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Lost: Stranger in a Strange Land (2007)
Season 3, Episode 9
Boring filler episode
2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the sentiment that this is one of the worst, if not thee worst episode of Lost.

It is very obviously a transitional filler episode. Nothing progresses. Still don't think you should skip any episodes if it's your first time watching, but second time around, you can skip this one.

Best parts of the episode:

1. Juliet is a great character. Elizabeth Mitchell redeems this episode as much as she can.

2. Getting to see that the tail section people are alive and living with the others, seemingly happy, is a interesting moment.

Worst parts of the episode:

1. The new character "sheriff" Isabel is not compelling or interesting. Bad acting too.

2. Jack's flashbacks are boring nothingness. Who cares about jacks tattoos? I mean it's almost like they deliberately chose to do nothing with the flashbacks so that you can skip them. They could've gave the tattoo woman more agency and interesting story that ties into the overall Jack arc. But she just is good at reading people and "exotic" sexy and in love with Jack for some reason despite him being a jerk to her.

3. The flashbacks also give offensive sex tourism vibes. Jack is portrayed as irresistible to women while also being controlling and even threatening here. It's just gross and weird, and it makes you side with the men who beat him up even though it's not totally clear why they beat him up.
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Old (2021)
So bad it's good
28 August 2023
Old is one of the worst movies I've ever seen, but it actually falls into "so bad it's good" territory, at least for me. The dialogue, the writing, the acting, the pace, the camera angles and zooms into nothing - it's just sooooo terrible. Ridiculous dialogue with so many moments that are so bad that you can't help but laugh. It's just so cheesy and bizarre. It almost feels like everything was intentional. As if they instructed the actors to act badly on purpose to create a campy bad movie. As for compliments.... The beach is pretty, it's well-lit, and it's unintentionally funny. I recommend it if you like bad movies.
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Lost: S.O.S. (2006)
Season 2, Episode 19
What does everyone have against rose and Bernard?
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's not the most action packed, suspenseful, twist-n-turn episode. But it's beautiful love story of Rose and Bernard, the first one that we got to see flashbacks of their story. We've seen the flashbacks of every crash survivor with a speaking role at this point, even a partial flash back of the least-spoken Libby in the mental hospital with Hurley. We were overdue for Rose and Bernard's story. And it's a really sweet one.

Rose is sick and has become accepting of her own death, Bernard is desperate to save her anyways. It is a horrible situation that many couples and families have unfortunately been in.

When cancer or other terminal illness can no longer be treated, there's often conflict about finding peace in death as "giving up" and that we must keep fighting instead.

Bernard wants to keep fighting, while rose is at peace with her fate.

And that's a common motif throughout the show told in a very unique way in this episode. It's previously been represented by staying at the beach vs moving to the caves - do we keep fighting or do we make the most of our fate? The analogy between this and Rose and Bernard's story is relatable for people who have been in their situation. Plus the fact that rose is now revealed to be the only one who knows that Locke was healed after the crash too. It's really poignant.

I think people who dislike this episode don't feel compelled by stories involving terminal illness because they have never experienced one, and they only like scenes that they find either personally relatable, or ones that have more intense island mystery or gun action.
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Lost: Fire + Water (2006)
Season 2, Episode 12
Not the best episode, but maybe not as out-of-character as everyone thinks
13 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While I agree with many of the reviews who say this is a mediocre episode, I believe it's not TOTALLY out of character.

By this point, we know John Locke was given up to foster care as a baby. Thrown around to many foster homes. Never knew his birth parents until they scammed him out of a kidney and abandoned him again.

That kind of trauma would make him very protective of Claire's baby. He built the crib for her. Claire told Locke in a previous episode that she doesn't have a baby name planned because she was gonna put him up for adoption. Locke's facial reaction is very sad when she says this.

Then when he sees Charlie acting reckless with the baby and catches him with the heroin again, it triggers him. We know Locke has anger issues because he was in an anger management group after he lost the kidney, where he met Helen. So it's not totally absurd that he hit Charlie when he caught him kidnapping the baby to be baptized.

