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American Dream in Turmoil: A Poignant Take on 'American Pastoral'
14 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"American Pastoral," directed by Ewan McGregor in his directorial debut, is a film adaptation of Philip Roth's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name. Set against the backdrop of the turbulent 1960s and 70s, the movie explores themes of political upheaval, familial disintegration, and the elusive nature of the American dream.

The film centers on Seymour "Swede" Levov, played by McGregor, a successful businessman and former high school athlete who seems to have it all: a beautiful wife, Dawn (Jennifer Connelly), and a charming daughter, Merry (Dakota Fanning). However, this idyllic life unravels when Merry becomes radicalized and commits an act of political terrorism, leading to her disappearance and sending the Levov family into a spiral of despair and self-destruction.

McGregor's portrayal of Swede is heartfelt and earnest, capturing the character's deep sense of loss and confusion as he grapples with the destruction of his once-perfect life. Connelly delivers a powerful performance as Dawn, whose descent into mental instability highlights the devastating impact of their daughter's actions. Fanning is haunting as Merry, embodying the disillusionment and rage of a generation.

Visually, "American Pastoral" is beautifully shot, with a meticulous attention to period detail that immerses the audience in the era's social and political turmoil. The film's cinematography and production design effectively contrast the serene, pastoral life that Swede idealizes with the chaotic reality he faces.

Despite these strengths, the film struggles to fully capture the depth and complexity of Roth's novel. The narrative occasionally feels rushed, and some of the novel's rich character development and nuanced themes are lost in translation. The film's attempt to tackle broad sociopolitical issues sometimes feels disjointed, and the emotional weight of the story can get diluted in the process.

Overall, "American Pastoral" is a visually stunning and emotionally charged film that offers a poignant exploration of the American dream's fragility. While it may not fully capture the novel's intricacies, it is a commendable effort from McGregor, showcasing strong performances and a compelling narrative that resonates with contemporary themes of disillusionment and societal change.
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What were they thinking?
30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who approved this movie? The plot twist of the parents getting together is baffling. Am I in the Twilight Zone? Why is no one addressing how bizarre this is? The parents, who are exes, reconcile and get engaged after their children marry each other! This film is a disaster. There is no character development at all-the groom might as well be a background character. The story centers on a small group of 6-7 people, yet none of them are developed in any meaningful way. Who thought this project was a good idea? Doesn't it have to pass through several approvals? The movie's poor reviews are well-deserved. However, everyone seems to overlook the biggest issue with this movie: the bride's mom gets engaged to the groom's dad. While the movie has many flaws, this is the most glaring issue. Talk about cringe...
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Oscar worthy performance, story not so much.
22 May 2024
Nine out of ten. The story was somewhat dull, but watching all the wonderful actors give such a performance, brought light to the story. I enjoyed watching all of them do their thing. It's like each and every single one of them had a monologue. It was very fascinating to see the actors give Oscar worthy performances. The writing is obviously really good also. Watching the interaction between Harris and Pacino before Harris' character storms out of the office was beautiful! It's the kind of acting you don't really see anymore. I recommend this movie if you're looking to enjoy the arts at peak performance.
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The Whale (2022)
I don't understand the hype
21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The main character is an awful person. He pretended to be straight, got married, and had a child. He then broke the code of ethics as a teacher and broke his marital vows simultaneously by cheating on his wife with a student. Not only was he a fraud, he was also a cheater who preyed on a student.

The part that truly made me despise the main character was when his daughter told him how she remembers meeting his late partner when she was a kid. She said that her mom was in Montana and that her dad invited his boyfriend over for a steak dinner. She mentioned how he'd never make a dinner that nice for her and her mom. Not only was he cheating, but he was bringing the guy he was cheating with into the home he shared with his wife and their daughter while the wife was out of town. That's despicable behavior.

When his partner died, he gave up on life and allowed himself to become morbidly obese, forgetting the fact that he still had a daughter to live for.

I don't understand how anyone can empathize with the main character. I can sympathize, yes, but not empathize.

