackson's Character could Figure it out through out the Film it even Frustrated him to the point of Coursing and Swearing at the Monitor, he couldn't even get past the Encrypted Password and Yet Lex did with a Single Click of a Mouse. This Film also Suffers from the Lack of Character Development and to add to that there was also No Plot Twists what so ever a side from the Dions whom they all Cloned to be Females had Managed to Change Their Gender from Female to Male. That's Literally the only Plot Twist in this film.

And I just don't get how those Raptors where able to Break Through that Concrete and Electro Panels when they Attacked Ellie when she was in the Process just Finishing Up Turning the Power on, which felt a little Pointless to me. As you could Probably Guessed by now that this story was Super Simple, Rich Guy Opens Up a Theme Park and Brings along a bunch of People for a Test Run. Things Go Wrong and a Lot of People don't make it End Of Story. Then there's the Fact that this Film Never Impressed Me On Any Level Be it The Visuals or the SPX or whatever it may be. Not Even when I was a Kid and First Watched this Film and Beyond in the Theaters back when it was Forst Released. And it had Nothing to do with Me Preferring Robots Over Dinos this Film just Never Impressed me whatever the Reasons even now. And I just Hate how for Most of the Film The Characters Spent Their Time Starring Off in to The Distance Looking at Nothing with a Close Up Shoot on their Faces. And Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that should do it for the Cons for now.

The Pros= But on the Up Side I like the Moral Questions that this Film Poses and the Discussion about and Surrounding it in that one Scene. But the Best thing that I like No Love about this is the Great Theme Song, as it's Both Somehow Soothing and Adventurous in a Way so Much So I Feel that if not for anything else I could Listen to that Theme Over and Over again. Which was Much More than I could say about the SG1 Theme. And I admit there are some Good Humor in this film such as Nedry calling a Dilophosaurus and threatening it that he has Plans to Run it over, before getting killed himself. Or Malcolm's Line of "That's One Big Pial Of S***" Both always Manges to Make be Smile and Giggle in a Childish way, and so on. I may've not get it but I do like the Scene where Ellie gets attacked by those Two Raptors, and the scenes before it where she was Tasked to Reactivate and Restore Powers to All of the Dino Cages fir fairly Obvious Reasons. In Fact that's about the Only Emotion that I Felt other then the Theme Itself Through Out The Entire Film.

And I also Admit that Cartoon Science Explanation of how they Cloned The Dino's during the Portion of the Tour, Did Seemed, Sounded and Felt Realistic Enough when I was a Kid. But Has Become Less so as I Grew Up. And I Liked How the Animatronic Dino's had managed to Hold Up Pretty Well through the Years, as they Looked just as Realistic Enough Now as it was Back When this Film First Realised. And To Complement that are the Beautiful Scenery and Environments, and as for The Ending I Loved it as I Felt it was Well Earned. And Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else that should do it for the Pros for now.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
A Little Bit Misunderstood.......
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= I realized that this Iron Man Film isn't as Well Liked as the First well I Agree to some Degree, but I could also see some Redeeming Qualities to it that might be Worth Giving this Iron Man Movie another Shoot. And I myself have my own Issues with this Iron Man Film but that would have to wait until later first the Pros. The first is that I just Loved how BA Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff was in Parctulare in the scene where she and Happy Hogan Both Bust in to Hammer Tech. Were While Happy Hogan was taking Care of One maybe Two Hammer Security Guards, Natasha Romanoff however on the other hand is taking out Twenty in all of these Deferent Ways like the Trained Assassin that she is. Then I just Loved that 'Shoot To Thrill' Song Sure it's Nothing Compared to any of the songs in the First Iron Man Film, which was why I Considered an Easter Egg when they Played the Clip of it in the 2012 Avengers Film.

Another Good thing that I like about this film is that all of the Humor from the first Iron Man Film is still hare, such as his quip of 'Lossing Both Kids In The Divorce' indicating that since he gave control of his Company to Pepper Potts, he lost the Privilege of Both Happy Hogan and Natasha Romanoff calling him 'Boss'. And Tony Stark Pretty Much Irritating Senator Stern at the End of the Senate Hearing, just to name a couple. Then there's just something about Ivan Vanko's line about 'Making God Bleed' that I like, maybe it's because that line alone shows the Audience how he Not Only thinks how the People See Tony Stark or Rather Iron Man but also how Determine he is in Taking Iron Man and Tony Stark Down, since they are the same person (Duh). And speaking of Great Villains I Feel that Ivan Vanko is not the only Great Villin Justin Hammer is another Great One. As he's Charismatic and so Fun To Watch and he doesn't even come off as a Typical Villin as well, and to make things that much more interesting is that both he and Ivan Vanko have the Exact same Goals. He's Defiantly a Lot Better in this Role as he got a lot more to do than his Guy what's his name? Role.

Then I really like the Scene where James Rhodes climbs in the Mark 2 and starts Fighting Tony Stark already in the Mark 4, in an attempt to get him to Stop Drinking and Smarten Up Enough. Hand Over All of his Iron Man Tech to the Government During Tony Stark's Birthday Party. It's Great Good Old Fashioned Drag Down Fight and at the seme time it shows Not Only How James Rhodes got his armor but also how he got the name of 'War Machine' for his superhero Persona well the MCU Version anyways. Speaking of Cool Suits I Really Like the Compact Feature of the Mark V Iron Man Suit Going from a Brefcase to a Full On Iron Man Suit, and the way how it's shoot while Tony Stark was putting it on Felt A Little Epic. Maybe it might have something to do with the Music that they had with that Suit Up Sequence? As for the Fight Unfortunately it was a Little Too Short Side for me it was Like Tony Stark allowing himself to be wrapped around both of Ivan Vanko's Electric Whips. So he could Pull Himself in and then Punch, Punch then finally flip then it's over. With the whole scene lasting for maybe two, maybe two and a half minutes.

Anyways I like the Energetic Iron Man Introduction in this film as it's not only Energetic but also Fun, and so Tony Stark and of course the added 'Shoot To Thrill' song was just the Cherry on top of that scene. Next I know a lot of People Had Major Problems with them Changing the Actors for James Rhodes from Terrence Howard to Don Cheadle. For some reason I Never Really had a Problem with that. I think that's because they Switched Out All but Two Of The Original Actors for the Mortal Kombat Annihilation Film from the Original 1995 Mortal Kombat Film? Now Moving on to the Climatic Fight with the Hord of Hammer Drons as it was kind of exciting to watch and you add to the fact that Ivan Vanko was Controlling the War Machin Suit made it that much more bit of a Challenge for Iron Man. Speaking of the Hammer Dron Hord, I Really like their Introduction it Really Felt Patriotic even if I'm Not American Myself.

I also like how this starts to Set Up Not Only this Film Sets Up and Teases The Avengers Team But also the 2012 Avengers Film. Sure there was the Post Credit Scene in the First Iron Man Film but it wasn't until this film that they Really Started Setting Up The Avengers Team and Film as I have just said. But I Love Most about this Movie Above All Else is that the Legal Implications and Consequences of Tony Stark Announcing and Reveling to The Whole World that he is Iron Man from the First Film. And I guess it's not just Legal Consequences but also Non Legal Consequences and Implications as well, as that also severed as a kind of Lench Pin for Both Ivan Vanko and Justin Hammer. It was why those two where after Tony Stark in the first place.

Then the Second Favorite thing that I Loved about this Film was that the Chest Arc Mark 1 that Tony Stark Placed Back in to his Chest just before the Climax of the First Iron Man film, wasn't stable and it was Killing him. Which Forced him to make a New One between Films which Turned Out To be Temporary Fix Until he makes his what I like to think is his Ultimate Chest Arc as a Permanent Fix. But going back to the First Film that scene when Tony Stark asked Obadiah Stane that he might have Unintentionally Painted a Target on his back, which unknown to him would Unintendedly Turned Out To Be True in this Iron Man 2 film as if he Knew. Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else that should do it for the Pros for now.

Cons= Now on to the Cons that all of you are waiting for, and to start us off is that I Felt that the Second Act Felt a Little Too Slow for my Liking, even though something is Still Happening it Still Felt a Too Slow ever Since James Rhodes Took Off with the Mark 2 after the Fight at Tony Stark's Birthday. Then for Me Personally it didn't Get Exciting until Tony Stark Slapped On His Newest Chest Arc and starts Suiting Up for the Climax. I don't know why they didn't Capitalized on the 'Demon In A Bottle' Comic Story as that's was what it looked like where they wanted to do go. In Fact that was what Iron Man 3 could've been about all the while dealing with Mandarin, or even the Fake Mandarin Trever. Instead of whatever that we eventually got was? It's Clear that Disney had No Problem using Alcohol in their Comic Book Movies Other Wise they would Never Allowed Tony Stark to Drink in this Film that's what's strange about it.

Then I Felt that the Moment that I Hated Tony Stark the Most was when he was when he was Drunk at his own Birthday Party and Unwisely Misusing his Suit, which leads to...... well you already know from my Pros Section. Fortunately his Scenes that came before Prevented him from making this Film being Unwatchable Personally. Then Next is I just don't understand it if Ivan Vanko was supposed to be so Smart, then why wasn't he Smart Enough to Jam The Communications Between Tony Stark and James Rhodes so that they can't talk to each other in each of their Own Suits? Then I Feel that the Broken Captain America Sheild was Pointless as His Sheild wasn't Broken in his First Solo Film, which makes the Only Purpose of that Broken Sheild of his as Something to Get Use Excited for the Captain America The First Avenger Film.

In Another Words That Broken Captain America Sheild is Basically a Mid Credit Scene in A Prop Form. And Speaking of Useless I just Felt that Agent Coulson Cameo was another one it just Felt like he was just there to be a Walking Talking Reminder for the Audience, to stay Until After the End Credits. As it was him entering and Telling Tony Stark that he was Leaving to deal with something in the Deseret somewhere. Then the next time we saw him was indeed in the End Credit Scene where he was Standing Over Something Very Familiar. Even his Other Cameo Scene in this Iron Man 2 Film was him just Threatening Tony Stark that if Tony Stark Even Tries something Funny he would Taser him to the Ground, while watching TV. Sure the Climax Fight with the Hammer Dron Horde was Exciting but on the other hand Sadly the Climatic Fight with Ivan Vanko in his Mark 2 Whiplash Suit. Was so Disappointing that it Left Something to be Desired to say the Least at it felt like nothing much Happens in terms of Action and Actual Fight. The ending of that Fight also Left something to be desired as all it took was just some Good Old Fashioned Double from Iron Man and War Machine to Defeat him.

The After Climax wasn't all that great either as all it was just Tony Stark with his Helmet Off with Pepper Potts having a moment, before Turning his attentions towards to War Manchin and Telling Him that they made a Good Team, and War Machine tell Tony Stark that he's Keeping the Suit. And that wasn't an Option or Up For Discussion or Debate before flying off in to the night sky before blacking out. Then there is the Question of How did Howard Stark know that his Son Tony Stark is going to be Poisoned by Platinum? I know that he's a Genius and all but I don't think even he's smart enough to some how Predict The Future. In which Case that Formula to Cure Tony Stark's Platinum shouldn't never existed in the first place at least not until Tony Stark Some How Figures it out on his own in this Film. And Unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons for now.
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Fun But Not Perfect.........
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= What I Really Find Boggling and Offensive in this film is the Scene where Simon Phoenix is the Museum and while he was all Wide Eyed and Awestruck he Mocked a Chinese Couple, I find that Not Only Way Over the Line but also Way on the Raciest Side. At leas I think they are Chinese as I didn't get a Clear look at them but in either case what Simon Phoenix or rather said it was Inexcusable and Raciest.

Now on to the Rest of My Own Personal Review, and to start us off I would've really like that Sub Plot of John Spartan Meeting his Adult Daughter. As it sounded like it would've Injected Not Only Depth to the Movie but also to the John Spartan character as well, and on top of all of that it could've also Provided a Really Nice Touchy Feely Moment as well. And having Lenina Huxley some how Find Out that John Spartan would've made it that much more Better, sure they would need to Change a Few things hare and there but as is their 'Romance' was Hollow Anyways Personal Opinion. Sure I get it the Police in 2032 isn't use to deal with anything more than Vandalism, and Dealing with a Psychotic Killer Like Simon Phoenix is Completely New to Them and they have no idea how to deal with it. But Come On why send only a Few Police Officers? Why Not Send to Whole Force when they Moved In attempt to Arrest him? Or at the Very Least why couldn't they Asked their Little Device what to do when Simon Phoenix Escaped? In which case their Little Hand Device would've advised them to Call for Back Up. And it's not just those Cops either as I Feel that the Police at the Prescient where Lenina Huxley Wasn't all that Bright Either.

Then there is the Swearing Verble Violation Machine although Funny especially in the scene where John Spartan Swears Up A Storm All Because he needed Toilet Paper. And in a Deferent Scene when Simon Phoenix Pretty Much Mocks the Swearing Violation Machine Hilarious. But Ultimately kind of useless and Pointless and Very Authoritarian Like with in Universe as I don't believe that you could harm any one just by Dropping the 'F' Bomb Let's just say Alone. It Requires A Bunch Of Otherwards too to do that. Anyways moving on, what's with that Lady at the Toco Bell Restraint Scene? Wow Oh Man WTH Why was she So Rude to John Spartan in that scene Calling him a Caveman and a Brute and everything? How's that Behaviour Allowed and Not Swearing? Seriously She Acted Like she's Eons Above John Spartan even from the first time that she laid her eyes on him. You don't know why Raymond Cocteau didn't Fire her then and there? I would've as I don't care what Decade that each of you are from you Can't Treat People Like that Lady Seriously. Because by doing so makes You Inferior and Not Superior. Speaking of Toco Bell of the future the Food that they Serve there Not Only it doesn't look all that appetizing but also Unfulfilling as it's basically just Three Chips Garnished Fancily. I don't think that's enough to fill any ones hunger not even some one in the future, just a little nitpick that I've noticed.

Now we move on to Raymond Cocteau I just Feel that he's a Complete Control Freak as he's basically what happens if you give Too Much Power to a Religious Leader who's also a Control Freak. As he's the reason why the citizens are not allowed to Swear and why Half of the Population have Decided to Live Underground out of his Authority. In Fact his whole Bag Plane was to Thaw The Most Dangerous Criminal in Simon Phoenix and Amp Up his Evil Psychotic Personality Up To Eleven, just so he could have Edgar Friendly Assassinated all to remain control. As he knows that Edgar Friendly is the Leader of the Underground Group and once he's gone the Dominos well Fall at least he Hopes. Another way that he's Authoritarian and Controlling to the Point where he's Basically a Dictator is the Fact that he has every one of his Citizens Implanted with these Microchips in their hands, to Not Only Monitor Them and Their Vitals But To Also Force His Citizens to use those Implanted Microchips as a Payment Method and a way to Unlock and Presumably to Relock Doors as well. So I short those Implanted Microchips are Everyone's Livelihoods Literally. In Fact Simon Phoenix even Called Him An 'Evil Mr. Rogers'. I think John Spartan said it the Best in this Movie "Why Don't Shove A Leash Up My A**"?

I find it funny and hilarious in some what of a dumb Negative way that John Spartan is always Inferior to Simon Phoenix in every way Possible. The Only Advantage John Spartan as over Simon Phoenix is the knowledge of the Future Police of 2032 and even they are against him, especially the Chief George Earle which sort of puts him back in to that disadvantage position, and even then he was still able to Beat Simon Phoenix some how in the end. It's like he gets the normal out of date hand gun while Simon Phoenix gets the Super High Tech Last Sci-Fi Laser Riffle. And while he was Programed so to speak to Nit a Sweater Simon Phoenix was Programmed to be that Much More Dangerous as I've said before, when each of them where Unfrozen in the year of 2032. Then there's the Action I just Feel that it was just Pretty Standard and a Bit on the Meh Side Unfortunately. But Still kind of Good in its own right for what it is.

I just don't like how much Simon Phoenix Taunts and Toys with John Spartan through the Film as he had Several Chance at Killing John Spartan but he choose to Taunt and Toy Instead. Even at the end he was Getting Frustrated that he couldn't Kill John Spartan to the point where he even asked why he couldn't kill John Spartan, as if John Spartan was Immortal or something. On Top of I Personally thinks that he just Talks Too Much Yes that even includes to himself. And why are the Police Cars in 2032 so Unnecessarily Complex and Complicated to the Point of Cofussing? Seriously those Controls in those Police Cars Resemble More Like Airplane Controls inside an Airplane, I hate to see what Airplane Controls look like in the year 2032, inside an Airplane. And what's the Point od Associate Bob? I Feel that there is Literal No Reason for his Character as he spends most of his time on screen doing nothing Literally. That should do it for the Pros Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else.

The Pros= Hare's Something that I Really Want to Transfer in to Real Life and that is Cigarettes or Smoking is Deemed Illegal as every time that I Smell those Awful things I Feel that I've some hoe got Cancer, on top of having that feeling that I just want to Vomit.

But Enhance Your Calm Moving on to Happier things I Really Love the 'Demolition Man' as it's Not Only a Really Great Song when You're in the Mood for a 90's Song that you can Bounce Your Head to. Not Sure if anyone Still Does that anymore? But also at one point The Beat Really Reminds me of the Mortal Kombat Movie Theme, so Much So that To Me Personally it Sounds Exactually Like it. And to Barrow a Slang from that Era The 'Demolition Man' is Jamming. Then there is the Humor I Really Like it I actually enjoyed it so much so I was smiling and even Laughing through out the Film Especially For Mention Scenes with the Swearing Violation Machines with John Spartan and Simon Phoenix Respectively. And Another scene that I found Amusing is John Spartan's Sarcastic Line of wanting to be Frozen again all because he really doesn't want to Listen to Old Commercial Jingles. And the last Funny Scene that I'm going to Mention is the Scene where that Little Girl's Response to that News Reporter, when that News Reporter expressed to John Spartan that she doesn't think it was Worth Blowing Up a Entire Building just to Save One Little Girl. During that Video Portfolio Montage when they weren't sure if they Really Needed to Unfreeze John Spartan or Not.

Then there's just something about the Police Uniforms of 2032 that I like maybe it's because I could see our, Real Life Marden Day Police Uniforms Evolving in to this Similar Style some time in the Near Future. Then there's the Setting for the Final Battle I Really Like it as is The Perfect Setting for it I guess it's also kind of Simplice in away. And Obviously I Really Like Some of the Ligo and Slang that they Use in the Year of 2032, but hare's a bit of a Nitpick before Simon Phoenix Changed the Light Activation in Raymond Cocteau's Office Just For Fun. It wasn't 'Illuminate' or 'Delaminate' which Felt More Closer to their Slang or Way of Speech. Instead of just Simply 'Lights'. Then I thought that Both times when the Phrase "Say Is It Cold In Hare Or Is It Just Me?" was said was Perfect Setting Wise. As when Simon Phoenix said it he was about to Set The Gasoline On Fire with his Troch.

