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Watch Dogs (2014 Video Game)
Good but quite repetitive
6 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I got watch dogs as soon as it came out and i couldn't wait to play it. I played it and the one thing i liked was the fact you were pretty free in what you could do. For example you could follow the storyline or you could go around the cities hacking people on the street. I loved going around reading character profiles and hacking bank accounts. The storyline was very good and pretty much what i expected. You can run around and do 'tasks' which there are many of. These include stopping a crime from happening, convoys and so much more. Another thing i really liked was the fact that you could choose whether you wanted to be like a hero or a baddie. The score of you being a hero or a baddie depends if you help people or hurt people. It is fun having control of how you play. The graphics are stunning (though they are probably much better on the ps4 as i played it on the ps3).

The controls was good and it was very easy to progress through the storyline. You have the ability to upgrade your hacking ability so you can make more money to buy guns, clothes or even some drinks. Within the game you can also do 'mini games' like chess, drinking games or cash runs. The whole game is fun but if you just do the storyline with no other walking around the city it gets quite repetitive. I mean you get different missions but they're pretty much the same. Shot the enemies or hack them. It's still really fun though. I wouldn't say it was the best game i've ever played but it was near the top of the best games :D

the game is quite a bit violent and has one or two "adult themes" which really aren't THAT bad but not suitable for younger people. I would say this game is OK for people aged 13 upwards *even though this is a 18 year old game*

i would recommend to quite a few people if they like good games with a good storyline which you can't complete within 8 hours. :D :)
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Actually really good
30 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am not really a huge fan of transformers. I mean i did like the other movies but i wasn't really expecting that much from this one. When i saw this in the cinema i wasn't expecting a lot. i expected the odd laugh, tiny amount of actual transforming and a dull storyline.

When watching it i was actually pretty surprised at the fact there wasn't a lack of transforming. Literally they started transforming within the first 10 or 20 minutes. The storyline was quite funny too! the whole stroppy teenager with overprotective dad thing was really funny. the acting was very good and when it gets like half way the action and storyline intenses and gets pretty amazing. The bit near the ending is just spectacular! the amount of action at the end really made it get a 10/10. Even with the action there was still a storyline and humour.

It was a really really really good film and i can't wait to get it on DVD when it comes out so i can experience it again :D It is definitely worth the money to see it at the cinema and it is the best transformers film yet... but i can't help but feel like they are going to make another film as the ending is just a cliff hanger in my opinion but still a really good film and i highly recommend to everyone! Well worth the 10/10 :)
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Safe Haven (I) (2013)
A lot like the rest of the films based on Nicholas sparks books...
30 July 2014
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Now don't get me wrong i love the films and the books. They're good when you just want to watch some romantic type movie. But as the title says they're all pretty much the same and this is NO different. I was really excited to watch this film as i really like them. I watched it with my mother and i had to agree with her when she said it seemed to take forever to get nowhere.

Basically this film is for teens/young adults who like all the lovey romantic type films. But honestly we were like... 60 minutes in and the only things that had happened was she ran away, some guy was looking for her, she went canoeing, they kissed then slept with each other. It was just waaaaaaaaaay to long for the actual story. I can honestly say they could've done the story in like 40 minutes but they made it nearly 2 hours long.

I mean it wasn't all bad... it did pretty much follow the book and it had good acting *better then the lucky one anyway* but it still seemed to be lacking... It also kinda reminded me of a cheaply made TV movie. i was quite disappointed with it actually. Thankfully i only paid for the movie not to go see it at the cinema. I mean i would recommend it to some of my friends or anyone who likes sparks films and books but really to anyone else this film would and will seem quite dull...

