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Starred Up (2013)
Unoriginal but solid and entertaining British drama
25 August 2014
Jack O' Connell triumphs with a solid performance in this unoriginal but certainly not uninspired British flick. Every role is filled with above- par acting and the simple plot is paced perfectly. Enjoyable action scenes are met with a multitude of cliché's and a decent yet far from memorable script, however perfection never seems to be the aim of this movie.

"Starred Up" should be taken for what it is: a fast-paced, entertaining and very British drama that is not trying to do anything different. Despite the lack of originality, elements from films such as: "Scum", "Mean Machine" and even "Kidulthood" can be identified and form a very watchable piece of cinema.

The main substance of the movie can be found in the key relationship between Father and son; both actors portray their characters believably and are characterised in a manner that forces some sort of meaning into the violence and aggression throughout. However, as said before, there really is nothing new here and the conclusion of the movie leaves a lot of questions and situations unanswered and unresolved. Yet, despite this,if you enjoy violent, British drama's centered around a rebellious, youthful protagonist, this is well worth a punt.
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Circle of Pain (2010 Video)
Scarcely entertaining, unoriginal fight movie with a painful script
18 June 2012
I was never expecting an epic movie prior to watching "Circle of Pain", just an average, simplistic yet entertaining action movie. However, this film does not prove solid enough to provide viewers with an entertaining movie experience.

Firstly, the acting is never anything above average and the fight scenes are poorly constructed, therefore the action sequences are never more than mildly entertaining. Furthermore, all of the characters are very forgettable so, as a viewer, I never really cared about the outcome of the film (despite of the fact I expected and received little more than a collaboration of tedious clichés that dictated the direction of the mundane plot).

In addition to this, the script is incredibly cheesy and destroys any kind of seriousness or tension within the movie; it is very difficult to take this movie seriously.

Overall, if you are a HUGE fan of MMA movies and can tolerate a trashy script and substandard acting, this unoriginal, basic fight film will not be the worst piece of cinema you've spent your time to view. If you did not fit this category... Look elsewhere, perhaps at something like "Never Back Down".
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Gummo (1997)
Gummo is unique but negated by its non-engaging narrative
29 April 2012
"Gummo" is not the type of movie most people would enjoy (myself included). It attains a style that gives it a documentary style and the lack of any clear direction results in it feeling like an assortment of random events.

In terms of what I do credit "Gummo" for, the honesty of it allows it to be undeniably shocking at points and its unique, peculiar characters make it in some ways intriguing. Furthermore, the cast is relatively weak, yet every actor pulls of a believable, solid performance, some of which evoke limited but evident moments of humour.

However, the number of issues I had with this movie prevents it from being one I rate highly. Firstly, the pacing is incredibly odd. There seems to be no sense of progression or direction at any point in the movie and this gives it a lack of purpose. Furthermore, the characters were all very difficult to relate to; as a result, it hard to empathise with them, or to show any real interest in their predicaments and fates. In addition to this, there were a lot of insignificant moments that were dragged out in this movie that made it feel incredibly mundane; it began to feel like such events were used merely as time-fillers.

Overall, I feel that whilst "Gummo" is a unique and honest experience, it lacks a sense of direction that renders it as a relatively pointless narrative. Furthermore, the lack of characterisation forces the audience away from the action-on-screen instead of engaging them and allowing them to relate to the characters, which is a major flaw for this type of movie. If, like me, you wish to watch "Gummo" purely because the concept intrigues you, then try it for 30minutes and see how you feel, because there is no change in style, direction or purpose for the remainder of the running time.
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Only for the 'hardcore' Studio Ghibli fans
24 April 2012
After watching "My Neighbours the Yamadas", I was left feeling slightly underwhelmed. In comparison to other Ghibli films, this, for me, was disappointing.

However, it can not be dismissed that this is a movie of unique charm, humour and intelligence, yet it still seems to lack accessibility for an audience outside of Japan. Many of the references and implications reflect Japanese culture and the style of the film is one that may only be enjoyed by hardcore Ghibli fans.

