
39 Reviews
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Lincoln (2012)
More fictional than The Wizard of Oz
18 January 2023
I'm struggling to find a single fact in this movie. Perhaps the names. This isn't a work of high fiction, but an engeigous account of sheer propaganda. Lincoln was a tyrant, a dictator, a mass murderer, a criminal, and oh, he didn't like black people. At all. This is absolute lies. What can you say positive here? Acting was good, cinematography?

None of that matters, because the entire thing is a ludicrous deception pawned off on people who don't read History.

Good Grief

I could vomit just thinking about the people who will walk away from this movie thinking Honest Abe was the best President ever.

When in fact, he was a megalomaniacal despot.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.
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Young Rock (2021–2023)
This may be the most pretentious thing on TV
1 December 2022
For shame .

Rarely, possibly uniquely, has Anything gone to such lengths to stroke a grotesquely bloated preposterous ego.

Holy Cow.

It's like watching Dwayne Masturbate nonstop.

ANYONE getting into this show should have their head examined and go get some self respect.

Vapid, self centered, tortuously flaccid, forced "comedy".

Fanboys delight in the nauseous priapism of pathetic idolization, so they may roll around in a lavish fit of worshipping this glorified, over hyped, sanctimonious B Movie Actor.

Truly, this is a disgusting venture into needlessly dull narcissistic tripe.

For shame.
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Elvis (2022)
Could've been so much more
23 September 2022
This movie has great parts but lots of problems too.

1st and foremost... And it seems like a small matter, but it isn't.

The rap music.

Let's be as clear as possible.

4uck the rap music!

It had no place in this movie under Any circumstances.

It's a Movie about Elvis.

You could fill 40 movies with his music and this is the route that was chosen????


Apparently it was the Director's idea.

He should've been fired on the spot!

It was likely done because he secretly Hates Elvis or the era, or something equally as stupid.

Once you look at some of other sloppy decisions in the movie, this is reaffirmed.

It's a shame because the Actor playing Elvis is great, but the feel of this movie is off from the beginning. It has erratic pacing and doesn't really even come together until midway through. Hanks character feels wrong the whole time. I know that's the way we're supposed to feel about him,the Colonel being a POS & all, but the narration is distracting & off putting. He shouldn't be narrating at all. And it kept cutting away to see Hank's reaction, which aren't that compelling.

We get it, the Colonel is the bad guy. Perhaps the movie should've just been called The Colonel.

Again, seems like the Director trying to make his Edgelord statement here. I'll remember this guy & be sure to Boycott whatever else he's associated with.
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Breaking Bad: Abiquiu (2010)
Season 3, Episode 11
All the Future Woes
22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All the future woes trace back to Jesse being a dumbass. This was the turning point. If Walt could just let Jesse die, he & a great many others would have a much better fate. Jesse is a loser. He only learns a lesson after everyone around him has paid the cost a dozen times or more.

For sure, a lot of bad things were done on all sides up to this point, but Jesse being an idiot dwarfs them all. Gus was right about trusting a user.

Almost every death & ruined life can be traced directly back to Jesse's stupidity.

If Walt would've just let Jesse die...

I said this every episode past this one.

Heartbreaking & tragic.

Great writing.
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The Boys: The Instant White-Hot Wild (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
What was the point?
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What did the Writers do, take pointers from GOT? They went out of their way to take a great season & wrap it up in the worst way possible. This episode was terrible. They could've literally ended the Season with the episode before it and been fine. Even the Episode before that.

This being a Season Finale, makes me go back to GOT & wonder.... This may be the time to quit watching. Had I listened to my instincts then, I would be happier.

This episode irritated me so much, I lloked online afterwards for explanations on why everything seemed forced, muted, and otherwise purposely derailed. Sure enough, I found an article on how the Writers basically revealed the true title of the episode: You can't kill the Gay Girl.

I also learned the comic content they deviated from was far superior.

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Gone Girl (2014)
24 August 2022

What a great word.


