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17 May 2015
Kevin Costner is basically the king of sports films and when he stars in a Disney sport film it is a match made in heaven. McFarland is a relatively unknown true story about a California cross-country running team. Race is a common theme of the film much like other Disney sports films like Million Dollar Arm and Remember the Titans. Disney tends to follow a similar format for their sports movies and McFarland USA is no exception but Costner is so lovable in the league and it is hard not to become a sucker for that underdog story. Although it will likely not be the best film you ever see, McFarland USA will certainly but a smile on your face.
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Maggie (I) (2015)
10 May 2015
Maggie is the film that finally shows an emotional side to zombie films. This movie is not about killing all the infected people in sight. I think that Maggie has a least four excellent performances. The best is definitely Abigail Breslin. It is Arnold Schwarzenegger who is going to bring people to the theatre to see this movie but it really is Breslin's film, she is really the star. Schwarzenegger however is not his normal self. The man can act, and I'm sure that this film will never receive the credit it should because Schwarzenegger is in it and people are too quick to judge it by its cover. Maggie is slow but the performances managed to keep me interested. The film is also dark which perfectly captures its tone. I think that people need to go into this movie with an unbiased mind and it could really be enjoyed.
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Great for the eyes but hard on the head.
7 May 2015
When I saw the trailer for Jupiter Ascending I thought there was a possibility that this could be a revolutionary action film. All the effects were really cool and it is a movie that is just very appealing to your eyes. However this movie becomes an even worse version of Star Wars The Phantom Menace. It becomes a Sci-Fi film that becomes way too political despite some fairly entertaining action sequences at the beginning of the film. The Wachowskis could have made a much better film if they left all the fighting over who owns Earth and who doesn't. Channing Tatum and Mila Kunis both do alright in this movie, they aren't terrible although they were both definitely brought in as a cash grab because they are two of the most popular and attractive people in the business right now. The real dud performer in this movie is Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne. Redmayne has one of the stupidest and most annoying voices ever in film and he looked so stupid that every time he was in frame I became annoyed. Sadly there is a lot of great visual effects that take a back seat to poor writing and that's why Jupiter Ascending will be quickly forgotten.
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Might be my favorite Marvel film ever
7 May 2015
Avengers Age of Ultron is likely going to be the best experience I've had in a theatre this year and it is the best I've had in a long time. This is just a fun film. All of the main cast members of the original film return for the sequel and the chemistry is as good as ever. The comedy is great I love the jokes that are scattered throughout the movie. Robert Downey Jr is of course amazing as Iron Man but he is just so funny in this movie and this is probably the funniest I've seen him. One of the downsides of the original film is there is not quite enough Hulk but there is lots of him in this film. The action sequences are amazing and there are so many stunts in the film that leave you in awe. Hawkeye gets more attention in this film as well and we learn more about his character which only makes the movie better. After this movie Hawkeye may not be considered the dud Avenger. Plus there are great classic performances from Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson. Now there are also some new additions which I think are all added well and all are good strong characters. Quicksilver was certainly an interesting character I liked the effects they used when he ran and I also enjoyed Scarlet Witch who has already been confirmed as a returning character in the future. Then we have Vision who is amazing but doesn't get as much screen time as I would like but will likely play a bigger part in the coming films. Finally we have the villain Ultron. Ultron was not what I expected but he was not a disappointment either. James Spader does an excellent job for the voice but when I watched the trailer it looked like Ultron was going to be a villain we could love that was dark and complex. He is more sarcastic and funny than anything. I liked Ultron but I did not love him. The only other problem I have with this movie is I thought it needed to be longer. Director Joss Whedon has said already that the film was originally 3 hours long but 40 minutes were cut. I hope that when the film is released on DVD and Blu Ray we will get a chance to see the directors cut and I may even enjoy it more. This movie could very well be my personal favorite Marvel film and so far it is my favorite movie this year. I recommend that you watch Age of Ultron in the theatre and not a home because it is a great experience.
