A.Lee goes all in for accurate documentary on PTSD...
21 November 2016
...yes, I was in military 26-yrs.before Iraq; there were no major military deployments up until 2004(possibly the Iran hostage situation,but that was a rescue operation given the Hollywood treatment in 'ARGO');ie, we sat around mostly peeling potatoes, only to be deployed elsewhere, also peeling potatoes(?);unless you asked any German tourists in Union Square,S.F., who told me later that they were indeed apprehensive about the buildup of 21st Pershing mobile missile battalions(my unit at Ft. Sill, but I was kicked out after 10 months)in Baden-Baden Wurtemburg; they felt if hostilities broke out between Russian & US; they would take their differences out & turn Germany into a 'parking lot'; Most blacks, as well as myself were known as 'winter patriots'(?);I enlisted in February, when landlords cut off our heat,or evicted us for overdue apartment rents(?)
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