The characters are all very likable and despite the somewhat crazy nature of the family featured in this movie, the underlying messages and relationships on-screen are easy to relate to and therefore interesting.

Yet, despite this, for those lacking an interest or knowledge of Japanese culture, much of what appears on-screen will seem random and difficult to signify, which damages the experience; the movie becomes a charming yet ambiguous tale.

Overall, I enjoyed the style, charm and craziness of "My Neighbours the Yamadas" and appreciate the intelligent manner in which the everyday trials of family life are conveyed in such a unique way. However, I do not see this film's potential enjoyment being had by anybody who is unfamiliar with Japanese culture or not a hardcore Studio Ghibli fan. If you do not fit either of these categories, this movie is missable, however if you do, it is an imperfect but charming and creative production.
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The most powerful anime ever created
8 April 2012
I'm usually not the sort to be "moved" by a movie, therefore the prospect of an anime being able to sadden me was one I dismissed. However, I could not have been more wrong.

"Grave of the Fireflies" made me feel more empathetic, more saddened and more "moved" than any other film to date. Visually, Studio Ghibli have done tremendously well as always with their animations. However, the soundtrack of this movie is what I found most striking; every instrumental is moving and ensures that the action on-screen is incredibly engaging.

In addition to this, the characterisation is incredible. Every relationship and interaction between each and every minor and major character throughout this movie is believable and honest. I have never felt deep empathy or such a care for characters in any movie before (or at least not to this extent).

Perhaps what makes this movie so powerful and haunting is the brutal honesty throughout. There are no subtleties when exhibiting the costs of war; just hard-hitting portrayals demonstrated by characters that are all wonderfully easy to relate to - despite their predicaments.

What prevents this movie from being perfect in my view, is the ending. I wont go into detail as I do not wish to include spoilers, however I was just left feeling a little unsatisfied and unsure what to think.

Overall, this movie is a must-see. Not only is it the most powerful anime ever created, but one of the most powerful movies ever created. "Grave of the Fireflies" is engaging yet haunting and moving yet saddening. If you have a tendency to shed a few tears during sad films, this will have you weeping throughout. An unmissable movie.
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ATM (I) (2012)
Flawed but watchable horror/thriller
2 April 2012
"ATM" can be described by 3 words: 'hit and miss'.

Firstly, the standard of acting and the script of this movie are very inconsistent. At times, I found scenes humorous, believable and authentic, however 5 minutes later would be faced with a cheesy piece of dialogue, or a below-par bit of acting. As I said before, it's 'hit and miss'.

The plot also carries this lack of solidity; at times, original ideas are introduced and the movie seems like it may become engrossing, however at other points the amount of flaws in storytelling and issues in characterisation lower the standard of viewing.

Overall, there is little I can really say about "ATM", other than it is a disappointing movie that, although is flawed and far from great, does have some good moments and is a fairly enjoyable movie throughout the majority of its duration. "ATM" is watchable but far from a must-see.
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The Clinic (II) (2010)
Fairly entertaining and with some originality; however far from brilliant
26 March 2012
"The Clinic" turned out to be exactly what I expected, a movie with an original plot that utilised common horror aspects to create a passable film.

The movie itself is fairly simplistic, therefore I wont go into great detail. In terms of what is good about this movie, the fact that the plot is fairly original is a huge positive in relation to the movie's genre; in addition to this, despite the often uncomfortable nature of the story, it is one that is shocking enough to keep your interest until the credits appear. Finally, the acting was, for the majority of the movie, solid, therefore the characters and their predicaments were easy to relate to.

However, despite a passable movie made watchable by some fresh and engaging ideas, the horror constructs that piece the plot together are common and have been done before within the genre and done so to a far higher standard; there is little new here if only individual events are looked at. Furthermore, I felt somewhat sickened by some of the ideas proposed in this movie; they are beyond being chilling, to the point where the situation on-screen becomes just wrong and unentertaining as a result (my dislike of children being used in horror could contribute to this view). Finally, the ending to this movie was quite unsatisfying (not that I was expecting anything spectacular to conclude the cinematic mediocrity I had already witnessed).