This is a basic revenge sexplotation film pretentiously hiding as a thriller.

The problem lies in its dishonesty.

If it would fess up and embrace its concept this would be great.

Smart? Thriller?

Perhaps if you've recently had a lobotomy you might think so.

Like most modern movies of this type, if you haven't seen a movie or even read a story before the year 2010, then you may be impressed with this film's "depth".

Otherwise it does NOTHING schlock from the 70s didn't do infinitely better, more genuine, and probably 1/100th the budget.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
Kids right, all adults are wrong
6 August 2022
This lazy preaching needs to end.

Same shtick as 1,000 other movies.

Kid is right. Adults are stupid & evil.

Movie looks good but the dialogue & story is predictably boring.

Just like a 1,000 other movies.

What a shame.
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Prey (I) (2022)
6 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers

We get it, women are tough.

Especially when you make every male character around them a raving idiot.

But that's not enough.

We have to modify physics too.

Bear= 2 solid hits.

Every dude, except brother= 1 hit, solid or not.

110 pound girl=at least 8 solid hits, countless other ones & the only mark on her came from a punch from someone in her tribe from earlier in the movie.

Good Grief Nice concept but this is a terrible movie.
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Love, Death & Robots: The Witness (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Easily the Worst of the Entire Series
12 July 2022
This was animation that pushed boundaries for the sake of pushing boundaries. Extraordinarily predictable story. All shock, no substance. I guess it's neat, but there's more depth in episodes of The Goldbergs.
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I'll over simplify
30 June 2022
If they would have just killed off the annoying Mother and the 2 kids the Movie would likely be a perfect 10. All 3 were far worse than invading Aliens.
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I dig this Movie, but Stop here
26 June 2022
This is a low budget movie that works on many levels. You really have to be into this sort of thing to enjoy it. But even if you are into it, all the charm and finesse dies after the 1st film. Each is far worse than the last. Don't listen to others who say they are similar. They aren't. The sequels continuously ignore story devices set forth in this movie presumably because they were either too lazy to keep them up, or too incompetent to keep track of them. In their quest to make this an Epic Film series, they disregard everything that makes this 1st one work so well. Shame.

But enjoy this one at least.

Just don't proceed any further.
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There should be no reviews over a 4 for this movie
21 June 2022
I watch schlock, and I've played D&D since I was10, and I honestly tell you this is easily 1 of the worst movies ever made. I went to see it in the theaters and couldn't sink down in my chair low enough. Again, I will happily watch a Troma or Full Moon Feature without shame, but shamefully admit to watching this awful cringefest. The aforementioned schlock could've also produced a dozen or more movies on this budget. This movie has half the budget of the 1st LOTR Movie..

Where did the money go?

There's so many things wrong with this movie, I have eventually embraced the concept that the producers and director, and probably the writers Hated the entire concept of this movie and wanted it to fail. I can't even figure out how a Studio signed off on its release for Theaters. The 2 Direct to Video sequels with 1/4 of the budget are superior.


Never Again

I don't care if Bruce Campbell is in the new D&D Movie, I won't watch it.

Good Grief.
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The Batman (2022)
Objective Opinion
28 April 2022
Without following trailers, spoilers, or any stories explaining this Film's relationship with a Comic storyline, I can just tell you objectively it is a bad film. So bad, that outside of a couple of compelling visuals, I'd wonder where the money went. This isn't a good superhero film, detective film, drama, action movie, or anything else. It just simply is poorly executed. It isn't the Twilight Guy's fault, or any one actor really. The script is weak, the plot is awful, the score is dreadful, the dialogue is stale & uninspired. And for God's sake, why didn't some one edit at least an hour out of this film. I don't Hate the movie so much as just shrug and wonder if this "Meh" attempt was to just push some Social Justice garbage. Even that seems like it is only done with an apathetic measure of concern.

Realistically this movie might be a solid 4. Something to watch when Nothing else is on & you have a LONG afternoon to kill.