His caretaker/the sister of his late partner is insufferable. She tells him that his daughter shouldn't be there and that she shouldn't visit. She's his daughter (whom HE wronged). She's (Caretaker) also awful to the pretend-missionary kid. When he tells her he disagrees with her, she responds with, "Excuse me?" Like, how dare he have his own opinion. I think I dislike her even more than the main character.

The part where the main character scrolls through his daughter's Facebook page and comes across a nasty comment where someone calls her the 'D' word is not believable because whenever people make comments like that on Facebook, the comment gets removed by moderators, and they place restrictions on the person's account, sometimes even banning the person indefinitely from the platform.

There's also a lot of anti-Christian rhetoric. It's insensitive to its Christian audience. The part where the main character asks the missionary if it scares him to think the world is in the 'end of times' with a look of judgment on his face is so ironic because him, being morbidly obese and having congestive heart failure, is in the 'end of times' of his own life, so to speak. He's on the brink of death. Doesn't that scare him? So judgmental for a person who's eating his life away.

Hollywood needs to stop with all the Christian bashing. All other religions aren't bashed in film, and that's great, but they always tend to bash Christians in particular. It makes you wonder 'why?'
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Clockwatchers (1997)
Hidden Gem
19 October 2023
This movie reminded me of Office Space and Season 1 of The Office... Kind of. In Office Space, the protagonist meet a hypnosis who hypnotizes him into not caring. In Clockwatchers, the protagonist gets a reading by a psychic who tells her she needs to make her mark. The subtle humor reminds me a lot of the first season of The Office.

I very much enjoyed this movie because I found it scarily relatable. I've never worked a temp job, but I've worked in office settings, where even though you're not a 'temp', per se, you still feel as though you have to watch your back and feel as though you could lose your job any minute. It's an uneasy feeling, the feeling of uncertainty. The micromanaging, the different personality types, the bonds you develop with coworkers of different personality types because of the dumb rules in the workplace, and the isolation management imposes upon you and your coworkers because of it, is all very relatable. It's easy to feel not seen and feel angry that when you are seen, it's for negative reasons.

I'm sure everyone who has worked in an office setting knows what I'm talking about. Well, this movie portrays all that perfectly. Because of the toxicity and hostility that comes with work culture, I have opted to be a stay at home parent. My mental health and anxiety could not handle it.

I recommend this movie to anyone in an office setting that wants to feel related to. Lol. This movie solidified my thoughts of the average white collar workplace.
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From (2022– )
Lost Meets Wayward Pines
4 July 2023
Great show, not too consumed by the left leaning agenda. The Matthews family are annoying. My favorite characters in chronological order are: Boyd, Victor, and Jade. Glad I stumbled upon this show. Subscribed to MGM+ because of this show. It reminded me of Wayward Pines and Lost. Both great shows, although Wayward Pines kinda' went south during the last episodes, which I'm assuming was the reason for they didn't renew it for another season. I just hope that the writers of this show already have it figured out what the big mystery is because if not, I can see the show flopping. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a money grab, where the writers just take us on a rollercoaster of nothing.
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Boundaries (I) (2018)
Deserves a Higher Rating
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is about dysfunction. It's about dysfunctional families, dysfunctional friendship, dysfunctional relationships, and unique people. Lol. I really liked it. It's very realistic in a sense that it doesn't portray picture perfect and ideal people. Vera Ferminga and Christopher Plummer did an amazing job in portraying their characters: flakey immature father and daughter with daddy issues whose life has been formed by that. Give this film a chance. Don't be so quick to judge. It's light hearted and fun. I understand that while it might not be for everyone, there are people out there with this type of life. In my opinion, it's refreshing to see it in film because it's not often we do.
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10 December 2022
If you don't know was "Mid" means, look it up in the urban dictionary.

While We're Young is the epitome of an average film. It's so vanilla. Nothing special about it. It's the type of movie you can watch and not worry if you miss any of it because chances are, you won't, as there is nothing to really miss. It's almost somewhat decent, yet it's not. It's MID. Mid. Mid. Mid.

