
42 Reviews
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
dead pan comedy using WWII as a backdrop
25 October 2019
Movie was better than I expected from news media reviews. The realistic costumes, uniforms, military vehicles contributed to the authenticity of film atmosphere. Taika waititi? After 'what we do in the shadows', I knew this was coming...I wish there were more satirical movies like this--waititi's treatment of wall street capitalistic parasites, for example. I mostly do a lot of research on the last great war, never knew it could be mined for comedy, though...Sort of like a child's POV of movie, catch -22... ...
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Good enough for armchair historians & amateur ukrainophiles...
6 December 2018
Well, all I know about central Europe is that true scholars of Slavic topics will see that Deribasivs' Kyi is the correct spelling, not Deribasovskaya Street in downtown Odessa. This was a great movie. Not half as good as 'Das Boot' (1981), but that was a movie about people, German people during the pressure of war. You could say this one was a far more satisfying psychological thriller. If only Hollywood could make movies like this. My only exposure to secret intelligence services is the alphabet soup of spy think tanks, but this is the first story about the German version of the vast Egyptian police network, al-mukahabarat, which gained power during reign of gamal abdul Nasser. It is very authentic, & a very slow, plodding movie. But it is necessary to view this rather than a slew of evil, nazi villain movies(house on 92nd Street comes to mind), or a bunch of silly dreck about hogan's Heroes duetschbags running around shouting Heil Hitler at each other. I wouldn't necessarily recommend everyone emigrate to Germany right now, & learn German culture, but I would certainly think about learning the German language after seeing this movie. It's the least I can do. It is a very authentic culture, but to appreciate it, you have to see the good with the bad. STASI, to me, was a post - war version of the gestapo. But this was also a country that gave birth to the magdeburg rights( named after teutonic city of Magdeburg, which is a german version of the Magna Carta, laid down foundation of how cities are governed. That is all I have to say, except I think Ulrich muhe should have gotten an Oscar.
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trailer:'...somebody's going to get hurt..when these 2 meet head on on,'THIEVES HIGHWAY'!
28 August 2018
..I thought Lee J.Cobb was better in this movie than in 'Death of a...'( although, I have never seen that one..); this was his movie through & through, although I thought Richard conte was far too handsome for this crime thriller, something about the dangerous world of the trucking industry that brings fruit & produce to major port cities like San Francisco. Directed by Jules Dassin(1949),it stars Lee J. Cobb as a corrupt mobster who runs the port markets buying & selling apples, produce, cabbage heads, lettuce. Lots of sizzling scenes between that Conte & Valentina Cortesa. But alas, modernization brought shipping containers, Overhead crane lifting, railroads, & huge 18-wheeler trucks like Kenworth, Peterbilt, Freightliner, making this movie dated.
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1945 (2017)
.. your past may catch up to you...
21 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised at how good movie was, far better than 'white god', about pack of rabid dogs rampaging through streets of Budapest. This movie takes place, not in world War I( around time Josie Broz Tito Joe listed in austrian-hungarian army, but post - war Hungarian backwater village when 2 mysterious men arrive. (this would make a good twilight zone episode, like movie Phoenix, where mysterious woman haunted by memories of auschwitz arrives in post-war Berlin)---dear mayor of? (Peter Rudolph), I would like to bring to your attention, wrote one town drunkard, 'it is my Patriotic duty to inform you that in the basement of my next door neighbor' s house, a store owner who calls himself a Hungarian sounding name, despite his Hungarian sounding name, & a drug store owner of high morals, his real name is Pollak, and he leads a group of political radicals!, & they discuss political sensitive issues! And that the U. S. army will be helping them! It is my Patriotic duty to unmask these bolshevik infidels, signed Andras 'bandy' Kusyar, patriot
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Winchester (2018)
I actually visited this mansion tour in the 80s, struck by how many rooms there were..