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I Love You, Man + Wedding Crashers = The Wedding Ringer
11 April 2015
Kevin Hart said before the release of the Wedding Ringer that the film was his best work yet and after watching it I agree with him. Hart shows that he is an excellent leading man in a comedy film. Josh Gad is also great, I think that Hart and Gad may be sustainable comedy stars for years to come. The movie is very funny but its also a heartwarming movie that make you realize how much you appreciate the friends in your own life. The Wedding Ringer is what you get when to add I Love You, Man and Wedding Crashers and the result is a film that will likely headline the best comedies of 2015 and I think it beats Hart's other release in 2015, Get Hard.
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Good Kill (2014)
Story looked interesting but it bored me to death
5 April 2015
I was interested in Good Kill as soon as I saw the trailer. The story was certainly one that brought me in. I was also eager to see Ethan Hawke's next project after Boyhood, which was the first movie I saw him in that I actually enjoyed his performance. Good Kill does have some veteran actors involved with Hawke, Bruce Greenwood and January Jones, who had the best performance in the film by far. Good Kill brings a relatively unknown component of the war on terrorism (it is said to be a true story but I'm not sure if I believe it) to light. Hawke gets caught in the middle of a huge ethical dilemma and begins to suffer from post traumatic stress. Good Kill was not exciting enough to keep my attention so I needed a big performance from Ethan Hawke and sadly I did not get it. I would not waste the money on this film because its just mediocre throughout.
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Get Hard (2015)
Get Hard
31 March 2015
Not the funniest movie I've ever seen in my life and my expectations were high, but Get Hard is still pretty funny and I suggest any fan of Will Ferrell or Kevin Hart see this movie. I think the racism was a little over hyped, sure there is some racist humour but its not as plentiful as the critics have been saying. Will Ferrell is really funny as he always is and Kevin Hart wasn't bad either, he had some pretty funny moments. One of the things that was disappointing about Get Hard was that they were putting too many jokes in that were just not funny and there were several but other than that I would enjoy seeing another movie with Ferrell and Hart together and it seems like the two have bonded over the shooting of the movie and I would not be shocked to see it.
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Run All Night (2015)
Third Time is the Charm for Neeson and Collet-Serra
19 March 2015
Run All Night is the third collaboration between director Jaume Collet-Serra and Liam Neeson (the first two being Unknown and Non-Stop) and this may be their strongest film yet. The movie has a fairly strong cast composed of Neeson, Ed Harris, Joel Kinnaman and several other strong actors in the supporting cast like Vincent D'Onofrio and Common. There is even a small cameo. Run All Night is a action film that is as classic as they come. Neeson is a character you generally care about and he is vulnerable at points in the movie where in the last installments in the Taken series it seemed as if he was invincible. Ed Harris also has a strong performance in the film and its nice to see him as the evil one as it seems like he is normally a good guy in most cases. However, one of may problems with the film is that there are two many important players in the film. You get the Mafia, the police, and an assassin all at once and although that's pretty cool there are points where it seems like it too much. Still its well worth checking out and its a rare March theatre gem. If you are a fan of action movies this movie is a safe bet.
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Not impressed....yet
8 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Last Man on Earth's third episode starts where the last episode ended. Phil and Carol are planning their wedding because Carol refuses to repopulate the Earth unless Phil marries her. The jokes still seem relatively minor and I think they just need to introduce more characters in order for the show to be funnier. I just can't find anyone really laughing out loud at this show yet. I really hope this show grows on me because I want to like it so bad! One of the things makes me happy is that we finally get an appearance from January Jones, although just a short one. I really looking forward to seeing more of her in the series.