Then later on in the Film in the Climax when John Spartan Repeated that Line they where in The Cryoprison. Although I must admit the John Spartan one was a little more Fitting. And I Really Love the Contrast Between those Two Scenes and The Reasons why that Line was said. On Top Of everything I Really Loved the Cast as Everyone was Really Well and Perfectly Casted. It's also Nice to sort of know the Organs of why John Spartan was Nicknamed 'The Demolition Man' and Why the Police of 2032 think it's a Really Bad Idea Unfreezing even if it's to catch Simon Phoenix an Extremely Dangerous Criminal. And Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that should do it for the Pros for now.

Final Thoughts= But Still Despite my Boggles it's still a Nice and Fun Film if you could ignore theme, In Fact all But a Few of them are Forgivable. So Until Then I'll just Leave you with these words "Be Well......"
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At Least It Has A Few Really Great Messages.......
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= I could Understand why this film was so hated but Personally Opinion they aren't Looking at the Really Important and Great Messages in the film that we all should Take To Heart. The First Message Being that Christmas isn't about Presents or Santa or Any of the Material Stuff, it's about Family and Celebrating a Certain Daeties Birthday if you're a Religious and all of that other stuff. Anyways that Message of the Film could also be Tied to Greed I Feel the Best Example of this is not only in the Beginning of the movie, but also During Grinches Tirade about Christmas being Stupid and all of The Whoville's Presents All Eventually Ends Up In The Garbage and in turn to him. And that's what why Love the "Where Are You Christmas?" Song for as it Serves another Great Message for that, especially if you Listen to the Lyrics. Then the Last Great Message that This Film Offers is Acceptance as it seems that Cindy Lou Who is the Only one that Accepts him. Ever Since The Grinch Saved Her Life All The While Everyone in Whoville Treat Him Like Freak All Because he Looks Deferent then they do. So in a way he's sort of like a Mutant if we're talking about X Men Terms.

Moving on I just Loved how Important Cindy Lou Who is not only she is the only one that Accepts The Grinch and all of that, but I Like to Believe it's through her that The Grinch Had a Total Character Shift, if you Really Think About It you'd Know Why. And I just Find Cindy Lou Who Just so Darn Cute and Adorable even when she's Bugging The Grinch and Not Leaving Him Alone until he Agrees to Attend The Who-bilation Celebration. And All of his Hilarious Attempts at Trying to Get Rid of Her wasn't working at all. And if that's Truly Her Voce she Has a Pretty Good Singing Voice On Top of all of that. Sure some of the Moments maybe a little adult and a Little Inappropriate Side but I just couldn't stop Smiling and Laughing through out the film, and that's On Top of All Of The Other Fun Moments of the Film. I Really Like the Ending as it Showed How Much The Grinch Had Changed as he Not Only Apologized for Stealing Everyone's Christmas Stuff, all the while Turning Himself in. But also after when his apology was Accepted and that he wasn't going Jail after all Cindy Lou Who walked up to him and Kissed him on the Cheek and Telling him that His Cheek Felt Warm. Which eventually led to him Holding Hands with all of the Whoville Civilians and Sang with them some how Felt Rewarding. As Holding Hands with The Grinch to Me Personally Means that They Not Only Accept Him Now But also it's a Kind Of an Apology from them in a way, and to Top it All Off it Also Shows that Every Who Had Seen that The Grinch Has Truly Has Changed and How Much at that. Then the End Scene where The Grinch was Hosting a Hug Christmas Dinner for the Entire Town of Whoville was also Great.

In the Original you never get exactly where Whoville is Located although it's not necessary but it's nice to know that Whoville takes place in a Snowflake. And I really Love the Sets and the Costumes, as the Sets just Looks and Feel so Fun and Cartoony while the Costumes on the other hand look and feel so accurate to the Original Cartoon. The Pacing was Perfect although I've admit they could have spent a little more time on Grinch Stealing Christmas as that's what the point of this Movie this Story is all about. I Really Love the Metaphor for the Sky In Relation to the Story and Grinch's Heart. I'm really impressed that Jim Carry's Grinch maybe Miserable and Mean but he was Never Hateful at least to the extent where he becomes Unlikable and Unwatchable. And I just find that Action Spoof Scene Really Over The Top but at the same time So Fun to Watch. Jim Carry was so Perfect for the Roll that this is the Only Other Movie of His that is watchable. The Other One Being Batman Forever. And that should do it for the Pros now unless I'm forgetting anything else.

The Cons= On the Opposite Side I just don't think The Grinch is the Villin Personally Mayor May Who is the True Villin as he's the reason why Everyone Sees Grinch as this Scary Boogyman. In fact it was Because of Him that The Grinch Hates Christmas as Much As he does and forced him to Live On Top of that Mountain. All Because he thinks that Martha May is his Girlfriend back in the Grad School. So to him Martha May is just a Trophy a thing just to Covet, I'm Mean Why else would he Propose to Martha May at that Parctulare when he Truly Saw Grinch as a Big Threat to his Crush to Martha May and Not Before while Grinch was Still Up On That Mountain? He was just getting Rid of the Competition. Which is why you Feel so bad for the Grinch through the Film even if he felt like he need to resort to Stealing Christmas. Anyways Moving on I also Feel that some of the Jokes and Gags are way too Adult and Sexual for a Family Christmas Film. Especially that Gag where the Grinch Literally Landed On Top of Matha May's Breasts, before saying Hello to her while his Head is Still On Her Breasts.

Although not a Big Deal but I just Feel that the 'You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch' was a little misplaced as I feel that Song would have been Perfect for the Montage of The Grinch Stealing Everyone's Christmas. As it not only Fill Up The Time but also it Would've Served as a bit of a Easter Egg and Call Back to the Original Animated Movie. I wasn't Feeling any Chemistry Between The Grinch and Marth May as that whole Romance thing between then just Feels like Strictly a One Sided thing. Sure we got the Origins as Why he Hates Christmas but we Never Got the Origins of where he Came From or why he looks like the way he does? And Speaking of Nagging Questions I just Don't Understand why Betty Lou Cindy Lou's mom Hates Martha May so much. As that is the Vibe that I was Getting when she was Sitting Up her Christmas Lights, and speaking of I also felt that she was so Over Obsessive to the Point where she even Some How Stole a Traffic Light. I also feel that Scene where it's Cleary suggested that a Who Wife had and Affair Who Husband with her Who Boss and had a Baby with him just Feels Off. As Every Single Who just Feels like a Bunch of Happy Go Lucky and Friendly and Trusting People.

And I also found that scene near the Beginning where Cindy Lou's Brother and his Friends and his Girlfriend on top of Grinch's Montaine Home. Really Cringy from Not only What was Said in said but also Stu's Girlfriend Badding Her Eyelashes Literally in attempt to Urge Him on to 'Touch' The Grinch's Door. And Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else that should do it for the Cons for now.

Final Thoughts= I have to admit this film got Better Over Time for me Personally because I found it to be Really Childish in the Early Years that I stated Watching it. But Over Time I came to Appreciate it Especially when I started Noticing the Message of this Film. And I think it's Best that You Don't Compare this Film to any other How The Grinch Stole Christmas Adaptations, Especially the Original Animated Short. And Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else that should do it for Now.
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New Movie And Location Same Rehashed Basic Plot.........
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= Fair Warning As this is Basically a Rehashed of the Original with a Few Changes Hare and There so is my Review in a way. As the Basic Plot this Film is Basically Kevin's Family Treating him like an Unwanted Christmas Present which Rightfully Forces him to Wish that he was Separated from Those Nasty Hateful People. Which Eventually it does Happen all due to an Accident, and Finally Ending Up Kevin's Family Missing him and is doing anything that they could Reunite with him Unjustly. The Film Even Ends with his Family Not Caring for Him As Much As He Probably Deserves, the last thing that anyone says in the film before the End Credits starts Rolling is Kevin Being Yelled at Off Screen by one of the characters.

So Obviously that Brings me to my first point which is why does Kate Always think that She's Wonder Woman? In this Film She Thinks that No One Let Alone Some Random Punk would Dare to Screw With Her All Because of the 'Mood' that she's in just after Bronzing ally Slapping the Concierge? I don't Care who you are or How tough you think you are it's Still Extremely Dangerous and Risky to Go Out At Night In Wrong Side of Town Like Kate did in this Film, especially if you're in Strange City.

You would think after the events of the first film you think that his Family would be just a little Nicer to him? But Nope they Still Bully Him and Treat Him Like the Biggest Trouble Maker In The World. Such as it was Clear to them that it was Buzz Not Kevin that was Acting Childish during the Christmas Pageant. And Once Again when Kevin Rightfully Turned around and Punched Buzz which Looks more like a Knock to me, but guess what? That's right he's the One that Gets Yelled and Scolded at home by his Family. Even though it was kind of clear that Buzz's Apology was Not Genuine was Not Real And Heart Felt. And just like in the first film the ever Hateful and Mean Uncle Frank called a Name in this film it was "Sour Puss" instead of "Little Jerk" in the first film. But at least Kevin Fired Back during his Tirade of how Fairly he was being Treated. By Calling Uncle Frank a Mister Cheapskate, you know I just don't know why Kevin's Family Hates Him So Much?

And I just don't know what is it but Kevin is Supposed to be a little Smarter and Just a Tiny Bit Mature, but I just found that at times through out the film he just comes off the opposite. Such as the scene where he Taped Uncle Frank Singing in the Shower when he went in there to grab his tie. And side Note I think it was Pretty Dumb for Uncle Frank to Leave the Bathroom Door Ajar knowing that there is a house full of people. Anyways moving on later on when he was caught using his Father's Credit Card and needs to Bail, why wouldn't he Grabe more than just three Cookies knowing that he might me in the streets for while? Anyways Moving On I just Feel that Every Airport Personal are Really Dumb, because if I was them I would have Double Checked to see if that Man that Kevin Pointed Really was his Father. Otherwise Any 9 Year Old just anyone in general could just point to just some Random person and say "That's My Dad" or "That's My Mom". Just to Make Sure that he's Not a Runaway or something.

And why don't they Double Check his Assigned Setting, don't all Plain Passengers Have Assigned Seating when they Book A Flight? But Yet they just told him to just Grab any Seat that is Free. And when Kevin Accidentally wound up in New York the Check In Lady wasn't all that bright either. Speaking of Not So Bright I Feel that Harry and Marv Felt a Little Dumber than the First Film, even they should know that Kevin is not going to Ever Give Harry the Camera to him after he tossed the second Brick Down at them. And I just don't get it if their Not Going Have Marv Use his Gun than why would they give one to him in the first place? On the account of this being a Family Holiday Film and all. And only Remembering to use it at the end after when all of the Slime on it Jamming it. And that's Not Including to Each Of them Once Again Stupidly Falling for every one of Kevin's Traps. And just like with my Review for the first Film I found it Really Strange that No One Found it Weird or Out Of Place that a 9-Year-Old this time is out on his own with out any Adult Supervision, aside from maybe Mister Duncan. And just like the first film I feel that there are a lot of Conveniences through out the film, mostly the same Types Plus Some Deferent Ones. Such as the Gun that I just told you about. And that Kevin's Relative's Happens to also Live In New York and that Their House is Abandoned all Due to Renovations.

I find it really strange in that scene where Kevin is tricking the Concierge with the Inflatable Clown when he Illegally Entered and checked the Bathroom. And just like with the First Film why wouldn't the Concierge called the Police when thinks that the Guest that was Staying in the Same Room as Kevin, has a Gun and was Shooting at every one through the Angels With Filthy Souls 2 Clip? Again I would. Or for that Matter once when he Found Out that the Credit Card that Kevin was Using was Stolen? Then I Feel that All of the Traps that Kevin Sets up For Harry And Marv after Luring them to his Relative's House from Ducan's Toy Store. Was More Sick and Twisted so Much so that if it was Real Life Both Harry and Marv should have died Multipole Times Over Each.

At least with the First Film The Worst was The Blow Torch Trap To Which Torched Harry's Head. And as for the Comedy it Feels Much More Cartoony than the First Film Especially that scene where they were once again Late for Their Flight, to which they Broke The Fourth Wall and Screamed for the Second Time just after Screaming their Heads Off the First Time only a Second Eariler Literally. Just to Name One Example. And Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Elses that should do it for the Cons.

The Pros= Just like the First Film where Yes there is A Lot of Cons but At Least they Still A Few Touchy Feely Heart Warming Moments too. Such was the End Scene where Kevin and Kate where Finally Reunited right in front of the Large Christmas Tree at Rockefeller. But before that I kind of like the Transition when Both Kate and Kevin where Saying Goodnight To Each other while Looking Out the Window and Still Separated He In New York and She Still In Floreda, for Obvious Reasons. I Really Like the Additions of Mister Duncan and The Homeless Pigeon Lady, First Mister Duncan I just Loved How Nice and Kind he is and On Top Of All Of that So Charitable Too. He's the Kind Of Person that Wished you could Encounter that's How Kind and Friendly he is, so much so the only times that I've Seen some that is Nice and Kind as he is was. An Educational Show Targeted at Little Kids maybe Even Toddlers During Weekday Mornings.

Now for The Homeless Pigeon Lady now don't me Wrong I like her Obviously but my Problem is I just Feel that Her Backstory Although Heart Felt and Touchy Feely and all of that. I just Feel that it's Not Fitting Of Her Character. As I Feel All Because you had Your Heart Broken and Is Terrified of being Hurt Romantically Again is a Poor Excuse for being Homeless. But At Least it Provided Kevin the Perfect Opportunity to give her some Really Wise Advice, just like he did with Old Man Marley in the First Film. And I Really Loved the Ending with Her and Kevin it Felt that was a Little Touchy Feely as well. I Really Loved Seeing All of the Glimpses of NYC Mostly through Kevin's Little Tour around the City. Really Gorgeous so much so it's one of my Favorite Parts of the film. And I just Really Like Buzz's Quick Recovery as he was about to use the 'S' Bomb. Changing it from that to "Enough Of This Gooey Show Of Emotion." instead. I think that's what Galaxy Should've done, instead of having one character saying "Screw that" they should have her say "Forget that" as Clearly she was saying the 'F' Bomb and Not The 'S' Bomb. I've even Mentioned that in that Review of mines. And Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that should do it for the Pros.

Final Thoughts= I think the Best Way to Watch this is Not As A Squeal which it is but More Like a Alternate Version of the First Film.
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Home Alone (1990)
Flawed But Still Good For A Holiday Themed Live Action Cartoon Movie.......
22 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Cons= And I know it's a Live Action Christmas Cartoon and that is Mostly Made for Kids, but I just couldn't Turn Off My Logical Mind. Whenever I get to the scene where Kate Is Stranded in an Airport somewhere and is Offered a Ride on the Back of a Rental Moving Truck with a Bunch of His Friends whom are Strangers to her By The Way. Every time when I get to that scene I just couldn't help but Yell at the screen that it's Not Only it's Not Safe for Kate to Get in a Moving Truck with a Bunch Of Strangers even they Happen to be going her way. But I also couldn't Help but think that if that was Real Life it would also not only be Dangerous and Risky but also what Could Have Happened to her. What was She thinking? Seriously On All Of that.

Then in that very same Scene it just Really Buggs me is how the Beginning of the scene she was Whining and Complaining how It's Christmas and that Christmas Is Supposed to be The Season of Hope, and that she's been this place and that place. She Really came Off as Whinny Little Child. And that Scene where she was Trying to Sell Anything that she could this Elderly Couple and Succeeded some how, Hook Line And Sinker. I'm surprised that the Elderly Couple wasn't Suspicious at all in thinking that Kate was some kind of Criminal. Especially when Kate started Tearing Up While Pleading with them, again but to them Kate could be some Kind Of a Criminal. As that Had, Has and Well Happen In Real Life Unfortunately Hook Line And Sinker, I Now I Now Movie Made for Kids. But again Logical Mind.

What's with Kevin's entire Family it's like they all hate him for some reason? Take Uncle Frank for Example He called Kevin a 'Little Jerk' then there is his Bully Older Brother Buzz. Okay I get it Older Brothers are like this they Bully their Younger Siblings around for Various Reasons. And Now Moving On to the Rest of His Family, I don't know about the Rest of you but I don't think a Lot of 8 Year Olds are Capable of Packing their Suitcases for a Vacation? No Matter How Smart they seem to be, and who offers to help Him? One of His Siblings? Nope In Fact one of them even called him 'Lazy And Incompetent' mom and dad? Also No 'Sorry Kid You're On Your Own On this One'. They Even Gave Him No Sympathy when Buzz was Gaging on the Cheese Pizza, and Kevin Responded by Rightfully Shoving him against the counter. And just after all of the Chaos had died down They All Turned Their Attentions towards Kevin like he's the Biggest Trouble Maker in the world, and that he started this whole Chaos just for his own Amusement.

And Not Only that he even Got Yelled At and Scolded for it, it even got to the Point where he was sent Upstairs to the Third Floor. A Floor by the way he is afraid of so much so he even Apologized and what was his Mother's repose? "Too Late Now Get Upstairs." which prompted him to Rightfully Yell and Scream that Families Suck. And Going Back to Uncle Frank for a Second later on when he was on the Flight he Urged His Wife to Steal some Silverware from the Airline. Then Later on when everyone realized that they Accidentally Left Kevin Home Alone his Response to that was that he forgot his Reading Glasses, as his way of Garnering Sympathy to the Whole Situation. And even later on when the whole Family was at the Hotel in Paris Excluding Kate still Worrying about Accidentally Leaving Kevin Alone at Home. Then Buzz's Response in that Scene was "That Little Trouble Making Punk Deserves It."

And I just can't believe how Incredibly Dumb Harry and Marv are yeah sure I get it it's a Film Made for Kids, but couldn't they have made them Just A Tiny Bit Smarter than that? At Least Smart Enough to Not Fall For Every Trap Each? Or At Least have them be a little Suspicious when they thought that they where about to Gain a Clean Entry Before they Fell for the Trap. And Because they Both Came Off as Incredibly Cartoony to me each. Speaking of Not So Smart I'm wondering Why Didn't the Pizza Delivery Guy Called the Police when he thought that the Owner of Kevin's House was Shooting at him? When Kevin Loudly Played that Clip from Angels With Filthy Souls just so he Doesn't have to Pay For the Pizza? I would especially when I think that my Life was in Danger. And while on the Simi Similar Subject they Know that they are Wanted by The Police so why would Harry think that they be Rewarded if they Called in to the Police and Report a 'Crime' that Marv thought he might have witnessed? And I just don't see the Point of Kevin Setting Off All of those Firecrackers to Scar Off Marv while Playing that Very Same Clip of Angels With Filthy Souls During the Day Time?

As for then End of the Film Sure they All where Happy to know that Kevin is Safe and All of that Including Uncle Frank but that Only Lasted for About Two Minutes or Shorter Literally. Then after that they all just Leave Him Alone Presumably to Unpack. You Know if that was Real Life Kevin would have Broken his Neck had he Fell from that Hight in an attempt to steal Buzz's Money. But Not in this Live Action Cartoon. I also find it Odd that Kevin was able to Make Up A Plan Draw Up A Plan and Set Up All of The Traps Unrealistic Ahead of Schedule, especially he had just come back from Church. And he Left when it was Dark By The Way, which we probably could Assume it was maybe Five maybe Six? He spent about Fifteen to Twenty Minutes at Church after talking to 'Santa' and by the Time that he Arrived Back Home it should be around Seven or Eight Let's just say? So that leaves him only Two Hours to do All of the For Mentioned things as the Harry and Marv Agreed to return at Nine. And that's Not Including Him Making Himself Dinner and Setting Up A Pretty Nice Table Setting for Himself. With Candles Included.