2 February 2018
I saw this house in the 80s, was impressed by tour guides; all the women were dressed in some kind of period garb from the 1860s, full hoop skirts; by all accounts this woman was widely regarded as a very sweet, kindly lady who provided employment for hundreds of workers; she should not have felt guilty about the thousands of people who fell victim to the gun that won the west,& the tortured souls who came back to seek vengeance on her; it was her husband who should have felt guilt & atonement for the men & women who met a violent end from this weapon of mass destruction; but if she was a woman that these souls branded a villainous demon, I would have said to her:'...sarah, there have been many figures in past, both famous & obscure that tried to turn over a new leaf, renounced their past history, & disavowed their criminal misdeeds & tried to contribute to society( which she did by building this bewildering mansion); for what reason is a mystery, some kind of transformation; a death in family, wartime experiences, a diagnosis of an interminable disease, or even a spiritual, religious transformation, it happens ,not often but occasionally in history...'>>
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The Americans: The Clock (2013)
Season 1, Episode 2
Philip:''s not such a bad country, the electricity works...'
8 November 2017
yes, I just caught episode 2(this is a belated review, the episode came out in 2013!); I will reserve additional comments( how this series is linked to me personally, although, I seriously have never worked in intelligence, though)for episode 3. Unlike most TV series I have watched, IE, Alfred Hitchcock hour, Breaking Bad(tense scenes between Walter white-Gus Frimg),Gof Thrones(subdued, yet ruthless Daenarys Targaryen), these dramatic fare is offered for entertainment purposes; while 'THE Americans' must have been written by those who had prior experience working in the spy business. As such while watching the series, I have learned an enormous amount of information about the now defunct KGB, IE, what is a 'dead drop'?; the difference between a 'legal resident spy', & an 'illegal resident spy'? ; what is a 'residentura'?; how spy agencies can 'turn' a KGB operative into a 'mole;?; what is a mole?; etc, etc. 'THE CLOCK' had one telling scene, when Nina Krilova was walking through a farmer's market, & the unrecognizable man standing next to her, measuring the tomatoes, & onions, calmly tells her he is an FBI agent. She slowly realizes the 'gig is up', & nods her head reluctantly, after the agent cajoles her into the consequences, if she refuses to cooperate(all the while, being videotaped from a van by Frank Gaad, & Chris Amador). The pained expression tells volumes, as they have probably determined through cloak & dagger work that she is a suspected KGB operative using diplomatic employment as cover at the soviet consulate(residentura) on Wisconsin avenue. Rewind back to July, 1960, in Gryazi, USSR, when 2 Russians are recruited by the KGB. Then they travel overseas during the Reagan administration years(80s) to take up residence in Fairfax, Va. posing as a married couple, 'Philip & Elizabeth Jennings' . This then is the backdrop for 'THE Americans'. I found that scene with Nina, & Stan Beeman, a little implausible( like the one in movie,PHOENIX, directed by Christian Petzold); are FBI agents really that skilled that they could 'turn' a KGB officer into a mole(FBI informant) in less than 2 minutes? This has been the best episode I have ever seen, but I have not seen the other seasons,except season 4(about mostly episodes about dangerous chemicals used as bio-weapons...)
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Like Crazy (2016)
mashup of 'One Flew Over...' meets 'Wild Tales' meets....
20 May 2017
if you take any of the episodes in 'Wild Tales' & expand it to 118 minutes,you have the premise of this latest by Paolo Virzi('HUMAN CAPITAL');where Valerie takes the place of Bruno(Vittorio Gassman),a worldly wise nutjob who mentors another struggling mental patient to escape the nuthouse,& score free meals at restaurants, on a road trip w/ a similar car(Lancet Aurora Sport?);notice every time the car breaksdown(gas,flat tire, blown head gasket), a new one mysteriously pops up for the taking?