Charlie does make impulsive but well-meaning decisions that get him caught up in trouble. That's kind of his personality. Obviously being newly sober and the stress of everything on the island would lead him to make worse decisions like kidnapping the baby.

However, I do agree that Locke would be at least slightly more interested in charlies dreams. Locke believes in the island sending messages through dreams, so if Locke wanted to protect the baby, he would at least be curious about Charlie's dreams instead of totally disregarding them as lies.

Overall, it's also just not that exciting of an episode. I don't think first time watchers should skip it, but if you HAD to skip one, this would be a fine one to skip.
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Hush (I) (2016)
Logic flaws
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. She's a single young woman who is both deaf and mute. But lives alone and doesn't lock her doors and doesn't keep a gun in her home. This guy must've planned this out really well, stalked her, and knew she would make an easy victim, right? No, he didn't know who she was at all. He didn't plan any of this but just got lucky that a disabled and unrealistically careless woman just happened to live in this home.

2. The killer is just in a silly, goofy mood and felt like killing random people. No reason for him to want to kill these people, no reason for him to wear a mask other than to add to spooky effect because he just takes it off right away. Murderous psychopaths still have self preservation and would want to be effective and quick and keep his face disguised. Not take off his mask at first chance, casually draw it out, take a smoke break, and make it more likely to be apprehended/killed.

3. The killer gets many opportunities to kill her initially, but doesn't because he "wants to make her wish she's dead" before he kills her. He starts out in her house already, but gets locked out and spends the rest of the movie trying to get back in. The only reason we are given for why he didn't initially kill her is that line about making her wish she was dead first, but then he immediately goes back to actually trying to kill her. Also the neighbor girl clearly didn't wish she was dead either but he killed her too. Then when the neighbor boy shows up, he also doesn't kill him initially but does this whole cop skit to explain why he's there. What was his initial plan before the neighbor boy got suspicious? To kill the girls, let the guy see his maskless face, then leave him as a witness?

4. She doesn't immediately call 911. He has her phone but she still has her laptop open and on. But instead she just stares at him for way too long while locking the doors. But once she's ready to use the laptop he cut off her power. She doesn't have the wifi password to the neighbors home which also he was in but left it with the power on, not knowing that she wouldn't know password. Again: He didn't plan this at all but just gets lucky.

5. Neighbor boy really believes a sweaty weird guy in jeans and a sweatshirt is a cop bc he says so.

6. Neighbor girl had her phone in her pocket? Did I see that correctly? Why didn't she call 911 when she ran over from her own house?
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Creep 2 (2017)
So unrealistic but still good
28 February 2022
You can tell this screenplay was written by men because there's no possible way a woman would've stuck around for this. Not a chance. Not even worth debating. It's just impossible. Even before the awkward nude part in the beginning, any woman would've been out of there. It's absurd.

Also there's no way such a prolific serial killer could get away with this in today's day and age. Aaron isn't even a careful killer when it comes to DNA and evidence, and every victims internet and phone history would've made the whole premise from these movies impossible.

