
21 Reviews
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3 June 2022
Not sure I liked it, not sure I disliked it, but boy oh boy was it a Cronenberg movie, and if you like his style, check it out. My two biggest gripes are that I felt as though it ended too abruptly, and that honestly, I wish it was grosser. Is that weird? Most of the "shocking bits", besides one scene, were in the trailer, which was a bit disappointing. Really not much more that I can say. Great performances!
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What a surprise
27 May 2022
Not a big fan of big blockbuster action movies but this really surprised me. Yes it's cheesy at moments but it's a really fun watch and surprisingly intense. The action is edge of your seat good and seeing it in IMAX was such a great experience. Would recommend, especially if you're a fan of, or nostalgic of the original.
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My expectations were high,
8 April 2022
You see people say things like "a once in a lifetime movie" or "run, don't walk to the theater!" and it's easy to dismiss because they seem sensationalized. This was the first movie I have seen in a LONG time where I don't think that's an exaggeration. Sweet, sad, touching, hilarious, crazy, doesn't even begin to describe this one. Wonderful performances and the runtime flew by. Entertaining from beginning to end. I'm trying to avoid saying much, because I'd hate to ruin anything for you. Just go see it.
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A truly underrated piece of horror
13 March 2022
Fantastic atmosphere, good scares, beautifully shot and above average acting makes for a fantastic piece of horror. One of the most underrated horror films out there that has stuck with me since 2012 when I saw it in theaters. Give it a watch if you haven't seen it.
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Our Flag Means Death (2022–2023)
What a let down
6 March 2022
Man, I really like Rhys Darby and was incredibly excited to see he was getting a show on HBO, but what a let down. The humor didn't hit for me, besides a few instances and the characters all left me more annoyed than humored. I really hope to see Rhys in more, I think he's a tremendous comedic actor, but this one was just a miss. Give it a shot but keep your expectations low.
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Fresh (2022)
A deliciously entertaining thriller
6 March 2022
So I went into this one knowing next to nothing. Didn't watch the trailer, didn't really even read a description. I just saw it was a new horror movie with Sebastian Stan and decided to give it a go, and I'm glad I did. I thought the performances were fantastic and it was really well paced. In a genre over saturated by terrible money grabs, this one left me satisfied (and at points, disgusted) but I really really enjoyed it!
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Landscapers (2021)
Surprisingly emotional
2 January 2022
So let me start off by saying, I'm not from the UK and this is the first I have ever heard about the case, but I really enjoyed it. People who are familiar with the Edwards and the case itself may feel differently but, as an outsider I'm very glad I watched it. Fantastic performances from everybody and beautifully shot.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Five-Foot Fence (2021)
Season 11, Episode 1
What a great start!
25 October 2021
I'm shaky with the first episodes of comedy series, they can sometimes come out of the gate slow, but not this one! Larry is back and as good as ever. Between the plopping, the glass, what a start to season 11. Can't wait for Sunday's!
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An incredible true story filled with unanswered questions
9 December 2020
It seems like many of these reviewers have watched only the first episode, or part of the first episode at the time of their review. Madison provides a captivating and incredibly well put together story revolving around the tragic murder of his mother. As a fan of true crime documentaries and stories, this one really captivated me throughout the 4 episodes. If you're a fan of true crime and have an interest in human nature and family dynamics, give this series a shot. Not only is this a story of a murder, but it's a love letter from a son, to his mother. And yes the story is tragic but it was made with so much such precision, care and love, it's difficult to not be drawn in. I'm now completely interested in Madison's story and will be following it closely.
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Surprisingly bad
14 August 2020
Wow. I was genuinely surprised at how bad this movie was. I have seen other reviews crediting Alexandra Daddario's performance but I genuinely thought that was one of the worst parts. Without giving anything away, she over acts her heart out and made me cringe multiple times. This on top of a mediocre script, uninspiring plot, and uninteresting characters with no sort of backstory, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Stay away from this one unless you really have nothing better to do.
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365 Days (2020)
1 August 2020
I don't review many movies but I had to review this one. What an absolute train wreck. Some of the worst acting, worst writing, worst plots and worst music I have ever witnessed in my life. Overall just a dumpster fire of a movie which should be avoided at all costs.
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A great dark, dry comedy
19 July 2019
After watching Faults, I knew Riley Stearns had a knack for dry comedy and The Art of Self Defense is another hit. If you're a fan of dry humor, this will be your cup of tea. From the opening, the film is witty, comedic and downright entertaining. Performances from everyone were solid and the theme of hyper masculinity/toxic masculinity is examined well without coming across as preachy. The film is pretty dark but it fits well with the story and plays nicely off of the dry humor.
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Midsommar (2019)
An incredibly immersive and visceral experience
4 July 2019
Wow. Ari Aster is the master of immersion, and story telling. Just like hereditary, Aster places you in a situation, in a place, you most definitely don't want to be in, and it doesn't let up. This film is most certainly not for everyone but wow it was an experience. I was so involved and wrapped up in this world, even when I didn't want to be, and it didn't let go. Ari Aster is an incredible talent.
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Wow...what went wrong black mirror??
6 June 2019
I love Black Mirror so much, every episode before this one has been incredible but holy crap what happened here?? This didn't feel like a black mirror episode at ALL. The writing was absolutely terrible especially in the second half, it was completely childish, I felt like I was watching a disney show. Season 5 had two great episodes but this was unbelievable. This did not feel like black mirror and i'm very disappointed. I sure hope they can bounce back from this.
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Black Mirror: Striking Vipers (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
A great start to the new season
5 June 2019
I will leave it brief since much of Black Mirror is better without spoilers but the story was engaging and emotional, the performances were fantastic especially by Nicole Beharie, and overall I was satisfied by episode one of the new season. I can never have too much Black Mirror!
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Looking at this movie as a film, and a film only.
12 March 2019
What I mean by my title is that I am not too familiar with the real story, and I have seen a lot of reviews on here bashing the movie for not being true to reality. I understand where they are coming from but as someone who knows only surface level stuff about Mayhem, I will review this movie just from a movie perspective, no bias over real events.