Almodovar(Spanish),Matteo Garrone(Italy),Virzi(Italy),&Christian Petzhold(Germany)are able to milk the human condition more accurately than their celluloid Hollywood blockbuster counterparts. Virzi planning to film a send up to period dramas?Valerie Bruni Tedeschi, & micaela Razzamotti are inmates who escape a lunatic asylum near Leichester estates,& don discarded clothing to masquerade as Michelle Dockery as Lady something-something, & WREAK HAVOC on the waitstaff?; a Groucho Marx send up: 'A NIGHT AT THE DOWNTON ABBY'?;

Anyways, investigators have found traces of a 'wild-tales' accelerant used in the firestorm comedy, Almodovar, & Virzi, once legitimate filmmakers,now on the lam(serial comedy arsonists?); if you see these fugitives at large,contact your local Cannes Film Festival FBI office.. ..HUMAN CAPITAL=insurance companies,using google search algorithms can calculate insurance settlements,calculating the deceased's net worth in compensation claims, taking into account the victim's education level,years of employment, relevant job skills, emotional bonds within the community, any past criminal history, number of siblings,or surviving family members; reducing a person to a commodity?>>
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The Untouchables: The Purple Gang (1960)
Season 2, Episode 7
Bruce Cochran most unforgettable as 'Frank Nitti' in the Untouchables('the purple gang')
9 May 2017
..although the plot is forgettable, it is most remembered for Steve Cochran as an evil don Ed Fletcher of the Purple gang,& Werner Klemperer as a drug mule for the Capone gang. Although Neville brand is most engaging as Al Capone in the TV series, it is Bruce Cochran who is most remembered as the enforcer for the 'Chicago outfit' who commands the stage in the dimly lit warehouse scene w/ Ed Fletcher; he will rank in the TV villains' Hall of fame right up there w/ Gus Frimg(Giancarlo Esposito)of 'breaking bad' fame, but you must remember, BB is entirely fiction from the fertile imagination of Vince Gilligan, whereas Frank Nitti historically came up the ranks as a foot soldier, born in Italy, learned the crime trade in Brooklyn, Galveston, Dallas & finally caught the eye of Johnny Torrio, head of the Chicago Outfit, along w/ another unknown consigliere, a young 32-yr-old named Al Capone. When Capone succeeded Torrio, it was Nitti who 'outsourced' the dirty work for Capone . And Cochran's, excuse me, Bruce Gordon's faithful TV portrayal as Nitti cemented his place in gangland history.
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Ike: Countdown to D-Day (2004 TV Movie)
not enough praise for a tough portrayal of man w/ impossible task
28 April 2017
yes, I thought selleck was brilliant,but did not pass judgment on whether a man commanding well over 85 battalions(only 25 were actually American);those administrative skills would serve a person quite well in civilian life(Ike went on to a successful political career, as the _?_th president); so should Patton(trump look-alike?)also should have run,if he had lived?also a very good portrayal of a loquacious, bombastic field Marshall Montgomery who, as he put it, bested the normally taciturn Rommel(literally, desert fox booked for parts unknown when, Bernard, with champagne glass in left hand,& riding crop in right),quite literally delivered Rommel's head on a silver platter at kasserine Pass?
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The Easy Life (1962)
would give director a 10 for the title,'Il Sorpasso';but a 4 for plot?
23 April 2017
..Yes,I saw this at the Castro( they had an actual Lancia Aurelia Sport car outside!);I give the title, a score of 10!(translation: the overtaking, passing,or to surpass,or excel, as regards driving a car(?);ie, cool dudes like Bruno are 'sorpassare'( someone who excels as socially, morally, sexually,politically?living a hedonistic lifestyle?); but to be 'sorpassato'(surpassed, is bad, like Roberto, you are a loser?, a virgin, a slap at your reputation?);

Otherwise I'd give this a 4 for plot,supposedly the inspiration for generations of road movies? But wouldn't this be the inspiration prequel to a non-road movie,THE LEOPARD, starring Burt Lancaster, Claudia Cardinale('once upon a time in the West')about the creation of the middle class in the late 50s in the calubria region of southern Italy(also the locale for GOMORRA, directed by Matteo Garrone, about the Sicilian Mafia in, & around the Port of Naples; great jokes abound in this comedy;
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Sorcerer (1977)
takes some background research(wikipedia) to fully understand this convoluted story
1 April 2017
yes, I think I saw this movie in 1983,just caught it now on a library DVD; movie takes place in 70s,must be an apolitical thriller(shadowdancer?); as there is no mention of politics; although there are many political graffiti posters pasted everywhere on walls of buildings, hotels, taverns('El cossario' bar),giant oil pipes on shoulder of roads from airport to makeshift town in middle of nowhere;a generillisimo(Somozista?) in full uniform w/ the caption,'UNIDOS HACIA EL FUTURO'; have no idea?(Make America Great Again?); this would be the perfect place to hide, where nobody in their right mind would even think to look for fugitives on the lam?(Palestinian terrorist,Kassem; Elizabethtown gangster fleeing the mafia,Scanlon; French 'Bernie madoff' inside trader on the lam, Serrano; drug cartel hitmanunnamed actor who laughs hysterically as he lay dying from Nicaraguan contra rebel truck ambush). The 4 fugitives reluctantly work for the oil company,'Companie de Recursios Petroleros'(subsidiary of Exxon?,BP? Russian Gazprom?, doesn't make clear); while it doesn't make clear how the oil rig exploded(somebody was seen connecting some wires to a bomb);it was clear that many indigenous peoples in south America equate US government w/ capitalist American latex factories, oil companies, sugar plantations, & make their terrorist sympathies quite clear[---'to tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire, with no more moral purpose at the back of it than there is in burglars breaking into a safe.'--Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness.].

