
203 Reviews
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Best action movie I've seen in a while!!
31 January 2024
This film was highly entertaining basically from start to finish!! GREAT fight scenes, great casting and great action all round!!! If you're looking for deep, meaningful writing with cryptic messaging and artistic imagery then this isn't for you. If you're looking for pure adrenaline, high energy, fast-paced action, then be ready to be satisfied!!!

This film delivers on everything action wise. Great fight scenes, explosions, creative ways of killing people, interesting characters and no real dull moments. The time flew by watching this movie!! Felt like it was only an hour, I was that engaged. All I can say is I highly recommend and ENJOY!!
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One of the most bizarre and senseless films I HAVE EVER SEEN!!
19 November 2023
I was really intrigued to see this film given all the high reviews. So many people seem to have enjoyed this film, and the only reason I can guess why is because they were fans of the actual series and this offered some sort of further insight or Nostalgia. I haven't watched the series and as a standalone film, I thought this film was awful. There was no real plot. Lots of random characters. Lots of unanswered questions. I'm sure some hidden, unclear symbolism. The whole tone of the film was just random and weird. I'm really surprised so many actors signed up for this!! I honestly wish I could unsee this film and wish I could get the time back. AWFUL AWFUL FILM!!
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Had a lot of potential!!!! Ultimately irritating movie!
26 September 2023
This movie had a lot of potential and starts off really well. There is a cloud of mystery and unknowns, which are always key ingredients for a horror film. The backing music (the Score) fit perfectly with the scenes and set the scenes very well, providing a scary tone to the movie. However, there is no background given to this movie. In fact you don't even know the main character's name through the film! There is almost zero dialogue through the whole movie, which was likely intentional to make the movie unique or extra artistic, but to be honest they failed in that department. The film should have waited longer to show the aliens because after a while they are no longer scary and in facts are even comical at times! The main character is highly annoying and frustrating, and often leaves herself unnecessarily vulnerable!! She sets up weapons that she doesn't stay close to in case she is attacked. She takes ages to run in many scenes. She pauses her run sometimes instead of continuing to run, and waits to see the aliens pursuing her first. Her decision-making is often questionable to say the least. Overall, I just found her frustrating!!! Great acting though, but the character itself is a nuisance.
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Mom and Dad (2017)
5 only because there is enough to keep you engaged!
24 July 2023
The film has its good elements. The violence and mystery around this violence is very entertaining and keeps you on your toes. It starts out as what seems a cheesy, typical American family drama and quite quickly escalated into unexplained violence and carnage!! The film has it's strong points.but there a lot of bad points too. The little boy is annoying and does some questionable things, but I guess as a kid, you wouldn't know better so fair enough. As with any film, some of the actions form the characters are annoying. The worst part of this film is they never piece together the film. Why the violence is happening and what is causing it. What the outcome was. And the ending is TERRIBLE!!
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Smile (V) (2022)
As a horror fan, I was definitely creeped out!!
11 April 2023
I have seen A LOT of horror movies as a horror enthusiast. This movie is definitely not one of the bad ones. I haven't written a review in a LONG TIME, but felt compelled to write a review on this movie because of all the horrors I've seen, which is hundreds possibly thousands, and not many creep me out or have me on edge. This movie had the right mix of shock factor, suspense, tension built into scenes, unsettling, not knowing what's real and what's not, mystery, you name it, to make it a great horror movie. There is room for improvement and some things that the biggest critic will question like some of actions/decisions of the main star, but on a whole, this movie is definitely worth a watch and isn't deserving of low reviews! I was shocked how low the like percentage was on other platforms! The ending, possibly even the last 15 minutes were disappointing. I personally definitely recommend watching!! 7/10 at least!
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Bullet Train (2022)
Not sure why the low reviews
23 January 2023
This isn't a film that is supposed to be dissected for its Shakespearean writing or artistic cinematography. It is just a fun-filled, non-stop action film!! It is highly entertaining with some really funny dialogue, some great fight scenes, a lot of high-paced action scenes and a few twists along the way. There were some witty lines throughout the film and the characters all very unique and interesting. GREAT CAST!! There wasn't a moment in the film where I was clock-watching or felt like the film was dragging. For a 2-hour film, it went by quite quickly and I felt entertained throughout. Good laughs and definitely worth the watch!!
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Warcraft (2016)
Sold film. Solid ending. Worth the watch.
21 January 2023