I'd like to add that I'm also not really a fan of Ben Stiller. He's been playing the same neurotic character for decades that I'm now starting to wonder if that's how Ben Stiller is in real life. Naomi Watts is okay. So is Amanda Seyfried. Adam Driver, however, is a phenomenal actor. I'm not surprised he was in this film because he does all sorts of stuff. He was truly the most enjoyable character as well, but maybe because I like to watch Adam Driver act.
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Barbarian (2022)
Absolutely Ridiculous
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first 30 minutes were great. It seemed promising, but then it all crumbled. If Bill Skargard's character, Keith, would've turned out to be a creep, the movie would've been so much better and scarier, as it would've been more realistic. Plot twists in movies are either a hit or miss. In this film, it was definitely a miss.

So there's a literal inbred, superhuman-like creature living in a hidden dungeon in the basement with her rapist father? It's far fetched and very unlikely. The homeless man saying that the old lady comes out at night, yet has never messed with him, being that the neighborhood is pretty much deserted with vacant homes, and he's the only there makes absolutely no sense.

I also didn't like how the police were portrayed as careless, completely oblivious and unreliable. Tess has several chances to escape and doesn't. The part where she goes and grabs her car keys, gets in her car and then jams her car into the inbred woman with super strength, and still she doesn't die? Plllease! Utter nonsense.

I can't believe that this movie has such high ratings. I'm extremely disappointed and mad that I wasted my time watching this. It was so good at first. If only they would've just kept it realistic, the movie could've been great. Absolutely Ridiculous.
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Super Scary and Intense
28 November 2022
I absolutely love this show. I've had a few paranormal encounters myself, but before that I was a skeptic. Watching Celebrity Ghost Stories was pretty cool because others, who some were also skeptics, share what their personal experiences were like. I like that a lot of the celebrities talk about moving into old mansions in Hollywood that were previously owned by late celebrities. I can definitely see why and how they would encounter paranormal phenomena. I think I only saw one story where it seemed made up. Other than that, they were all pretty believe and frightening. I cannot watch this show alone, so I always watch it with family and friends. I introduced a lot of them to this show, and just like me, they too got hooked. I highly recommend this show. I love watching true crime/murder documentaries and shows like The Ghost Inside My Child, I Survived, but I gotta say that this one is definitely one of my top favorites. If you haven't seen it, please do!
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Homicide Hunter: Lady in Red (2019)
Season 9, Episode 9
This Episode Was Extremely Sad
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I felt horrible about the fact that 2 out of the 3 perpetrators didn't face any jail time for the mere fact of testifying against the 3rd perp in court. The 3rd perp expressed his "remorse' to the judge. The judge believed him, and the man was convicted of second degree murder and sentenced to 15 years. Not only were they all being uncooperative and lying to the police at first, they were also following the street code of "no snitching." It wasn't until they were backed into a corner where they finally caved and chose to cooperate. Rest In Peace to the poor man who lost his life just because he pist someone off.
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The Identical (2014)
Was this made by an obsessed Elvia fan?
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The fact that this movie is fiction, yet also based on a non-fictitious person: ELVIS, is just flat out weird. Elvis had a twin who died in the womb. Tween producing this film, they decided to implement certain real life elements of Elvis' life and switch it up a bit. This is how I imagine it going:

What if Elvia' twin was born, but the parents couldn't support him, so they gave him up for adoption to a pastor and his wife who couldn't have kids of their own. Let's change their names, but make them look exactly like Elvis.

It's just bad, bad, bad. Idk how anyone would even think this is a good idea. It comes off as if the writer is an crazy fanboy/girl who creates these fantasy scenarios of "what ifs" in Elvis' life. I don't care if he's a celebrity or a musical icon, it's still flat out creepy and weird!

So many big names/great actors in this film whose potential were not utilized. The protagonist who plays theoretical Elvis and Elvis' theoretical brother is not a very good actor, which makes me assume he got the role on the mere fact that he resembles Elvis.