So this is set in the 70s, the era in which this film is set,which also, ironically, is the time(from 1979-to early 90s), that the left-wing socialist Sandinista government was in all out war against the US militarily backed Nicaraguan Contras who, by 1986, were reduced to isolated acts of commando raids,as the Sandinista government gained more popular support from the population. This was one of the most ambitious,costly paramilitary & political action campaign for the 'hearts & minds' mounted by the CIA in decades. So if you multiply the political turmoil in Ukraine by 10, you have the setting ..In the last 3 heartbreaking minutes
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one of the best all round Sean Penn movies I have ever seen
25 March 2017
...although I am not a big fan of Sean Penn(he is very politically opinionated);I saw this movie on afternoon KOFY-TV,I did spend 3 the Midwest; it absolutely replicates some of the cultural underpinnings of the Midwest(although not as violent as this movie depicts); I thought Sean's flame was Erin Rachel wood(it was actually Millie Perkins, who I am not familiar with); also I did a double take when I thought I saw David Straithern as one of the gang members; altogether, a thoroughly authentic movie about good 'ole boys going to their weekend 'world of outlaws' stock car racing life.(actually challenged by car-crazed teens every day to race in everyday street traffic...)
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Split (IX) (2016)
Nicolas pesce('eyes of my mother'),up & coming M.Night shyamalan
23 January 2017
yes, this excellent McAvoy movie comes in the wake of 'eyes of my Mother', but multiplied by 10. I would think that the title 'SPLIT' infers 'split personality', as in schizophrenia(most of the inmates at Atascadero Prison for the criminally Insane, Atascadero, California),but it actually refers to DID, & other types of mental disorders(petit & grand mal seizures?);however, unlike DID, or petit mal, schizophrenia is not only a mental disorder, it is a confirmed genetic illness, ie, blond parents, their offspring will also have blond hair? Which is why I do not think DID is as dangerous as depicted in this movie; but I agree w/ Shyamalan, that both DID & schizophrenia also highlight the incredible intelligence of these victims of these disorders?(the business of DID altering the physical chemistry of the body is a bunch of Hollywood artistic license hoo- hah, though..)
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La La Land (2016)
film pays homage to 'That's Entertainment' movies
23 December 2016
yes, this film would be the sequel to correct all the flaws of 'L.A.Story'; you hire a better director, Chazelle( Steve martin in previous?);& you get an actress w/ better acting chops(Emma stone,previously in 'Easy A' movie? than Sarah Jessica Parker?);plus a better script; but mostly it is basically the same movie, same romantic comedy(except one is decidedly a screwball comedy of a love triangle?)lots of music; set against the backdrop of freeway billboards in present day L.A.? But I will see it again, recommended to see in IMAX screen version; this movie will be a good antidote for all the bad movies(shall remain unnamed)I have seen in 2016?
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a good movie to familiarize the name Nicolas Pesce(also Rob Schmidt,Dir.of 'Wrong Turn')
3 December 2016
Yes,the woman(female Ed gein?)also bears a passing resemblance to Eliza Dushku('dolls House'); these directors must have grown up in Wisconsin,because there very much was a guy there who kept all those bottles of formaldehyde filled w/ body parts in the barn next to his house;not exactly film noir,but excellent acting from the grown Francesca(Kika Migalkaes). I thought this was some sort of vampire movie taking place in Bulgaria,but the songs & dialogue were Portuguese,but the scene w/ the 18 wheeler coming across a chained woman crawling across highway sounded vaguely reminiscent of recent news media reports(34-yr- old Sherri Papini,abducted on November 2nd, & recently released alive by her kidnappers(2 Hispanic women) three weeks later,150 miles away in Yolo county,crawling along a highway,blonde hair shorn,severely beaten, & recently chained,Shasta County SHeriff's office investigation is still ongoing..
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A.Lee goes all in for accurate documentary on PTSD...