Overall, horror fans may appreciate the fact that the plot to this movie is original, however the underlying horror elements have been witnessed many times before. Furthermore, this film is painfully average throughout, therefore I would only recommend it if you are very intrigued by the plot or genre.
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Fred: The Movie (2010 TV Movie)
Even fans of "Fred" may struggle to enjoy this weak production
23 March 2012
This movie was never going to be critically reviewed in a positive manner; film critics are unlikely to be the kind of people who are fans of "Fred", the Youtube phenomenon, and unless you are a fan of "Fred", this movie is not worth going near.

The run-time of this production is, generally, consistent of "Fred"'s Youtube-video style dragged out over an incredibly shallow and uninteresting plot. The high-pitched voice is still evident, as is the ambiguity surrounding Fred's life. As a result, his fans may, perhaps, find some sort of entertainment value within this film.

However, the acting throughout this film is nothing close to an exhibition of any real talent; the movie feels painfully low-budget and there is nothing on offer to render the film engrossing.

In terms of the plot and pacing; it is a conglomeration of previously used ideas that are cheap, predictable and trivial. Nothing original is really evident, however the "Fred" elements that fans know and love do introduce a fresh perspective upon a host of overused sub-plots.

Overall, this movie is exactly what you'd expect; a low-budget, unoriginal and basic family movie. If your not a fan of "Fred" and his Youtube channel, don't go near this movie. If you are, I'd imagine that this could, possibly, be worth a look if you have spare time, however I'd recommend approaching viewing with low expectations.
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Cars (2006)
Disney and Pixar - take a bow
23 March 2012
I am incredibly reluctant to score a film perfectly as there is always something, big or small, that bugs me in any cinematic experience. However, this was NOT the case in "Cars".

Prior to viewing, I expected a below-standard Pixar production that was good but not great, however I could not have been more wrong.

I'll begin with the visual and audio utilisation - the animation is (as you'd expect from Pixar), tremendous on every level - wonderful scenery and character models ensure this is an aesthetic treat. In terms of audio, sound effects are great and the soundtrack is beyond fantastic.

Characters (an important aspect of any family film), are found in positive abundance here. Stereotypes are present but not overused, every character is easy to relate to (despite the fact that they are cars), and the emotions of every character are truly emphasised; nobody in "Cars" is anything short of vivid.

The plot itself is perfectly paced; the story-telling is easy to follow, yet allows room for twists, turns and speculation to a perfectly adequate degree. In addition to this, the script is brilliant; there is plenty of humour to accompany some equally emotional outbursts. The way in which Disney and Pixar make us feel empathy for animated vehicles is intelligent and a fine achievement.

Overall, this is one of my favourite films of all time, and it is, in my view, able to compete with any other piece of cinema, from "Casablanca" to "Shrek"; the magic of Disney, alongside the high production values of Pixar, in accordance with the sheer brilliance of this movie, ensures that it is a must-see for anybody. "Cars" is a true masterpiece.
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A charming film; however not one of Studio Ghibli's strongest productions
22 March 2012
I'd firstly like to say that I am a HUGE fan of the movies created by Studio Ghibli; they are unlike anything else and this is the case for all of the right reasons.

However, I was somewhat disappointed with "My Neighbour Totoro" as, although the charm and imagination of Ghibli productions is there, the actual story-telling techniques seem inadequate for such a great studio.

In terms of the positives of this movie, it has the cute, crazy, original and adventurous style that fans of Japanese anime and especially Studio Ghibli will know and love. In addition to this, the story is one that will probably put a smile on your face at various points. Furthermore, the characters are, for the majority of the movie's run-time, very likable.