This shows seems to have more awkward humour than I expected because of the lack of characters. I'll keep going for a few more episodes.
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Focus (II) (2015)
One of the First Strong Films of 2015
8 March 2015
Focus is full of twists and turns but despite this the film manages to stay fairly clear. A movie about con artists is bound to fool you a little bit and its not riddled with clichés. Will Smith is back and as good as ever. I really think this guy like doesn't age. This movie a little bit more vulgar than you expect from him because he generally does films that can be enjoyed by teens and adults. This movie is more of an adult film and you hear a lot of cursing form Smith which is a rarity. Margot Robbie is also a great accomplice for Smith and the two have great chemistry. They create some humorous moments together. Focus blends many genres of film into one great movie. I'd skip fifty shades and watch Focus if I were you.
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The Last Man on Earth: Alive in Tucson (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
There is some potential here
1 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was very excited for The Last Man on Earth. Will Forte is a guy who's been around for a while now but he really hasn't had a breakthrough yet. He's been on Saturday Night Live for years. This show is also a great move by Fox. They are running a little low on the comedies right now. That 70's Show has been over for a long time now and the animated shows like Family Guy and the Simpsons are on their last legs(as much as I love them both).

The Last Man on Earth starts off with an hour long pilot episode (which actually is two episodes). I like this move because the plot line of being the last man on earth takes some time to set up and a half hour just isn't enough. This show has no studio audience, which I prefer. Obviously Forte's character Phil Miller is not the only person left on Earth but he is one of the few survivors of a virus that eliminated most of the people. However I didn't find the episode that funny, but I know that it is pretty hard to make this pilot funny if you are the only person on the show. Phil Miller is a man suffering from terrible depression from being so lonely. Halfway through the show we get to meet another character, Kristen Schaal as Carol. I was hoping to see January Jones in this pilot, I really enjoyed her in Mad Men but we don't get to see her yet. This show didn't show me anything special yet. There was nothing that was laugh out loud funny, but I will likely tune in to the next couple episodes just so I can see how the rest of the cast will be introduced and how the show develops.
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Parks and Recreation: One Last Ride (2015)
Season 7, Episode 12
Great ending to a great show
24 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Parks and Recreation has been one of favorite live action sitcoms of all time. Despite its hilariously flawed characters like show is like no other show I've watched before. Sure I'm sad that the show is over but I'm also happy that the show did not overstay its welcome and become stale. Many of the characters appear to have some big roles coming in the future, most notably Chris Pratt. I enjoyed the ending because it showed how the lives of each main character would work out in future and each path is based on each characters interests and I'm sure that the paths were well thought out. We also get to see the return of Rashida Jones and Rob Lowe who both exited the show during the last season. I'm glad that the original crew is back together for the finale. Everyone wants a happy ending for their favorite sitcom and its so nice to see Ron Swanson find the perfect job for him and see Andy and April start a new family. Of course everyone it is hard not to be wowed by the ending for Leslie Knope and Ben, all while the crew remain friends. An emotional ending to one of the greatest shows I've ever watched. I'm going to miss it.
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Mike Tyson Mysteries (2014–2020)
More Adult Swim Gold!
23 February 2015
Mike Tyson Mysteries is one of the silliest shows on television. Adult Swim is really the only channel that could get away with broadcasting it. The whole show is essentially a parody of Scooby Doo. The characters are all just a random crew composed of a ghost, an alcoholic pigeon, Mike Tyson and his adopted teenage daughter. Its really funny watching Tyson's stupid character throughout the series and his voice acting is terrible but it works. Pigeon, who is voiced by Norm MacDonald, is also a very funny character and is my personal favorite. The show is funny and I've enjoyed watching the whole season. The show is already renewed for a second season and I'm sure I'll be tuning in. If you are a fan of any Adult Swim shows, chances are that you will enjoy this one as well.
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Better Call Saul: Nacho (2015)
Season 1, Episode 3
Saul is back!
20 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The third episode of Better Call Saul really got me engaged. Jimmy McGill is starting to show more sign of the character that we love from Breaking Bad. The intro adds more mystery to the character of Jimmy McGill when we see a conversation between Chuck and Jimmy in jail after a supposed assault committed by Jimmy. I'm very interested to see how that will tie in with the rest of the season. I'm loving the inclusion of Jimmy's newfound client Nacho. I think he's going to be a great character and they keep him around for a while. WE also get to see more from Mike, a character that was already beloved by Breaking Bad fans as he takes more of role in the show than he has had in the first two episodes. I'm very interested in how he will develop. This third episode has really drawn me in and it has persuaded me to continue to watch until the end of the season.