I give this a 8/10 because i am a fan of the books and the films and even though it was lacking i did enjoy it and i would watch it again... wouldn't really recommend to anyone who doesn't like sparks books/films or people who don't like romance :)
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Tammy (2014)
not a bad film but not that good either...
30 July 2014
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Well i didn't actually want to watch this film but my family wanted to watch it so i watched it. I was expecting *like McCarthy's other films* a whole lot of crude humor which when watching this film i was surprised that there wasn't that much in it. There are a few innuendos in it here and there but nothing that strong. The acting wasn't actually that bad in it.

One thing is the advert made it look funny as they only stuck the only few funny bits in the film on the advert. If you are looking for a comedy this is NOT the film for you as it only made me laugh like 3 or 4 times... even then that was only at the beginning. I'll be honest and say it reminded me of a cheaply made TV movie. The storyline wasn't as bad as i first expected. It was pretty good actually. The film is basically for older people *about middle aged* who can relate to whenever you want to do something to be good it more or less goes wrong. That is basically what the film is about. Her life gets ruined and then she goes on a trip with her wealthy grandmother trying to cheer herself up. But pretty much everything goes wrong whilst on this trip. So personally i would say it's not that good if you're younger but it's good if you're older as you can relate. Even for younger people it's not that bad.

It's not really worth paying a lot at the cinema for so i'd wait for it to come on DVD but it's still a good watch. I'm giving it a 7/10 because it wasn't bad but didn't have as much humor in it as i first thought but still a good watch :)
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A very good and tear jerking film
4 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now... i was a bit nervous watching this film as i was like "No film about the war is gonna be good and is just going to be sad!" Boy was i wrong! This film isn't like other films i have seen about the war. It was pretty special.

I'll be completely honest and say that at first i thought it was taking a little bit too long to get into the story. Then i realized they was actually just building up the characters so we would be more emotionally attached to them! At the beginning it's pretty different. She can't read or write. Then she learns to read and write and that's how the story builds up.

It's pretty sad all round. Some bits make you smile like when Max comes in and they become good friends. Then she helps him through the time and you can see he feels some gratitude to her for what she has done. It's pretty sweet to see the characters build up like that. You rarely get good acting these days which you can see the connection! When max gets ill it's pretty sad as at this point you've got pretty attached to the characters. This film is only filled with a few plot twists but it's still a really really really good film

I must admit that some points in it made not only me but my mum cry. It's quite a sad film but what did you expect with a war film? It's long but it isn't dull at all. The only thing was i did not expect that ending... i'll be honest *IF YOU DON'T LIKE SPOILERS THEN SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH* and say i really did expect Max and the girl (i can't remember her name but she's the main character) to get married at the end as she would be old enough and she waited for him for so long! when that didn't happen i was pretty sad *END OF SPOILERS... IF YOU READ IT AND DIDN'T WANT THE SPOILERS I AM SORRY BUT I DID WARN YOU ._.*

Overall it's a good film which will make the hardest of people cry. It's got a good storyline, good acting and is def worth watching even though it's long. It's OK if you want to watch it as a family film. Though you should bare in mind there is a tiny bit of violence in this and also a tiny bit of death which may be scary to young children. But i would personally say this is suitable for many ages from around 7+... Maybe even younger if you watch it with them :) I recommend to everyone and give it a 10/10 as i enjoyed it very much and watched it again :D
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The Sims 3 (2009 Video Game)
One fun, weird and unique game
4 July 2014
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The Sim's 3 is a game where you can edit and change the life around you. It is a really fun game even though if you are just watching it can seem quite boring. It is one of those games which you just really need to play it and see what i mean.

The game doesn't really have a storyline as you edit it and you can't actually fail the game. Saying that i don't think you can actually complete it either... It is filled with plenty of randomness, stupidity and comedy. Some bits do make you laugh a lot. If you hate repetitive games then you're safe with this game as it doesn't repeat itself. For example you can just be making a simple autumn salad in it and then in the next moment you could have burnt your house down!

In my opinion there are better games out there but really it's a good game for you when you're tired of other games or just need something to take your mind off life. It's a sweet game with some nice elements to it. Some parts will make you smile, laugh, cry and so much more.