If you can suspend your disbelief, it's not bad. Worth watching if you enjoyed the first one.
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Come to Daddy (2019)
Two different movies in one
27 February 2022
First half is better than the second half. Around the 51 minute mark, the movie changes completely. The first half is 10/10. Second half is more of a 5/10. I wish it would've remained a father & son conflict as it was in the beginning. The enemies and their tactics are not very believable. There's a number of very unrealistic choices made by all the characters. But I was still entertained throughout, so I recommend it.
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For fans of Lynch
26 February 2022
I can see how this movie may not appeal to a lot of people, but for fans of David Lynch, you'll enjoy it quite a bit. It's a trip. My mind was thoroughly boggled throughout. Quirky and eerie with a lot of attention to detail.
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Twelve Minutes (2021 Video Game)
If you like groundhogs day games...
10 September 2021
If you like games where to repeat things until you figure out the "tricks" to succeed, then you'll like this game. I personally love the games I've played like this, and 12 Minutes was perfect to me.
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Bo Burnham: Inside (2021 TV Special)
Cried and laughed and haven't stopped thinking about it
15 June 2021
I've watched it 4 times and every time it gets more emotional for me. It's hilarious. It's depressing. I don't think anything has spoken to a generation's soul as much as this. It's honest and raw. It's artistic and well made. Visually incredible. The songs are fun and actually catchy. Everything is so good. Just so good.
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Bad reviews are from people who didn't watch the whole thing
27 April 2020
People are complaining about a lot of stuff that makes me think they didn't actually watch it. This documentary goes into a lot of detail about the parents possible lies and involvement. Clearly the people leaving bad reviews saying otherwise didn't watch enough, because they list evidence against the parents that the documentary apparently didn't go into, when they did go into it all. Just so ridiculous. Don't complain about stuff you didn't even watch.

Also the politics was very much an important part of this case and should not be ignored in a thorough documentary. So that's another bad complaint.

I haven't seen a valid complaint in here. I was already very familiar with this case and this took a good look into it with interviews of important key players and some info that I didn't know about.

Watch this doc. It's good. Don't listen to the dummies.
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You (2018–2024)
Unrealistic Cringy Dialogue
6 January 2020
When I saw it was by the same people who make Riverdale, I wasn't turned off right away and gave it a chance. But then halfway into the first episode I had to quit. It has the exact same horrible writing as Riverdale.

Unrealistic dialogue where people continuously immediately say these witty responses without pause. It's not how real people talk.

You'd think they'd learn this, as it's what Riverdale gets made fun of for.

And I don't mean the main character stalker guy Joe - he's portrayed as someone who is not a socially normal person, so his asperger's-like monologue is believable. But everyone else is awful. And it's not just the dialogue that is unrealistic. The people's behaviors are ridiculous. The girl masturb*tes with the lights on in her house in front of an open window at night on a busy street where people are passing buy. It's just not something someone would do especially someone like her, or at least not do it regularly because they'd get arrested real quick. It makes the main character girl unlikable quickly because she's just kinda gross and unstable.

Everything is just dumb. The words that they use to describe things are always superfluous and never come naturally in normal conversations. People pause, say um and like and uh. Not in here. It's sarcastic, witty, wordy responses between everyone. Best friends talk to each other the same way strangers do.

The writers have no concept of how to portray real people.

If you are a big fan of Riverdale, you might like it. Otherwise nah.
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The Game (1997)
Great premise -- flawed execution, but it doesnt even matter
27 August 2018
This is a fantastic story with constant twists and turns.

It has flaws. The dialogue is shaky at best in many places, and they frequently break the "Show, dont tell" rule which really takes you out of the movie. They literally have a character or two set up purely to be the "tellers" who tell everything to the audience bc they couldnt figure out how to show it adequately.

But the flaws dont even matter bc it is so exciting and thrilling that you forget about the flaws. It still would be better without them though. Its a great way to feel paranoid for a few hours after seeing it.
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The Village (2004)
A missed opportunity
26 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie but it is flawed.

Most of the movie is fairly boring and nothing happens. Thats the biggest problem. Its just so...... boring...... I didnt want a horror movie, or even a thriller really, but i did expect it to be at least somewhat tense. This movie did not build tension for me. It did not bring out the performance from the actors that it could have.

There are also some problems with the logical consistencies.

For one, It's revealed that the monsters are the adults dressing up as them. This is despite the fact that they make extremely non-human monster noises. I mean the gurgling and clicking and snarling and growling is not a noise a human could make, and even the mentally disabled boy makes it when he dresses up as the monster. I suppose its possible the adults are using secret modern technology to make the noises, but the mentally disabled boy doesnt seem to be capable of doing any of that due to what we have already seen and known about him.