I couldn't bring myself to finish the movie. If you haven't seen this, take my advice: Don't.
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Piranha 3D (2010)
How is this on Netflix?
12 September 2022
Netflix constantly removes content because it's not PC or "too offensive." They have been doing it for years, but all of a sudden in 2022 they add this perverse garbage? It doesn't make any sense. I'm not one for cancel culture, but I am so glad people no longer behave this way and that this type of behavior portrayed in this movie is no longer normalized. Naked/topless women making out with each other in front of a crowd while being photographed and filmed is utterly disgusting. Most of them look barely legal, and the facts that this took place in Lake Havasu, AZ is crazy to me. My husband works in Havasu, and I've gone to visit. We visited Cocomos, which is an outdoor day and nightclub. Apparently this is where the partying with the raunchy scenes in the beginning of the movie took place. It doesn't seem likely because when I went to Cocomos on a holiday weekend, there was a girl from Vegas who wasn't let in due to her indecent behavior. Lake Havasu is extreme conservative, so the movie taking place here didn't make sense. Jerry O'Connel plays Derrick Jones, 30 something woman crazed sex freak. So basically he's Joe Francis, founder of Girls Gone Wild who's currently serving time in prison for a string of charges all related to exploiting women and underage girls.

This film is cheap, as it is nothing but nudity and gore. If you value human decency, this film is not for you.
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Moonfall (2022)
Great Actors Wasted
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is ridiculous. The world is literally ending, and they make jokes? The jokes aren't even remotely funny to top it off. When I saw who the cast was, the film seemed promising, but it was total unrealistic garbage. How does a film have Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, Charlie Plummer, Donald Sutherland, and Michael Peña and still suck? It was too rushed as well. I got through almost one hour of it and just couldn't take it anymore. If you're looking for a good sci-fi film, this is not it.
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Electric Dreams: Impossible Planet (2017)
Season 1, Episode 2
Um... What?
10 June 2022
This episode made absolutely no sense. It could've been great had there been a clear and logical explanation. I didn't understand it one bit. I went on Reddit to see if someone else was just as confused and if someone else explained it. All I found were theories. There's really no clear answer, and it's up to the viewer to interpret it. I hate when writers do that. That is not art. It is pretentious bologna.
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Electric Dreams: The Hood Maker (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Confusing and Boring
10 June 2022
This episode was the most boring of all. Were the teeps a different species? Where did they come from? Did they have neuro typical parents and were born that way due to a change in the environment? This episode never answers that. Instead, it left me with more questions than it provided me answers. Aside from the confused mess, it was also incredibly BORING. If you haven't seen this episode and want to watch it because there are only ten episodes in the series and want to watch all of them, prepare yourself to be confused and bored. Don't say you weren't warned.
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Kid Friendly
10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this episode because it was kid friendly. There weren't any sex scenes, like how there is in most episodes. I usually have to be cautious when watching Black Mirror and my 13 year old is around. I liked how the sisters bonded and how the older sister ended up playing and performing with Miley's character, Ashley. I'll definitely give it another watch and invite my daughter to sit and join.
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Black Mirror: Metalhead (2017)
Season 4, Episode 5
Worst Episode
10 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Metalhead takes the cake of worst Black Mirror episode.

1. It was black and white in an attempt, I'm sure, to be artsy. It felt more pretentious than anything.

2. I didn't understand the point of the radio conversations or what homeboy was trying to do with the van.

3. All that just for some stupid teddy bears? Wow. I had thought that they were going for something that they were in desperate need of, like medical supplies or food, you know, ESSENTIALS.

4. If the robot dog saw heat through walls, why was it roaming the house looking for her? Didn't make sense.

This episode could've been good. In fact, it could've been real good, but it wasn't. I literally had through fast forward through pointless mundane moments.