I also Feel that there was way too much Conveniences in the film. Then there is this Random Kid that Approached the Waiting Vans to Take The Family to the Airport and Running Late. Whom is another Conveniency By The Way, Really Nosey and Annoying Not To Mention Rude. As he was Going through this one Bag With Out Permission as the Family's Bags was in the Process of being Loaded on the Van. While The Family Themselves where Still Inside Frantically and Comedically Trying to Hurry Up as they did not want miss their Flight. As they were the ones who where running late, No Wonder Both Van Drivers Told Him To Go Away. Aside the Both of them Obviously being Very Busy At The Time. Yeah You Just Don't Go Through Other People's Stuff it's Really Rude Kid.

Sure I agree Kevin is Smart but Personally he's Not Rocket Scientist Level of Smart which was what most People seemed to be seeing him as. If he was that Smart he would have Known that there is No Santa Clause and that Guy that He Talked to in the Santa Outfit is Not Santa. And He wouldn't be Asking him for Favors as if he Really was Santa Let Alone Thinking that he Works for the 'Real Santa' And he wouldn't be Running Around Like a Loony Toon when he Realized that some how he made his Family Magically 'Disappear' through some kind of Wish He Made the Night Before. True that has more to do with Maturity Rather than Smarts but Believing in Magic which seems to be the Case well that does have something to do with Smarts. Or How about him Believing in the Horror Story that Buzz Told Him about Old Man Marley? He should have suspected that His Older Brother Buzz could have been Messing With Him. Which was why every time that he Saw Old Man Marley he Turns White. And now we get to the scene where Kevin uses the Stairs in his house as a Snow Hill I don't about you but that doesn't sound like Rocket Scientist Smart to me? Especially when in one shoot the Door was Clearly Miss Aligned and then as he was about to Blast through it, it was Magically Realigned for him to Blast through that Front Door of his before Crashing in to a Bush. Anyways I find it Really Strange No One side from that One Teenaged Cashier that an 8-Year-Old is Out And About with out Any Kind Of Adult Supervision. And that should do it for the Cons Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else.

The Pros= However I do have a Few Pros I just wished I had more Unfortunately I don't at least non comes to mind. To start Yes this Film maybe Filled with all of these Flaws but I have to give it them for also having Heart Felt Moments such as when Kevin was in that Church he and encountered Old Man Marley. Sure he was Scared at First but eventually the Two of them Got A Talking and He Actually gave some Really Great Advise to Old Man Marley about Not Being Afraid, which eventually Led to Marley Getting his Happy Ending. Or that End Scene with Kevin and his mom Returning Home even though it was Undeserved, but I still like the Feeling that after all that she's been through her returning home is like a literal and convent Christmas Merical and Present to Kevin, and unfortunately those are the only Heart Felt Gushy Moments that I always saw, aside from that Marley one of course. And as for the Music they used Christmas Music and Songs (Duh) but I Really Like How they where Paired Perfectly with Just The Right Scenes. And that should do it for the Pros Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else.
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An Underrated And Miss Understood Holiday Film IMHO.......
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= I like how this Film Strives to be a Little More Family Friendly in Terms of Content and at Large it Succeeded, with the worse was just a few Skull Ghosts in the Sewer Underground Abandoned Railroad Scene. Aling with some Coursing hare and there. Then I just Loved that the Mood Slime is the Literal Physical Manifestation of Everyone's Negative Energies. I think that using the Mood Slime for that was the Perfect Metaphor as I Feel that it Really Fits. And I just Loved how all of the Ghostbusters Members All started out in Deferent Chapters in their Lives. All Because After or in spit of the Events of the First Film They where Sued Out Of Business which of course led to them Breaking Up and Starting the For Mentioned New Life Chapters. The Perfect Example of this is that Both Ray and Winston where Not Only Opening a Bookstore but also Dressing Up in their Ghostbusters Get Up And Preforming at Children's Birthday Parties.

Much to the Dismay of those very same kids, even Winston commented that Ghostbusters as a Company as a Brand is Dead and that No One Likes them anymore. I believe his exact words where "Face it Ray the Ghostbusters are Dead." as he and Ray where leaving a Child's Birthday Party to which, every kid in that Party wanted He-Man instead of the Ghostbusters. Which just further shows that despite the events of the First Film and how we may Perceive these guys in real life they are Not Superheroes they are your Average You and Me and Your Next Door Neighbor and Friends and Families Average Everyday Working People. And now we move on to the Big Bad Villian Vigo like Gozer in the first film I think he's a Great Villian and for the Same reasons. I like is Voice and his Looks and his Motives everything about him that almost pretty much screams cool to me. Which also Obviously Includes his Lore I just Love how Brutal and Gruesome it is and His Last Words before his Head Died in the Lore was Really Great too and Chilling in a way.

Speaking of Lores I Not Only like the Unground Sewer Abandoned Railway Scene so much so it's one of my Favorite Scenes especially when I was a kid. Anyways as I was saying I Not Like that scene but also the Lore of the NY Alderney Train. Which had always had me Fantasizing what Dark Secrets that my Own City is Hiding in Parctulare when I was a kid. Anyways as I started Growing Up I started to Realized that I also Liked the Dating Scene and in some ways More. The Basic Reason being is that it just Simply Feels Romantic and for whatever the reason it always manages to give me the Feels whenever I watch that Scene, I don't know why it just does. Just like with the First Film I also Loved the Awesome Soundtrack for this Film, when I was a Kid my Favorite song was 'Spirit' which is tied with 'On Our Own' but now I Kind Of Like 'Flip City' a little more than those two, but all of the songs are Really Good. And the same goes for the Rap Version of the Ghostbusters Theme.

The Only Thing that Manages to Creep Me Out when I was a Kids was the Glowing Eyes of Dr. Janosz's Eyes, During the Black Out Scenes in that Darken Hallway. But I think that was Helped by his Acting Ability which was why I Enjoyed watching him every time when he is on screen. You Know in all Technicality as a Kid I probably should have found that Courtroom Scene Boring. But I didn't in fact quit the Opposite In Fact as whenever I watched the Courtroom Scene when I was a Kid I've always felt All Grown Up and Adult until the Ghosts. And I also like how All of the Humor that was in the First Film it was also in hare. You Know at One Point whenever I watch that Star Trek Voyager 11:59 episode I always Have this Strong Urge to Watch Ghostbusters 2 even if it's through Clips. Maybe it's Because the Flashback Scenes of that episode some how Reminded me of this film. And it is the same with the End Of Days Film.

Anyways Moving On I Feel that the Special Effects was Just as Good as the First Film but with the Exception of the Bathtub. Because you could Clearly Tell that The Bathtub and the Mood Slime Monster had Magically Turned in to Foam at the end of the Scene. When the Mood Slime Made a Grabe for Dana and her baby Oscer you could Clearly see the Bathtub Bending and the Texture of the Mood Slime Monster Thing Change. And as for the Timeline of the Film I kind of like how it Clearly Takes Place in the Spane of a Little over a Month Starting with Mid to Late November just before the American Thanksgiving Til all the way to New Years Eve (Duh). And I Really Like the Desing of the Upgraded Ecto-1A it Looks so Cool and High Tech In Fact as I Kid I so wanted that Ecto-1A Car for that Christmas. It was one of the Items on that Years Christmas Letters to 'Santa'.

Moving on As for the Mid Credit Sequence as it gave us a Small Taste of How They where doing After the Events of the Movie through a Montage of Clips. Next is that I Really Like how The Ghostbusters Feel that the Friendliness of their Fellow New Yorkers had gone down especially after Failing to Break Through the Mood Slime Barrier. So Much so they Resorted to Using The Statue Of Libertie as Not Only as a Symbol of Positivity to Untie their Fellow New Yorkers, but also to Smash The Skylight of The Museum in Order to Gain Entry. I think that the Simple Premise of this Film Being Good Verses Evil Really Fits, not only Because of The Mood Slim and what it Represents. But it's also a Great Relevant Message too, and the Fact that The New Yorkers Charged with their Now Positive Energy Helped The Ghostbusters Defeat or at the every Least was able to Weaken Vigo and Forced Him to Retreat was also Great. Then afterwards his Painting was Transformed in to one of Seemingly Religious Inspired, which Really Fitting Considering.

I think that the Babysitting Scene was a Really Great Character Development Scene for Janine and Louis. Then moving on to the Scene where we get to see Louis in Full Ghostbusters Get Up Really Sort Of Reminded me of the Completed Ecto-1 Introduction Scene in the First Film. Oh Yeah I almost Forgot I also Love How The Ghostbusters were able to Weaponize the Mood Slime and Turned it Force for Good. And Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else that should do it for the Pros.

The Cons= As Much As I like the Mood Slime and what it Represented I just don't like how it seems to Vary in Colour Through Out the Film. And I just wished they could have some how Left the Sub-Plot of Louis Desiring to become a Ghostbuster in the film. It would have made a Lot More Sense when we eventually get to see him in the For Mentioned Ghostbusters Get Up. Hare's something that I did not notice until recently Winston seemed to Disappear On and Off Up Until the Ghostbusters are Back In Business. And Hare's what I don't get did Janine Dropped her Hard Crush on Egon some time in the Five Year Time Period? As in this one she is All Of Sudden Crushing on Louis All of Sudden, and that's another thing I'm Sorry I'm Zero Chemistry Between them in the Romance Sense.

And how did Louis know when to Fire Off His Proton Pack in the Climax of he Film just as The Ghostbusters where Firing Off Their Proton Packs inside the Museum at that Very Same Time. Although the Soundtrack for this Film was Great as I have already Said but it was Unfortunate that there was not a Singel Holiday or Christmas Song in this Film at all. You would Expect at Least One Christmas Song in a Movie that Takes Place In December Nope. Then I find it kind of Funny How Janine Literally Told this one Client that Person is Going Have to wait until After the New Years as All of the Ghostbusters themselves are on Holidays until after the New Years, but until then "Just Don't Go In There." On The Phone. And I'm just wondering why any of the Ghostbusters Bring Their Proton Packs With them in the first place in the Sewer Scene? And Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else that should do it for the Cons for now.

Final Thoughts= So Obviously Personal Opinion I Highly Suggest you Give this Film Another Chance if you haven't already. Side Note I Sadly Feel that the Ghostbusters Movie Franchise at least should have Ended with this Movie Since Bill Murry was unsatisfied with this one Sadly Planes for Ghostbusters 3 was Scripted. It's Really Too Bad as from what I know of it sounded like it might have made a pretty entertaining movie. Before when I turned it in to a December Only Film this was one of the Films that I watched the Most so much so I almost wore out the VHS Tape, Year Round when I was a Kid. Over the Years this Has Started Becoming an Annual Must Watch for every New Years Eve maybe New Years Day.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
It's Not A Parody Jim It's A Joke.......
21 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= Before we Begin I am Indeed a Fan of the Prime Star Trek which Includes The Original Series (TOS) which is what this is supposed to be 'Parody' from. But Instead it Feels more like Make Fun Of Instead of 'Parody' and hare's why. The first that I'm not Just A Prime Star Trek Fan but also an Asian. And As Such I Feel that when Fred Kwan Squinted his Eyes in an Attempt to be an Asian was On The Fair Amount On The Racist Side, Especially when the Actor who Plays Fred Kwan (Tony Shalhoub) is Not Asian. Regardless of what he said During one of the Behind The Scenes Special Features. Why? Why would they even do that? So What They Couldn't Find Any Actual Asians Actors or Actresses? Or Did That Thought Even Occurred to them? That's Like Casting White Guy to Play A Black Character, No don't do that Please for The Love Of Q Cast the Right Person Culturally to Play the Right Culture. Don't Do Cross Culture Cast as I Not Only Like that but it also Feels Insulting and Maybe even On the Racist Side.

Now that my Ranting on that Little Political Statement is Done we now get to the Rest of the Movie Review. Starting with this Movie was sort of Famous for simple Censoring the 'F' Bomb by replacing it with 'Screw' it as they wanted to Maintain the PG Rating which was Completely Understandable. But I think it would have been a Little More Natural and a Less Noticeable if they had (Sigourney Weaver) Gwen DeMarco say "Well Forget That!" Instead of just "Well Screw That!" after all it was clear that she was saying a word that started with an 'F' and not an 'S'. And as for the Humor I feel that it's was Way Over The Top although I must admit some of them did land. Like the scene where they made that one Alien Explode while using the Real Life Transporter for the First Time.

Speaking of Over The Top I just found that the Squid Aliens are Not Only Over The Top with their Annoying High Pitch Squeaking Nise when they are in their Humanoid Form. And while we're talking about the Squid Aliens I just found that they are Confusingly idiots, in one hand they are Smart Enough to Create or Rather Recreate the NSEA PROTECTOR Ship which they saw on the TV for Real. But at the same time they are Way Too Dumb to know that TV is Fiction it's Not Real.

They think that Everything that Happens on TV is Part of Some Sort of History which was why they Decided to 'Recruit' the Crew of NSEA PROTECTOR to go on this Very Important Mission, again Not Knowing that these Guys are Just Actors and Not Real Space Explores or whatever they Believe the Crew of the NSEA PROTECTOR to be. They Not Only Created the NSEA PROTECTOR In Real Life, but they where also Smart Enough to Recreate this Very Powerful Device Thing that Allows You To Go Back 30 Seconds In Time Once Activated. Huh? Not to Mention they always look like they are High On Drugs and they Talk Like it to or something.

Those Aliens aren't the only ones that are dumb as I feel that Captain Jason Nesmith and his Crew are also the same. In Partcular the where Guy Fleegman was yelling and screaming about he doesn't think it's such a Good Idea to Open that Hatch, after when he and the Rest of the Crew Landed on this Alien Planet in Real Life. And what do they do? They Open that Hatch of that Shuttle anyways. Like they where still on a Set on The Show Not Knowing if there was Actual Breathable Air on The Planet. As Pretty as the Gwen DeMarco Character was she Basically Contributes Nothing to Neither the Fictional Show Nor the This Movie. She even said it herself in the Film that Her Character 's Only Purpose is just to Repeat Everything that The Computer Says. So Basically Sadly the Gwen DeMarco character is Basically a Eye Candy. At Least with Uhura Whom is the Communications Officer in The Original Star Trek Show and Movies. Which of course made her more than just a Eye Candy even on the Original Series.

Going Back to Over The Top Characters I also Feel that Everything about the 'Big Bad' Villin of the Film Sarris. Especially with everything that he says a to how he says it, but I do like his Armor thou. And I Felt that The Overall CGI Could Be Better which includes the Terrible CGI Rock Creature. Going Back to the Special Features what is Up with that Weird and Embarrassing Birthday Rap that Sigourney Weaver and the Rest of crew did? And the way they Ended that Little Birthday Rap what was up with that? Especially with All Of Them Acting Like some kind of Hip Hop Gangster Group like they where All Still in High School Back In The 80's or 90's? Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that should do it for the Cons for now.

The Pros= I think the Only Scene that I Really Liked was the Sci-Fi Convention Scenes in the Beginning of the Film, and Speaking of I Really Liked how they At Least Showed 3 Klingons Sort Of as we Only Got to see them From The Back and In The Background in one of the scenes. Now Don't get me Wrong I Don't Hate The Actors In Fact I thought they All Did A Really Good Job Considering, In Fact the Actors that I do know I Enjoyed in Other Projects of theirs. Starting with Tim Allen I May Not Liked him as the Grunting Buffoon Idiot and Joke named Tim 'The Toolman' Tayler But I do like his Vocal Work as Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story Films. Of course, with Sigourney Weaver I liked her as Ripely and as for Sam Rockwell I of coursed liked him as Justin Hammer, and Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber.

And speaking of Alan Rickman I think I liked him the Best as I just like how Absolutely Miserable His Character was through out the film. All Because his Character is Tired of Playing that Very Same Character on the Fictional show. I could almost Imagine that is Exactually how Leonard Nimoy would have reacted if he was Ever Tired of Being Associated with his Famed Mister Spock Character. And I have admit I kind of think that those Green CGI Aliens are kind of cute even with Sharp Teeth. I also like how the Desing of the NSEA PROTECTOR Ship as it Looks Like it really was Inspired by the USS Enterprise and the same goes for the Shuttle which was the only Star Trek I'm kind of getting from this Film. And Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that Should do it for the Pros for Now.

Final Thoughts= So if you're Looking for some kind of Star Trek Parody I suggest you Look Elsewhere I Hear the Show The Orville is Pretty Solid. So in a way Calling Galaxy Quest a Star Trek Parody or an Unofficial Star Trek Movie is Illogical. Live Long And Prosper.
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Ghostbusters (1984)
Better Than Ghostbusters Afterlife And Ghostbusters Answer The Call (Female Ghostbusters) IMHO......
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= Personal Opinion this Film is Lightyears Better then Both Ghostbusters Answer The Call or The Female Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters Afterlife Combined after All Answer The Call is Basically a Failed Gender Flipped Version Remake of this. And Afterlife was Basically A Big Nostalgia Bait Under The Disguised of Calling it a 'Sequel' Retconning The Much Underrated Ghostbusters 2 Due to how Many Easter Eggs they Grabbed from this Film. Yes it is a 'Sequel' but it Feels More Like a Nostalgia Bait at Large. Again Personal Opinion, but we're Not Hare To Talk about any of those Films we're hare to talk about the Original.

So Hare we go, to start us off I just Gotta talk about Gozer and how much she is Better in this One Verses the Ghostbusters Afterlife Version, even if they are supposed to be the Exact Same Character. I just don't know if it was the Make-Up Work? Or the Lighting? Or What? But there's just something about this Gozer that Feels like Some Kind of a Demon Ghost. While the One In Ghostbusters Afterlife just gives off that 80's or 90's Punk Rock Artist with a Gimmick Vibe About that Gozer. Don't Ask me how she sounds because I Truly don't know as that Movie Never Really Caught My Attention Enough to give it a Try. And while we're on the Subject of Gozer I just don't know why maybe it was because of the Reasons that I've already mentioned in Addition to the Set and How Its Lighted or the Music that they Choose for it? But there's just something that Feels Very Dream Like to me about that Whole Gozer's Entrance or just every time that Gozer is on the Screen In General? And the Person that Played the Gozer for this Film did an Excellent Job at giving her a Demon Like Voice.

Now we move on to the scene where it's just Ray and Winston in the Ecto-1 Driving through that Bridge. I just found that Scene Very Unsettling and Uncomfortable To Watch but in a Good Way.... Sort of. All Because of the Subject Matter that the Two where talking about. In fact my Heart started to Pick Up Pace during that Scene again because of the Subject Matter that the Two where Talking About. But on to a little more Cheerful Reason why I like that Scene is because it also shows how close those two have become since Winston had Applied to be a Ghostbuster. And in away it sort of Foreshadows their Reintroduction in the Second Film Ghostbusters 2.