I am not sure why there are so many bad reviews and low reviews. If you're a fan of mystical worlds and fantasy, wizards, kings and queens, mythical creatures such as deserts, orcs, elves and more, then already this has the foundations for a good film. It's not anywhere near Lord of the rings or The Hobbit, but it isn't cheesy and keeps you entertained. The fight scenes are really entertaining and I felt choreographed well. The CGI is really good with this film to the point where the creatures feel real and you forget they're fantasy creatures. The film is well-paced, and although it is just over 2 hours, the film never seemed to drag for me. I felt the film had the right balance of dialogue, action, fantasy and humour. I personally enjoyed it and recommend it is worth the watch.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Not as bad as people are saying
20 November 2022
I feel you have to look at this movie as a stand-alone movie. Remakes are rarely if ever better than the original movies! So, I think it was way too harsh and unrealistic to compare this movie to the original which was made 30 plus years ago!!! When you saw the original, all the shock factor was new, so now seeing the remake, even if the graphics are a lot better, naturally there just isn't much shock factor. The film by itself is a decent film, keeps you entertaining and invested. The flaws with this film: the main character is highly annoying, selfish and bratty and it's hard to root for her or empathise. Some of the character decisions were so annoying and highly unrealistic. I think the acting generally isn't the greatest but definitely isn't the worst either. The film was decent and worth a watch, especially if you haven't seen the original Hellraiser Movies.
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Absolutely incredible!!!!!!! Honestly a masterpiece.
23 October 2022
Now that I have FINALLY seen this film, I see why it has been talked about so much over so many decades. This film is honestly a cinematic masterpiece. A work of art. For so many reasons, this film is just truly special. From the acting to the cinematography. The cast is truly stellar. The acting is sublime. This film stirs up so many emotions in you from happiness to sadness to frustration to excitement to hopelessness to laughter to fear to enlightenment. I can go on and on. This film has a bit of everything and it just so well-executed. I can't speak highly enough of this film, and if you have never seen it, don't waste anymore time waiting!!!! 10/10!!!!!
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Life (I) (2017)
Interesting concept but such STUPID characters!!!
29 September 2022
I wanted to believe the positive reviews but the negative reviews were right!!!! The characters in this film are frustratingly stupid and annoying!!! The amount of dumb decisions they make for scientists and an advanced space crew is beyond believable. Emotional and stupid decisions. Jake Gyllenhaal, who is a superb actor, was even poor in this! His character was so annoying in this movie and he literally ignores all logic and rational thinking, and acted off pure emotion throughout the entire movie. This film had a good cast and still couldn't carry this film. This film is just frustrating beyond words!!! Utter disappointment!!!!!
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Lived up to the hype!!
18 September 2022
I heard about this film for YEARSSSS!!!l and I've always wondered what the hype is about and why so many people have talked about it all these years. I have to say now that I have finally seen it, I can see why. The film is beautiful in so many ways, the characters and their stories, the cinematography, the character development, the relationships between the characters, and makes you think about your own life, your own potential, your own achievements and what you want from life. The case was beyond impeccable and everyone played their roles superbly. I loved everything from the script to the setting, and I couldn't recommend this film enough. Definitely a classic!!!
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Gran Torino (2008)
This film was really something!!!
11 September 2022
This film really lived up to the high ratings and positive reviews. I really didn't know what to expect and I must say I was not at all disappointed. The character development in this movie and the interactions between the main characters were great and also heart warming. Clint Eastwood is still a tremendous actor even in his golden years. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from start to end. It was paced well and had a nice mix of humour, drama, action, emotion, cultural exploration, cultural understanding, redemption, forgiveness, finding manhood, modern issues, relationship building and human interaction. The ending was highly satisfactory unlike a lot of other great films which often seem like they didn't know how to end and conclude what had transpired. This film for me had the perfect ending! HIGHLY RECOMMEND watching this movie.
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In Bruges (2008)
This film was funny yet profound!!
4 September 2022
This film is a true hidden gem! The acting is superb and the dialogue is so well written. The cinematography and imagery is picturesque, beautiful, historic and humbling. This film made me laugh intentionally and also made me ponder about atonement, retribution, morals, principles heaven and hell, and all of our inevitable mortality as human beings. The cast and director and whoever did the score for this move did an EXCELLENT job. At first I had my doubts about this film when it first started. I thought it was going to be uncultured, mindless junk full of profanity and needless violence, but boy was I wrong. This film was somewhat touching, moving and filled with substance. I was highly entertained throughout the movie. This film has the right mix/balance of action, drama and comedy. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
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Joe Kidd (1972)
It's decent but far from Eastwood's best work
2 September 2022
