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A surprisingly scary halloween flick
31 October 2016
When watching "Ouija: Origin of Evil it is easy to say that it lacks any "real scares". The jump scares are Predictable, and you leave the cinema feeling at a loss. But it wasn't until it turned dark last night, and I hopped into bed, that I realised how scary this film is. The haunting images of the slick, black demon, and the fear of the concept of possession riddled my sleepless night. So in the morning, I could definitely and conclusively say this was a scary horror film. But I still couldn't find how I really felt about it. And then it came to me. I actually enjoyed the vintage, classic film feel about the film. And that was what I loved about it. The whole feel of the film is, classic. And it isn't just the Universal Title Card or the vintage filming look, but in the narrative and characters itself. The film homages such "demonic" films of the 70's and 80's, such as "The Exorcist, "The Omen" and "The Poltergeist")with a classic plot trope of using a creepy little girl (Exorcist, Poltergeist, The Shining) in a creepy little house doing creepy little things. And, as all great homage films do, they put their own spin on it. The backstory behind the house itself is sensationally creepy(and slightly cliché) and adds a creepy atmosphere to the film. The film also successfully captures the 60's culture, and the craze revolving around the "Ouija Board Game".

And, as you can see by my rating, there were a few flaws in this film. First off all, I felt like they were really hamming up the creepiness of the little girl, and made the film feel a little conventional. The acting, at times, was a bit bland, and felt quite weak and conviction less. The acting does, however, pick up in the second half. The scares could also be considered "Cheap", but nonetheless, do their job with startling the audience.

Overall, Ouija is a fantastic Halloween movie, and is a classic embedding of what horror is all about.
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Hell or High Water (II) (2016)
A engaging cinematic experience
30 October 2016
"Hell or High Water" is the greatest film of the last 5 years. It succeeds in making the audience laugh, cry and thrill while telling a relatable and gripping story of friendship, sacrifice and crime.

From the get go, "Hell or High Water" ensures the audience that they are in the solid hands of the craftsman, David Mackenzie. The film opens with a long take, and is probably the best long take since Goodfellas. The take isn't only successful because of the action, composition and color that's in the frame, etc, but its element of surprise, setting and framing that engages the audience at the very beginning of the film. This quality of opening shot is repeated throughout the whole film, and if this doesn't even get nominated for best cinematography at the Oscars, I think I'l cry. All the other technical stuff is amazing as well- special effects, Music, acting and so on.

My favourite part of the film, however, is its violence pacing(yet another film term I've made up). In "Hell or High Water", David Mackenzie teases the audience with little glimpses of unsatisfying violence, and builds up the tension and pacing until an explosive finale. I am a self confessed gore hound(to an extent), so when I see blood squibs bursting, I get quite excited, especially when I'm in a cinema. Not because I'm a sadistic, person hating emo ( in fact, I'm the first person in the world against real life violence), but rather I can engage in spectacular art that I personally enjoy, so when the bombastic conclusion to the film was unfolding before my eyes, I reveled in David Mackenzies' control throughout the film. It is a really rewarding payoff, and I could sit through and through this film again just for the last 30 minutes.

To say that this film is all art and no narrative would be an injustice to its greatness. The story delves deep into the human soul, and investigates morals and values in our society that have been previously neglected. The characters are developed through the wittiy and revealing dialogue in the film, and the use of dialogue to create character is the best seen on the silver screen since Pulp Fiction(or any Tarantino film for that fact). The dialogue never feels dull for a moment, and keeps the audience laughing and engaged with the film for its duration.

"Hell or High Water" is a cinematic gem, and will be revealed to be a classic of this generation of filmmakers.
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A bit of a sinker
9 October 2016
First off, I want to give my condolences to the families and the people affected by this disaster.

Alright, now for my review:

I honestly walked into this film expecting to rate it a 4 or even 5 stars. The trailer promised everything that a good disaster film would have. It seemed to me that Peter Berg's "Deepwater Horizon" would be this generations "Poseidon's Adventure". And while the film did promise in the technical area, with visual and audio effects, it lacked in almost everything else,from characters we can connect to, to the basic form of entertainment.