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Get on Up (2014)
An underrated biopic
20 February 2015
Get On Up is an interesting music biopic. James Brown is one of the most popular musicians of all time. I find that the film got a lot of inspiration from Ray, the 2004 Ray Charles Biopic. The movie shifts back and forth in time regularly. Chadwick Boseman plays the best role in his young career in this movie, and he really showing some potential to be a big star in the future. His performance will likely go without an Oscar nomination despite its excellence. I don't know a whole lot about James Brown but I know that he suffered a bit of a downfall with legal troubles and drug abuse late in his career. They could've showed more of this and cut out some of the performance. It seemed like they filled the movie with unneeded clips of James Brown performing. We already knew that James Brown was an incredible performer so we should get to see more of a look on what was going on behind the scenes. Still a good watch despite this.
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Good movie, Just not as great as everyone thinks.
20 February 2015
I was a little disappointed by American Sniper. I figured that Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper were going to be a perfect combination for this movie, but it didn't reach my expectations. Cooper was great as he often is and although he likely won't win an Oscar for this performance it will go down as one of his greatest. Chris Kyle just had such an incredible and difficult background to jam into a 2 hour movie and I felt that they were trying to rely too much on the action and not enough on the drama, although there the action was overused it was displayed well. There is also no development for any of the other characters in the movie. It seems like Kyle was the only character in the movie that mattered. I was glad that they incorporated the effects of PTSD during this movie, but his struggles needed to be a bigger component of the movie rather than just portraying him as a hero who was unstoppable and invincible. The last 20 minutes were the past of the movie that were the best.
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Birdman is The Revival of Michael Keaton
19 February 2015
Birdman is like no movie I've ever seen before. Way to go Michael Keaton! If you ever watch this movie be prepared to see the revival of Keaton. This is a man who has been hidden behind other characters for several years in movies like The Other Guys and Robocop. Now he is the center of attention and the performance is so good it earned him a Oscar nomination. Keaton also already played Batman and he has become the forgotten Batman thanks to the new Dark Knight trilogy. That only makes his Birdman role more appropriate. I would be completely happy with Michael Keaton winning the Best Actor Oscar this year and it is well earned. There are some other great performances on here from Edward Norton who really surprised me for the first half of the movie and Emma Stone who really shows that she can take on a dramatic role. The filming was also unique and designed so it looked like the entire film was shot in just one take. You would be following characters around when they traveled through hallways and it was just a different way to see a movie. I will likely only see Birdman once, but I am still glad I watched it. This movie may lack action but there is still never a dull moment.
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John Wick (2014)
The Best Action Film I've Seen In Years!
19 February 2015
John Wick is an instant classic action film. It doesn't have a crazy plot that makes it easy to get lost its just basic. You don't have to wait long for the action to begin and when it starts it goes pretty much right through to the end. I really hope that this is the beginning of a franchise because it certainly looks that way. I hope this film gets some attention because I didn't hear much talk about it and its run in the theater went by fairly quietly (although it did make 50 million bucks of profit). It also great to see Keanu Reeves find a role that seems to spark a comeback for him. Keanu has been a huge action star for over 20 years and its nice to see him back on top. John Wick may become one of his significant roles in the future.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Maybe a Little Crazy But Entertaining
19 February 2015
I have been a pretty big fan of Luc Besson's work in recent memory. He's be responsible for a lot of Liam Neeson's recent projects, like Taken and he directed the Family which was a pretty good movie as well. I thought Lucy was so good for the first hour and ten minutes. I was really shocked that the overall product could be this good. The topic is way over everyone's head but I thought Besson did a good job not to let it get too out of hand. I imagine there is a lot of stuff in this movie that is scientifically inaccurate but I tried to ignore that and I managed to enjoy it. This movie would have gotten a way better score from me if the ending wasn't so crazy, all over the place and hard to understand. I also like the casting of Scarlett Johansson. It nice to see Black Widow doing some more action movies. There need to be some more women action stars now, its no longer a man's world. I'd watch another action movie with her in it.
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Foxcatcher (2014)
Not as strong as the book, but still very good
19 February 2015