Also about the mentally disabled boy... At multiple points throughout the film, Noah's freedom from rationality is used as an excuse for twists that have no underlying logic of their own.

Second, the big reveal that it is modern day world isnt shocking in the slightest. Its not even creative or original. It just makes you annoyed. The parents (none of them notably religious, mind you) would let their children go blind and die rather than just take a day trip to get some medicine. They could even keep it secret so it cant be explained by them not wanting to reveal the truth to their children. If the point is that they left modern society to protect their children, it makes no sense that they let the boy die in the beginning instead of letting Lucius (or an adult) go get medicine. Thats not very protective, now, is it?

Third, what would happen when the elders die and theres no more monsters?

Fourth, theres no reason for them to speak in the old-timely dialect and idioms. Being hidden away from society, the elders could talk like normal people, its not like the kids could ever know that the way of speaking is that of a modern technologically advanced society as opposed to a historical one. Why would modern people bother to speak in the village's peculiar, archaic idiom? Because if they spoke like modern people it would tip us off. Modern words are not deleted for the kids' benefits, as there is not real benefit to it, but instead deleted for the audience.

Its things like this that make this movie annoying. Shyamalan's need to set up his twists deforms almost everything else in the film. The characters are not speaking to each other, but to us. They are not existing in a logical universe, but one that would deceive an audience.

Fifth, If this is the real world, which it is very much implied it is, what is up with blind Ivy's ability to "see" auras and to make her way through dense woods unaccompanied? These arent things that exist or could happen in the real world.

Its not a bad movie. Its a pretty good movie. But its not NEARLY as good as it could or should have been. It is a missed opportunity. And that makes it infuriating, which really takes a decently good movie and just makes it not worth watching.
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Green Room (2015)
Not for the faint of heart
22 August 2018
Wow, this movie intense. I knew nothing about this movie going in. Nada. I didnt even know the genre. So i was very shocked by how crazy it was.

Its violent and gruesome. Its dark and terrifying. I had to pause it periodically to breathe. Maybe im just sensitive.. but wow.

The acting is fantastic. The cinematography is top notch. It is so well done that you cant stop watching even though your body tells you to stop.

Something I personally consider to define a good movie vs a great one is how well they can hold a tone. A movie can have a lot of flaws, but if they can find a tone and stick with it or mold it as needed, then they know how to write a good movie. A movie can be fantastic in every way, but if the tone of the movie ever sidetracks, you can tell that they arent the best writers.

This is tonally one of the best films ive ever seen. They kept the intensity there at the right pacing the entire time. It never lost its tone. It never fizzled out or sidetracked. It keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

Theres no traditional corny horror aspects whatsoever. Its a thriller to the utmost degree. No sound-driven jumpscares. Although there are some jumpscares, they arent the stupid sound-driven jumpscares. These are actually scary and well done, and not just meant to surprise you with a loud noise.

About the gruesome parts: Do not watch this movie if you can't take gore. The gore is well done though. Its as tastefully done as gore can be. Not corny and in your face. Its very realistic and they often use cinematography and lighting to hide it some so its not constantly overwhelming you. I personally am not a fan of gore, but it worked in this movie. The most ive handled is watching The Walking Dead. This is far far more intense and realistic.
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Holds up to the test of time... for the most part
19 August 2018
Still as great as it always has been. It is much of the basis for many horror movies today. However, there are still flaws.

Judith O'Dea (Barbara) overacts the whole time. She is extremely overdramatic and it is very distracting to watch. Cheesy as hell. She is also incredibly useless which gets very frustrating.

Competent intelligent black lead is a great start, but damn they couldve made the leading woman capable of logic and thought and not just falling all over the place moaning and crying.

Still one of the best ever though.
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i loved this movie
19 August 2018
I really loved this movie so much. The negative reviews are so beyond ridiculous. Its a fantastic movie. Intense, suspenseful, great acting, great cinematography, great score. Everything was great. People are just butthurt bc it was marketed as a horror movie. Which was a terrible move on their part, but everyone who gets their panties in a wad bc they didnt get scared.... boo hoo. It was fantastic movie about desperate, scared people in a world that is falling apart as they try to hold on to life and humanity.