21 November 2016
...yes, I was in military 26-yrs.before Iraq; there were no major military deployments up until 2004(possibly the Iran hostage situation,but that was a rescue operation given the Hollywood treatment in 'ARGO');ie, we sat around mostly peeling potatoes, only to be deployed elsewhere, also peeling potatoes(?);unless you asked any German tourists in Union Square,S.F., who told me later that they were indeed apprehensive about the buildup of 21st Pershing mobile missile battalions(my unit at Ft. Sill, but I was kicked out after 10 months)in Baden-Baden Wurtemburg; they felt if hostilities broke out between Russian & US; they would take their differences out & turn Germany into a 'parking lot'; Most blacks, as well as myself were known as 'winter patriots'(?);I enlisted in February, when landlords cut off our heat,or evicted us for overdue apartment rents(?)
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Ixcanul (2015)
ixcanul(kaqchikel for 'volcano');plethora of snakes in film,but the word serpiente not in title>>
29 August 2016
Yes,I had to read the internet reviews to figure out the plot;& came in fully prepared to compare it to the last similar movie,'el Abraxo de la Serpiente',by Ciro Guerra,a more documentary-like,instructional film about the effects of 300 years of European colonialism on the indigenous Indians of the amazon rain forest. But strangely,the woman(very stoic looking Maria Mercedes Coroy,great actress)reminded me of the Mexican waif('Ride the Pink Pony',1946);excuse me,'RIde the Pink Horse', starring Robert Montgomery; about the small girl who keeps dogging this ex-GI,who lands in San Pablo,New Mexico determined to flush out a new York Mobster for squaring away past debts?both put in great performances;there was a lot of astrological/ mystical references in 'el Abraxo....',not as many in this movie,I wish there were more of those,but Juana(Telon) did call out a lot of references to beseeching blessings of earth,wind,water,volcano,or sacrifice a pig as offering to appease a long,dormant volcano, lest it explode w/ lava & havoc to the nearby villages, so as to bring good luck to her daughter's betrothel to the local coffee plantation owner.(in 'el Abraxo....' it was the local rubber plantation owners who were the villains in movie...)>>
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Anthropoid (2016)
the foreign accents,location shooting,clothing,1940s vehicles used,weaponry add an additional layer of authenticity
13 August 2016
i was always a fan of these types of 'History Channel' documentary like films(also liked the TV series VIKINGS);& was hit by 2 surprises in this movie;in addition to the director(same guy who made Metro Manila!!!);the first shooting took me aback(first 5 minutes of movie);sometimes, a trick question by the gestapo( German dressed up to look like ordinary Czech farmer(?)>>' can sleep in the barn;you are welcome to stay,'; Cillian Murphy soon finds out how dangerous it is to land in his mother land,now annexed by the Germans; also the scene where the actual assassination takes place, after casing out the target for several months, & after meticulous planning; the day finally comes; as the German military officer's car rounds the corner,Cillian(Josef gabcik)springs into action: the popular French Resistance weapon,a British Sten gun, which never malfunctions,'malfunctions'!; the hand grenade goes off,but only destroys the vehicle!; the occupants get out & return fire; & the resistance fighters flee for their lives,thinking the plot had completely backfired; Hundreds of SS troops surround the hospital where Heydrich was taken; so he must have survived; but later succumbs to his wounds; 5,000 Czech citizens are rounded up & executed in retaliation... ..
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Tale of Tales (2015)
the best anthology of unconnected fairy tales since 'WILD TALES'
15 May 2016
..well,after reading all the reviews(many of my reviews have not been published on IMDb,so I must have violated something,but it's OK,i just like to print out my superb recommendation for this trilogy of tales); I must agree that garrone is what they call a 'neo-realist' director,for his unflinching social commentary that infused his past work,but may,or may not have spilled over into this delightful anti-Disney film.I agree that his work is the antithesis of many Hollywood treatments of folklore,ie, his films have zero entertainment value,they are here to instruct;so if you are not addicted to the Grimm TV drama series,or even the Neil Gaiman graphic comic book anthology of the tale of Morpheus(SANDMAN),then tie yourself down to whatever you are sitting in,you are in for a rough ride on the Garrone Roller coaster amusement Park.>>
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perhaps I can buy video to give to friends,as this movie is hard to explain verbally
8 April 2016
'...the only way he could heal was to learn how to dream,'..the film is a journey encompassing 300+years of strife & conflict of two cultures,the Spanish colonial rule decimating the indigenous Indian cultures of South America to the point of extinction,compressed into a 2-hr.hallucinogenic movie;the jungle habitat where the Mayan civilization was born & thrived under the life giving waters of the . The is an old man,1940)to seek a medicinal plant(herbal Viagra)that has miracle healing properties.But that story is just an excuse,a vehicle to begin the exploration of the jungle-Socrates99,03/19/16-.They really learn to become men again by becoming in tune w/nature. The skeptical,religious shaman is a'relic' of a once proud civilization, reduced to a 'chullachaqui',a walking,empty'zombie'of a man -howardschuman,10/08/16-.. ... ... ... ... . ... .... . ... ..... .. .. ..'el Abrazo De las Serpiente' has Ciro Guerra's hand all over it, -Josevanegas-,a reality-based condemnation of white colonial rule, indigenous cultures wiped out by the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century;those who would mock & debase other cultures & abuse the land,ie, raping of forestland by rubber plantations, do so at their peril.
