19 Reviews
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Lift (I) (2024)
Either it's AI or writers are so bad these days
12 January 2024
Either this movie was written by AI using all the cliches, tropes and phrases that are decided by a committee, or writers are getting even worse these days. Horrible movie. It felt so generic. If I looked up generic in a dictionary about Hollywood I'd expect to see this movie. Everything about it feels planned out to meet some checklist of a producers notes. Zero surprises, zero fun, zero enthusiasm. From the acting to the dialogue to the plot, it feels like we've all seen this movie before. Even some of the actors are playing the exact same role as their previous movies. Dont waste your time if you're reading this. I'm saving you a part of your life you won't get back.
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Poker Face (2022)
Lack of care or understanding of a good story
16 November 2022
Good concept and story idea for a movie, but the screenplay was like a first draft...really rough. Needed a good rewrite or two, and a polish to get it to where it needed to be. There were so many unnecessary scenes, plot points, plot holes, lose ends, improbabilities, and so on. Can't believe how filmmakers and writer would miss all the glaringly obvious issues with the script and push forward to make the movie. Shows a lack of real care or understanding of the material. Acting was quite stiff at times too. Like, Channel 9 Underbelly style acting. Quite overacted and bad. Some of the talent are usually pretty decent but in this they really were stiff as a plank. Opening sequence was completely unnecessary and added zero to the script. Where did the dealer vanish to? Who was the guy at the gate? Really poor script.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
What's with the music
7 September 2022
The music is so annoying. This show should be used as an example in film school when there's a class on score/soundtracks and how music can ruin a show by being so overbearing and obnoxious. It's simply awful. No idea what the producers were thinking by drowning out the ambience of Hawaii with annoying music. As for the show itself. Had potential but should've been way better. A misfire. The series premise is good, but it's execution is not. Some of the characters are downright annoying when they're meant to be funny. Really poor writing. The idea that it's meant to be funny in certain spots is a joke. You can see the writers trying to hit a joke and completely making a mess of it.
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The movie that killed Marvel
25 July 2022
This is it, folks. This is the movie that killed Marvel. Not sure exactly what happened here, but the movie is an unmitigated disaster and highly embarrassing for all involved. Taika has seemingly gone into this movie without a lot of planning or preparation. The script is awful, boring, weak, with tone all over the place. This new chapter in the Thor series also throws all the past character development and lore out the window. I was so bored. While the movie was running, I was thinking of leaving, on my phone, and also wondering if I should ever return to the cinema ever again. Honestly one of the worst movies I've seen in recent times, and that's saying something because I've had to suffer through some real garbage. I suspect the crew think they made something wonderful. But I do hope at some point the word of mouth even gets back to them so they know they made absolute trash.
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Absolute garbage
31 May 2022
This is absolute garbage. I feel bad for Ewan giving himself to trash like this. Disney made a huge mistake giving this series to creatives who are either deliberately making something that goes against what Star Wars is, or they simply do not understand what Star Wars is. Honestly...I'd say it's the former. Awful writing and direction. Story is weak and the dialog is so stiff and unrealistic. It's like actors are simply reading lines; zero amount of realism or tension. A real shame. This could've been a fantastic series.
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Uncharted (2022)
Worst casting ever
30 April 2022
Where to start? Not only is this the worst casting I think I've ever seen in a blockbuster Hollywood film, but casting aside, it's just an awful movie. The tone captures zero essence from the video games; how could they mess that up? The banter between Sully and Nate is so unrealistic and nonsensical given the moments they find themselves in. Script is poor; so many excruciating plot holes and cartoon violence. Please no sequel. Spare the audience.
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28 April 2022
What a wonderful film. It's amazing how when you leave Hollywood behind, you find gems like this. Acting, script and direction are all excellent and the film is engaging from start to end.
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Point Break (2015)
Nothing to do with Point Break
15 January 2022
This has nothing to do with Point Break. It's embarrassing how bad it is and the writers should be ashamed and embarrassed. It makes little to no sense. Awful awful movie.