So, just by looking a this movie as a film, I enjoyed it quite a bit! I thought that the story was intriguing and sad, and I found myself very engaged with what I was watching. There were three scenes in particular that really stood out and shocked me. I thought they were relatively realistic and very emotional, but what really stood out to me was the performance by Rory Culkin. I think he was absolutely fantastic in this role and I can't wait to see what else he is going to be in in the future.

Overall, it is far from a perfect movie but for what it is it is sad, entertaining, brutal and emotional with a standout performance by Rory.
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
For what it is, it isn't bad
3 January 2019
You could tell by the trailers that this isn't an oscar winning movie. It's a thrilling, fun, easy watch and for what it is, it's pretty good. The acting isn't bad, it's a pretty cliche story but it exceeded my expectations! It's not bad but it's not fantastic. If you're a fan of these types of movies, you won't be let down!
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Must see for Queen fans, and just fans of music in General
11 November 2018
I am shocked by the negative critic reviews for this movie. I don't understand their thinking behind such negative scores. I've been a giant Queen fan my entire life and this is exactly what I wanted to see. The music was fantastic, obviously, and the performance by Rami was unbelievable. Really, I don't see too many flaws. It's a crowd pleaser and an emotional story.

If you're a fan of Queen, or just a music fan in general, see this movie. Ignore the critics.
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Solid, a surprisingly good modern horror/thriller flick.
25 July 2018
Lemme just start off by saying this movie is, in my opinion, not a horror film. I'd classify it much more as a crime/thriller. That being said, in a climate filled with jumpscare heavy, clichè horror, Unfriended stands out. I think this is heavily because of the actors. If anyone else was cast in this film I don't see it working the way it did. The performances were surprisingly strong with real emotion and heart shining through. The story was oringinal, a little bit far fetched, but when talking about "horror" movies, when are they not? I think more detail could've been added into the deaths, excluding one, one was VERY well done, but overall they were a little bit anticlimactic for that much build up. All of this being said, Unfriended: Dark web was a surprisingly fun, well acted movie where if you like the genre, you should definitely check it out.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Pickle Gambit (2017)
Season 9, Episode 2
Disappointing week 2
10 October 2017
Let me start off by saying this, Curb is my favorite show of all time. I think it is truly the funniest show of all time. This being said this episode was so underwhelming. I really really found episode 901 funny but come on! What was going on in this episode?! They dragged out the boring non-funny parts of the episode and rushed through anything that had promise. This I think was my least favorite episode in the entire series as a whole. Jokes felt forced and awkward. It was just weak. I'm hoping for a better rest of the season.
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Don't listen to other reviewers
11 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Please don't read the reviews from the other members of this site and have it sway your interest in seeing this film. A lot of people reviewing the movie were talking about how it isn't "scary". You could tell that this movie wasn't going to be a traditional "horror" movie from the trailers but it would focus more on the family and the mystery of what "comes at night." If you go into this movie expecting a jump scare filled horror movie you'll be disappointed. If you did any research at all you should know this isn't what you're getting yourself into. It's a great and tense film that will keep your interest throughout the entire thing. Give this movie a shot. It is genuinely creepy and got me on the edge of my seat quite a few times. Great acting, great music and a very intriguing movie as a whole.
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