And I just don't know what is it about the Shandor Lore that I Really like about it? I don't know maybe I could picture it in my mind in the form of Paintings or Still Images with Every Word that Ray Described with Weird and Brief Historical Clips? I don't even get that when I'm reading other peoples Short Stories on the Internet. Or even just Stories be it Online or on Paper. And I also found that Every Song on the Soundtrack to be very Superb, as my Favorite Song when I was a Kids was 'Savin' The Day' but now it's 'Magic' and that's on top of the Uber Iconic Theme By Ray Parker Jr. After all Who Doesn't Know The Theme Song or the Equally Iconic Catch Phrase of "Who Ya Gonna To Call?" I don't think anyone these days or ever since this film's conception that doesn't know the Catch Phrase or the Theme Song? If you've heard of the Ghostbusters Chances are you've know of the for mention Theme Song and Catch Phrase.

Anyways moving on to the First Shoot of the Completed and just as equally as Iconic Ecto-1 that one minute that Took the Fire House Doors to Open and for Ecto-1 to Speed Out Of There was kind of cool and kind of Heroic. And I just Like How All of The Humor in the Film Managed to Hit with me. Especially the Scenes where Louis is Possessed by The Key Master stats going on a Tirade about how the Coachman would Burn In Flames. And The Scene where Unconsciously Ray had Accidentally Thought Up The Mister Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man as the Final Form as Gozer to Destroy Them and End The World and Peter's Reaction to that, especially his line of "Ray's Gone Bye, Bye Egon What You Got?" and the final Scene I'm going to mention is the scene where Janine was so Miserable at her job that she commented that she had Quit Better Job than that. And then she Answered the phone in this Grumpy manner of "Ghostbusters what do want?!" I think all those three are my own personal Tops when it comes to Humorous Scenes.

Anyways I just like how Grounded everything seems to be from Peter, Ray and Egon getting Fired From the University. To Having Ray Sell his house just to Eventually Pay for the HQ which of course is that Abandoned Fire Station to the Ecto-1 being an Old Beat Up Junker. To even their Proton Packs and the Rest of their Equipment's all have Grounded Origins Too. And I even Like how After Paying for everything they couldn't Afford Very Much In Terms of Meals, and even after when their Business Finally Got Underway and they started Getting Super Busy. It shows that they are all Humans at the End Of The Day Through Ray Complaining How Tired and Exhausted he is and it shows too. I Feel that it's Not Until the end where they go and Fight Gozer that they all started Felling Like Superheroes A Little.

As for All of the Special Effects I would Imagine that it were Pretty Spectacular Back Then and it even Holds Up even up until Now in 2024 Personal Opinion. And I'm Really and Truly Impressed about that because with Most Films with Special Effect that where in the 80's they Usually don't Hold Up as Well as All of The Special Effects of Ghostbusters again Personal Opinion. I also Feel that this also makes a Fun Halloween Watch just as Much as Hocus Pocus is Personally. And Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that should do it for the Pros for now.

The Cons= As Great and Iconic this Movie is it's still not with out its Flaws such as that I feel that the Names of 'Gate Keeper' and 'Key Master' Both have Double Meanings. And I think you know what they are? And I'm wondering if Peter Handled Walter Peck A Little Better when he wanted a Tour of the Ghostbusters HQ would the Results Still be the exact same? Then there is the Twinkie Analogy I just Feel that there was Basically No Point to that Although I Understand Clearly what was the Analogy About, I just don't see the point of it. That whole Analogy just looks like it was just there for just Pure Product Placement. Even Egon the one that made the Analogy doesn't even know. Now Most People might say that Ernie Hudson was just the Token Character, I don't know if he really was. But to me he's the Outsider Character the Audience Character he's supposed to be the rest of us that aren't exactly adverse in the Paranormal or Any of that Science Stuff. And hare's a in Universe Question, did anyone else besides Winston Applied for the Ghostbusters Job? And if so was that Series of Questions that Janine asked Winston the Standard Interview questions that she was Instructed to ask everyone that tried Appling for The Fourth Ghostbusters Position? And Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that she do it for now For the Cons.
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The Last Great And Watchable Die Hard Film IMHO...........
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= Personal Opinion I think they should have Ended The Die Hard Franchise with this film and just Consider it a Trilogy. But First The Pros before I give you the Cons on why. To start us off the Wise Cracking John McClane Comedy and Wit is still hare in this film, where I Feel that he has lost all of that in 4 and 5. Then I really like how at the beginning of this film he started off in a really Bad Spot with a Bunch of things already had gone Wrong in his life, and little did he knows it's going to Worse a Lot Worse for him. I like that because it shows how Human he really is and that the Happiness of the Second Die Hard didn't last. On Top of everything that he would eventually go through he has to go through a Massive of Headache Due to his Hang Over. Which was what he was Complaining about through out the entire Film, and I'm pretty sure that those of us that have experience a Headache for one reason or another it's Not Fun so you Got To Feel for him through the entire film.

Moving On I Really Like the Revenge Plot it has that added dynamic that the First Two Die Hard Films didn't have. As it made this film Feel More than just John McClane being at the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time and Stopping a Bunch of Terrorists. And it also Fits one of the Motives of Simon the Leader of the Terrorist in this Film, and now moving on to Simon himself. I really like what they did with him and how he was tied to the First Film which makes that Revenge Plot so fitting and Great. And it made so Much Sense why he Specifically asked for John McClane when he Blew that Department Store to Catch the Attention of the NYPD. And what I Feel that Makes Simon such a Great Villian is not just that he was Tied to the First Film, but also all of the games that he sets up to Mess and Toy with John McClane and Zeus, like some kind of a cat. All the While Having the Rest of the NYPD Running All Around Every School like Chickens With Their Heads Cut Off Looking For a Very Dangerous Bomb, with the only Clue was that the said Bomb was in a Random Elementary School with the Help of Another Riddle in the form of a Math Question. Or so he Clams but in Actuality the Bomb is On The Boat.

So much so I found myself Paying Most Attention in those Scenes, and it was because of the Seven Wives Riddle that Inspired me to Search and Download some kind of Riddle App for my Phone. Unfortunately that App didn't work out for Long Winded Reasons which eventually led me to Deleted that App Anyways. And Speaking Great Characters I also like the Addition of Samual Jackson as Zeus a Smart Racist Electrocution. I think he Pairs Really Well with John McClane as they Play Off Each Other Really Well the Panter that they have was not only Really Well Done but also Really Entertaining to Watch. And it's not just Samual Jackson and Bruce Willis where not the only ones that where great. But I Feel that every one was also Great in Both Casting and Characters as they All Played Their Parts Really Well which Helped what Makes this Die Hard Film Worked so Well.

Although all of the Action was Great but I would say the Scene where Both John McClane and Zeus, has to get to Certain Train Station By a Certain Time Before The Bomb and Everyone On It Blows Up. But the Catch is they have to us Civilian was to do it and what they Both ended up doing is High Jacking A Taxi Cab. And what makes that Sequence was so Entertaining to watch the two of them Arguing on what is the Best way to get there John McClane decides to Cut Through the Park. Pretty Almost Running Over Every One In The Way as it not only Really Reminds me of Both the Crazy Taxi Game and One Of The Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Games. But also Zeus's Reaction the Whole way was almost Priceless. And the Sequence Fallowing where they Both Finally Made it to the Train Station While John McClane was Frantically Looking for the Bomb and Zeus was in the Process of Both being Arrested and Answering the Phone Call From A Payphone From Simon, was in a way Intense and All so Fun To watch. Just like With the Taxi Cab Sequence before.

I also think that the Alternate Ending was also a Worth a Mention as in an Alternate Universe where Die Hard Ended as Trilogy Instead of Milking it for what's it's Worth. That Parctulare would be the Perfect way to End Off The Trilogy and this Die Hard Series of Films until they Either Remake it. Why You may Ask? Well that's Simple Since the Setting for The First Die Hard Film was Set Around The Christmas Holidays it would be a Fitting to End In the same Setting. As that Alternate Ending Involves John McClane Lossing His Job with the NYPD and Simon the Big Bad Getting away. And By The time that John McClane Catches Up with Simon it is at Bar some where During Christmas Time. If' you haven't Seen it I Recommend that you do it is that Good. And I'd say the 'Summer In The City' Song was Not Only Catchy but also Really Fun to Listen to. In Fact it was one of those songs that I Feel I could Replay over and over in my head at just about any time even if I'm not listening to the song.

The Cons= When they made this Film I don't think they where thinking about the Future as I Feel that the 'N' Word is Never Appropriate. Least of All in todays day as I Feel that the 'N' Word is way Worse then the Most Harshest Profanity that you could think of. In Fact I wouldn't use it in an X-Rated Film Much Less a R-Rated Film Even if it is an Hard R-Rated.

Anyways with that said we now move on to the Revenge Plot I wished they Kept it in there, as it Really Felt that Simon Really Did Wanted Revenge but some time after the Train Sequence they Dropped that Even Simon still had Zeus and John McClane Running Around Playing Kids Games as John McClane had said in the film itself. Hare's why I think they should have left it back in had they left the Revenge Plot In it would have made a lot Better Story. As That Revenge Plot would have made an Excellent Contention and Miss Trust Between him and his Troops. As some could think that he was Way Too Obsessed with Revenge while his most Loyal Troops could still stay by his side Regardless. And Not Only That In The Climax it would have made a Much Interesting Fight Between Him and John McClane as he might want to Kill John McClane with his Bare Hands or something. And Not Only that But also My Own Personal Opinion with out that Revenge that Story Die Hard 3 Die Harder is Basically a Heist Film, mixed in with a Buddy Cop Film with John McClane and Zeus.

Then Next is Simon's Girlfriend Not Only she Feels Like the Token Female as she is the only Female in Simon's Troop. Not Only that she also Literally has No Dialogue in the Entire Film Other than Grunting While Trying to Shoot at John McClane, and it's Not Like she doesn't Know English or anything, as I have Heard Her Speak in the Special Features for this Film. Which makes her character just Sadly also Feel Like Nothing But just the Muscle and that's it. Then there comes the Scene where John McClane was Holding For Dear Life as he and Zeus was trying to make their way to the Boat that Simon is on. There's just something about that Background that Looks Artificial and Fake and Likewise with the scene where that very same Boat Blows Up.

There's just something about that Explosion that Not Only Looks and Feels Fake But also I Found that the Explosion itself, was Way Too Bright. Now don't get me Wrong I like the Character it's just that I would have Loved to have a Little Bit More on his Character. Such as what Happened to Him that Made Him Not Only So Racist but also what happened to his Nephew's Parents? They could have easily had him explain all of that in one of their Bonding Moments in Partcular in the Scene where He and John McClane where Tied Up Right On Top of that Bomb. Overall still a Pretty Solid Film to watch again and again if aren't already.
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Die Hard 2 (1990)
Just As Good As The First..........
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= I don't Know this film gets so much hate when it comes to Comparing to the First Film? As Yes there are still Flaws with this one but you got to remember the First One isn't Perfect either. Such as Shooting At All Of The Terrorist and Not Caring for any of the Hostages. Or that one Guy pointlessly standing near the elevators just to get Shoot to Death. And if Al was really heading home until John McClane changed that for him, then why isn't he in his Civilian Clothes and why is he still Driving a Police Crouser instead of a Civilian Car? Now With that Said I Loved the First Film Just as Much as I Loved The Second Die Hard Film, as Both Of them are Equally Fun And Festive To Watch A Couple Of Christmas Classics If You Asked me. Anyways we're not hare to talk abut that we're hare to talk about the Sequel. If you're Still Hare.

Still Hare? Good Thank You For a Start Cernal Stuart may not be as Iconic as Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber nut to me Personally he is still just as Good or Rather Evil as Hans Gruber. I especially Loved the Scene where he Crashed that Airplane, there was something Cold and Frightening in his Facial Expression Before During and After when He Successfully Crashed that Airplane. And that Scene was made that much Chilling with his "We Gotcha" Line. And the way he Managed to Trick that Airplane in to Crashing was Excellent, and you add to that John McClane's and the other's Frighten Reaction to that made it that Scene that much More Chilling. And Right afterwards seeing John McClane's Despair as he Realized that he did everything he could to try to save everyone. Onboard that Airplane and Still Failed was kind of hard to watch, but in a Good Way as it still shows that he is still Human and is Not Perfect he still has Flaws. That and him Getting a Parking Ticket at the Beginning of the Film which also Serves as the Opening Scene of the Film by the way.

Another Scene that I like Cernal Stuart in is in the Church where John McClane just Beat Up one his men and killed the other. And the Survivor has the Unenviable Task of informing Cernal Stuart that Yes did Accomplish his Task but one of them didn't make it because of John McClane. As Cernal Stuart has that Gun to that other Guy's Head he had that very same Cold Look in his Eyes as when he would Later on Crash the Said Airplane. And the Last Cernal Stuart Scene that I'm going to mention is the scene where he and John McClane First Met all the While John McClane thought he looked Formular but can't placed from where. Okay That's about him for now at least and moving onto The Twist Involving General Grant and His Team it was Great maybe unnecessary. But I Personally Didn't mind as I Didn't See that Coming to say the least when I first watched Die Hard 2. Another Great Thing about this Film is that I Personally found that All of the John McClane Wit and Humor is still hare Carried from the First Film.

Although I like the Nakatomi Plaza was Great in the First Film don't get me Wrong but I like the Airport Setting in this Second one Slightly Better. Mainly Because whenever I'm watching it I always Feel that I'm some how getting some kind of an Behind The Scenes Inside Look in away of the Goings On of a Real Airport in Real Life. Speaking of Settings I also Like how John McClane is not just Limited to just One Location like in the First Film. Again although that was Fine and Dany but it was also nice to see him at a Secondary Location instead of just the Primary One for the same Film. It's kind of sad that after all of this time watching the Film I couldn't for the Life of me Remember his name Neither his Character name nor his Actor name, Sorry. But anyways I Found that his Character Really Likable Not Only he was the Only One that was Nice and More than Welling to Work with, John McClane instead of kicking him out all because he didn't belonged in the Control Tower for the Airport.

In fact it wasn't for him John McClane wouldn't known about the Church not even General Grant Seemingly Knew about the Church at that Point in the Movie. Then next is that I Really Feel that the Film was Paced Perfectly as I felt that there was No Wasted Moment in the Film. Every Moment Every Scene in the Film has a Purpose In Fact I Personally couldn't Find A Single Scene or Moment where I have ever said "That Scene wasn't Necessary." or "What was the Point of that?" or something Smaller to those. And I really liked how they were able to reintroduced Both John McClane and Holly McClane with out any Expedition. And I say the same to the Introduction to the New Characters for this film.

Then I found that the News Reporter for this film Samantha Coleman unlike with Thornberg in the first film was actually Friendly and a lot more likable than Thornberg. Not That I hated his Character mind you but I Personally found that Samantha Coleman was never a selfish Sleezy of a Character that everyone in the Film Hates. I even liked how Respectful she was at the when John McClane and Holly McClane Embraced and Kissed ach other at the end of the movie. And that bit of a line of having John McClane's baby was kind of amusing as she misunderstood him. Then her Calm Lack Of Reaction to First Cernal Stuart Telling Her Off and the Later on John McClane Telling her the Same Exact Thing was Very Professional of her. And as for the Climatic Fight I thought it was Very Deferent and Very Unique as I have never seen before nor since a Fight Scene where the Characters are fighting, not inside the Moving Airplane but outside of it as the said Airplane is in the Midst of Taking Off.

On Top of that I've always found it very Exciting all because of that Added Danger of John McClane take a Wrong step. Or one of the Villains Might Get Lucky and Knock John McClane Off the Wing of that Airplane in to that Airplane's Turbine to be Shredded. I've also found that it's not only the Climax was Fun but also All of the Action Sequences through out the Film as well. Such as the Snowmobile Shoot Out, or the Scene where John McClane Stabs that One Baddie in the Eye with the Icicle very Genius Very Gruesome. I also Enjoyed Watching that Granny Passenger that was seated right next to Holly all of her scenes was Fun, especially that end scene where she Steps Through Thornberg After Calling Him Not a Nice Name, as he was on the ground at the time after being tossed Down that Shoot as Per Emergency Exit Protocols. Oh that Scene Made me Smile and Laughed a Little every time that I watch Die Hard 2 even just thinking of that scene makes me laugh in that Immature Childish way.

And I also Really Like that Triumphant Music that they Played when all of the Airplanes Started to Land as it Truly Felt Well Deserved. And it was also Nice to See Colm Meaney aka Miles O'Brien from Both Star Trek TNG and Star Trek DS9 in hare. In the form of a Cameo Role Playing the Windsor 114 Pilot aka the Airplane that Cernal Stuart Sadly Tricked into Crashing, Being a Pretty Big Fan of the Original or Prime Star Trek that I am. And that should do it for the Pros Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else.

The Cons= As much as I love this movie I still see a few just a few of the Flaws that every ones thinks that makes Die Hard Film So Terrible to watch. The First and kind of Obvious one is that I've always found that Carmin Lorenzo is always a Loud Hyper Active Character even in his introduction he was a Loud Hyper Active Character. Especially in the Beginning of the Climax where he found out through John McClane that he was played by General Grant and his Team. As he was Yelling and Screaming at Pretty Much Every one that he sees and Throwing Out Profanities like they where Free For All Candy Canes at a Christmas or Holiday Parad. When the Police Crouser that he, John McClane, and his Brother Vito the one that gave John McClane that Parking Ticket at the Beginning of the Film Crashed in to another car.

Another Character and Probably the Only one that I Truly Didn't Like through the Whole Film was Marve the Janitor. As I found to be one of those 'I have No Friends and I'm an Idiot' kinds of characters. Although I Admit he did Help Out John McClane Three Times through out the Film so there's that, either than that I'm Sorry I just Don't Like Him I'm Pretty Sure the Actor is Fine. You Know for a Movie that is Set In The Holidays you would think that there would be a Abondance of Holiday Music and Songs? But Nope not with this one as the only Festive Holiday Music or Songs that I Recognized anyways were, 'Let It Snow, Let It Snow' and 'Carol Of The Bells', and that should do it for the Cons Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else.