They say that it's a PG 13 but i really don't see why. I mean there isn't anything actually in it. The "violence" isn't actually violence i mean... all i can think of is when Sim's fight and they just turn into a big ball of steam/dirt/cloud thing. Not really bad. You could say it isn't suitable for the fact you can have children in it but even that isn't that bad. I'd say this is suitable for like 7+ year olds as it really isn't that bad

Overall i give this a 6/10 because it's quirky game which is good fun to play but is highly addictive and can make you rage at the lags. It's def worth the play but it isn't one of the best games out there lets be honest. Also it's much better on the PC then on say the ps3 or XBOX... though they are good too. In my opinion the Sim's 2 pets was FAR much better :)
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Grimm (2011–2017)
A very good program
4 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen grimm since the very first episode. It is an extremely good program for all the episodes i must admit. I remember the first time that i saw it advertised on the TV and i didn't really know what to expect. When i watched it i found it pretty good.

The storyline was pretty interesting and not disappointing at all. The episodes feature new monsters *yeah i know they ain't called monsters* and new thrills. It's def worth watching.

I personally wouldn't let young children watch it as i feel they would get quite scared at some of the points. DO NOT MISTAKE THIS FOR A PROGRAM WHICH IS JUST GOING TO HAVE STUPID HALLOWEEN MASKS AND NO BLOOD. This program has a fair amount of bloody corpses and murder scenes. Just so i am clear you rarely see the actual murder but just what is left behind from them. Aka the crime scene and corpse. This can be quite scary for young children. I personally would say nobody under the age of around 12 or 13 should watch this... If you do let your kid watch it then you really should supervise them to make sure they aren't watching something to scary.

Overall it isn't really THAT scary but i can imagine some people getting a little put off by the blood and death. Not suitable for younger viewers but is OK for older children 12+.

It's a good watch and i would recommend to anyone. 9/10
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Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013 Video Game)
Good game, not worth the hate
29 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now i am a HUGE fan of CoD games. I have played pretty much every CoD game available for the PS3 and soon enough for the ps4.

I bought this pretty much as soon as it came out. I was very excited to play it and i have to admit that it didn't disappoint me. I know quite a few people who have played CoD games and called them 'repetitive' but i really didn't think it was. There were many different scenarios that you didn't have in the previous games. For example in one of the first missions you are in space.

None of the CoD games or any games in fact that i've played have ever been in space shooting enemies.

The content in it isn't really that bad... Yeah there's blood splattered when the guys are shot and the scenes where Riley *an army dog* jumps on an enemy and kills them which could be seen as 'scary'. But in my opinion it isn't as bad as a lot of games i've seen and played. Another problem is there isn't a content blocker though as i said there isn't much swearing nor that much blood.

I would recommend to a lot of people if they like FPS *first person shooters*. If you like games which there will be a good storyline, a lot of shooting, a lot of enemies and no QTE's then this game is perfect for you. The storyline if pretty easy to follow and i didn't struggle in finding my way. It's pretty much... Follow the enemies and you'll get to your checkpoint...

There are some annoying things in it though. One of the first thing which is no fault of the game is the damn lag... If you have a laggy console like me you'll end up raging like mad *trust me... i ain't lying* Another problem is it's a pretty quick game *im a gamer and have been for around 1 year and a bit now* i could complete the game in my first go in around 2-3 days. I find this with pretty much all the CoD games.

The good things are the graphics are really good, the voice acting is perfectly chosen and the game is really really really good. Even if you have no friends *like me* and have to play single player on the storyline. It's very fun to play

I give it a 9/10 as it's a good game but isn't perfect... Would recommend to anyone. Def worth the money and the time to buy it and complete it
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A good but very sad film
15 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film without actually reading the book. I saw it on the adverts and i just had to watch it. I was a bit put off at first as it was about a woman with cancer...

I am not a fan of films like that as they usually feature death. I am not a huge fan of death.