I enjoyed this film overall, but I feel the story and plot were quite weak. Some parts just felt unrealistic and some parts just didn't make sense. I don't want to go into detail without spoiling it, but parts just weren't conducive to how someone would act or react in some of the scenarios in the film. The action was decent enough, although the special effects of the blood were AWFUL and looked like bright red paint. Clint Eastwood had some great one-liners as usual, and of course had to kiss or seduce a lady character in some way as is the charm of most of his characters haha. This film is worth watching, but just don't expect "The good, the bad and the ugly" or "Fistful of dollars" and some of Eastwood's other great Westerns.
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Her (2013)
Really interesting film with an original concept
30 August 2022
This film was not at all what I was expecting but in a great way! I'm not a fan of Rom Coms or romances generally, and this film isn't that, although it has romantic elements to a degree. This film is more sci-fi than anything with a really interesting and fascinating twist, but also creepy and unsettling concept of relationships with an artificial intelligence. This film was perfectly cast and I can't think of better individuals to play each role. Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson do an incredible job!!!!!!! The film was paced perfectly and didn't drag at all. The film explores the themes of human interaction, emotional ranges of humans, the concept of love, companionship, loneliness, physical touch and so much more. I really enjoyed this film both for it's originality and the ability to make you sit in discomfort but want to explore further. This film makes you reflect on the relationships in your own life, life generally and the world as a whole. This film is beautiful in its cinematography, the musical score and I'm surprised it isn't more renowned. Honestly, a masterpiece in my opinion. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
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Me Time (2022)
Is it cheesy? Yes BUT is it funny? Yes
27 August 2022
I don't usually like Kevin Hart movies. I'm more a fan of his standup comedy. However, I actually enjoyed this movie to my surprise. It had a great supporting cast and a lot of funny moments and memorable scenes. Mark Wahlberg and Kevin Hart have really good on-screen chemistry and none of the scenes felt forced or over the top. The movie is well-paced and didn't drag at all, in fact it went by quite quickly. Yes, the film has some cliches, some unrealistic elements and some cheesy moments, but if you choose to not be overly critical and analytical, you will enjoy it for the fun, silly movie that it is supposed to be. Don't take yourself too seriously and just enjoy!!! A special shout out to the female Uber driver Thelma, she's hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 I hope to see her in more comedies!!!
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Vantage Point (2008)
Entertain and action-packed film!!
25 August 2022
I thought this was a well-execute film with some interesting plot twists and an intricately planned terrorist attack. Yes, I'm sure some overly-analytical movie buff will point out some plot holes bla bla bla. The film is entertaining and the story is presented to you in an interesting way from multiple angles, people's perspectives and all shown starting at the same time frame, around midday on the day of question. The film is well-paced and still manages to tell you enough about the main character but maybe not enough about the protagonists, but enough to understand their motives, and the film has more than enough action to keep you entertained. I definitely recommend.
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The Beguiled (1971)
A different Eastwood movie but still a good one!
22 August 2022
This movie is very different from the tough, men of men, action-packed movies Eastwood usually makes. It is outlandish at times and even disturbing and perverse, but you have to remind yourself it was a very different time, not that it justifies it, but unfortunately some things were just socially accepted and the norm in that time. The film overall develops well, it's never too slow, has a few twists and moments of suspense and the acting is great! The various range of characters and the flashbacks of their stories are very intriguing. The whole cast puts in a stellar performance and I was engaged throughout. I highly recommend you see this film, but just don't expect an action-packed film full of thrills.
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Had lots of potential but falls short in a lot of areas
19 August 2022
This is a dark film that explores human relationships, internal conflicts, depression, drug abuse, infidelity, desperation for money, his money can corrupt you, family and more. A lot of the main characters aren't likeable, so the whole film has an undertone of annoyance. The needless flashbacks and forwards were equally as annoying and frankly unnecessary!! Just the director trying to be too smart and too different. The acting was superb all round and some of the twists and how the stories connect are interesting, but overall I can't recommend this movie. It's enough to keep you engaged and there is some shock factor to it, but the ending is rushed after such a slow film, and the ending is just not satisfactory.
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Witness (1985)
Really good film!!!
18 August 2022
This film had the right balance of action, drama, romance, thrills and comedic charm. Really enjoyed this film and the whole cast added to this film in a positive way, even the child actor who did a great job. I'm not sure if Harrison Ford does bad movies, well I'm yet to see one and this certainly isn't one of them! Don't expect a fast-paced, action-packed thriller and you will enjoy this film. It is more about people's morals, principles, human interaction and culture clashes.