Final Thoughts= But Despite all of my Cons I still Think it's a Personal Must Watch well for me at least. In Fact this is the Film that I Revert Back To whenever I have Watched Everything that Was On My Own Personal Watchlist for that Year, and I have Nothing More to watch and or I just don't know wat else to watch. There was even Years that I have Reverted Backed to this just after Watching Ghostbuster 2 on New Years Night it's sort of our way of Saying Goodbye to the Old Year And Thanks For The Memories and Hello And Welcome to The Upcoming New Year. Anyways Back to Die Hard 2 through the Years it's been Incorporated into my Annual Holiday Tradition that I couldn't imagine Skipping it Nope Not Even for just one Year, as it wouldn't feel like The Holidays or Christmas With Out it.
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Child's Play (2019)
Coming From A Fan Of All Child's Play And Chucky Films This Could Have Been Better.........
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= I Gotta Tell You I'm Truly Degusted and Sickened by the Fact that a Bunch of 13 Year Olds could Find a Dismemberment Scene in a Horror Movie So Amusing. That to them it was like watching The First Hocus Pocus Film or some Kind Of Halloween Themed Muppets Film. One of them even made a Sick Comment about 'Heads Up.' while the woman on the Screen was about to be Beheaded. All the while Laughing as if it was some kind of Horror Comedy, why are they allowed to watched that Film in the First Place? In away those very same 13-Year-Old Kids were also Glorifying Violence and Gor and Death and all of that by Finding It that Amusing. It's Disgusting and Twisted and I could take a lot but not this its Sick and Twisted I can't say that enough. That Scene Alone was almost enough for me to turn it off but I kept on going as I'm not only Curious but also I am a Child's Play and Chucky Fan and Figured mind as well give this film the Benefit of the Doubt.

Then Moving on to the Bad Dialog it could have been Better and not only that but also aside from that Most of them are also Forgettable. And not only that so are most of the Scenes and Character and Character Names. I've already Mentioned about the Very Disgusting Reaction of the Kids in the Above Paragraph about them and the Horror Movie. Hare's a Couple of Other Unrealistic Reactions to Situations. The First is Realistically they should have been Screaming or at least be Traumatized when found that Head that Chucky Beheaded, and Presented as a Kind Of Gift to Andy. But Nope their Reaction was just "No Big Deal all we Need to do is Get Rid of the Head and Hid it. Hay I know why don't we Toss it Down that Trash Shoot?" and another is Not Believing Andy when Clams that Chucky is Evil and they should get rid of him. To the Point they even got in a Scuffle over it in the Middle of The Zed Mart to which Andy was treated like some kind of Psychopath. And he's not the only character from what I can Remember Every Other Characters was the Exact same way.

And Wow What Is The Deal With Andy's Mom's No Good Cheating Boyfriend? He is just So Over The Top Unlikable to Say the Least. I mean Seriously what is with his Deal? It's like he Sees Andy as some Kind of Romantic Rivel or something, he Seriously treats Andy like he is some kind of Delinquent or Trouble Makeer or something. It even got to the Point where he Lad his hands on Andy, all the while Strutting around like he Owns the Place. No You Don't do that to Your Own Kids or to Especially to Other Peoples Kids Not Even to the Kids that the Person that you Are Dating. That's just Not Only Disrespectful and Shameful, and On Top of that I Personally Don't Condon it. Especially when that said kid Didn't do anything to Deserve that Sort of Treatment from you. Which I suspect Andy didn't do anything to get that sort of treatment from the No Good Cheating Boyfriend of his Mom's. Oh and did I Mentioned he was Married with Kids? Andy's mom all the while is Clueless to all of this other that she just doesn't care because I can't remember if she found out or not. Again All of that while Having An Affair Behind his Wife's Back With Andy's Mom. And Again I could Take A Lot.

And Speaking of Unlikable Characters the first is the Giddy Mother of the Cop, and the Second is the Unwholesome Landlord. Moving on There's just something about Chucky's Voice that Sounds A Little Off Kilter he kid of sounds like some kind of Broken and Out Of Date Toy. It would have been Nice if they at least Changed his Voice when he Finally Gained Full Sentient and Finally Becomes Evil. I wished that Chucky's Voice would Sound More Human and More Sinister when he finally does. And while we're talking about Chucky he Basically has No Personality what so ever not when after when he has gone evil. He just Repeats everything that he Hares Most of the time when he was still a Dumb Talking Doll. But I well give him this that "Let's Open You Up And See What You're Made Of." Line Does Fit, right after hearing his Victim Saying it.

And as for Storyline, What Storyline? As there is No Story what so ever Unlike with the Original Child's Play where the story was about Chucky Needing to Possess that Andy's Body. In this one Not Only Chucky has no Mase Story and Goals but also there is No Story Attached to the Film as a whole. If I where to Sum Up The Film I would Just say it's about an AI Killer Doll, and that's about it Dust Your Hands Because that's all she wrote. And as for the Acting it was Laughable at best as I never really bought anything that any one says in the film not even Chucky. And the same goes to the Failed Attempts Humor at Being Funny I never found anything the film funny just simply I wouldn't say Cring but more like "How is this suppose to me Funny? I don't get it?" Unless I'm Forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons for now.

The Pros= With all of that said I do like a few only a few aspects about this movie, starting with Chucky. Yes I could get how Most People might have a Problem with the Desing of the Chucky Doll, but for me it's suppose to help with the Creepiness Factor of the Doll since Unlike with the Original he's Not Serial Killer inside a Doll. It's just the voice that I have a problem with as I have already said but over all I do like the Chucky Doll Desing. Like wise Unlike Most People I really do like the Concept of an AI Killer Doll for the Marden Age, which was why I was so excite when Megan was coming out. Up until I found out that she likes Toy with her Victims by Dancing. But back to this film, I Truly Really Didn't Mind when they ca=hanged from a Good Guy Doll to a Buddi Doll it's not that big of a deal to me, they could even change him to a Forever Friend Doll is all I care. I do like that there are Few not many but a few Intense Moments.

The Opening Scene was Decent enough but would rather the Disgruntled Employee Program some kind of Virous in to Chucky instead of Putting a Defective Chip. As it's not only make a little more sense but also it would have Allowed Chucky to use that Very Same Virous to Infect other electronics as well, especially Other Buddi Dolls to Increase his fighting force so to speak. And the Opposite is True I also do like Both the Climax and the End Scene Just Before the End Credits, it's just everting after that Opening Scene all the way up to the Climax that I didn't like. Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that should do it for the Pros.

Final Thoughts= Overall I would Rank this just above The Series and The Curse Of Chucky Film, at the Lower End of the Stick.
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Beetlejuice (1988)
Who Is This Movie Made For?.......
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= Before we Begin I Must Tell you I wished I had more to say in terms of Pros but Sadly I don't. But first the Cons and to start us off is the Special Effects as I Feel that it not only Doesn't Hold Up but also it Looks Cheap even for back then. I've seen Movies with Better Special Effects than this move and some of those came out before this movie. In Parctulare when it came to the Sand Worms which includes the scene when Beetlejuice transformed himself in to a Sand Worm Himself. Then the next is the Character of Lydia I just never Bought her as a Goth as her Character was never that Dark in terms of Personality. Oh sure they've tried but it just comes off as Weak Sauce to me, as she Half Miserable and Half Happy and Normal.

Oh sure I wasn't expecting her to be the Stereotypical Goth type but I was expecting her to be the type of character that is only entertained by Weird and Creepy Stuff. Then and only then she would Crack a Smile. And that Ending don't even get me started on that ending as I mean Totally Confused as it may have looked like Lydia has gotten through a character Arch. And if she did I didn't catch it and I was paying attention and I Hardly see the Connection between of what she almost had to go through in the Third Act and her Character Change? As I Feel that her Character went form whatever she started out with to someone that is Loving Life and is Happy, and is No Longer a Goth. So much so that she had made a deal with the Ghostly Former Owners of the home that she lives now that if she got a Good Grade to which she did they would allow her to dance? To the Song of Day-O just before the End Credits Started Rolling.

And Speaking of Confusing what is Up with that Realter at the Beginning of the Film as she was so Pushy when comes to getting the Former Owners to Sell their house, before they died? I mean Seriously She's Worse than a Sales Lady Trying to Get You to Switch over to over the Company that she Works for when it Comes to Cellular and Internet and Cable Contracts, and I should know I get those all of the time. Was there a Huge Commission or something attached to that Parctulare House or something? Anyways moving on I just Feel that the Day-O Song along with Other Songs just Throws the Tune that they are trying to go for the Film Off. It be like having a whole bunch of Pop Music in a Horror Movie Specially when it comes to the Intense Scenes of the said Horror Movie.

Continuing on to Unlikable Characters I Feel that the Title Character Beetlejuice is one of them which is Very Sad, as I feel that the One Character that you're Supposed to at least like is the Main Character, or even in some Cases the Title Character. And in this Case it's Beetlejuice, as the Biggest Problem that I have with him is that he's Basically Has a Dirty Mind Plain and Simple, to Keep it as Clean as we Could Right Hare on IMDB. And I'm jut in to the Rambling that he Does for most of the film, the last Problem that I have with him is that for a Titled Character it takes a Long time for him to be Introduced, as it Feels like it took him Around the Tail End of the First Act Closer to the Beginning of the Second Act for him to Finally Show up, which doesn't include his Weird little Commercial. Well I've Mentioned them for long enough time to talk about the Dead Couple Adam and Barbra now don't get me wrong they are kind of likable at first. It's not until they Tried to 'Scare' the New Owners away that they started becoming Unlikable. As their Attempt at that was so Pathetic at that they couldn't even Scare anyone Under Six Much Less a House Full Adults which includes Lydia. At which point they just come off as a Couple of Jokes from then on.

I've already talked about the above characters and now time to talk about the other characters of the movie, the Non Essential Characters as I don't know if they are Considered Side Characters or not. As I Found them all Uninteresting and Boring to watch Especially now when I'm an Adult, as there was no Character Development. On top of all of that All of the Reactions to All of The Situations that they get themselves in through the Film, just Comes Off as Illogical. The Characters are Not The Only Problems of this film as the Plot Holes are also a Problem for this film. As it the Film was I wouldn't Say Chock Full but there Still A lot. I've already gave you an example earlier with Lydia and the Realter another example is, Why All of Sudden could everyone else See Beetlejuice? That and Many More Questions and Plot Holes needed to be Answered and Addressed.

I just Don't know who Is The General Target for this Film as I Feel that that Humor Mostly From Beetlejuice are Let's Just say Too Adult. As the Kids won't get it nor is it Appropriate for them to be Listening that Type of Humor. You think the Dirty Humor in Kids Movies Like on Minions and the Like that are Targeted at Kids that are Seven and Over was Bad, well the Humor in this Film is Way Worse and In Your Face. And Not Only that I Feel that Adults won't enjoy this Movie as they Might Start Noticing All Of My Own Personal Above Flaws with the Movie, Plus Maybe Some More that I haven't Caught. So I'll ask again who is the Targeted Audience for this Film? Aside from those that are Into Sexual and Dirty Humor and Dumb Story with No Character Development? Since I don't have the Answer to that I'll just say Unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons.

The Pros= Now that I'm Dome with the Cons hare are my Few Pros, the first is that I feel that Michael Keaton Looks Great as The Titled Character of Beetlejuice. Not Only he looks like a Great Ghoulish Creep but he also sounds Great as one. And as for Winona Ryder as Lydia I may not like the Character but she's still a Good Actress. After all I thought she did an Exceptional Job as Call in Aliens Resurrection quit amusing as Call in Aliens Resurrection. I even liked her as Mr. Spoke's Mom for the JJ Star Trek Films and I don't like His Star Trek Films as it's just isn't for me. It's just too bad that she Didn't Exactually get the Best Script for this film. Well at least aside from those two this film also has some other Big Names Attached to it.

It's not like I Completely Hate the Concept for this film it's just that I Felt that it was Poorly Executed. As I think a Movie about a Dead Couple Trying to Scare away the New Owners of their Former Home, with the Help with a Legendary Outcasted Ghoul with his Own Agenda could be Fun. But as I Only Like the Climax as it Felt like it was the Only Watchable Part Out Of The Whole Film. So Much so I Feel that's what he Whole Film Should Have Been Like, Dark In Tone but also a Little Quirky at the same time to Help Make it Fun and Not Scary for Kids. But Also At The Same Time Adults Could Enjoy it too with out all of the Sexual Jokes and a Dirty Mind Ghoul. And Unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for he Pros for now. Again Sorry I wished I had More to say in the Pros, I Really do.
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Kaiju Sized Better Than The First IMHO.........
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think this film is in the Wrong Rating because due to its Subject Matter I think it should have been at least a 14A instead of PG-13. Although I understand why they made it a PG-13 to me if they wanted to make Batman Returns a PG-13 they should have Dumb down on the Subject Matter or otherwise Up The Rating. I think that is the Only Reason why Pretty Much Every one especially the Parents where Moaning and Whining and Saying the movie is Not Appropriate for their Kids at the time. To the Point where McDonalds was even forced to Cancel the Movie Tie in Toys for back then. Which doesn't make sense as I could remember owning three out of four of them when I was a kid.

I'd say if you personally don't think the is Appropriate for your Own Kids to Watch than Don't Let them Watch it and Not Ruin it for the Rest of us. Which Brings me to my next Point which is for Back then this Random Kid went on the News saying that Batman Returns was so 'Scary' or 'Gross' or whatever, that he watched it six times. Huh? It's like if it's so 'Scary' or so 'Gross' than why did he watched it six times? Which gets me to thinking that he was just a Puppet for Religious Parents and maybe even Non-Religious Parents as well in this case in fact so much so I'm reminded of that Famous Simpsons dialogue. You know the one? "Some One Think of the Children oh Please Some one think of the Children." If you or your Kid thinks that a movie or show that is too Scary or Not Appropriate or whatever that's fine But Just Keep It To Just Your OWN Kids. Okay I'm Done with my Political View with this film and so hare is my Review.

The Pros= Now I admit that I'm not a Fan of the 89 film on any level for Various of Many Reasons as you can Probably But that Doesn't still Mean that I hold this film to the same regards and hare's why. Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle aka Catwoman as I Really Feel that she is a Kaiju Sized Improvement over Vicki. As she is everything Opposite of Vicki Excluding the Eye Canady Part. Anyways back to Batman Returns I Really Like How Penguin was Written as his Goals of just being Accepted and not be seen as a Freak Was Really Relatable. And he's not the only Villian that was Written well as Catwoman was also a Character that was Written Well as it didn't take you long for you to understand her POV, and why she wanted what she wanted and why she couldn't Pursue a Romantic Relationship with Batman. And while we're on the subject of Great Villian's Max Shreck is another Great one as not only Christopher Walken is a Great Actor but also he has this Ruthless Businessman Look and Mentality to him. So much so that scene when he Abruptly Shoves Selina Kyle Out of The Window was and still Remains one of the shocking scenes to me personally. Amongst Many Other Reasons.

Then we have the Fact that he was Trying to Manipulate Mostly Penguin through out the film was Brilliant, and then later in the end when he tries to Manipulate Catwoman the same way just to save his Life was also Great. Just the Fact that he was able to be just as Threatening as Catwoman and The Penguin was Impressive. Considering that there is Literally Nothing Special about him other than the Fact that he is just your Average Ruthless and Evil Businessman. And the Fact that he was Only Made Up for this Batman Film just makes it that much more Impressive, as he was not already an Existing Comic Character. Then I also like how The Bat Suit in this Film wasn't Changed all that Much from the Last Film as it was one of the Few things that I Actually Like about the 89 film.

Now we get to the Score and the All Around Music and Soundtrack of the Film I Obviously Liked it Better then the First, another Pro from the first Film. The only downside is that there isn't all that much but I guess that's a good thing. And for a Movie that is Set During the Christmas Holiday's I'm both Surprised and Glad that they only used only one Christmas song. As of course every Christmas Songs are all Happy and Joyful in an attempt to get you in that mood. Which Clashes with the Dark And Gritty and Moody Tone of this Film. I also think that Danny DeVito was Relly Great as The Penguin part of it was that he Not Only Has the Right Body Type for the Role but also there's something about his voice that sounds really Villian Like. And on top of all of that I Love the Design of his Penguin as it has that Tim Burton Style to him, Freakish but too Freakish that it just comes off as either and or Comedic or Gross and Completely Unrecognizable.

One of My Favorite Scenes is the Max Shreck Ball Scene as it Feels Really Dream and Fantasy Like. Just by the way how it Aged in my eyes through the Years it's also the very same scene where Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle Found Out who each other are. By just Simply Reversing and Repeating Each Others Mistletoe Line from Earlier when they where, Batman and Catwoman Respectively. Another reason I like that scene is the Defences in Opinion on Rather Selina Kyle should or shouldn't kill Max Shreck. Plus they also revealed to each other that Each of Them is Not Only Tried of Fighting but also Hiding who each of their Own Secret Identities are. All are done with this Romantic Air to the Entire Scene.

As for the Ending Yes I could see how some may see it as Grotesk but it has Never Bothered me Not Even when I was a Kid when I First watched this Film. The worst of it was just a Burnt Skeleton of one of the characters and even then it's not that Graphic In My Humble Opinion, let's just say this if you could take the Host from Tales From The Crypt you could take this. And as for Penguin being beat up and drooling Blue Goo Out of His Mouth it's Comparable to Beetlejuice in his Demon Worm Form in terms of 'Scare and Gor' Factor. As for the Actual Final Scene of the film there was something Both Heartwarming and Somber about it. And at the same time it's also some how feels well deserved. Maybe it was also what was said Between Bruce Wayne and Alfrid.

I also found that all of the Christmas Decorations and Sets aren't so Happy And Festive and Cheerful that it, doesn't Over Shadow or Even Shadow the Grittiness of Gotham. You know I'm Presently Surprised that the Robot Penguin Animals are so Good and so Realistic that they Blend So Well with the Real Penguin Animals. That if you put a Robot One and a Real One right in front of me and asked me to pick which one is Real and which one is the Robot. Both are still moving By The Way the only way that I could Tell as the Tall Ones are The Robot Penguin Animals and the Smaller ones are the Real Penguin Animals. But however if you asked me to do the same thing but this time from a far enough of a distance that they Both Looked to be the same Hight, I Honestly couldn't Tell you sure I could take a wild Guess to which I'll most likely be wrong.

Moving on to the Pacing of the Film I Really Like it as it is Not Too Slow Nor is it Too Fast the scenes that Needed to be Slow are. But Not To the Point where you start to Feel the Runtime and Start to Loss Interest. And the Scenes that are Supposed to be Fast Namely The Action Scene are Not So Fast that you didn't care what was going on Screen. Nor was it so Fast that you Started Getting So Confessed that you where asking "What was that? What just Happened? Huh?" all the while waving your Index Finger at the Screen as if that would make sense of every thing on the screen. And I just have to make a quick Mention to the Super Awesome and High Tech Batarang it's My Favorite, and not only that it looks like some kind of Handheld Video Game some where along the Lines of The Tiger Electronics Handheld Games Unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that should do it for the Pros for now.

The Cons= As much as I Love this Film there are still some Cons starting with one of my biggest and that is that, with me obviously not being a Fan of the 89 Film on any level I just Don't Like The Two Mentions of Vicki. Why couldn't they at least not name drop her by name at least then I would have been satisfied with that. Then the next is the Ice Princess now don't get me wrong it's not like I Hate her or anything like that it's just that I wished that her character was smarter and Better Written. Anyways moving on as much as I think the Max Shreck character was Great and Well Written and all of that, all of that is still true. But my only Problem with him is his response of 'Yawn' to Bruce's comment at the beginning of his Ball Scene as it Feels Off Character. Then the Next Nitpick is that Logically I just don't get it how was Selina Kyle able to make a Full Catwoman Suit out of a Long Leather Trench Coat? And before they became her Claws what Practical use do those have in Everyday Use? In any case that should do it for the Cons for now unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else.