If you haven't seen this episode yet, do yourself a favor and skip it.
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Set It Up (2018)
A film that normalizes toxic work culture
19 May 2022
I hate how movie nowadays push an agenda that include identity politics. They try to normalize promiscuity in women and having the boyfriend be totally okay with it. Also the whole straight guy having a gay roommate and best friend is very very rare, almost unrealistic. Hollywood is dumb.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Incoherent Mess
23 February 2022
I had to constantly take breaks from this 2 hour+ movie because all the shouting and talking over each other gave me a headache. This movie was pointless garbage due to the unsatisfying ending. Uncut Gems was recommended to me by my sister. I called her during one of the breaks I was taking due to the inflicted headache, and she told me that the shouting and talking over each other does get annoying but to stick through it "because the end is SO worth it." So that's what I did, I stuck through it, all to feel dissatisfied at the end. I called her to tell her that she can no longer recommend movies to me (not the first time she recommends garbage) and to ask her why she thought it was good. She explained that it's because it's realistic, the life of a gambler, always upping his bets, never knowing when to stop. I don't see how that makes it a good movie or something I'd want to watch. Movie was trash. I don't recommend this to anyone.
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Pretty Bad
31 January 2022
So are we supposed to believe that the model is a 4th grade teacher and likes hotdogs and ice cream sandwiches? Also, the scripts was just BAD. Michael Vartan is a decent actor, but because the script is so bad, he comes off as an amateur. The scene towards the end where the girl (Emmy Rossum) is on the ledge is laughable because the way he talks her down is ridiculous. "I bet you have a best friend. Would you like to stay the night at her house tonight?" Umm... what? She is not going home. She is going straight to the hospital where they will keep her on a suicide hold.
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Cut, fun, funny, lighthearted
30 January 2022
This movie is very underrated. I believe that the people who rated it didn't really give it a chance.

The chemistry between Lisa and Charlie, played by Molly Ringwald and Patrick Dempsey, seems legitimate. The only thing I wish were different would be Julie and Daniel admitting each other's feelings for one another. Other than that, it was a pleasant and enjoyable film overall.
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Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
Wait, wut?
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1: 10 Stars Season 2: 4 Stars (Maggie makes it unwatchable among other things.) Season 3: Negative 1 Star

Season 1 was awesome! Loved how it all worked out in the end.

Season 2 should've been about bringing Maggie and the real Pete back, patching things up, and Marius Josipovic confessing the truth to the family, but redeeming himself somehow (for a happy ending.)

Season 3 was completely unnecessary and unrealistic with grandma and grandpa joining in on the action, like some old James Bonds. Taylor hooking up with grandpa's side piece from the past was just nauseating. Also, are we really supposed to believe that grandpa hooked up with a woman of her stature? I understand if grandpa would've been remotely attractive, such as the actor who plays Mr. Braverman in Parenthood. Grandpa wears the same dirty tank top with the unbuttoned checkered shirt in LITERALLY every episode. Another issue I had with season 3 is the Lizzie character. She really came out of nowhere. Marius was clearly in love with Julia season 1 and season 2, but in season 3 he loves Julia more like one would love a family member?

It's clear that season 2 was a bit of a money grab but with a bit of hope. Now with season 3 that's all it was; a money grab. No wonder the show was cancelled. When shows I love are cancelled, I feel robbed of closure. However, I don't feel robbed of closure with the cancellation of Sneaky Pete. I just feel annoyed that it got off to a great start, had awesome potential, and then plummeted. There are lots of reviews from people complaining about all the unanswered questions, but I don't even care.
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Pretentious Pile of Garbage
3 January 2022
No explanation to anything, just a pretentious film. Boring waste of time. There weren't any characters with any redeeming qualities. Every character absolutely sucked, even the main character's husband and children. Don't waste your time.
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An Eye Opener
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary was an eye opener as to how the system digs their claws into the youth that never stood a chance due to their upbringing or better yet, lack of. The parents failed them, the system failed them. It's just sad. It's not right. I hated how the one of the kid's lawyers didn't even fight for him. She just settled for everything the prosecutor threw at him. What a joke of an attorney. She's clearly just in it for the money and should be removed from her position. She doesn't care about helping her clients, and she should not be allowed to handle juvenile cases.
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