However, whilst the style that Ghibli is famous for makes this film a good one, the actual film-making is just not up to the same standard as some of Hayao Miyazaki's other productions, such as Spirited Away and The Castle of Cagliostro. Firstly, some of the characters are introduced in a manner suggestive of a depth to them, however this complexity is never really provided in some cases. We are, essentially, made to want to know more about some characters (their motives, origins, thoughts), however this thirst for knowledge is not entirely satisfied. This limited feel to the movie is furthered by the fact that the whole plot seems slightly too trivial and lacks a driving purpose. Finally, considering the fact that the run-time is around 80minutes, the pacing is quite peculiar, which left, me personally, wanting more to happen quickly, however this desire is never really met.

Overall, this is, undoubtedly, a very good film, and worth a watch for any fans of Japanese anime. However, underneath the wonderful style, originality and creativity Studio Ghibli invoke, is a fairly shallow production that relies far more on its charm as opposed to its production values.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Simple but fantastic; it's old age is irrelevant
19 March 2012
The concept of this film is incredibly simple, as are the sets throughout. However, this is why the fact that this film is over 50 years old, is completely irrelevant to how enjoyable it is today.

Despite of the fact that this is not an action film, it is engaging, exciting and tense from start to finish and manages to stay highly entertaining throughout in the most subtle, intelligent manner I've seen in cinema.

This is achieved through absolutely fantastic characterisation; each of the 12 men the movie centres around are individuals who are void of any tedious stereotypes that most of the shallow characters we see in cinema today will fit into. Every one of these characters are complex, controversial and interesting. This is contributed to hugely by the fact that each and every role taken in this film is acted tremendously; it would be unfair to highlight a single great performance as every member of the cast is just sensational.

In addition to this, the script gives an authenticity and realism to the movie; we can relate to and believe every situation on-screen, which is what makes this such edge-of-seat stuff. Furthermore, the film could not be paced any more perfectly; as a result, the running time flies by.

Although this is, undoubtedly, a necessary watch for anybody, I could not give it a 10/10 purely because I felt that the direction of the plot and the nature of some aspects of character changes were a bit too predictable; I had a pretty good idea what was going to be different from the beginning of the movie and the end.

Overall, I believe that the unrivalled characterisation and simplistic thrills of this incredibly authentic, intelligent movie, render it a must-watch. "12 Angry Men" is NOT a victim of it's age... Just give it a go.
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Brutal and twisted, however not entirely without substance
13 March 2012
I watched "Salo" purely because the controversy drew me in, as well as the fact that little else exists that can be deemed similar.

The brutality of the film, I expected. However, what I did not expect was to feel somewhat awkward in my viewing, as the uncivilised and inhumane portrayals of some of the characters in "Salo" made the whole thing difficult to comprehend. Also, the entire scenario was a bit difficult to consider realistic, which damaged the authenticity of the violence (for me, anyway).

In terms of the plot, pacing and acting - none of it is really relevant to the quality of the experience. "Salo" comprises of two key elements: brutality and controversy. When watching, there are a multitude of potential messages and suggestions (regarding both politics and human nature), that Pasolini could be attempting to convey on-screen; the movie undoubtedly forces you to become opinionated.

Yet, despite this, I felt that the brutality was not structured in an intelligent enough way to make it seem mindful, therefore I get the impression that some (not all) viewers who have claimed the film is a broad insight into the corruption that can stem from politics, may only be stating so in an attempt to either sound intelligent, or to raise controversy. In my view, "Salo" does not shock, it disgusts and puzzles the viewers, therefore any depth is only emphasised to those who enjoy excessive violence.

Overall, the depth of "Salo" and the intentions of Pasolini are both unclear and highly debatable, however this movie is unlike anything you have seen before and despite low production values and a difficulty to see intelligence or anything relate-able beneath the brutality, it is perhaps worth your time for that reason alone.
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The Beach (I) (2000)
Painfully underrated; an entertaining, engrossing movie
13 March 2012
I see many negative reviews for "The Beach" and I really struggle to identify a justification for such an underrating.

When I watched this film for the first time, I considered it to be an entertaining and original movie that, although retained a sense of solidity throughout, never truly shone; what puzzled me was the fact that I was glued to the screen throughout.