Highly recommend.
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Match Point (2005)
I think 5 is generous too!!
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of Scarlett Johanssom. On a superficial level, she's a very attractive woman but more because she is usually in really good films, but this isn't one of them. This film isn't terrible. It is watchable and you definitely won't predict the events that take place. The problem with this film is that some of the other characters are rather dull, especially the main character's wife. Most importantly, the PLOT HOLES!!!!

1) the affair I felt was very obvious and maybe the wife just didn't want to believe or accept it 2) they didn't take any foot prints from the old lady's flat which would have obviously matched her killer's 3) even before the piece of jewellery was found, you think the police would have immediately confiscated the shotguns he had access to in order to run ballistics tests!!!

4) they would have spoken to Nola's work colleague know she was coming home to meet who she was having an affair with 5) he was a clear suspect with motive, but didn't confiscate his phone to check his call log and also run cell site on his phone!!!?

6) the dad didn't notice the shotgun missing all that time...?

I could go on and on but no need. The film was poorly executed. The film was watchable but I wouldn't waste your time if you're thinking about checking it out.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Overall a movie worth watching!
9 August 2022
This movie gets off to a slow start but well worth the wait for what's to come.

Pro's: great settings, cinematography, lovely scenes, great fight sequences and action scenes. I particularly enjoyed the insight into a whole new civilisation and culture of people, their ways and their practices. I would have loved to have seen more but I get this film is about Predator and not that. Also, I enjoyed the insight into a simpler time, simpler weapons., simpler guns, hunting and tracking techniques. Finally, the predator in this is great!!!! More could have been explained about why the predator landed on this land and who else was on the ship that dropped him off, and why....

Cons: The ending is a bit weak. The main girl is annoying at first, makes some poor decisions, she is stubborn and irritating but comes into her own as the movie goes on. I would have liked them to explain the presence of the French on that land too.

Overall, this film had enough positives to be worth the watch. I definitely don't regret watching it.
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Rogue Agent (2022)
Not at all what I expected!!!
6 August 2022
Going off the title, which of course is never wise, I heard agent and expected this to be some sort of action thriller. However, this was actually an interesting psychological thriller!! It was dull in parts but that is likely because I was expecting to be building up to cheap thrills and action. Instead, this was a very interesting mix of psychological profiles, how the human mind works, emotional manipulation and even a mirror on society in terms working life, student life, student debt and how the trajectory of our lives can impact our ultimate dreams and ambitions, and make us settle. This film is far from perfect and there are some parts I found unrealistic, so don't expect a classic, but it is an interesting watch.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Very entertaining action film
4 August 2022
If you're looking for a great story with twists and unbelievable writing then this isn't that movie. However, if you're looking for excellent action scenes and fight sequences oozing with creativity, and LOTS OF IT, then this is that movie. I was never bored throughout the movie, never had to check the time, and that is always impressive when a film runs 2 hours or more. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND for any pure action fans!!!
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The film could have been so much better!!!
2 August 2022
This film has a lot of great ingredients from insight into character's, their emotional, their plights and so on, and an amazing cast. But the film just feels all over the place. A lot of things aren't explained and especially Richard Gere's character, there isn't nearly enough revealed about his backstory. The last half hour especially is so messy and so much isn't concluded or explained. The ending is just awful. A real shame as the setup and cast was there to make this a classic.
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