I finally decided to watch it as everyone else had seen it and from the beginning i enjoyed it. The storyline was clever, it had it's funny moments and it had it's sad moments.

Throughout the storyline i found myself becoming quite attached to hazel (the main character)and found myself unable to stop crying at bits. Then the storyline had all this plot twists that even i (a person who can predict what is gonna happen before it actually happens in a lot of films)could not guess.

The ending was very very very sad and i could not stop crying at it. I have to admit it was one of the best films about a person with cancer that i have ever seen. It made me want to go out and get the book,

i enjoyed watching it and i highly recommend it to anyone, as long as you do NOT forget to bring your tissues... Not a waste of money to see at the cinema :)
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Godzilla (2014)
Good but not good as i hoped
15 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of this film. I have not seen any of the other Godzilla films but this one looked amazing. I watched all the clips, trailers. I looked at all the fan art and screen shots. I was so excited to finally watch this film.

I started watching it and the storyline seemed to drag on for a long time. Now don't get me wrong, i don't mind a long film but the storyline was just... rubbish.

The acting was pretty bad in it and the action that i was really excited for wasn't as good as i hoped it would be.

The action in it was just a tiny amount. I wanted this film that was filled with action. Sadly it did not deliver.

I mean don't get me wrong, i did like the film but man it could've been so much better...

In my opinion it isn't worth it but if, like me you was waiting a long time to watch this film then yeah you should go see it

It was OK, not the best and i sadly would not recommend to a friend :(
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Beyond: Two Souls (2013 Video Game)
Good game that you WILL play again
31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now... i'll be honest and say the cover nor the trailer didn't really... Impress me... but i bought the demo on my ps3 and found it wasn't at all like i expected. Not long after downloading the demo i found myself wanting to play the actual full game, not just two chapters.

I got it from the shop at quite an expensive price (Especially when you find out you could've got it £10 cheaper online). i played it and at first i found the controls a little difficult to work. For me they were quite glitchy and hard to remember. Though this problem quickly passed after a little bit of playing.

When playing it i did find it a little difficult at times to know where i was going (it wasn't clearly shown nor stated) but after a little time and logic i did find my way. I have to say the actual game is much more like a movie then a game.

It was a good game to play as you could choose what happened, how you played it and so on. The characters were likable but not the greatest. Though after a while you do actually start to feel really bad for Jodie and start hating Ryan.

It truly is a weird but good game to play. The storyline no matter what choice you make is very good. The graphics are wonderful and the voice acting is all right for the game.

It takes around 14 maybe 15 hours to complete though it can take a lot quicker if you're really good at QTE's (Quick Time Events). If you are not familiar with QTE's or you don't like them then i recommend you don't play this straight off. If you're a newbie it does feature a beginner feature (i don't know what it does as i played on expert)

The QTE's aren't that bad in the actual game though they can get quite annoying at times as if you don't click it within that time you die or they do something you don't like.

It is a good game with a good storyline but was a little long in bits. I do recommend you play it as it truly is a good game with a stunning storyline. As i said, if you're not familiar with QTE's then i recommend you get a little practice before you play the game. Very easy to play and do recommend to everyone. Brother also liked it :D :)
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The Last of Us (2013 Video Game)
where do i even start?
31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK so this was the latest of the games i have completed. I am a HUGE fan of naughty dog and i have enjoyed every single game they have ever created. I first saw the last of us when my brother bought it and played it in front of me. After i saw the first 2 minutes of it i knew i would have to play it myself. The last of us was the first ever zombie (infected actually) game i actually played and completed.

At first i was a little worried that with something so good at the start that it would get boring half way through. Like most zombie games do. I found this game was more about the storyline and building up the characters then actually killing zombies (infected)

With most games it is just like "oh hey there's some zombies... let's just times the amount of zombies by a thousand and make you have to kill the zombies with the weapons you have... lets also focus on JUST the zombie killing and not the storyline" But with the last of us it is so much different. there are only 4 different types of zombies (infected). These types are runners, stalkers, clickers and bloaters. they have the types but they do not just flood the area with them.