Now, as i said before, the technical and special effects in this film are fantastic, and could possibly(and should) receive an Oscar nomination for them. But for all the awesome effects,there is a less then awesome counterpart. The first half of the film is extremely slow, and attempts to allow the audience to get to know the characters and the situation. I've never disliked slow starts to films like these, because i often know that there will be a rewarding payoff. But there was no payoff. After the disaster begins to unfold, the film turns to mindless action and effects to tell the story. It becomes very boring because the amount of action portrayed on the screen is of sloppy quality and lazy film making. It all too much felt like a Michael Bay film. Explosions and disasters are going off at a rapid pace, and without time to either empathize with the characters or to even care about them.

The poor juggling of multiple stories of the different characters is one of the major downfalls to this picture. There are far too many "in depth" characters to actually understand any of them. And, when there is far too much of something, we seem to not care as much. The success of any Disaster film(such as "Poseidon's Adventure", "Titanic" or even "Independence Day") doesn't only lie in the disaster itself, but in the development and connection of the characters experiencing that disaster. And the situation in "Deepwater Horizon" is all but worsened when you realize that the characters portrayed aren't just characters, but real people. In seems to make "entertainment" out of these real people's death, and attempts to cover up this with an admittingly emotional funeral like tribute at the end of the film, with the real peoples faces and names on the screen.

Before i wrap this review up, i realised that i never acknowledged the actors in this film. The cast was stunning, and they live up to their reputations, and the likes of Mark Whalberg, Dylan O'Brien, John Malkovich, and an all time favourite of mine, Kurt Russell, help make this film more enjoyable.

In the end, "Deepwater Horizon" fails to create any emotion or entertainment, and tries to cover up its shallow characters and "entertainment" out of real peoples depth with special effects and a somewhat patronizing funeral tribute. If there was any justice, "Deepwater Horizon" would sink to the bottom of the box office.
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Best western made in recent years that isn't Tarantino
30 September 2016
A 2016 remake of the classic 1960 western that is considered one of the best of it's genre. The concept really doesn't sound that promising. But, it is. Antonio Fuqua's ripping film about seven men bound together with a sense of heroism is a rewarding experience, and a fresh breath for remakes. The use of practical effects, mixed with a star studded cast and a awesome score, add up to the greatest Western made in the last few years,which wasn't directed by Tarantino.

Only admiration can be felt for Fuqua, who takes cinematic risks in an unrisky film industry. The risks I'm talking of are the use of a multicultural cast, with, in a rare event within Hollywood, places the native Indianan as a protagonist. The action sequences are shot with extreme care, and the any use of cinematography is carefully planned, to maximize the emotions felt by the audience, whilst using iconic and gripping imagery to draw the viewer in the west. The bold use of violence of blood is a relief for a PG-13 film, and Fuqua deliberately capitalizes on the effect blood can have on the audience.

But the one thing that sticks out of this film the most is in the exploration of human sacrifice and fear. It isn't as though the original didn't have this, indeed it did. But this remake allows a modern audience to also feel the these emotions and understand these values and messages in a dynamic 21st century film. One might question that everything represented in this is also represented in the original. The two films do have a lot in common in the area of messages and values. But Fuqua's take allows a more individual sense of sacrifice. He explores deeper what Sturges only briefly touches on in the original. And whilst the original "Seven" is a much more superior and original film, the remake allows the audience of this generation to be entertained and taught, thus justifying the existence of the film.

In a Hollywood where the Western died decades ago, "The Magnificent Seven" holds up and outshines any action flick that Hollywood can produce. Whilst still using the original "Seven Samurai" story as a backbone, it adds a new formula, and proves that one plot idea can entertain any generation. Fuqua's new spin stylized western is defiantly worth your magnificent money and time.
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Sully (2016)
Clint Eastwood delivers a mediocre film
22 September 2016
Clint Eastwood's "Sully ", a film about Chesley Sullenberger's legal and personal battles after the "Miracle on the Hudson", is a film that satisfies the audience by utilising strong performances and converting an intriguing story onto the silver screen. But the film ultimately falls short of great, and it finishes leaving a mediocre taste in the viewer's mouth.

One of the strengths in "Sully" is its humanistic values and traits that are portrayed within the character of Chesley Sullenberger. "Sully" successfully attempts to paint the picture of Chesley as a hero, who acted in the best interests of humanity, rather than the interests of money(being the plane). A combination of his heroic morale and human flaws combine an interesting and deep character, and furthermore allows the audience to connect to the story. But that's as far as Eastwood allows the audience to connect.