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Just awful
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes but low expectations and as soon as this movie began, I knew I was right to be suspicious. It's a convoluted mess. After seeing the movie, there really is no point to it at all, no reason why it was made. It adds nothing to the story whatsoever, if anything, it dilutes the originals. I can't believe Hollywood has sunk so low to the point that WB executives okayed this for release. The film looks fantastic and the machine city is amazing. That's all I can really say in the positive about this movie, the rest...the rest is complete and utter garbage. The fight scenes don't even come close to feeling like a Matrix movie. And why even have some characters in the movie at all? Smith was a joke. Morpheus was a joke. The analyst was a joke. His scenes where he slowed time down looked like they were out of an 80s music video. Who seriously okayed all this? Again, Matrix is a perfect example of how low Hollywood has sunk. The creative art of moviemaking is dead. All that is left is them trying to make money from the legacy of other films that showed true art and creativity. A sad era of movies right now. Oh and PS...those reviews that use words like "masterpiece" etc I assume are all paid for.
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SPECTRE was the real ending
14 November 2021
Daniel Craig's Bond ends with SPECTRE. I truly wish I hadn't seen this movie. It's not Bond. He doesn't act like Bond at all. The writing is terrible. There's numerous plot holes. The villain is a laugh. The movie is overly long and tedious, with an opening that I nearly fell asleep during. Holy smokes, I just wish Daniel had listened to his gut and left after SPECTRE. This adds nothing to the Bond franchise and does a decent job of actually killing it.
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Infinite (2021)
They never once questioned the script?
13 June 2021
I can't believe the director and all the talent involved never once stopped to question the script. The dialogue is some of the worst in a movie for years. The main character changes his stance from one sentence to the next. How do these writers sell these things?
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Poor writing
9 April 2021
It's a passable movie, however, the writing is really poor. The writer clearly doesn't understand logic nor creating actions that make sense to the characters. In this movie, characters do things that make no sense, scenes are unrealistic, and completely ungrounded to the situations presented.
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Filmmaker cheats his audience; not a documentary
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I felt compelled to write a review for this documentary because it's not a documentary and the filmmaker cheats his audience by creating a dramatisation of events that happened in his life. He doesn't tell the audience until the end of the documentary so the entire time the audience is led to believe it's real footage and actually happening. But it's not. It's entirely acted and renders the film a complete waste of time. Hard to fathom how the financing/studio/production companies agreed to such a decision. This is a good example of how not to make a documentary. Highly recommended to avoid this since it's a waste of time thinking it's real.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Great start but then ugh...
7 December 2020
It had a great opening episode but really went downhill fast, turning into a generic drama with silly plot holes and sub-plots that were plain boring. And the main character is just so damn annoying. No one wants to see some idiot running around like a chicken with their head cut off. Really poor writing.
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Tenet (2020)
A huge misstep for Nolan.
6 December 2020
Big Nolan fan, but this one's a misstep. Not sure how he could've got it so wrong, other than he tried to get far too intellectual and reinvent the time-travel concept. But he's really failed here. Yes, the film is beautifully shot and well-acted, but the script itself is a mess. In parts it's utter gibberish, poor dialogue, tedious, the characters are paper thin with little to no development, and the audience is given nothing to care about...nothing in the entire 2.5 hours. The opening doesn't even set the movie up well; it's just so cold and superficial from the start. I hope he reflects on this one and goes back to the basics for his next.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Was that supposed to be comedy?
30 May 2020
As the show started, I really couldn't tell whether the show was a drama or a comedy. It was not obvious at all. Later found out it was meant to be a comedy. If that's comedy, then I must be so out of touch with modern genres. How anyone could watch this and laugh is beyond me.
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Absolute garbage
25 March 2020
This is a perfect film to show in film school students in how not to handle franchises. It's a middle finger to fans of the series and the whole series has now been butchered forever. If I were JJ, I would not want this on my resume.
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6 Underground (2019)
Absolute nonsense
14 December 2019
This is everything that is wrong with action-moviemaking and scriptwriting. The opening was just nonsensical. Ten minutes into a movie it's meant to hook you, present a plot, present the characters through their actions and setup a great ride. 6 Underground ten minutes made me bored, yawn, sleepy, uninterested and angry that it was wasting my time. If I were Netflix, I'd be feeling so raw that I'd wasted the amount of money they paid on this trash. Michael Bay should be relegated to making music videos - that's all his creative skills seem to be good for. As for whoever wrote this thing...well...to be able to write such utter garbage and then sell it as a script is nothing short of genius.
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Absolute rubbish
30 December 2018
This was one of the most disgraceful displays from a director I have ever seen. I think it should go down as a case study for inspiring filmmakers to study the script and the way the movie was directed and to learn what terrible directing is. To learn how poorly it was made, and to learn how some people can say they're directors but have zero clue about what they're doing. To think that any studio would continue to hire the director for future movies is just shuddering. Anyone hiring the director after this effort must have rocks in their heads.
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