Final Thoughts= You Know I just don't know why this isn't considered a Christmas Classic Like Die Hard or Home Alone or Many Others? Most Which I Personally Don't care for. I guess the answer is mostly because of the Parents thing that I was talking about in the Con Section? Which I think it could also be why everyone seems to Hate it this Much? It's Really too Bad as I have said it should be considered a Christmas Classic. So much so I Personally Make it a Habit to watch it every Year in December.
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Batman (1989)
Holy Overrated Batman........
9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= Before we begin I know that a lot of people might want my head on a spike for my Review as I know that to most, this is their 'End All Be All Don't Touch This Batman Don't Talk Bad About This Batman Film Or Something Bad Well Happen To You' Batman Film. I of course Feel Much Deferent and hare's why. To start I Feel that this Film was Way Over Hyped And Way Over Advertised, as it is stated in one of the Special Features for this Film. Around the time that this Film Came Out people where Vandalizing and Breaking the Law Just to get their Hands on This Batman's Poster. And Paying for tickets to see Movies they Don't Care About just to see the Trailer for this Batman Film and then Leaving Right Afterwards. And they even said that some people even tried to contact them to see if they could Buy the Trailer for this Batman Film. And they even said that when this Batman Film Finally Came out there Lines For days out side of Movie Theaters, just like it was for the Newest And Latest iPhone Sales for a Time. See Over The Top Hyped And Over The Top Advertised.

And now we get to what I Feel about the Film itself the First and Foremost I really don't like both the Character and Actress of Vicki Vale. I found her to be a Meh actress and as for her Character of Vicki Vale, I Personally found her to be Not Just Eye Candy. And Not Just A Hapless Damsel In Distress and not just a Trophy for Bruce Wayne and The Joker and Alexander Knox. And not only I found her Annoying Beyond Imagination and Not Only I found her to be a B especially in that one scene where she thinks that Bruce Wayne had stood her up back at the Museum the night before. But also Vicki Vale Screams a lot through out the film and not only that but also I just found her as a character to be on the flat side. In fact she Really Reminds me of Kristin Kreuk version of Lana Lang from Smallville the Less said about that show The Better. But at least Kristin Kreuk doesn't scream through out most of the show unlike with Kim Basinger's Vicki Vale in this film as I have said. I'm sorry I just don't like either of those two.

And speaking of Vicki Vale I Feel that her scene with Bruce Wayne in the Batcave just down right Feels like a Cheap Day Time Soap Opera Scene, all because of the Dialogue that they Delivered. And I know that Most People are Not Happy With Alfrid bringing Vicki Vale in to the Batcave they even Sadly Referenced that in the Sequel Batman Returns but for me I'm more 'Ah Whatever' attitude with that scene aside from Vicki Vale if course. Now we move on to all of the Catch Phrases of the film, I Feel that all of Phrases in the film are over used to the Point where they started coming off like Bad Jokes to me. Especially the Phrase of "I Am Batman" to which it feels like it is a must that Every Batman Live Action or otherwise has to have to say that very same line. And that's not the only line but also the "Wanna Get Nuts Let's Get Nuts!" and "Ever Dance With The Devil In The Pail Of Moonlight?" and "Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys?" are also overstated even if they weren't used as much.

Hare's one of the Many Thing s that Annoys me the most when it comes to the Third Act, and that is If Batman in the Bat Plane Had The Joker in His Sights with Visible Digital Crosshairs and Missed? When he Fired Ever Single Over The Top Armaments that he has and still Missed, mean while with The Joker was Able to Take Him Out the Bat-Plane and Making it Crash with just a Single Bullet from a Normal Hand Gun? But before that I just Feel that when Batman Brought the Bat-Plane Up to the Full Moon and Stopped for a Hot Minute before Dropping back down. Was a Really Cheap and Nonsensical Way of giving the GCPD the Idea for his Famous and Future Bat Signal, but I understand why they did that way it's just unfortunate that isn't any better way of giving the GCPD the Bat Signal Idea.

Anyways instead of The Joker Using just Regular Death Gas I think it would have been more character themed if they had him use, a Laughing Death Gas instead. In the Museum Scene after all he does still have Laughing Death Make-Up and Laughing Death After Shave, so why Not Have Him Use Laughing Death Gas? Again just to make it Character Themed, that would be like having Batman Use Regular Ninja Stars or Shuriken instead of Batmerangs. Anyways going back to the Third Act what's been Itching at me ever since that I watched it was what was that Attached to Batman's Gantlets when he was Fighting that One Goon in Gotham Cathedral?

And what I'm talking about was when Batman was Fighting that one Goon In Gotham Cathedral, he held out his Gantlet and when he did it looks like some kind of Screen or something with a Whole Bunch of Knives Sticking out of it. I never can tell as it was also not only too quick but also too dark to see exactually what it was. Then this next one is kind of a Nitpick I felt that Bob The Goon had been done Dirty, as he was not only the only Goon that had a Name and not only he was the Only Goon that was the Forefront the Most so much so they even made a Action Figure Based on him. But also he was the one with the most character out of all of the Goons and Dialogue as well. And I kind of don't believe he deserves to be shot like that by The Joker with his own Gun By The Way all Because The Joker was Upset with Batman Stealing his Balloons and Ruining his Crazy Plans and wanted some time to think.

And speaking of The Joker I just Feel that Jack Nicholson has been some what Type Casted as this would be the Third Role that I know of, that he has played a Crazy or Psycho Character. Unfortunately every time that I see him now all I could think of either The Joker or more than Likely Jake Torrance from The Shining. In fact in the scene of The Shining where he is Looming over that Model of The Hedge Maze I could help but not only see him as The Joker but also See him in The Joker amongst other scene in The Shining. Now for my Next Point I have to Wran You it Has Nothing To Do With Skin Colour this Character could be a Blue Alien is all I care. I just Feel that Billy Dee Williams was the Perfect Role for Harvey Dent aka Two Face.

Again Nothing To Do With Skin Colour I just think he Fits the Role as I feel that One he Does Not Have the Right Body Type for it Even for Back Then. Two he looks slightly too Old to Potentially become Two Face, and Three His Performance Felt a Little too Gentle as I'm not Getting any Dark Edge to His Character at all. I just don't Feel that his Version of Harvey Dent was in any danger of Lossing His Temper at any point of the Film, unlike with Aaron Eckhart's Version in The Dark Knight. Not That I Thought that Billy Dee Williams was a Bad Actor or anything like that just Mis-Casted. Now moving on to the Mayor Of Gotham I just found that Line of his the one about him telling the person that he's on the phone with, that he doesn't care if they needed to Put A Gun to everyone's Heads if they have to just to get them to attend the Gotham's 200th Year Celebration. I know it's a Big Celebration and All But Dang that's like something that a Crazed Villain would say. And unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons.

Th Pros= As Big as Trash Pile that I Feel this movie is there are some Pros not much at least I still have them starting with I Really Like the Gritty and Grounded Take of the Film and all of the Environments in the Film, as I Fits with the Batman Character and The Story whatever that was that they try to tell. And I Really truly Like Not Only the Batman Theme but also all of the Songs in the Film as well. They may not fit the scene or even the film but they certainly are memorable and in the Case of Prince's Partyman really Iconic to the Film right up there with the Batman March Theme. Then there are the Batmobile, Bat-Plane, the Bat Costume and Icon I may not like the film but I do like appreciate how Iconic each of those things are especially in the case of the Batmobile. Because when you mention Batmobile it's usually this Version as the Dark Knight Version is More Like Bat-Tank instead of your Traditional Batmobile.

I just don't know why a lot of people are saying that Both Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton where Miscast. As in this instance I Beg the Defer as I feel that both Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton were Phenomenal in each of their Respective Roles. However it is true that both Heath Ledger and Christian Bale are My Personal All Time End All Be All Joker and Bruce Wayne/Batman Respectively. But Both Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton are my second Joker and Bruce Wayne/Batman Respectively again despite how I Feel about this Film, it's just the Film itself I have a Problem with And Not These Two Actors. That should do it for the Cons for now unless I'm forgetting anything else.
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Barb Wire (1996)
I Don't Fully Hate It At Least.......
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= Now I'm not sure if it was the acting or more than likely the Script but I Personally Found that the Barb Wire character on the Stiff and Emotionless side. Sure I get it the Character has been through a Lot being a Soldiers and all of that, but I just wished they would have had a little more personality than that we got. Because every time that she's on screen it's like the only Emotion that she shows is Hurt And Anger. And sure I'm not expecting her to Make Wise Cracks or anything like that but I was hopping to get something more than just Hurt And Anger. Or least more of it as she does display a Smidge Bit more than Anger and Hurt, but those are so quick that they are literally Blink And You'll Miss it. And even then that was Only Less than One Percent of the Film. In Fact I Feel that Kyle Reese Had More Of a Personality than her in the First Terminator Film, and he also went through a Lot Before Going Back In Time and Doing the Events of the Movie.

Oh sure I get it part of that was due to her Boyfriend? Ex-Boyfriend? But hare's the thing that Annoyed me about that the First Time that he Walked Back in to her life she Kicked him out of her Bar. Then the Next Time that he walked Back in to her Life and her Club She Started Making Out With Him like he was a Long Lost Lover, After Aiming a Gun at him in addition Demanded with Gritted Teeth where her Dog is and to Hand Her a Towel as she was just getting out of her bubble bath in the Same Scene By The Way. Then almost just as quickly she acted as though that Make Out Session in the Elevator Ment Nothing to her, and of course she goes back to being Angary and Hurt.

I guess it's not surprising that the opening scene in the movie is Pamula Anderson Doing a Poll Dance with her Breasts Exposed while being Drenched in Endless Amount of Water, with the Only Patron Screaming All Of These Lude Things to her until he Mistakenly Called her 'Babe.' Well at least hey have that as a little Bit of a Character Flaw for her. The Scene By The Way Lasts for about 3 Minutes. But the DVD Outtakes Bonus Feature of this Scene has Been Extended to 10 Minutes. But I do like the song that they choose for it though I'll give them that so much so I just had to Eventually Buy the Korn's Greatest Hit CD When it Eventually Came Out just for that One Song. But enough about the Character of Barb Wire for now let's talk about the Character of Cora D.

I feel that the Contact Lenses are not the only McGuffin of the film as Cora D also Feels like a McGuffin. As she basically just there and hare's what I mean the 'Heros' Needed to get her to the Airport, while the 'Villains' wanted her back. And aside from that I don't remember her doing very much through out the film or her having much in the Personality Department. Moving on I find it strange that there are basically No Kids in that world as they could easily have a few kids running around in the streets Background some where or something.

Even Robocop had Kids in their Universe Sure it may not have taken Place in a Simi Post Apocalyptic World, but it mind as well be in the Third Robocop Film. And not only that But the First Two Robocop Films where also R-Rated. Even in the First Terminator they Depicted that there was Still Kids During the Future War Against Skynet, By The Way of A Flashback scene. And even that film was R-Rated. It seems that the Only 'Kids' in the film was Spike and her Crew and even then they are around the Young Adult Age.

Going back to the titled character Barbwire I just found that the Ending scene really Corny and Cheesy. It's just Basically Pamula Delivering a Cheesy Line while Tring to Look as BA as she can in the scene before we get the Camera Striking Twice and to go along with that we also get a couple of Thunder Clap Sound Effects Before Queuing The End Credits and Song. Although at large I didn't mind the acting in the film but wow I found the acting from that guy who was Barb Wire's 'John' in the scene where she was going Undercover as a Prostitute, was really bd so bad in fact that it was Gring Worthy, a little Nitpick of mines I guess? Now we get to the World Building or rather Lack there of as I felt like I only know the Very Bare Bones of this World. True you can't do very much in Terms of World Building in just one film which is why this is one of those films that I Probably wouldn't mind it being at least thirty minutes longer.

And as such I feel that this movie was Strictly for Comic Readers of the Comic to which I Didn't Know that Barbwire was a Comic Until Very Recently. It be like making a Batman Film that I Targeted Mainly at Hardcore Batman Comic Readers, and you who knows nothing about Batman Going in Might Have More Than Enough Questions During and After Watching that Parctulare Batman Film. In fact that is how I feel about During and After Watching Barb Wire to me if you're going to make a Comic Book film. It be Best that you make it Accessible for Non Comic Readers of that Comic as well as Comic Readers of All Levels of that Parctulare Comic Line or Character and I say the same for the Story.

And speaking of Stories I Feel that the Story in Barb Wire was way too Simple and Lacks Complexity, all it is just Bad Guys Wants Both The Contact Lenses and Cora D and Barbwire gets Involved Pretty Cut and Dry in my Opinion. Sure I wasn't expecting a So Complex that it's Confusing Type of story, but I was hoping to get a Few Interesting and Notable Twists Hare or There. One thing that I have noticed through out the film is that The Congressional Loves using Electricity, which includes in both of their Torture scenes kind of on the Unimaginative Side. And not only that by the amount of Electricity that they have used through out the film which includes that Brain Hacking Scene I'm going to call it, as it was never specified what it was that they where doing to that dead man's Mind. Anyways as I was saying by the amount of Electricity that they used for those scenes, technically the lights should have started flickering On and Off and maybe Shout Down but it wasn't.

The Pros= All lot of people seem to have a problem with Pamula Anderson's Acting but also everything else about her. Well I Respectively Disagree I've already talked about her Acting Abilities, now don't get me Wrong I think she's a Fine Actress I'm just not sure if Action was made for her as I quit liked all of the Comedy Roles that she was in. As for everything else about her in this Role that she was Great Not Miss Cast at all like Most People have Clamed her to be. As I Feel that she's Not Only Gorgeous No Doubt About that but also to me Personally She Looks Great In that Leather Outfit of hers Very BA if not for anything else. She makes the movie Feel Like a Very Female Empowerment Movie.

Moving on to her Character's Brother Charlie the Only character that is Noble One while every one else seemed to be out for themselves? As he was the one that urged Barb Wire that since the Contact Lenses didn't belonged to them they should do the right thing, all the while Barb Wire cares about Money and how much she could sell those Contact Lenses for. Next I do like the Dark and Gritty Tone of the Movie as it Fits the World of the movie. I do admit the Torture Scenes are Some What Pulse Inducing In a way. Which includes Colonel Pryzer as I found him Really Villin Like and in a way Kind Of Scary and Intimidating and Effective as a Character to a Degree. As I Felt that his Character started Falling Apart in the Third Act as he went from an Evil Guy to a Full On Psycho in one Act it Feels like. But the Bright side is that after when he sung a few lyrics of 'I Got You Babe' I well never hear that song the same way again. And I find that the Gun Fight Scenes are Pretty Decent. And Unless I'm Forgetting Else that should do it for now.
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Zack Synder's DCEU Went Out With A Bang Rather Than A Whimper IMHO.........
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= I Really Don't get why this Film is widely Hated sure there are Flaws I won't deny that but to me Personally The Pros Out Weighs The Flaws and hare's why. To start us off I Feel that the Humor is Not Only Still There But Also I found it A Lot More Funnier than the First, as the Constant Smile that I had on my Face wasn't just from How Amazing I found the film, but it was also from the Increased Level In Humor. And I also Found the Forced Team with Arthur and his Step Brother Orm, as it Not Only Reminded me of the Times that Thor was Forced to Team Up With Loki in the MCU not only that they have that very same type and level of Humor too. In fact at times I was pointing to the screen and making compressions to Thor and Loki in the MCU. So much so I had a High Urge to Rewatch Thor Dark World and even Thor Ragnarök as much as I hate that movie.

And just like with Loki I also loved how Slowly through the Film Orm eventually became Redeemed at least in my eyes. All the while through most of the Film you could Tell how Reluctant he was working for his Brother Arthur. He even didn't want Arthur to call him Brother, and I just found that Post Credit Scene with him not only Amusing but really Great. Which was a continuation of the End Scene where Aquaman made his Wonderful Speech to Both The Surface World and I also assume the Atlantes as well. But as Great as that Speech was I just Feel that the Very Tail End of it was a Little Bit Ruin with him Pulling his Usual Aquaman Humor and Pulled a MCU Tony Stark "I Am Iron Man" gag. As it Not Only Ruins The Levity of His Speech and Moment and all of that but also Felt Out Of Place. It be like adding a Random Rock Song During an Intense Scene in a Horror Movie. While the Lone Character in that scene are things like "Who's there? This isn't Funny..." and the like.

Or it would be like a Day Time Soap Opera Show Having a Random Fun Filler Episode where everyone gets along and Nothing Dramatic Happens. They don't even do that in their Christmas Episodes. Moving on to the Fun Fact that The Orichalcum Fuel Really Reminds me of Orichalcos from the Original Yu Gi Oh Anime, in Fact Both in the Anime and In Real Life There is a Card Called The Seal Of Orichalcos. And the fact that the Orichalcum is also Glowing Green just Reminds me of that more. Next is that I just Loved how Beautiful the Film is be it Under The Sea Scenes or the Surface Scenes. Yes Auqaman overcoming the Evil of that Dark Trident maybe done before but that still doesn't lessen the effectiveness of it when it comes to the viewer stand point.

And speaking of the Dark Trident I not only Love the Backstory Behind but I also Loved how it's tied to both King Nereus King Atlan. Others may say that a Super Powered Possessed Black Manta is doing the Character Dirty, not so with me in fact I love it. As it made him that much More Intimidating and Scary and Threatening and it also puts him on the same Power Level as Aquaman. And it makes sense in both story and character stand point. And through him we kind of get this Not In Your Face Climate Change Message and theme through Most of the Film. But before that we get this Fun Little Montage Scene in the Beginning show casing that Arthur would Rather be on the Surface and Having Fun instead of Being in Atlantis and Being King, as he really finds that Extremely Boring and Tedious and they showcase that really well.

The story feels so Great and Easy T o Fallow Along I never Felt Lost at all through out the whole Film. Since all of the other Heroes was not even Mentioned which was Unfortunate especially with a Crisis as Hug as this I would have loved to have at least have some Heroes Getting a Name Drop on the News or something. They would have simply have said on the news Superman is at this certain area to try to help out with the crisis. Or they could have said that all of Bruce Wyan's Satellites had detected this hug global wide crisis, or that Wonder Woman is too Busy on her Island and that's why she couldn't just come and help Aquaman or whatever. But the bright side of not having any Superheroes Mentioned is that this could serve as a Simi Stand Alone Film. And Unless I'm Forgetting Else that should do it for the Pros for now.

The Cons= As Great as this Film is there is still a Few Minor Flaws as I have said, starting with the fact that Can Or Can't that Dark Trident be Magically Put Back Together? Because to me at times I felt that the Two Pieces of The Dark Trident was Magically put Back Together and at other times it was Still Separated in two pieces. And when it came to the Climatic Fight with King Nereus and his Demon Form I have to say it was a little disappointing. In fact it wasn't even a Fight at all it's More Like "I'm Finally Free and now You've Just Defeated me. NOOOOOOOOO!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!" All with in a matter of Minutes. Which makes think that the True Big Bad is Black Manta and Not King Nereus and his Demon Form. Which I'm than fine with that I was just Hoping that King Nereus would at least a little more of a Threat Level than what he was in the film considering How Much They Hyped Him Up Throughout The Film.