While the performances are strong and the message is dominant, the film fails largely to take any risks, with either the depiction of the story, or the story itself. The cinematography, lighting and composition is largely dull to look at, besides the few scenes where Sully is having nightmares. The visual aspect of the film lacks heavily, and the whole visual side of the film feels like it's just there to support the dialogue, which, at moments, feels lazy and cliché. The story at times feels insufficient to be made into a film, which doesn't give true justice to the story itself.The depiction of Chesley Sullenberger, however, give justice to the man, and provides the backbone to the films quality.

"Sully" is definitely worth a watch, but having high expectations of the film will leave you flat. If you liked any of Eastwood's recent work, such as "Invictus" or "American Sniper", then this film should appeal to you.
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Blair Witch (2016)
Terrible execution of a ludicrous concept
19 September 2016
The "Blair Witch" is a film which promises little, but delivers nothing. The whole concept of remaking( trust me it isn't a sequel- it's a remake!) the mother of all found footage films is simply ridiculous.

The original "Blair Witch Project" of 1999 was a mass hit. It created hysteria and internationally spread fear. Why? Because it offered the world a new and original way of experiencing fear. 17 years later, Adam Wingard and his crew try to capitalize on the success of the original to make money, and it is as simple as that. This film has no artistic merit or cinematic value. It virtually remakes the original, and just adding in cheaper scares, thinner characters and a ridiculously stupid story. It's a surprise that this excuse of film took 5 million dollars to make, while the original was made on a measly $22,000, and still managed to be a much more constructed horror film. The quality of these so called actors is incredibly low, and they fail to produce realistic and likable characters. For the majority of the film, i was barracking for the Blair Witch, because the characters portrayed were dull and lacked any depth. The dialogue is extremely poor, and the use of amateur actors to deliver these lines does not help the case anymore. The extreme lack of originality in this film is insanely irritating, and it as if the filmmakers deliberately made this film bad.

In Between the overload of flaws in thuis film, there are a few minor merits-one being that there are a few good jump scares and moments of suspense. But after these glimpses of a good moment it cuts to something stupid, and leaves the audience flat. Another thing about this film is that, it is fun. And it definitely fits the criteria for "its so bad is good" genre. All in all though, the blair witch is a waste of cinematic time and money, and it's a great display of the unoriginality that lies in mainstream Hollywood today.
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Don't Breathe (2016)
Suspenseful thriller from the makers of the Evil Dead films
2 September 2016
Master horror filmmakers Sam Raimi and Robert Tapert produce this gut wrenching work of art, directed by the relatively fresh Fede Alvarez. The films works as a horror film for a number of reasons, many of which are easily understandable.

"Don't Breathe" is receiving its well earned attention and success because it is something new within contemporary horror cinema. Today, we are bombarded with films that try to scare us in a non scary and overused way- think Paranormal Activity sequels, The Boy, The Shallows etc... These films heavily rely on frightening the audience with A)found footage, B) CGI or C) jump scares. We are tired of the same old formula. But the guys behind "Don't Breathe" saw this audience expectation as an opportunity to make something really great and terrifying. The film indeed does have jump scares, but not one every 2 minutes. In fact i think there is barely 5 times in the film where the audience is meant to jump out of their seats. In the majority of the film,the audience is left not only on the edge of their seats, but in the situation of the characters. The use of terrifying long takes and silence make this film feel realistic and authentic, and it doesn't need found footage to do it.

"Don't Breathe" has definitely breathed new light into the horror genre, and i am looking forward to the sequels and films that copy this formula in the future. All in all, "Don't Breathe" is the greatest contribution to horror cinema since "The Blair Witch Project" and the best horror film(minus the "Babadook"-they're both on the same level) since Scream.

WARNING:Please don't die of suffocation during your viewing of this film.
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Lights Out (II) (2016)
One of the best Horror Films of recent years!
13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Alright. A Comedy film intends to make you laugh, as an action does to make you feel thrilled. And a horror film intends to scare you. And that's exactly what this film achieves. It is scary. It's not Psychologically scary like Silence of the Lambs or Psycho. And it isn't a scar-you-for-life scary film like The Exorcist. Its simple, classic jump-scare scary. The Kind that Shaylman dreamt of bringing back to the silver screen for years. If there is one thing you can be sure of, it it is that you will get your money's worth of entertainment after sitting through this.