I also found that the graphics and game play were absolutely stunning and really brought you there in the game. The graphics are the best i've seen yet for a video game. The voicing is completely right too.

The only downfall to this game is it isn't long enough as a player (even if they ain't that good) can easily complete it within 15 hours which is not long at all for all the money you pay. The game is extremely easy to complete on all difficulties.

If you are a new player or and expert player you will enjoy this game. The story line is filled with plot twists throughout and makes you quite emotional. Especially the beginning, middle and end (basically the whole thing)

another reason i didn't like the game was because it cost me a lot of money to pay for all the tissues i used to wipe the tears away from my eyes at parts of the storyline. It is a very emotional game

it focuses on the characters and not the zombies. giving you an emotional attachment to both the characters and games. This can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle filled with playing the game all day and night. As i said... it's a very addictive game and i am playing it for the 15th time!

the plot is filled with many twists and turns that you really do want for a game that is so expensive. Each moment of the game you are on the edge of the seat. You'll find yourself hating a common clicker noise and jumping every time you hear it. It is a unique little game as is well worth the money you pay for it as long as you play it more then once and don't leave it on the shelf to get covered in dust

With all the good things and bad things about this game i still highly recommend you play it whether you are a newbie or expect. It is a must play before you die or your ps3 blows up game.

I highly recommend you play it if you do like zombies and want to see them re-made into something much better then the common zombie but you don't want to put up with extreme amount of gore that other zombies (or infected) games like resident evil feature:D
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Vampires Suck (2010)
Very funny, really doesn't deserve the low votes
31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When i watched this i didn't read the reviews before. When i watched it (after having to sit through ALL the twilight saga) i found it extremely funny.

I really don't understand why it has such a low vote as it is really funny. Even my family agrees! whether you hate twilight or love it you will enjoy this film.

It has many funny bits in it and is 10000 times better then the actual original. If you have seen the original saga (or at least the first 3-4 films) you will understand this film. Even when i didn't actually watch the saga i still got the jokes in it.

I found myself unable to stop laughing at the jokes and mocking they did of the actual films.

I actually highly recommend anyone to watch it as it is extremely funny and will make the most miserable people laugh!

It really doesn't deserve the bad reviews and low votes it gets :)
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not as good as i first thought
31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now don't get me wrong, i like a good Greek-based film but i really thought this film was lacking. Before i saw this film i watched the trailers and various clips that i could find. The film looked pretty good on them. Sadly when i watched the actual film it didn't match up.

First of all the acting was terrible (no offense to anyone who did like the acting) and the storyline was long and pretty dull. The storyline was very long and i just wanted the film to end. I managed to sit through it all and it was just terrible.

As i said i like films which are Greek-based and usually find them very cool to watch but this was just total rubbish. I brought my family to watch it and they all agreed too.

I highly recommend you don't go pay to see this at the cinema but if you do want to see it to wait for it to come on DVD. It'll be cheaper for the quality of this film...

Not a good film at all and extremely disappointed, wont be watching it again at all
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Intelligence (2014)
a good program to watch
31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Most of modern TV these days is filled with weird documentaries. So when i found this program i was quite pleased.

When i decided to watch it i didn't have high hopes at all. I thought it would just be another pile of rubbish that TV sticks on so we don't get bored and decide stop watching TV and actually go outside for once.

When i watched it i was extremely pleased. It had a good storyline, pretty good acting and didn't drag on so much that it got repetitive.

Now i am like most people that watch a lot of TV and i tend to find that after watching the first or second episode i can start to guess what is going to happen next and it be correct. With this i found i couldn't predict it and had many plot twists in it

I do recommend you watch this if you have nothing else to watch as it is good quality and quite entertaining. You will find yourself wanting to watch it more as you continue to watch it :D
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