
9 Reviews
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"The Man" and the woman...get a perfect 10
15 May 2005
This movie has been hanging out in the New Release section of blockbuster stores since the day it arrived on DVD around a year ago. That's because people keep re-renting it (no, not me...I bought my own copy). My praise will not do this movie justice. I have not seen Sam Neill act more convincingly in a movie. He got that mysterious stranger role down perfectly. Rachel Blake was extraordinary. You just couldn't take your eyes off either one of them (regardless of the condition they were in). This is a beautiful movie, with stunning actors, breathtaking scenery, and haunting music. While watching the movie, you'll find yourself asking yourself "what would I do?". You'll also say to yourself "I must get that soundtrack!" I highly recommend it! @-->--> Kris
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This is Perfection
15 May 2005
Before I saw this movie a few years ago, I had never heard of "Robert E Howard". Since then, I've educated myself on who Robert E Howard was...and who Novalynn was. He was extraordinary and she drank him up. It's incredible that someone took her book and made a movie out of the story. Even more incredible is how perfectly it was all orchestrated. The characters were fantastic (Especially Vincent DiOnofrio). The script was great, the filmwork was beautiful, the timing was right on. I will never grow tired of this movie. And I'll continue to turn it onto whoever comes over to my house and hasn't seen it yet. The Whole Wide World is a masterpiece!
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Crush (I) (2001)
Surprisingly Good
7 May 2005
I'll admit, I contemplated renting this video several times before finally giving in and doing it. I think it was the title "Crush" that was deterring me from renting it earlier. It really is a silly title.

But that's the only flaw I found in this darling movie. Andy McDowell was charming (she does torment very well). Imelda Staunton and Anne Chancellor were incredible as her best friends (and our comic relief)! These women tied this movie up into a very entertaining little package.

I imagine those most satisfied with this movie after watching it will be the 'female of the species'. The females will relate to all of it.

Enjoy the show, and the music! @-->-->--
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The Favor (1994)
How entertaining? very..
2 May 2005
This movie was actually good. I don't personally know anyone who saw it before I turned them onto it. Elizabeth McGovern was great in this one. She did great job of being the woman most women would love to be like (I.e..."Remember when we said we'd stop when it wasn't fun anymore? Well, it's not fun anymore"). Bill Pullman was very good as the silly husband with his cute little harmonica. Harley Kozak is good in this too(Good enough for me to be surprised that I haven't seen her in anything else). The only character that didn't impress me was Brad Pitt. It's a comedy about a married woman who wonders what her old high school boyfriend is up to now. Haven't we all wondered something along that line ? :)
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Heaven's Gate (1980)
It's a perfect 10 !
2 May 2005
I don't think I can enough about Heavens Gate. I loved this movie. It was beautifully, and realistically, filmed. Kris Kristofferson was the best I've ever seen him. He's painfully gorgeous in this movie (especially in the Wyoming scenes). Christopher Walken is equally as painfully adorable. AND they did a fantastic job of acting! Everyone did. It has a great music score to go along with it.

This is one of those movies that I put in my top 5 favorites.

Since it does pay a lot of attention to little details, watch it when you're wide awake. And since it's a long movie, make sure you have plenty of time to devote to it.

Enjoy it. It's a perfect 10!
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Perfection !
2 May 2005
This is one of those must see movies. It pays great attention to every little detail that's going on in this little dusty spot on the map. The fly irritating one of the gunman, the drops of water on the hat quenching the other gunman, the click-click-click irritating the 3rd gunman. music is perfect! (each character comes with their own music score). The actors are perfect! I don't want to sound like a broken record... The movie is perfect! Claudine Cardina was beautiful,wonderful,etc. Henry Fonda, Jason Robards, and Charles Bronson (now these are MEN) made a very memorable impression on me in this cinematic work of ART. So did the haunting "spagetti western" music. Basically, to sum it all up...I loved this movie!! 10 out of 10, hands behind my back! @-->--
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Breathless (1983)
10 out of 10!
2 May 2005
Gave it 10 out of 10. This is a great movie! I still have the VHS of this one. I don't think anything could have been done to make it any better. The music is right on, and some of the film work is so "quirky" the word I want? (quirky is good). The sunset night scene when he's driving the car in the desert, the checkered clothes Richard Gere wears at one point, the movie theater, etc. Not only did it have a comic book in it, it reminded me of a comic book.

I was very impressed, and still am. Richard Gere did a fantastic job of acting throughout the whole movie. Highly recommend to anyone looking to be 'entertained'.

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2 May 2005
I'm giving this movie a 9 out of 10 because a few things could have been left out to make it easier for some people to watch (it's a long movie). I don't have any problem watching all the little details that some of the scene 'linger' on, but I've loved this movie since it came out. Robert Mitchum did a great job of being wonderfully boring. It was quite endearing. Sarah Miles is right on cue with the way she conveys herself as a beautiful bored girl...searching for something, but she doesn't know what. Johm Mills was indescribably impeccable. And Christopher Jones was the perfect mystery. It's a beautifully filmed romantic movie. @-->---
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In the Cut (2003)
It's all good
2 May 2005
I only gave it a 9 out of 10 because there are a couple of things I would have left out. Just a couple of slow scenes. This movie was filmed beautifully...and realistically.

Mark Ruffalo - GREAT in this movie. Why is this man not more well known? Or is he, and I just didn't know it. Meg Ryan - I thought she did a great job in this movie too, but she appeared to have more intrigue than she actually showed. Jennifer Jason Leigh - She's great in every movie she's ever been in.

I like all Jane Campion movies. A little bizarre, sexy, intense.

Enjoy watching it (watch it twice if you can)

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