I cannot fathom how anyone of sound mind can give this movie one star when there are movies starring paris hilton with a higher rating than that.

Misleading marketing is never a good idea, but damn, didnt realize there were THIS many people who cant sit through a good movie without throwing a tantrum over it not having enough horror for them.
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19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Acting, dialogue, sets, cinematography, and editing were all great. One star given for each of those, so 5/10, but the entire plot is awful, and i cant go any higher than that.

I was not expecting or hoping for a super scary horror movie, so thats not why I dont like it. It is very intense, but its really stupid and by the end, just became goofy.

So as we all know, witches arent real, and the religious persecution of women believed to be witches is a result of cult-like think and fear and possibly mental illness of those who chose to claim they were witches. This movie, however, asserts that witches are 100% real.

Okay.. so lets suspend our disbelief. It is no longer the real world but a world where actual satanic witches who act through satan with magical evil powers exist. Even once you accept that, the behavior of Thomassin is still completely illogical.

It turns out she was right that the goat was satan. She sees her whole family possessed and killed and kills her own mother in self defense.

So she then decides to join the witches.


She wasn't a witch the whole movie. We saw that. We see it through Thomassin's own eyes. We saw that she didn't harm the baby - an actual witch did. She didn't harm Caleb - an actual witch did. She was an innocent party, not possessed, and instead was trying to help her family. Then suddenly at the recognition that her whole family was dead, she decides to join them and they all float in the air naked around a fire.

I dont think that this young girl who was very plainly asserted to us to be a loving, faithful daughter who was wrongly blamed for someone else's wrongdoings would suddenly join the witches at the end.

So if she actually was a witch throughout the whole movie, as it sometimes is suggested, then they shouldve made it more clear to Thomassin herself. If she noticed herself becoming evil, tried to fight it, but eventually embraced it, then thatd explain her actions. But that didnt happen. She felt innocent, she was innocent and knew it of herself, but she still became evil. Dumb.

Also i would've liked more backstory on the witches themselves and a deeper insight into who they are, where they came from, and why they followed this path.

Personally I think a movie with a similar tone but instead set in the real world wouldve been better. Instead of actual real witches, the family descends into madness and accuses each other of evil until they are all dead from paranoia and anger. Not some floating naked women and a goat. Or at LEAST if theyre going to choose the supernatural path, make it where Thomassin's actions fit within normal human behavior and not just random. It seemed like they didnt know how to end it any other way.

It just felt silly to me.
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The 4400 (2004–2007)
No no no
12 February 2018
I thought the show was awful when I watched the pilot, but because of the rave reviews, I kept going. It gets worse.

The writing is horrendously unrealistic. People act so casual about what would truly be the most bizarre and insane incident in all of history. It defies science and explanation, and yet they react to it in such a minor way. Not to mention people are seeing their returned loved ones for the first time in x number of years and they act like they haven't seen them in a week. Meanwhile the returnees, who have been dropped into the distant future all of a sudden, they barely think anything of it either. People completely uninvolved with the situation would also be completely freaked out by it, yet it seems no one really thinks much of it. 4400 missing people who haven't aged in decades coming back in a floating ball of alien light- it's all just kinda a big chance for romance right, casual stuff.

They didn't consult at scientists or psychologists on this one. Or any real people at all.

The acting is very poor. it's the writers' fault for everyone reacting to the most insane event in known history the way they would react to an undercooked steak, but the actors take it to an even worse level. It's like they need facial massages or something because their faces don't change. They don't even change expression much and they deliver their lines in the most plainly one dimensional way. Mahershala is the only decent one here.

Then I found out it doesn't have an ending bc it was cancelled. So I quit watching after a few episodes bc if it's this bad, and getting worse, and doesn't even have an ending, I'd rather spend my time doing anything else.