But 8.1? No way.
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Oh Good Grief
22 April 2022
When you can't make comedy funny, call it satire. There, I fixed the title of this movie.

Same old Propaganda preaching tripe.

You'll get way more laughs out of Shaknado

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Sing 2 (2021)
Post Covid Movie Buzz
5 April 2022
What you have here is a Movie who's rating is Benefiting from Post Covid Movie Buzz. A good deal of this is industry supported to drive up sales, where some of it is from people starved for Movies coming out of Covid.

This isca decent movie. I gave it a 5, it might actually be a 6, but it Definitely isn't a 9 or a 10. It's a basic, safe sequel. It's cute and fun, not as good as the original, and full of catchy Top 40 Hits.

That's it. It breaks no new ground at all.

My Wife, who loved the 1st Sing, didn't even like this 1. Ironically I liked it more than her, but 9....10...?

I don't think so.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Lets keep it simple
24 March 2022
Watch the original. The Original is a Masterpiece. Skip this Hollywood Trash vehicle designed to make Moretz "edgy".

Just another example of a Movie you'll think is great because you didn't see the original.
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Keeping it real
3 March 2022
Sam Elliot said it best. While there's credit to the movie for doing some things right, so many unforgivable errors are made that it makes it awful.

Much like The Green Knight movie that came out a while back.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
13 February 2022
In a World full of overrated series, this is not as bad as my 3 rating. But it isn't good either. Sails looks great. Taken superficially, like maybe a silly little action show with some dim witted plots, it might be considered great too. As a serious show, it's ridiculous. With the exception of a few, most characters are so poorly written it's sad. Silver may be the worst. He has obvious Plot Armour from the beginning. I was wishing him gone as early as Episode 3 or 4. Dreadful. They'd been better off just making a straight up action show than attempting half assed intricate storylines with swiss cheese plot holes.

"Truly, they have a dizzying intellect"
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Swingers (1996)
25 January 2022
It could easily be argued that THIS would be the Go To Movie to Irrevocably Prove that the IMDB Rating System is a Tragic Failure.

It's also an excellent argument for why Fanboys ruin everything.
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8 January 2022
There's virtually no upside to this movie.

They used Snipes as being a Diva to explain its terrible short comings.

In Truth, Snipes & Kristofferson's grievances were spot on.

It's irredeemably awful.
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What happened?
30 December 2021
I love movies like this, and with the concept & talent involved, this should've been great.

And it's not.

It's not even good

This movie is a dull pretentious, unenjoyable mess.

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The Thing (I) (2011)
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly the movie is probably better than a 2, but I just couldn't bring myself to put it higher. Especially when you compare it to Carpenter's.

Ultimately this movie is a boring, kind of forgettable rehash of the other Film.

Now, at the risk of sounding sexists, it's very hard to get an honest review of this film here because too many of the reviewers obviously want to have sex with the lead because of that awful Scott Pilgim movie.

She's totally forgettable too.

Worse, she's totally safe in the story.

You'll figure this out in 15 minutes.

She's immune to speculation about being the Thing. She's not going to die. She's not even going to get dirty. She has all the ideas and is the only one who progresses the story. Everyone else is just filler.

No wonder the Thing can imitate them easily. They're all cardboard cutouts.

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Pretty Decent Halloween Flick
31 October 2021
If you can get by Anna Paquin's inability to act, or portray an interesting or not totally predictable character, you might enjoy this otherwise fun film.
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12 October 2021
The ONLY real question is: where did the money go?

Everything in this movie is lazy and cheap looking.

It looks like a movie made by Nickelodeon on a tiny budget.

And even that is an insult to Nickelodeon

No plot, no laughs (save a couple from Hemsworth), cartoonish writing & effects.

It's almost so bad, it's good.

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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Are we even trying to simulate even a little bit or reality anymore?
27 September 2021
Like so many other shows, if this was retooled from being a drama to fantasy, it would be fine.

The biggest feat of this show is coming up with something more ridiculous than the last episode.

For that, it deserves a reward.

Good Grief.
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