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Better Call Saul: Nacho (2015)
Season 1, Episode 3
first time viewing episode 3:'NACHO'>>
27 February 2016
I am trying to deconstruct this episode($7.99/mo sub),the first 5 minutes I didn't get,as i read these reviews,it was a flash forward teaser scene(?) where he is touching bases w/ his brother(also an attorney)for some help in what looks like he is being held on serious charges(not disclosed?)>>I think this episode far surpassed ep1 & ep2 despite the fact that Tuco does not appear(tried to refresh my memory viewing BB,s1,ep7('A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal')& s2,ep1['Seven Thirty-Seven'),which recounts the deaths of No-doz & Gonzo(arm got accidentally decapitated,bled to death),victims of Tuco's wrath(?);also,I finally get the incident w/ the body lying behind the dumpster & the Rolex watch(probably fake?);I assume this is a classic 'we found $50,000 in a paper sack,but we need your help to find the rightful owner' scam(but if Saul's beer drinking pal found that wallet,was that counterfeit money he discovered in it?).Saul planted a fake wallet in the alley?;also where he discovers the Kettlemen's in a tent above the house,& spills the laundry bag filled w/ millions;all in all I rate this a 10 out of 10,right up there in BB territory!
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Better Call Saul: Uno (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
wasn't expecting him to answer the door!(thought they shot him in BB(hank?))
20 February 2016
A dimension of sight(color?);a dimension of sound--you've just crossed over into:NEW Mexico(cue theme music Twilight Zone)-- -- --

I like the way they showed jimmy's past in black & white(plot device?)& the present days journey=New Mexico(color);This episode sets up the character of Jimmy McGill(excellent); .. ..

I knew the car accident w/ the 2 innocuous skateboarders was going to be prescient(is that the correct word?),a la, Vince Gilligan cooking recipe?.

I was surprised that Tuco answered the door,thought they shot him for good,an especially unpleasant character in BB; but now I changed my mind,this will be awesome for BCS(for the very same reason I thought=for a couple of minutes in the fulminate of mercury episode(BB),I really didn't think he was acting(actually, all 47 minutes of that episode= 2nd floor being obliterated by Walt?)>>
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
REVENANT-confirms many instances of where the human ribcage can survive inhuman weights(car vehicle)
8 January 2016
this was a terrific film that repeats often chronicled reports that people can survive a terrific amount of weight falling on them,for instance in a car crash,where the driver is pinned under a 3,000 lb.metal paperweight. Although,it is easy to believe you can kill a bear w/ one bullet,& several knife wounds(I read somewhere that Alaskan Kodiak bears can reach 8' tall standing);I never imagined a film would show a person almost getting killed from the dead carcass he killed landing on top of him,after collapsing & falling down a ravine(?).Despite all the long beard, I instantly recognized him as Leo diCaprio,but could not figure out who the villain was underneath all that makeup hair & the southern, pre -civil war speech vernacular(it was that same guy who plays those British gangsters,Tom Hardy!).THere were so many pithy, aphorisms he said(will have to return & see film a 2nd time to write them all down), I thought that Inarritu had hired Ralph Peters as a dialogue coach!(CAIN AT GETTYSBURG@2012); I also thought this is a very good film,in the model of many Hollywood westerns about "Lewis & Clark Expedition" type adventures about explorers tracking the western Frontier & confronting bloodthirsty indians,etc.,in showing the types of wardrobe that John Richardson & Glass wore,the typical long bore weapons, the type of diet,(it looked like diCaprio caught a live fish & bit into it?,i dunno,it sure looked like it!); Also, this is described as a revenge movie,so I impute that to mean,diCaprio is trying to find the ones(Hardy) that done him wrong. All in all,I rate this a 10 out of 10,the Bear should get an honorary Oscar for all the shaking he did of diCaprio's body, I thought he was going to eat him alive,but then the bear seemed to just walk on top of him to lick his face....?