God, 2003 must've been a really bad year for tv if this was rated so highly.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
Worth a watch.
12 February 2018
I really liked this movie. Yes, the ending could've been better, a lot better, but it was really psychologically thrilling and spooky, especially for a Netflix movie. I'm really impressed with Netflix's content lately.

I see trends in the low star reviews that I want to address.

1) "the ending was bad" I agree, but the rest of it wasn't. A movie with a bad ending isn't going to be the best movie of all time, but if I enjoy watching 90% of the movie, then I would say I got my time's worth. It's just a shame that it didn't take the opportunity to use the "monsters who scare your mind, not just rip up your body" thing that it could have had going for it.

2) "not scary enough" it was suspenseful and creepy. It's more psychologically thrilling than outright terrifying, and I genuinely wonder which movies these people deem scary enough for them to enjoy because most horror movies really suck, especially in the past 20 years. Where are they finding all these "genuinely scary" movies? Or are they just consistently always disappointed with all of the horror movies they watch but keep watching them anyways? I have a lot of questions.

3) "didn't capture the essence of the book" why does everyone who reads a book that gets made into a movie feel the need to say this? I'm not sure if they just like being pretentious or if they genuinely believe a 90 minute movie must entirely capture the essence of a full length novel. There's no reason to judge them as if they need to be identical. They're standalone works. When I choose to watch the movie, I would hope that they don't drag it out as long as turning a book into a literal script would require.

4) "Blair witch rip off" very few movies, songs, books, etc. are truly original. You can make a movie with the same basic story tone as another one. Add your own twist, or don't, whatever, I'm not the purity police - just make an entertaining work without breaking copyright laws. If I'm entertained, I don't care if it resembles something else that also entertained me.

Anyways, if you read this entire review to learn if this movie is worth a watch, you clearly don't have anything better to do so just watch it. It's not bad.
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Race (I) (2016)
Could've been great but... ugh
16 September 2017
I enjoyed this movie but there are a few problems I have with it.

I wish they wouldn't have tried to include so many scenes that are meant to explain the history of Nazi Germany and the controversy with the Berlin Olympics. There are scenes that take us far from Jesse and Ohio State track team into conferences with the international Olympic committee and meetings with German diplomats. I personally think that the history of the German Nazi Olympics is knowledge that most people are at least mildly aware of, but even if an audience knows nothing about it, you can tell a story that makes it clear without literally having to show the Olympic meetings. A story about Jesse Owens is a story about Jesse Owens. There are far too many and too long scenes that have nothing to do with him personally.

The other major problem I have is the accents. Jesse's accent changes constantly. It goes from general rural African American accent to 2016 Stephan James. Larry Snyder only ever sounds like 2016 Jason Sudekis. It's not right for the place nor the time. It distracts from the movie because all I can hear is funny guy SNL Jason.

The acting isn't phenomenal. There's a lot of unnatural dialogue moments. Far too many. But it's not terribly awful. Just awkward and a bit distracting.

Historical inaccuracies are a major complaint I see, and while I can understand that, I personally didn't find them to be obviously distracting (aside from Jason sounding like he's doing an SNL skit instead of even attempting any accent.) All other characters accents are random as well. Sometimes they fit, other times the don't. Sometimes it seems like they intentionally wanted to neutralize accents.

Overall it's just kinda meh. It's better than average, but they didn't do Jesse justice in forming an emotional connection with him. He's presented in a meh way. You're rooting for him of course but you're not really enthusiastic. i didn't form an emotional connection where I really cared about him. I wish they would've cut the diplomat meeting scenes and used that time to give us more backstory and emotion for Jesse.

Disappointing. Could've been great but it just didn't meet my expectation.
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Demolition (2015)
A poignant and compelling story of pain, vulnerability, and human connection
16 September 2017
I really loved this movie. A whole lot. Wow. The story really resonated with me.

The movie follows the connections shared by Davis with Karen, and Davis with Karen's son Chris, as well as other characters, as they take apart their own lives, demolishing their pain, and building a new life together. We get a glimpse into the pain experienced by people that can be healed through destroying the past, rebuilding for the future, and connecting with others.