Last year, our horror film and film debutee Robert Eggers made a surprise in Hollywood with his hit "The Witch". This time another first time feature film director makes his mark. David Sandberg adapted his own short film into this feature length thrill. And he delivers. The reason why this film succeeds as a horror film isn't the jump scares- any old hack can make jump scares. The reason why it works so well lies in the pacing-Sandberg knows how to relax the audience before scaring them, before building a Hitchcock like suspense, only to be broken, then rebuilt back into a scare. The monster effects are like a leaf out of Guillermo Del Toro's book. I was genuinely convinced that no one else in Hollywood or the Film World could make a scary creature like Del Toro. I was deeply mistaken.

Rather than Steal(although according to Tarantino, stealing from other films makes a better artist...)Sandberg borrows techniques and ideas from many a horror filmmaker. There is Hitchcock in their, with the long takes of suspense and the build up, there is the M.Night Shaylaman Jump Scare and The Del Toro Monsters. There are also undertones of the Poltergeist and The Babadook in there, with the latter obviously being a key to adapting this into a feature film. Sandberg then takes a little bit of everything and puts all the well known techniques into play, except this time the concept is completely original(Not counting the short film) and the style is adapted into modern standards.

All in All, this film is a must see for horror film geeks. Its great entertainment and you definitely get what you payed for. Now its time to turn the lights out on this revue.....
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Suicide Squad (2016)
A Disappointing Mess
12 August 2016
I had quite high expectations for this film when the trailer came out a year ago- Who doesn't like a good DC Film? You see, Up until now, i felt quite strongly that DC made better films then Marvel. Heck, I even liked Batman vs Superman. But to be honest, this film made Ang Lees Hulk or Ghost Rider look like Oscar winners.

The Dialogue is extremely sloppy- Unflowing, unnatural and weird sounding conversations continue throughout the movie. The script is a complete mess, and if a Classic like Taxi Driver was written in a few days, this was probably written in ten seconds. The Actors are trying far too hard, and their performances come out as awkward and sloppy. Especially Jared Leto who seemed like he was trying to do a demonic impersonation of Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. I know it's not fair to compare anyone to Heath Ledger, but this wasn't even near what Ledger pulled off, or Nicholson. I think Cesar Romero was even a better joker.....But the joker and the other characters formation wasn't even slightly the actors fault. They were given a dud script from a guy who shouldn't be making films at such a high budget. I don't know what Warner Bros saw in hiring David Ayer to Direct and write a script of this calibre, and i don't think they even know why they did it. But hey, its an action movie right? I at least could enjoy some dumb but cool action sequences. Well sadly, this film didn't even give me that much. Not only were the Action Sequences boring and pointless, the humour was also a mess. More cliché annoying jokes attempting to appeal to 12 year olds make up a cringeworthy ride. My Faith in DC films has been lost, Now that Christopher Nolan is gone and Zack Snyder is wearing out. R.I.P DC Films.
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The BFG (2016)
Spielberg + Dahl + Disney = Magic
29 June 2016
In recent years our good friend Steven Spielberg has been dishing out biopics and war films (War Horse, Lincoln and Bridge of Spies). But with the BFG, Spielberg allows himself to unleash his creativity and imagination that made him popular as a filmmaker in the first place. The film holds the same amount of magic and nostalgia as E.T or Jurassic Park. It's whimsical, humorous and at times emotional.

Of course, we have to also give all due credit to Roald Dahl, who conjured up this simple, but enchanting story of a young orphan and a Big, Friendly Giant. His book was then exceptionally adapted by the late and great Melissa Mathison(who was also the screenwriter of E.T) . Her screenplay was then Moulded and translated by Spielberg, who did a fantastic job of bringing the characters up off the page and onto the screen. The film shows his visionary approach to directing, and displays the power of his imagination.

The film, by all means, isn't for everyone. It is certainly no "intellectual" and I'm sure that the film buffs in the audience could identify dozens of plot holes. It is not thrilling, nor is it romantic. It tells a very basic story, and it's loaded with "cliche" Spielberg nostalgia. But if you are a fan of Dahl, Disney, Spielberg or the Magic of Cinema, this is a must see. It's a feel good story, captured in the most magical way. Forget Harry Potter and his wizardry, this is real Magic.
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Finding Dory (2016)
Quite possibly the best Pixar sequel ever ( just hear me out )
28 June 2016
Hold on, my fellow film fanatics, critics and viewers. I've heard all of the bad reviews of this film. I am not oblivious to the fact this is a big budget Hollywood animation sequel, and I know that when some of you hear the word sequel, big budget, or even Hollywood, you automatically dismiss it as a trashy entertainment cash grab. But Finding Dory is more than a cash grabbing Hollywood sequel. It is the passing of the torch between generations. The older generations gift to the young generation, a chance for the young to experience the laughter, emotion and nostalgia of Pixar, and in particular, these characters of the finding Nemo universe.