More civil war aphorisms(an aphorism is a concise way of describing a depressing truth?)>> '.that sounds like pissing in the whiskey jug'=(a used car salesman, or a tin horn politician speaking out of the side of his mouth,or similar 2-faced obtuse person)>>' a blessed person who hides behind a curse.....=not quite sure what this aphorism in the book meant)>> I would think that 10 minutes being devoured by a bear would easily substitute for 3 horrific days in the summer of 1863 (battle of Gettysburg); I cannot believe I live in the same country as where the battle of Gettysburg was fought,it makes me feel very insignificant,like diCaprio walking through the frozen tundra of this wonderful movie...>>
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Brooklyn (2015)
some incredibly useful lines in the movie I should remember
3 January 2016
....I thought this was a terrific movie,that actually made me appreciate the Movie,'PHOENIX'(Nina hoss), much more.Although both are romantic movies,one of which ends happily ever after,the other(Hoss)sort of leaves you hanging. WHat I meant by that is when you see a woman of such beauty(Ronan),you sort of know going in(first 5 minutes)that no matter how the director dresses it up(excuse me,dresses it down)w/ trials & tribulations, crisis, heartbreaks,death in the family,etc,everything sort of works out in the end(it ends well for everybody).Whereas w/ Phoenix,also a beautiful woman,but the 2 films really share very little in common.I mean no matter how you dress it up,anybody that comes out of a concentration camp,even if you survive,I mean you sort of know going in (first 5 minutes)that no matter how the director dresses it up(she has surgery which restores her beauty,she finds her ex-husband,etc), it probably is not going to end well). ... .....Also,I thought Ronan bore a passing(not a striking,just a passing)resemblance to that goofy,deadpan comic wife,Morticia(Addams family);not the facial features,just the lips. Also, she reminded me of Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey),in that Ronan seems to have a multitude of facial expressions that convey emotion,w/o ever having to utter a single sentence! Whereas Dockery seems to have only 2 facial expressions,one conveying total shock, & the other conveying total gratification,ie, she has to say out loud what she is thinking,or you do not know what she is conveying. But other than the fact that I thought it would be a better title,"Jackson heights", I rate this movie 10 out of 10,since I have never lived in either borough.(i liked the part where she repeats the advice to a newbie arriving at Ellis island,the exact same advice given to her years earlier...)>>STOP
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Hoover's G-men apprehend 10 saboteurs during WWII
15 October 2015
Yes, I recognize agent Brigg's(Lloyd Nolan),but couldn't recall any of his movies,but this is a very memorable one to add to his filmography as a work of historical fiction;actually not fiction at all,as the ending movie credits point out,up to 16,000 would be spies,espionage agents & Nazi saboteurs were rounded up,apprehended,or caught up & down the East coast during WWII(operation Magpie). (wikipedia): On orders given by Hitler,Walter Kappe(attached to Abwehr II,the sabotage branch of German Intelligence)was to train terrorists(Operation Pistorius) to land by life boat via German U-boats on the east coast of the U.S. to undermine,sabotage,or help destroy America's industrial effort(equipment,supplies)to help the Allies in WWII. Gimpel& Colepaugh landed by life raft at Frenchman Bay in Gulf of Maine(11/29/1944; also Kerling,Thiel,Neubauer,Haupt landed by life raft on a beach at Amagansett,Long Island,New York(U-1230)on 06/'13/1942, & Dashch,Burger,Heinch,& Quirin at Ponte Verde Beach,south of Jacksonville,Fla. four days later(06/17/1942).Most of them came w/ requisite amounts of US currency to finance their espionage,along w/ explosives,primers,& incendiaries to hijack & destroy defense related factories & undermine American resolve to continue fighting w/ the ALlies. Most were caught,arrested,& some executed.There were no known incidents of any terrorist operations successfully carried out.
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