Every character is multi-dimensional, experiencing inner turmoil, struggling in their own ways. Even the deceased character (no spoiler, but it's pretty obvious who unless you know nothing about the movie) is multi dimensional and we learn about her own struggles.

Physical pain vs emotional pain, and physical possessions vs personal connections are large themes of the movie. The ability to feel feelings, to control them, and the joy that comes once you feel free to release them. Sometimes you need to destroy and take everything apart to fix it.

There are moments of raw human emotion and vulnerability, laughter, regret and grief, childlike connection, painful isolation and loneliness, forgiveness and sorrow. It's truly an astounding experience. I laughed and cried and felt this movie was written about my own life.

I found it breathtaking seeing pain and comfort in this way. How two people who are complete strangers can have an immediate connection, one that is very unique and deeper compared to relationships characters spent years building.

This story may not be for everyone, but I found it shockingly compelling, poignant, and relatable.
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Crooklyn (1994)
16 September 2017
Endearing, sweet, funny, sad. This movie had the pacing of a book, slow and detailed, but it was excellent. Visually, I adored the colors and scenery of 1970s New York. Many colorful minor characters that really represent the scene well. The Ru Paul cameo was a nice touch.

It's not gimmicky or trying to be funny. It's actually genuinely funny in spots, but mostly it is just very endearing and heartwarming. Brings back memories of childhood, no matter who you are or when you grew up, you'll relate to some aspect of this movie.

It's a feel-good, coming of age, chaos and struggle of life movie through the eyes of Troy, the only girl of 5 children of a lower class family in New York.

Alfre Woodard and Zelda Harris are fantastic. Harris is quite the little actress.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
15 September 2017
Finally got around to watching this. It's not my type of movie. It's essentially an overdone cowboys vs Indians, but I decided to give it a chance based on how highly its been praised. I kept watching thinking it'd get better, but it never did. It was very boring. I felt no emotion towards any of the characters whatsoever. Its not the actors' faults; the acting was brilliant. The writing on the other hand..., 90% of the movie consists of only neat visuals and lines with no substance. None at all. Not a single line made me feel any emotion.

Visually, it was stunning. But the landscape even got dull after a while, somehow.

Overall, essentially nothing happens for most of this movie. It's gruesome just for the sake of being gruesome with no substance behind the violence. It's overall just unpleasant to watch.
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The Walking Dead: Swear (2016)
Season 7, Episode 6
Buncha pricks
6 March 2017
This episode fits so well with the narrative of this season and it's sad to me that people don't see how. This season focuses on the saviors. The extent of their control over the area. It'd be completely ridiculous to have every episode be some fight between rick and the saviors. It'd also be ridiculous to have the battle with the saviors climax after 4 episodes and then be over. And you all know it. Instead we get to see where the saviors have put their control. I've been really wanting to know who else is out there and what's going on in the world around our group, and I've seen ppl talk about this since the beginning asking for more scope of the areas around them and how the world is fairing outside of our group, and they finally give it to us in a well crafted way that fits in with the story arc and you guys still find something to whine about. We see the different camps set up in the area and how they are fairing, their relation to the saviors. It all builds up for making an army to match theirs. And it's BRILLIANT in my opinion.

And the highest rated review on here at the time of me posting this is a 1 star-er who spends most of his review talking about Tara's weight as if that has anything to do with anything at all. She shouldn't have to starve herself to death for a role where she plays someone who's starving to death. Are you kidding me? Its her role that she's been playing for years, and maybe she tried to lose weight for it and couldn't, and that has no effect on her acting at all. Why do you even care? The fact that someone even noticed her weight gain and took the time to call her unprofessional for it is hilarious. unprofessional is the suggestion that directors are gonna force a girl to lose weight for a role she already does beautifully. She's a great actress, and yes she is a main character. She has been with us since the governor.
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