And speaking of Copping Out I felt he same about that Kraken I would have like to see more of it as all I could remember was that Kraken being in only Two scenes. The first was when all of its Tentacles Burst Out of its Captivity and started Grabbing everyone. And the Second and Final time was just the noses it made when Black Manta gave Doctor Shin a choice to either stay with him or chance the Kraken, again to which we did not see. And I find kind of strange that we Rarely See Mera with their Son Baby Junior, it was mostly with just Arthur and their Son every time when we get a scene with Junior Baby.

And that was extended to the Opening Montage that was talking about tin the Pro Section, sure there was scene where Mera was with Baby Junior, but it was mostly just Arthur and Baby Junor. It would have been nice to see More of Mera with Baby Junor as so it doesn't make Arthur Feel like a Singel Father. And why is it that Other than Doctor Shin everyone on Black Manta's Crew all just comes off as Mindless Faceless Characters, who just fallows Black Manta's Orders Blindly with out question. True it could be out of Fear but other than Stingray all others are Faceless and Mindless like I have said, and even then I had to look it up on IMDB. And speaking of Doctor Shin I not only like that he is not just one of Black Manta's Mindless and Faceless Lackey's. In fact he had Pure Intentions Through and Through it's just too bad that we don't get too much of him in terms of Character or Character Development. And unless I'm Forgetting Anything Else that Should do it for the Cons.
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American Pop (1981)
Made And A Tribute For A For All Music Fans Also Deserves 4K Treatment........
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= I'm going to start with the Obvious I found that the Soundtrack to this film is Beyond Phenomenal and fitting for each Era According to the Generation that we are currently fallowing in the film. More on that a kittle later but for now back to the Soundtrack of this film The Only Problem I have with the Soundtrack with this Film is that Each Song in this Film Feels way too Brief. As each Song Lasts for only about a few minutes or so some Less. But either than that as I have said Brilliant and Fitting to each Era. Not Only the Soundtrack is Brilliant but I also Love Grittiness of the Animation of this Film, it's a Nice Change Up and a Refreshing One at that from all of the Bright and Colorful Disney or Pixar Animations even for Back when I first watched American Pop which was in the Mid to Late 2000's.

Part of the reason is that the Animation was done in the Rotoscope Style instead of the traditional Animation even for back in the Early 80's when this film came out. And speaking of the Animation I also Love How Well the Rotoscope Animation and the Live Action Parts Blends so well, in fact it almost Feels Seamless. Which is why I enjoyed it back then and why it holds up today in the Mid 2020's and why it is still one of most Treasured DVD's even to this day. Which was about ninety percent of my collection the others I got rid of them and or upgraded, which leaves me to just fifteen at this point if you don't include all of the TV Series that I have on DVD. Anyways back to this the only down side to that is that it's one of those Double Sided DVD's. But getting back to this film itself. I really like how realistic all of the characters in this film both look and feel and move in away and on top of all of that I feel that all of the Voice Casting are also Really Great even if they are not Singing. So much so that if I closed my eyes and hear these characters talk I could swear that those are real people on screen and not cartoon or animated characters.

In a way this is a Sad and Beautiful Story sure you won't be brought to Tears by the end at least I didn't. No what I mean by Sad and Beautiful Story is that All but one of the Generation of the Family Tree that we are fallowing did not exactly end as well. But I do admit that my Heart did Break on Two Separate Occasions, the first that opening scene and the second being during the Summertime Song. Speaking of I really like how Well and Smoothly the Transition from One Generation to the Next. As it comes off as so Natural that it feels like One Full Story instead of just when one Generation Ends the movie Cuts to Three Generations Later all of Suddenly. No instead with the father that we where fallowing all this time has become a father, and now we skip to a few years later and at which point we would fallow the son of the said father. And in a way all of the character are Identifiable in some little way it may not be in the literal way where you went through the exact same situation as the character that we are fallowing on screen. No what I'm talking about is that you could put yourself in the situation and in turn makes you feel like you went through a situation that is close to that I hope tat makes sense.

The film also feels like a Documentary in music in a way as the music that they use aren't just randomly Inserted. No they inserted the Era Appropriate Music it's not like they insert a random 60's song in a 80's scene or whatever. A big part of that is that Ralph Bashk and the Rest of the Creative Team that made this film really did their History Research and it Really shows obviously. Which is why we don't have a bunch of random 80's in the 60's Era as I have just stated. I also like how it just focuses on just one family and not a bunch of random families as that would get really confusing quick.

Then we got to the Wedding Scene and Post Wedding Scene I just like how Romantic and Special it feels. But I guess that probably has something to do with the fact that on my Second Viewing as a Young Teen it also Happens to be Day of One of my Cousin's Wedding By Chance. As on that day during the Afternoon I had nothing to do while I was waiting to be taken to the Location of Her Wedding Reception, to Help Set Up or Rather watch my Parent's Help Set up. And speaking of great scenes I also loved that Scene where Tony with Deranged Eyes of his told Little Pete that he doesn't Need or Care about Money All He Cares For and Needs Is Love. When Little Pete tried to Urge him to start Writing Songs Again so that he could start making money again.

Moving on to the Ending Scene I just Loved that Ending Scene as it is not only a Culmination of the Four Generations Hopes and Dreams of getting their foot in the Music Door. And not only I found that the Montage that they added to it Really Touching and Fitting as it helped with that Feeling. But also every time that I watched that ending every time I wondered what was my Ancestors Doing and Were Where when they where my age, and at the time of Day that I was watching American Pop. Let's just say if I was watching American Pop Late at night what was Were was my Ancestors at the time? Or if was watching American Pop at One In The Afternoon something? So and so on. Unless I'm Forgetting anything else that should do it for the Pros.

The Cons= Now as Much as I love this Film and I do there are still Some Cons starting with I feel that the Mister Columbo or whatever his name is? Acted way too much like Typical Mob Boss so much so he Really Reminds me of Tony Soprano especially he started Getting Up Off His Cahir and Yelling and Screaming at the TV Screen. And not only that he also looks like your everyday run of the mill Fat Mob Boss. Next is that this film seems to be Promoting Illegal Drugs as it is a Hug Focus in the Third Act, there's even a Scene where Little Pete Broke The Fourth Wall and Tossed Three Packs of Illegal Drugs at us the Audience. While he was handing the said Illegal Drugs like they where Halloween Candy. In fact that's how Little Pete started out as a Musical Artist and a Success and Famous One at that is by Selling Illegal Drugs. He even used the term of 'Candy Man' when the Band that he was Selling the said Illegal Drugs For Refused to Listen to just one Song of His Own Creation.

I also find it funny that Tony's mom seemed to have disappeared in a later scene, despite him Screaming that she can't hear him yelling and screaming and course at his Younger Step Siblings. Not only that but also we the Audience or even the characters never heard any music. Granted she could be in a room that is far away from the Family Room but hare's the Problem by the Volum of his Voice even she could Hear him, no matter where she is in the house especially when she doesn't have the music load enough to penetrate the walls of what ever room that she happens to be in. And she never even tried to look for him months after he ran away and disappeared she should have at least reported that her car was taken. As he even proudly screamed to the Hitchhikers that he picked up along the way as he was walking away that, the car was stolen one might assume from his mom for obvious reasons. After stopping and leaving the car in the middle of Literally No Where.

And speaking of Tony I just simply found him Unlikable from him Yelling and Screaming and Stealing his mom's car and running away. To him Successfully and Cheese ally Seducing that Waitress and leaving her just after that one night. Probably knowing that he Impregnated her as it was Spear of the Moment Thing for the Both of them and they where in the Middle of a Literal Corn Field. Ending with him being Homeless all the while Knowingly that His Son would Fallow him like a Lost Dog. And then All of a Suddenly Disappearing from his Life Never to Be Seen or Heard From Again. And did I mentioned that he was a Big Time Drug Addict? And yet some how he was able to find Job after Job as it is said that he wasn't able to keep a Job for Long as he always ended up quitting eventually Most Likely when he Got Bored or just Simply didn't want to do the Job that he was working at any more. In fact the only Scene that I like Tony in was that one that I have Mentioned in he Pros Section of my Review.

And I also found it really convent that every Bloodline in this Family has some kind of Super Talent for Music even Tony as he was just Talented Enough to just Write A Single Hit Song and that's about it. I also Feel that it needs a Little More Time to Developed the Characters as all we know was the Core Personalities of Each Character. As we never got to know who are their friends or Tony's Step dad looks like or what his name is, as all we know of him was that he Sells Refrigerators. Or sure those kinds of Information aren't necessary but it would be nice to find a way to Felsh the Characters out in that way.

I also Feel like they are Not Only Glorifying War but also Sexualizing it as they had a Gypsy Stripper with just her Nipples and Lower Area Covered. Dancing in a really sexual and suggestive way, during a War Montage Scene. Sure I get the War Part I Just Wished they had Left out the Gypsy Stripper Part. Going back to unlikable Characters and War I just Feel that Benny is another Unlikable Character. As he Basically Forced His Son to Merry the Daughter of a Mob Boss for his Own Selfish Advantage. And you could already imagine his reactio when he found out that his Son Enlisted Himself in the Army? Aside from all of the Scenes that I have already mentioned there are some Other Violent and Unsettling Scene in one way or another Scenes as well. And Unless I'm Forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons for now.

Final Thoughts= Overall I Feel that this was one of those Unforgettable Films Which is why I'm wondering Why this Parctulare Film hasn't gotten the 4K Treatment yet? As I feel this film is more than Worthey of that after all I Feel that Lesser and.
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Don't Get The Massive Disappointment And Hate........
2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= I feel that this Film was Unjustly Hated Universally which always Baffles me because to be Honest. I'm not a big fan of most Spiderman Films but this I not only Love but I would consider it my Favorites out of all of the Spiderman films that I've tried to Give A Chance to. And hares why, to start us of I really Loved Gwen Stacy's Graduation Speech. Hare's why in the beginning of the fil it comes off as Extremely Hopeful and Somber at the same time. Which I think it Fits so much considering it's a Graduation Speech as I have said. And then at the End of the film that very same Graduation Speech All Of A Suddenly Turns In To A Message of 'Not Giving Up' as it feels like the more fancier, version of the Batman Begins Line of "Why Do We Fall Bruce? So We Can Learn To Pick Ourselves Up." Makes you feel that much more Heartbroken because of what happened, and if you're a Comic Reader or know of the Story or seen this film you know what I'm talking about.

I also like the scene where Peter and Harry go by the river side and just Catch Up with one another's life's all the while skipping rocks across the river. It's such a Simple but also an Important Scene as it shows what Peter's and Harry's Friendship is like and at the same time we the audience get a little bit of History Between the two. Which in when that friendship goes sour you would have already got a sense how these two felt all because of this scene, which in turn makes it that much more easier for you to watch when these two eventually fight each other as Hero and Supervillain, despite them being destined to. Just as much as Thor and Loki where destined to become each other's arch enemy's or the same thing with Professor X and Magneto. Which was why I think one of the Best and My Personal Favorite thing that the Movie Magento had said in the movie was "Oh Charles all of these years of fighting wasted." As it shows that Magento still see and admits to Professor X that he still sees him as a friend despite a deference in Philosophy between the two.

Which I would like to think the same goes for this film's Harry and Peter, and plus in terms of DC character's the kind of Friendship that these two have Really Reminds me of the very same kind of friendship that the Smallvill's Lex and Clark have on that show, regardless of how I feel about that show. Which sort of leads me to my next point of this movie, if you know the story than this shouldn't come as too much of a SPOILER to you. I Personally Feel that Gwen Stacy's Death was really Tragic (Duh). But hare's why I think so not only we the Audience have see these two relationship grow from what it was from the first film. And not only I feel that relationship has grown to the point that you could probably play a 'Will They Or Won't They' Game with these two. And not only these two have Great Chemistry on set that when ever they are on screen together having fun or disagreeing or whatever I really buy it. With hopes that that these two would just stop Flirting with each other and just go on a date already.

And they really did a great job of that by showing you all of the times that these two where on screen together in this film in the form of a Flashbacks. And the last thing that made it so tragic was that when Spiderman/Peter Parker tried to save Gwen Stacy by shooting the string of webbing out, of his hands to catch her by failed obviously. That webbing that he shoot out was made to look like a Tiny Hand try to Catch her before she Hit the Ground. Speaking of that Impact Looked, Felt, and Sounded so Violent and Brutal which adds that much more to it.

I just love it when a Superhero Interacts with a Civilian Especially a Kid in a Casual Non 'Life Saving' situation, it doesn't seem that we get a lot of those. But I'm glade that we got it hare in two scenes as it's not only shows that they Care about that Civilian or Kid Outside of Saving that said Civilian or Kid. But also to me Personally those kinds of scenes are also the most Wholesome scenes that you could get when they are in their Superhero Outfit and Mode.

Moving on to Jamie Fox as Max aka Electro I really like his performance and his design more than his Animated Counterpart in the 94 Spiderman The Animated Series and the Comics. But back to this Electro I really Love how they go out of their way to try to make you the Audience to get some Sympathy for him. Before he becomes Electro the Supervillain and once when he becomes Electro I really loved how they continued on trying to make you feel Sympathy for him. Where as they could have just introduce him and then not show him again until he is all of suddenly Electro. Or they could have made you stop caring for him as soon as he became Electro by having do all of these Stereotypical Supervillain things but they did and I'm Really Happy for that, so much so I found myself Routing for him from time to time even when he became Electro. And I really like the scene where he was introduced as Electro it just feels little more 'Horror Movie' like than Doc Oct's in Spiderman 2's.

Another that Really Impressed me about this film was that even the Slow Scenes have some kind of Propose. They aren't just there to Waste some of the Runtime of the film no to me personally each and every scene have some kind of propose to them. Now we get to the acting which simply is that Personally I feel that Everyone did a Superb Job you could tell that every single one of them where Giving Their All. And because of it I just found all of those Humorous Parts really Amusing so much so that I actually chuckled a little, Any Lesser I just might have found it Out Of Place.

I mentioned how Sad the Ending was but what I failed to mentioned was that Part of the Reason why that scene was so Effective was because of the Chemistry that Both Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, as Peter Parker/Spiderman and Gwen Stacy Respectively through out the film. In Particular whenever Andrew Garfield is not Spiderman for that scene. Hare's something that I Feel that doesn't Addressed very often especially in a Comic Film and that is PTSD, as in this film although it could have been a in a much stronger focus. But in away I'm glad that it wasn't as it might Drag Down the Flow of the Film either that or make the film an hour longer than it actually is. Not Only I like the fact that Spiderman was dealing with a little bit of PTSD, from the results of the First The Amazing Spiderman Film. But also it was a creative way of connecting this film to the first film aside from the characters.

And having Peter Parker Investigating his Father's Big Secret and how it's tied to his death was really Nice especially if it expands the opening Scene of The First Amazing Spiderman Film which is also the Opening Scene to this Film. Which makes watching this film that much more intruding to watch for me. Aside from the Peter and Gwen interactions I think the second Best Interaction of the film is the ones with Peter and his Aunt May. As it not only most of the Humor of the film comes from scenes involving Aunt May and Peter interacting, but also shows how close they have become ever since the first film. And Personally Sally Field was the Perfect Aunt May for the time. As she isn't the usual Granny Aunt May as I like to call her which was Fine and Dandy especially for the 94 Spiderman Animated Series and the Comics and the Raimi Films. But also unlike with MCU's Aunt May played by Marisa Tomei who is a fine actress, by the way. Just comes off more as an Older Sister and less of a Prenatal Figure to me personally as Tony Stark as Put it in Homecoming "Strangely Hot Aunt."

But with Aunt May in this film who comes off as kind of a Mother rather than a Grandmother or as an Older Sister. And that was what their relation feels more like a Loving Mother and her Loving Son verses than just a simple Aunt and Nephew. On top of that I feel you could do a lot more Both Story and Character Wise with an Aunt May who looks more like a Mother verses either and or a Grandma or an Older Sister as I have already said. On a side note it feels like the Live Action Aunt May's are getting Younger and Younger.

And as for the Soundtrack I found it to be really solid especially the Song that they used during the End Credits. I also found that the VFX was pretty cool too, on top of all that I have said means nothing if the Story of the Film was Trash but luckily I Really Enjoy the Story. And how it attempts to Expand from Not Only the First Film but also for Future Films that Sadly was Never Be, Due to do how Universally hated this film was. That Still Baffles me due to all that I have said so fare in addition to my next Point. Which is unlike with Most Comic Films where the Hero just comes off as this Do No Wrong Perfect Being or Character, not with the Spiderman in this Film. The Spiderman in this Film Feels Flawed and Really Human with a couple of examples that I have already provided in this Review Buried some where.

To sum it up this Spiderman has PTSD from the First Film and Failed to save a Certain Character, just to name a couple. And I also like the idea that all of the Tech that Spiderman's Villains where fated to get including the Green Goblin's all started out as Military Prototype Weapons and Tech, much alike all of the Batman's Tech in the Dark Knight Trilogy I thought that was kind of cool. And unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Pros.

The Cons= Now as Awesome and Miss Judged I Feel that this Film was I do still have a few Issues with it. Starting with the Green Goblin I Honestly don't like his Design as he is just Harry with Sharp Teeth and that's about it. But I do like his Psychotic Laugh and Smile and as for his Suit I would like it if it had a little more color to it, instead of just making it Silver and Black. I think it would have been Nice to Have the colors of Dark Metallic Purple and Dark Metallic Green for his suit. To not.
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All-Star Superman (2011 Video)
Execution Not So Super Could Have Been Better.......
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= I think the starting off point would be that I Personally found that this Superman Animated flick is unlike any other that I have seen and I've seen plenty and not in a good way. As unlike with every other Superman Animated Features where the story and events there of feels really Cohesive and one. This one doesn't feel that way, because instead of feeling like one Cohesive Story and Film. This one feels more like a Collection of Superman Episodes from a Superman Cartoon Mashed all in to one in this Frankenstein of a Project. Let me try to explain this Film is not really a film at all it's just Basically a Bunch of Segments Surrounding Superman's Last Days on Earth and what would do. And each segment feels like either it could be an episode in their own right or already part of an episode but only trimmed down. In fact I would go far as to say that all of the segments that are in this film could be extended and combined in to some kind of an okay Arc, or Mini Arc in a Superman Cartoon. In fact I would say it would have been Better if it was.

But since it isn't this film feels like it was Filled to the Brim with Fillers or Stuffing in the Middle especially. So much so that it feels that if you took out all of the Fillers the film itself would only be about a little Under an Hour Long. Maybe even Thirty Minutes it feels like? As that was how long it took to get to the Actual Superman Writing His Last Well with his Heat Vision and Accepting the Fact that he could Die any time. Which sort of Bored me to the point that I always end up using that time as Background Noise while I do other things until the Third Act. When a Super Powered Lex Luthor escapes prison to find Superman and fight him one last time to finally show him that he is better with Hopes of Victory in mind. And I really don't like this Parasite as I not only Hate is Designing. As this Parasite's Designing is Basically Giant Purple Blob with an equally as Big Sideways Gabbing Mouth and two small white eyes. But also he doesn't have much in the Intelligence Department, he also talks and sounds like your everyday run of he mill Big Purple Monster. Think a Purple Clayface from Batman's Rouges Gallery but only Not As Smart.