Foxcatcher is all about the performances. The main cast are all incredible. Steve Carell pulls off what is certainly a performance of a lifetime for a man who has been known for comedy roles. Carell may not win an Oscar for this film but it did earn him his first nomination and its hard not to cheer for him as the Oscars approach. Mark Ruffalo also received an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Dave Schultz but its Channing Tatum who surprises me out of the whole cast. Tatum shows that he is certainly capable of playing a serious role and he doesn't always have to be a big box office draw. I read Mark Schultz's (who makes a cameo in the film if you know his story see if you can point him out) biography prior to watching the Foxcatcher movie and sure it does not necessarily follow the most true story but the film is still effective. The film was a lot darker and more thriller like than I had expected as I figured it would be more of an intense sport film. The ending of course is a pivotal part of the film and I will not give it away but if you are unaware of the Foxcatcher story it will likely shock you and I think that is why this film has gotten such critical acclaim because its a true story that many people are completely unaware of. If you're a fan of sports movie I would maybe sit this film out because it certainly not full of action but if you want to see some amazing acting Foxcatcher is a film for you.
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St. Vincent (2014)
A pleasant surprise
19 February 2015
What a great film. I was not expecting this film to be as strong as it was when I watched the first half hour but once I got deep it really wowed me. St. Vincent is up there with the best films of 2014 and is also an underrated one. Bill Murray plays a role that we know he does so well and he shines. He is both funny and mysterious and really the rest of the cast matches him. Melissa McCarthy and Naomi Watts (who does an excellent Russian accent) were both great as well as the young boy Jaeden Lieberher. St. Vincent is good for a few laughs but it is also dramatic which I wasn't expecting and it has an ending that you can see coming for a mile away but it is just as potent. This is great for anyone who enjoys the work of Bill Murray.
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
An experiment gone 99% right
19 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Its nice to see that movies can still be critically acclaimed by the media and still be enjoyed by the general public. Boyhood is a movie that can be enjoyed by the whole family. It had to believe that a project like this could be pulled off over 12 years. Ellar Coltrane was great throughout this movie. It would be neat if this movie is the only thing he does. He really shows what its like to be a growing male. I found many aspects of his life that we similar to events in my own life. The one problem I find with his character, Mason is that he gets a little too smart for me later on in the film and I really don't need to hear any in depth conversations about the meaning of life and such. Young people don't really think like that anymore, or at least not mass quantities of them. Ethan Hawke was great also as the father. I'm going to say that this is the best thing he's ever done. Ethan Hawke is a bad that you wish everyone had. Richard Linklater has pulled off a movie that has captured a point in time and although it may not be relevant forever it will be one of the most significant movies of this period of time. Linklater even did so while casting his own daughter with little experience in one of the lead roles. I would be 100% happy with Boyhood winning best picture this year and I wouldn't be shocked if it does.
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Whiplash (2014)
Way to go JK Simmons!
19 February 2015
Whiplash definitely earned its best picture nomination this year! I've never seen a music movie that was so intense. There are really only two actors in this film that matter and they are Miles Teller and JK Simmons. Miles Teller is a young man who will be a force to be reckoned with in the years to come (especially with his involvement in the reboot of the Fantastic Four). Teller can act, and he could have been nominated for an Oscar for this role. Teller is a veteran drummer so this story was something that he was certainly passionate about and that passion is apparent throughout the film. I'm glad they didn't stick a rookie behind the kit. JK Simmons, who has already won a Golden Globe for this performance, was so amazing. This guy came out of no where. The biggest role Simmons had before this film was playing J Jonah Jameson in the original Spiderman trilogy and he played him beautifully, but Whiplash will be the film he is remembered for. He is up for an Oscar for this film and I think the odds are likely in his favor considering the competition. I think that anyone can enjoy Whiplash because of its intensity
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Wolf of Wall Street
21 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Overall i thought that this film was very well done. De Caprio once again steals the show with a very good performance, this is a role that is original for him and i thought that he did very well overall.

Jonah Hill was great as well.

In my opinion, the reason this film did not get a higher score was because the last hour of the film did not quite live up to the first two hours of the film. Jordan Belforts rise to power was very well written and well acted but i was not a fan of the quaalude scene. I did not find it funny and it was way to long. Still a movie well worth watching and i would watch it again.
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Prisoners (2013)
Well Worth Watching
21 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Prisoners was a movie that i was really hyped up to see and it did not disappoint me in the least. It pulls at your heart string right from the beginning. Its a movie that really makes your emotions go wild.

The acting is great! Both Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal were very good.

The movie keeps you guessing until the very end. I don't suggest you watch this if you are a parent. Luckily I'm not!

The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger but i could live with it.

This movie will truly throw you for a loop but they won't leave many questions left unanswered.

The ending may be hinting at a sequel, seems a little redundant but i think i'll be up for it.
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