Is it better then Finding Nemo? Of course not. It's an unwritten law that the sequel can't be better. But is it unnecessary( as some of my fellow reviewers claim)? Well, it is just as unnecessary as Finding Nemo, or any other film for that matter of fact. In other words, it's not. When I was walking home from the cinema, I too questioned the necessity of this film. I thought for a while and came to the conclusion that this film does what any film does ( and what most sequels don't do). It tells a story, it grips us with adventure,comedy and emotion, it expands the characters and adds new lovable ones. What is unnecessary about that? Isn't that why we got to the cinema- to be entertained and to be moved?

One reason why I believe this film has received negative reception amongst the older generation( I am too aware that there are many lovers of this film too, maybe more so than haters) is that they thought this film was made just for them. They thought that this will be the nostalgic hit made specifically for them. But that is not what films ( and especially Hollywood and animated films) do. They speak to everyone from everywhere. They communicate messages and emotions that all ages from all countries can understand ( provided that the correct subtitles are in place!) I saw posts on Facebook saying "Parents: please don't take your kids to this film. I want to enjoy it. They won't understand the meaning of it!" And I agreed to this, especially when I was sitting in a cinema half full of 18-25 years old and the other half full of little kids. But it wasn't until I heard the laughter of the children during the film and the smiles on their faces afterwards that I truly understood the purpose of this film. It was Pixars way of allowing the young people of this generation to enjoy what the last generation of young people enjoyed. And that's the magic of a Pixar film, and as I said before, it was a way of connecting the generations to help both generations understand each other's love for this "universe". To understand and feel the magic, laughter and hopefully, one day a shared nostalgia and love for this great animation company and its characters.
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Greatest Marvel Film Ever Made
9 May 2016
I saw this awesome film 2 years back in the local cinema. I went with my good friend. We both had low/medium expectations for the film. The promo art seemed cool, but the trailer seemed somewhat cliché.

So my friend, the audience and myself sat in silence and awe as Starlord explores the new planet. It seemed so epic and serious. That is until Starlord started dancing to "Come and get your love", and at that point the audience and myself burst into laughter. And that's what it was like until the end of the film. It mixes in humour and seriousness, and it has such a good balance that the end product is almost perfect.

I was never really a Marvel Fan, but this film changed my mind. It was just so good. It had awesome action sequences, cunning humour and a few tear drops here and there. The characters are very interesting- they all have their own issues and goals, but eventually see the same goal and work as a team to achieve it.

It's impossible to talk about Guardians of the Galaxy without mentioning the soundtrack. The 70's and 80's nostalgia music is awesome, and suits the film in a somewhat unexpected way. I personally love the music used, and the Director James Gunn and his composer placed in the best places. From Come and get your love to Hooked on a feeling to Cherry Bomb, the music will get you clicking your fingers.

Overall, Guardians of the Galaxy is the finest marvel film. It has never been topped, and it's unlikely that'll ever be.
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Spaghetti Western just the way you like it
9 May 2016
A Bullet for a Stranger( or 'They call him Cementary') is a film thats howcases the best of spaghetti westerns. It's got humour, it's got awesome shootouts, and it has a great score.

The Characters are great,especially 'the guardian angel'. He is very similar to Blondie in the good the bad and the ugly. He is looking out for the two brothers, who are somewhat annoying, but eventually turn out to be admirable heroes.

The DVDs restoration is terrible quality, and should really be restored. But even with the sloppy DVD quality, the film stills holds through as epic and highly entertaining,

A bullet for a stranger is a great film and should be held up as one of the best Spagehtti westerns made.
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Loved it- most entering film made for a while
7 May 2016
Civil war is one of the best Marvel Films made. It's just so entertaining. If you want to be entertained by awesome fight scenes, this is defiantly the film for you. If you want some sort of emotional impact along with awesome fight scenes and quick humour, Civil war should be the first film you see. It's interesting, emotional and awesome.