Although it was cool to see but I just feel like they did nothing in the First Segment where they had Superman share his Powers with Lois Lane for One Full Day. As Superman's Birthday Present to her, although cool on both accounts but she basically did nothing with them but just Fly all on her own. They could have had her at least Use her Super Strength and Flip some Random Crook Over her shoulders or use that very same Super Strength of hers to lift up Two Rand Crooks up in the air to prevent them both rom running but Nope she didn't even do that. The only other thing that she did was Fly around some more with Superman and Land on a Roof Top, and after doing so started acting like a Giddy Teenager doing her best Disney's Rapunzel impression "Best Day Ever!" or was that "Best Birthday Ever?" I can't remember before falling a sleep. But at least that was the Catalyst for Lex Luther's Big Ultimate Plan in the Film.

And it's because of all of these meaningless segments the story itself feels a little on the sow side. Now don't get me wrong it's not like I was constantly checking the clock or it started feeling that this movie was forty hours long as to apposed to its hour and sixteen minutes of actual runtime. No that's not what I'm saying no what I'm saying is that I just wished that the story would just move along with out all of the fluff. As I feel that all of the fluff just drags down the main story for me Personally. I feel that Comic Reads might get more out of this story since they have chosen to cut a ton out of the Source Material of the same name. Like every other DC Animated Film to fit the Desired Runtime. Sadly, I'm not a Comic Reader Nor am I that adverse with the All Star Superman story in the Comics. And as for the Runtime sure all of those respective films where trimmed down to fit the desired runtime of their respective source material to which they where adapted from as I have said, but at least with those the story was so cohesive that it was seamless.

And as a result of it feels like one whole story and in turn was able to keep my attention a little longer. Which also in turn I was able to understand what the story was and what Comic Story they where trying to Adapt from, if don't already now by the time that I started watching the said DC Animated Film. Such as Superman Doomsday or Batman The Killing Joke or Injustice or Justice League War or Justice League Crises On Two Earths and I think you get the idea. But back to this film when it comes to the Two Krypton invaders Segment I felt was kind of pointless as they came out of no where and just as quickly they where defeated it seems. They basically posed to challenge to Superman in fact I can't even remember what their goals where. Aside from those two there are a lot of Comic Characters in all of these segments that I don't recognize.

Which could have played a big part in me not only making the film's story feel slow but also why I less likely to pay attention after a certain point of the film. Aside from the usual suspects plus parasite, had they inserted more recognizable characters that actual contributes something to the film that non of that would happen. In particular the middle of it, why couldn't they have Brainiac show up in an attempt to take advantage or Zod or I don't know Batman or Green Arrow or Green Lantern or Wonder Woman show up to tell Superman how sorry they are and wishing they could cure him or something? Because it just seems that when ever a new segment starts I'm constantly asking "Who are you?" on those times that I'm actually paying attention. Which lead me to Lex's Neice who is another one of those endless of unknown and unfamiliar characters for me. She literally contributes nothing to he story in fact she just feels more like a walking talking camcorder and less of an actual character. I don't even remember her having any personality or emotions? And why is Jimmy Olson In a Dress? And unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons.

The Pros= To be Honest in terms of Superman deaths I really like this one better because I feel that the Doomsday one although Good too, but it kind of feels over bloated due to how infamous both the story and the death itself in that story really is. But also I feel that in that one he just got beat up while in this one he is Literally Saving the World One Last Time as in this one he wouldn't be coming back unlike in the Doomsday one where he did came back. And not he came back in the Doomsday one but also he had Four Supermen to take his place until his return. Again I have nothing against the Doomsday Deth Of Superman Storyline. I just think that This All Star Superman one is More Noble and Fulfilling as it more Permanent, and as an extra Bonus there won't be any Superman Replacement, again unlike in the Doomsday one. On that note I really like that Superman's Death in this one was so impactful that it seemed to have affect even his Long Time Former Friend and Constant Nemesis Lex Luther, judging by his Monologue at the end of the Movie.

Although I may Personally like the Middle of the Film but I do Absolutely Love the Intro of the Film. As it is that combined with the Ending is what keeps the watchability of this fil personally for me. As I feel that after the Intro I feel that the Ending was worth not only worth the wait but also worth going through all of the pointless parts in the middle just to get to the Ending. And that is if you don't include the Awesome Animation in this Film as it looked like it could be from the Superman The Animated Series. But as Awesome the Animation was I feel that it's part of why it feels more like a Superman Cartoon Series along with the Segments which I'm sure you're tired of e talking about by now. And I feel that the Super Powered Lex Verses a Superman essentially on his Deathbed in the Climax was Pretty Solid. It was so Solid in fact that I would considered it in the Satisfactory Category.

As I might have alluded to before I Really do Like the Idea of Superman essentially getting Cancer as it makes it much relatable. And at the same time it also Serves as a Unintended PSA for us to be very Mindful of the Sun Obviously. And aside from the Animation I also really like all of the Voice Cast as I feel everyone did a really good job in all of their voice roles to go along with the Animation of this film. And unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Pros.

Final Thoughts= After all that I have Said it is Obviously I think that although the Idea and Concept was Cool just that the Execution could be Better. As I feel that it leaves you with that 'Much To Be Desired' Feeling and Mind Frame. Overall I'm kind of sad to say that as it this DC Animated Film Feels Really Lackluster. But with a lot of alterations this film could have been one of the DC Animated Films of that Area maybe even of all time.
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Good Until The Climax For The Most Part........
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Cons= To start us off I feel that Debbie Jellinsky's the Big Bad of the film Motives and Backstory in terms of why she became a Seral Golddigging Black Widow, makes no sense what so ever. As what I gathered from it the reason why she became a Seral Golddigging Black Widow is because No One Loved her again from what I understand it? I also found the climax was way too Cartoony so much so it feels like the Addams Family Values film had all of suddenly turned in to a Live Action Cartoon. Especially with every Obstacles Working in Pubert Addam's the New Born Baby of the Addams Clane Favor. They even have him Single Handily not only save his family unknowingly but also 'Beat' Debbie the Seral Golddigging Black Widow also unknowingly. I wouldn't say Xena The Warrior Princess Cartoony but almost when it comes to that Climax.

Speaking of I just found the character of Amanda Buckman the so-called Summer Camp Bully for both Wednesday and Pugsley As I found her to be your usual Stereotypical Stuck Up Spoilt Rich Brat, and totally Unlikeable to boot. And to me her 'Just Do' during the Thanksgiving Play Scene some how isn't satisfying to me. As it doesn't feel like it I don't know I guess I was expecting her to be in tears all because she had just been humiliated in some way by Wednesday. Instead of her being shoot with an apple in her mouth with chose around them. Goingback to Debbie for just a second I forgot to mention that I felt that she is one of those One Dimensional character. As she just has a one-track mind to me Marry Rich Men in this case it's Uncle Fester and Get Rid of them so she could Inherit all of their money. I know it's a Kids movie and all but that doesn't mean they couldn't give her character a little more meat. Which sadly is the downside all Family Friendly Movie targeting at kids at all ages.

Just because it's a Family Friendly Movie doesn't mean that all of your characters have to be Completely One Dimensional. Kids may not be Smart but at the same time they're not Complete Idiots either. Anyways aside from that I also found the Debbie Desperately Unlikeable through out the film. Such as she pretty much forced Fester to Choose Between her or his Family The Addam's I also found her completely Unlikable Domineering in one way or another, towards everyone and not just towards her new husband Fester through out the film. And that brings me to my next point I felt that Fester was completely Submissive and, in a way, Brainless ever since he Met and got married to her. Although I admit same of those scenes are funny and amusing but in terms of a character stand point well you know. I think that the only one that suspects anything was Wednesday which was why Debbie felt like she needed to get rid of both her and Pugsley to Summer Camp. And as for everyone else aside from Uncle Fester Brainless and completely Clueless.

Moving on to the scene where all of the Camp Conselers tried to Brainwash Both Wednesday and Pugsley in to being 'Normal' and 'Good' just like the rest of their fellow Summer Camp Goers. Although I get the context of that scene and I do like both the Creepy Smiles that those two had after their Brainwashing Experience. And the Reaction of all of their Fellow Summer Camp Goers but what I don't get is all of that Brainwashing felt Pointless as it never stuck or touched on again for No Rhyme Or Reason after that one scene of the film. And speaking of no Rhyme or Reason I felt the same way about Wednesday's 'Love Interest' as it not only felt pointless but also forced, as I have never felt any Chemistry between them and on top of that I felt like giving Wednesday doesn't serve neither her character nor the story of the film. And speaking of Creepy I also just felt that Every Summer Camp Conselers themselves are Creepy from their Fake Creepy Smiles to h=they way they all act.

But if I had it my way I wouldn't have the Summer Camp story at all as it not only takes away from the Goth Humor and Fell of the Film, but also I think it would have also been much more amusing and much more sense If they had Debbie try to get rid of Wednesday and failing each time by poisoning her or making her fall down the stairs or something. And seeing her go more absolutely insane by the climax in between trying to Kill her New Husband and Mark and getting rid of Wednesday. I also felt that Debbie's Goals and Motives are a Rehash of the Forst Addam family Film, getting to the Addam's Family Fortune through Uncle Fester. But only I felt that the first Film did it Better as the Big Bad Abigail Craven in that film also wanted the Addam's Family fortune.

But the differences are, the first is that she does not come off like a Cartoon Character like Dibbie in this film does. And second Abigail is a believable character and in away some what likeable because of it. But going back to the Debbie character the Big Bad for this film I also found that the acting of the actress was really on the Meh Side. I'm sad to say I didn't really like her acting abilities and unfortunately I haven't seen anything of hers, outside of her Vocal Roles in the Toy Story Movies and Shorts as Jessie. To tell if it was the script or the actress herself was Meh. And unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons for now.

The Pros= To start us off with that Pros aside from all of those Murder attempts on Uncle Fester I kind of found that some of the other Humors in the film does hold up. Like the Addam Family Member's Excluding Wednesday and Pugsley of course. Fear of Pubert the Baby growing up a Normal Child. And I've already told you about Creepy Smiles after the Brainwashing and the reaction of the fellow Summer Campers, those are just two examples that I like. However no matter how funny I found those scene they just seem to pail in comparison to the Humor from the first film. And aside from the Acting of the Actress who played Dibbie who I've already said was on the Meh side, I found that the Acting for the rest of the Cast was Superb after all most of them where played by the same Actress's and Actor's of the First Film.

Despite the Many Flaws that I have with this film I do have some Pros, the first is that I just Loved how this Successfully Continues the story of the First Film and, attempts to expand the Universe of this Addams Family in away. Without Retconning or changing anything from the first film which was a really nice change of pace because not only they could have easily done that hoping that non of us the audience would be the wiser, with this being a Family Film and all. But also it shows them how much they care about not only the Addam Family Universe but also about The First Film as well. Which was why it is still watchable for me despite all of the Cons I have with it.

Final Thoughts= If you Like the First Film I think you'll enjoy this one too, and if you don't than I suggest Skipping out on this one. And find something else that you would enjoy sadly I don't have any recommendations for Obvious Reasons.
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A Christmas Carol (1999 TV Movie)
Budget Aside Really Excellent Adaptation...........
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Pros= To start us off rather Sir Patrick Stewart is in it or not this still remains as one of my favorites A Christmas Carol Adaptations ever. Right up there with the 84 George C Scott's and the Jim Carry Versions Respectively. Mainly because it was this Version of A Christmas Carol that sort of got me obsessed with any and all versions of A Christmas Carols. And because of it I have seen literally countless of A Christmas Carol Adaptations. Some Bad but Most Really Good oh sure before I was aware of the story of A Christmas Carol.

And I have seen the Muppets version of A Christmas Carol, but I never really cared about A Christmas Carol it's not like I hated it or anything like that it's just it was just another meaningless Christmas Tradition to me just like Santa Clause and all of the traditions that is tied to him. Or Singing Christmas Carols or Building Snowman and Snow Angels and so and so on. To me back then it was just a Holiday Theme Story much Like How The Grinch Stole Christmas was, but as I grew up and after watching this movie that had all changed when it comes to A Christmas Carol anyways.

Anyways moving on to get the obvious out of he way first I Personally Thought that Sir Patrick Swart did an Excellent Job at Playing Ebenezer Scrooge he was perfect for it. In fact if they wanted to another A Christmas Carol with another Star Trek Actor playing the part of Ebenezer Scrooge, the only person that I could think of was Brent Spiner. As I thought he did a wonderful job at Playing Ebenezer Scrooge in the Prologue of The Star Trek The Next Generation episode Devil's Due. As his Character of Mr. Data just Imagin how he would do to the Ebenezer Scrooge character if it was just him as an Actor and not as another character especially these days? But back to Sir Patrick Stwart I felt that his version was more well I wouldn't say Brody but more Pessimistic take on the Ebenezer Scrooge character. An excellent example of that would be in the scene where that kid dared to attempt to sing in front of the door to his work place. To which Ebenezer Scrooge took his cane and roughly swung the door opened and threaten to hit him with it.

The expression on Scrooge's face made look almost terrifying in fact they even used that image of a close up Scrooge as the cover art for the film. And I especially liked his line of "Life Is Hard" when The Ghost Of Christmas Past showed him when he was still young and still stuck in that school. As I felt that line was really fitting for his version of Scrooge not only it's a Sinical remark but also it shows his version of Scrooge's view on life itself a that point of the story. I just don't know what is it maybe it was because of Sir Patrick Swart's take of Scrooge but I still feel that there is something about this A Christmas Carol feels a little darker then the other A Christmas Carol adaptations that I have seen, but I still Love it.

Moving on to Richerd E Grant's version of Bob Cratchit I thought he also did a great job as Bob Cratchit as he not only looks and feels great in the part so much so it was like the part was made from, but also when ever I'm imaging a version of Bob Cratchit more often than not his image usually comes to mind. In fact I'm currently in the process of attempting to write my own version of A Christmas Caol the image Richard E Grant's version of Bob Cratchit usually comes to mind. And I just loved his version's shocked reaction when his character found out that Mr. Scrooge was going to Raise his Salary. There's something about him getting sacred and grabbing that Fire Poker to Defend himself as he thinks that Mr. Scrooge has finally gone insane crazy.

That is slightly amusing to me so much so I just wished that more versions of Bob Cratchit through out the many versions and adaptations of A Christmas Carol did it. But of course their own version of that scene with their own version of Bob Cratchit having that kind of same reaction to their own version of Mr. Scrooge. In fact I currently have planes of using that kind of very reaction for the Bob Cratchit in my own story of A Christmas Carol.

Now moving on to the Wailing of the Ghosts just out side of Scrooge's window during The Ghost Of Marly's Visit. I Personally found it Really Chilling and Unnerving especially that one ghost's ghostly pleas that he wish's he could help that homeless mother and her kids. By saying "I whish I can help you let me help you......" or something close to that. And I just find that Dominic West a wondaful job at Fred Scrooge Ebenezer Scrooge's Nephew. As his version was so happy and spirited and friendly that he's one of those people that if you pump in the streets, and no matter how sour of a mood that you are in you could always, always count on him to cheer you up. Considering the budget that they had due to this being made as a TV Movie I was Very Impressed that every one felt like they where giving their all.

And as for the Cratchit I feel that it feels realistically poor you could feel that all of the Cratchits were living in Poverty. You could tell that they are not a rich family and really couldn't afford to help make Tiny Tim walk aside from that Crutch. And you could also tell that they afford a very large dinner or even Turkey and all of their clothes reflect that Beautifully. But the best part was the what they lack in money they greatly made up for their family Bond. And I just really love that Caroling Montage after when Scrooge and The Ghost Of Christmas Present was finished visiting the Cratchit house hold. As it shows to not only Scrooge but also us the audience how every one no matter what situation that they happen to be in are still in High Spirits, through song as they where all singing a Christmas Carol. Seemingly at the same time all around the world and some in a deferent language. And I have to say it did manage to give me the Feels. And unless I'm forgetting anything else the at should do it for the Pros.

The Cons= This first one is not a really Con on any level by any means, but it seems no matter how much I watch this film, I always couldn't help but see Sir Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard in the Holodeck aboard the USS Enterprise D. Running A Christmas Carol Simulation and All Three Ghosts including the Ghost of Marley are ghostly alien entities attempting to teach Captain Piacard some kind of lesion. Especially in the graveyard scene when Scrooge pretty much challenged and Pleaded to the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come that If He Was Past All Hope then Why Show All Him All Of This. I feel that some not all but some of the Effects Both Look and Feels Cheap Especially with The Ghost Of Marley and the Erath Quick at the end of the Climax of the film.

But going back to Scrooge his Hysterical Laughter after when he was visited by all of the ghosts at the end. Felt and sounded kind of uncomfortable and weird to listen to I would have liked for Sir Patrick Stewert to have improved upon that Hysterical Laughter. Then on that same line I felt when that Kid said the word "Walker" by dividing that word in half was also off when Scrooged opened that window and asked him what day it was in that very famous scene. At least I think it was this A Christmas Carol? Again seen a lot and I mean a lot of adaptations of A Christmas Carol. Then I feel that the character of Topper Haines had let's just say Unwholesome thoughts towards one of the female guests of Both Fred's and his Wife's. And I have to say that scene was kind of comfortable to watch.

Now don't get me wrong I do like the Desing of The Ghost Of Yet To Come it's just that I think you would have had more a scar factor if he didn't have any eyes not two orange glowing dots for eyes. Personal opinion The Ghost Of Yet To Come should Never Have eyes, and besides every time that I read the story I always Imagin him without eyes glowing or other wise. And now we get to the Cratchit's Family Tradition of taking their Utensils and banging it on the dinner table repeatedly. There's something kind of childish about that to me personally but this one is only a little nip pick, but still, I just couldn't get my mind off of that.

Now I realized that some of the Cratchit house hold members are children but it still some how feels un fitting form them as the youngest one being Tiny Tim, even then he looked to be about maybe five or six? Personally, that type of tradition probably fitting only for maybe four-year old's and younger. But on the other hand, in a way I understand why that tradition exists as it is a way of not only respect in a way but also to hype themselves and each other up for the upcoming Christmas dinner. Another minor little nip pick although Mrs. Dilber was in it but I personally would also like for her to be in the scene where Scrooge had just woken Up Changed all due to Visits of all of the Ghosts the Night Before. As I would have liked to see how this version of Mrs. Dilber would react when she first walked in to Scrooges room after Scrooge's change, from the Ghosts and thinking that he had finally had Lost His Mind and Gone Insane. And unless I'm forgetting anything else that should do it for the Cons.

Final Thoughts= To me personally this film was fine as is despite my Cons which was why I feel that it was kind of sad that this movie did not get a Bigger Budget as I Feel it deserved it.
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