All the characters you already have met on the silver screen- Ironman, Captain America, Antman etc... are great. They are looked at from all perspectives- we see their flaws along with their powers. The new characters are a bit of a hit and a miss. Black Panther was my favourite character of the film, and was really nice to see him fight it out on the big screen. However, Spiderman was less of a spectacle. Tom Hollands version of Peter Parker is oddly irritating, and actually made me despise the character, just wishing he would leave the screen. The look of Spiderman was fine, but every time he spoke and said something utterly stupid, it made me want to shoot the screen. But besides Tom Hollands Spiderman, the rest of the characters are interesting and accurately portrayed.

The filmmaking skills displayed by Joe and Anthony Russo are brilliant. But don't expect anything too flashy as this is a blockbuster Hollywood film. But they certainly do their job well, and should be credited more for the films success then they have been. Ian Johnstons Captain America: The First Avenger was good, but it lacked an epic feel that the Russo brothers then gave to the Winter Soldier. Coming into civil war, we shouldn't have expected anything better then the Winter Soldier, but we did get better. The epic Russo vibe was clearly evident in this film, and for this 'vibe' alone, Civil War is the superior film to Batman VS Superman.

Personally, I don't see it as "Marvel VS DC". I see them all as just comic book movies, even though I'm more inclined to enjoy DC films then Marvel. I loved Dawn of Justice, but Civil War tops it. It has more well constructed action sequences, and compared to Dawn of Justice, we love both of the heroes clashing(Ironman and Captain America) as they both have reasonable heroic reasons for their actions, compared to Supermans selfish, almost villainous ones. But having said this, both films are brilliant, and great in different aspects.

Overall, Civil War is an amazing film, and quite possibly the most entertaining film of 2016, and one of the greatest marvel films ever made.
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Intense Horror Film
23 April 2016
If you want a well constructed, very scary horror film, then this is the film for you. I've seen some reviews saying it was a terrible film- don't worry, they're just saying that because they were terrified.As a horror film buff myself, I say that this film IS very scary, and as a film buff I say that it is a well Made film, with great cinematography that shows the close up on the look of terror on the characters face, and it's framing, how it holds you in suspense to see what they are terrified about.

The cast is well acted, especially the father, and the rest of the cast help to make the film a very spooky experience. As a directial debut for Robert Eggers, this is amount the greatest(along with Tarantino, Shylaman and Redford), and has already etched himself into the history of horror, we can expect a lot more of him in the future.

For a great cinematic experience, I recommend watching the witch.
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An Extravaganza of a Superhero Film!
26 March 2016
The critics are wrong. This is not a terrible or even bad film. It.Is.Amazing. The concept of the two biggest superheroes of all time is breathtaking enough. But the execution of that concept is murderous.

Ben Affleck is surprisingly amazing as Bruce Wayne/Batman. Although the Dark Knight is the superior film, I have to say I prefer Ben Affleck as Bruce compared to Bale. The Batsuit is redesigned to look amazing, and it gives the dark knight a darker tone. Henry Cavill once again repeats his superman performance with style, and is great as Clark Kent/Superman. But the standout actor of this film is Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Jessie gives a new spin on Luthor, making him more crazily smart like the joker, rather then just an intellectual bold middle age man.

As far as filmmaking goes, this film is good. The typical Zach Snyder Shots are present, as are his intense over the top awesome action sequences. The Story is loyal to the comics and also displays a lot of good messages- That no one is perfect. That sometimes our ego gets in the way of what is important. Or sacrifice is the most important thing. The Special FX are great, but unnoticeable(which is what they're supposed to be.)

This film holds up VERY well compared to films of late like The Force Awakens(which destroyed many peoples franchise, unlike BVS which does the opposites) and Age of Ultron. Marvel fans will not like this film. 50% because they are jealous of this film, and 50% because they don't know a good film when they see it.

Hopefully this film will receive some Oscar love. Ben Affleck and Jessie Eisiendberg(I'm not a fanboy, I'm a film critic. And they're acting is great) deserve a nomination but sadly won't receive a nom. Instead BVS will be nominated for best visual effects and best sound effects, and hopefully will win.

Go see this film before You don't have time. It's great.
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The Big Short (2015)
The Big Short is nothing short of big
20 January 2016
The Big Short is one of the best films of 2015. Firstly, the script is very well written and very unconventional, with scenes with celebrities explaining economic terms. The script is also very humorous and there was plenty of times myself and the audience laughed. The Acting is incredible- Christian Bale looks like he's comfortable, Brad Pitt plays a role he was born to play and Steven Carrell and Ryan Gosling took a risk and went out of their comfort zone playing in a more mainstream drama( Steve Carrell is usually in comedies and Ryan Gosling in Romance).

The Big Short is a very important film, as it uncovers the truth about what had been going on at Wall Street, and how some rich, greedy, selfish bankers ripped off the America and the World. By the end of the film, I was sitting there glaring at the screen, trying to contemplate the film I had just seen. By the end of the film, I hated Wall Street and all the bankers that are involved there. By the end of the film, I was hoping that some sort of consequence will be given to these bankers, as I result of the big short.It is one of the most risky films of the 21st century, and I'm sure some big fish at the major banks are unhappy with this film. The Big Short does indeed do its job- uncovering the truth.
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The 5th Wave (2016)
A Shamefully Unoriginal Film
13 January 2016
What a pile of stinking crap this film is. The fifth wave has gone down the path of many other teen movies. It takes a genre and teenizes it, not unlike how twilight did with horror, or how The Hunger Games and Maze runner did to the action genre. Corny Jokes that are aimed at teenagers and and unnecessary "plot twists" and "romance" add up to a painful viewing experience. If there is one thing to say about this film(which i have endless things to say), it is that this film should of never been made. The only reason I can see as why these so called filmmakers made this film was to make some petty cash and keep teenagers out of trouble for 2 hours.

I couldn't write this review with aknowledging the unoriginalness of this film. It steals from many a greater film, like Independence Day and War of the Worlds. When the spacecraft is seen for the first time by the public, you can't help but think it is made shot by shot like the scene in Independence Day. A kid goes outside, looks up, his parents come out and look up to see a UFO. They then see their neighbors packing up and leaving. A much worse crime of unorigininality is what the "Others" look like. The " Others"( which is the name the humans give the aliens, original, I know) grow on the human brain and they look extremely similar to the Alien that grows on Kane's face and then burst through his stomach in Alien. And when I say extremely similar, I mean this thing is almost exactly the same. I don't care if the filmmakers are going to make a crappy film, but don't steal ideas from on of the greatest Sci-fi/horror films of all time. Design your own stupid creature for God Sake.

Another important thing to say about this merciless film is the plot twist, humour and romance. I won't say anything about this plot twist (just in case any of you are into wasting your time and money on pieces of crap), and to be honest I don't want to talk about idiotic humour and sappy romance, but I will say this. The relationship between a few of the characters is a bit of a Katniss/Gale/Peeta situation. You know, like there's two friends who like each other, but then comes another guy and it makes things awkward. These filmmakers must be pretty low to still ideas from the Hunger Games...

To wrap this review up, I would just like to warn anyone who is thinking of seeing this to not. But the decision is yours, and you can choose what you would like to do with your hard earned money and precious time.
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Joy (I) (2015)
A real surprise- a very inspirational tale
4 January 2016
I went to the cinema to see Joy. I had looked at the reviews before I went and I was disappointed to see a 6.7 rating- I was expecting something in the 7s or 8s. And let me say one thing- this film was the biggest surprise of 2015- Partly because I thought I wouldn't be that great due to the ratings. The Acting was extremely good,especially Jennifer Lawerence. This was easily her greatest performance of her career so far- definitely a Oscar Nomination coming her way. Robert DeNiro and Brad Cooper were fantastic as well(as per usual). The script was written- The Characters had depth, the structure was strong and the message was clear.

I think Joy suffered low ratings because men were rating it. But I assure you that any woman who saw this would love it and relate to Joys Struggle. I honestly think this film deserves a best picture nomination, although I know it won't get one. Sadly this is the Case, but I hope films like Joy can change the lives of women. Joy is strong, smart, generous and brave- she is a good example of a great person that we should all strive to be. Don't bother about the 6.7 rating, go and see it, and you'll see how this film is a 10/10 film.
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The Good Dinosaur: Greatest Animation Ever
25 December 2015
What can I say. I am dumbfounded. The Animation in this film is so awesome and lifelike, it's kind of creepy. The Mountains, The Rivers and the Trees are so well animated that it will twist your mind.

The Story was great, but I heard complaints that it was to basic and slow. Well yes, the story is basic, but that's why it's so good. The films target audience is younger children, not 40 year olds. I agree that it was not even near as great as Inside Out, which was complex, charming and humorous. But Inside Out probably appealed more to adults and nostalgia Pixar lovers( me included), but it wasn't as big of a hit with the kids, due to the complex storyline. So with The Good Dinosaur, they tried to make a film that will make kids laugh and appeal to their minds. Even for an adult, the Good Dinosaur still has its emotional and humorous moments, and it has some really good messages that kids can understand. I know that it is no where near as great as Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Up or Inside Out, but it is still a very beautiful and magical film. Pixar once again deliver.
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Very Well Written
18 December 2015
I have seen lots and lots of films, but none were ever so well written like Silence of the Lambs. The characters are amazing and there is a lot of shown development with them, especially with Hannibal Lecter, who has to be one of cinemas greatest Villains. The film tells a gruesome story that you want to leave your memory immediately after you've watched it.

The Silence of the Lambs is more a thriller than a horror. There are few intense/scary/suspenseful scenes, but besides that it's just a story of a creepy mystery. Beware an awesome plot twist awaits you.

I'll would like to keep on writing, but I'm having an old friend for dinner
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Weak Plot and bland acting make a poorly made film
18 December 2015
The first Maze runner was better. It had a more stable plot than this piece of cinematic garbage. The film is very poorly written, and the whole story is just a bunch of teenagers running around in the desert like headless chooks, trying to escape zombie looking things that have a name, but the name is that bad I can't remember. On the bright side, there are moments that were entertaining (pretty much any scene with the zombies in them). But that's about where the good stuff ends. The acting is so terrible I swear it's rather Dylan Obrien was at gunpoint to play this role, or he was just slugging it out to the end of the week for his paycheck. But compared to the rest of the Cast, he is an academy award winner. The supporting cast are just awful, and probably wouldn't qualify to act on the Disney channel.

Overall, The Maze Runner 2 lacks the strength of the first Maze Runners Plot, and the acting is so bad I suggest you sit and watch this with a vomit bag, because you're gonna need it.
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One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
17 December 2015
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest is one of the best point of views of the dynamics of Mental Illnesses. I personally have OCD, and this film is a good view into how that mental illness is a struggle, but sometimes you've got to learn to laugh at yourself. This Film helped to show me how laughing at my illness actually makes me improve mentally. This Film can change lives, and for that it deserves all the praise it can receive .

Besides the great representation or mental illness, One flew over contains great acting possibly some of the best ever. Jack Nicholsons performance won best actor for, and rightfully so, is impeccable and is his second best performance of his career( behind The Shining). Jack Nicholsons one of the greatest actors ever, and this is one of his best performances.

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest is a great film, but it's not for all ages. Teenagers 14+ should like this film, but it's not suitable for younger children. Great Film-10/10.
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It is a Wonderful Life
17 December 2015
The title sums it all up. Sums up how life can be, anyway. It's a Wonderful Life is a very powerful and moving film that will make you cry. The plot is original and shows how making money doesn't mean you've had a "successful life. The way to have a successful life is to help others, the helpless and needy.

James Stewart is perfect as George Bailey, and is one of his finest non Hitchcock Perfromances. It's a wonderful life is a great feel good film, and is very inspiring.

It's A Wonderful Life is suitable for all ages, and older kids and adults will understand and appreciate this wonderful film.
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2001: A Film Odyssey
17 December 2015
2001: A Space Odyssey was the first great Sci-Fi Film. It has it all- A.I, Spacesuits and Aliens. Although many contemporary audiences considerer this classic boring and dull, it certainly is entertaining if you understand it. It's not simply a story of Astronauts floating around in space, but more a story of the change of man, and how technology has changed.

The Opening Scene, The Dawn of Man, is one of the greatest parts of this space epic. It shows how man was thousands of years ago, and how man discovered weapons. I personally don't believe in evolution, but I do find this scene very intriguing and is more a scene of the change of the mental capacity of man, not necessarily the psychical. This is the clever way that Stanley Kubrick makes the scene. He sets the scene up as more of a personal interpretation, rather than put the facts on screen.

Overall, 2001 is a great film that defiantly makes you think about life and the change of man.
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