However, upon my second viewing, I realised that this film carries a subtle depth that contributes strongly to its engrossing manner. Aside the strong acting and great script, a deep focus on characterisation ensures that the movie's protagonist and the changes he undergoes are incredibly engaging; in accordance with the fact that DiCaprio takes this lead, we are left with a character study as much as a movie. Furthermore, without giving anything away, the various parallels and paradoxes, both positive and negative, as well as the sense of underlying realism, ensure that, as a viewer, you feel compelled to truly take an interest in the "The Beach".

Despite the strength of this film, what prevents it from being a true masterpiece is the fact that the pacing and atmospheric focus of "The Beach" is slightly too inconsistent and it can make the experience an overly peculiar one at times.

Overall, it is difficult to explain why "The Beach" is such a compelling, intelligent and engrossing movie (especially without adding spoilers), however you just have to give it a go. It is a movie that can be watched multiple times and has a subtle depth to it that many viewers will not spot during the first viewing; I highly recommend you experience "The Beach".
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Coffin Rock (2009)
Enjoyable horror/thriller; an Australian "Fatal Attraction" attempt
12 March 2012
I had low expectations of this film after reading a multitude of negative reviews, however these expectations were outdone by my viewing experience of "Coffin Rock".

This movie is, essentially, an Aussie equivalent of "Fatal Attraction" that is, admittedly, of a lower standard. Yet, despite this, the films practical, realistic style gives it a sense of originality that ensures it is not something you have witnessed on-screen before (through the many "Fatal Attraction" clones that exist).

In addition to this, the acting is solid; I don't consider the cast to be particularly spectacular, however I couldn't negate any of the performances given. Sam Parsonson, in particular, contributes strongly to the movie's overall solidity, as he takes on a crucial, challenging role with clear-cut confidence.

Furthermore, I felt that the pacing of this film was spot-on, therefore an unoriginal plot was executed well. Having said that, the fact the plot is unoriginal does not suggest that this film is not worth watching if you have seen similar movies already; the Aussie characters and location give it a distinctive style and there are some fresh ideas thrown in to make this film very individual.

Whilst many positives are evident for this movie, I did feel that, despite a fresh overcoat, the core plot is an overused one in cinema, therefore major film fans may feel slightly unexcited by "Coffin Rock". Furthermore, whilst the acting is solid and pleasing given the unspectacular cast, it is not memorable. Also, the entire movie left me feeling negative about Australian people; they seem to be conveyed as uncivilised, emotionally trivial and generally a bit difficult to relate to, which I am sure is inaccurate to reality.

Overall, "Coffin Rock" has an unfamiliar, unorthodox style but is, ultimately, only worth a watch if you believe you will enjoy a solid, if not fantastic or entirely original horror/thriller.
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Hugo (2011)
Visually impressive, charming family tale
6 March 2012
After reading many negative reviews for "Hugo", I felt obliged to watch the film to discover why it was a contender at the Oscars.

In terms of the visual production values, this is a breathtaking film and some of the sets are simply stunning. In addition to this, the film had a wonderful charm throughout that kept me positive throughout viewing and made me want to ignore the flaws of the movie and just enjoy the journey.

The characters are, generally, brilliant, and Chloe Moretz and Ben Kingsley both give tremendous performances. However, my problem was, unfortunately, with the films protagonist, as although Asa Butterfield takes on the leading role well, the character of Hugo came across, to me, as little more than a sulky, negative kid.

The plot and pacing of the film is fairly good; there is enough unpredictability and room for guessing, as well as a few unexpected twists and secrets to keep the story engaging, however there is a lack of any real significance or importance and the scenario's the characters are placed in seem slightly too trivial to be as entertaining as they could have been.

Overall, I feel that despite Hugo being an irritating character at times, and the plot of his film perhaps lacking the sense of real peril it could have done with, the charming, original and enjoyable style of this movie, portrayed by some strong performances and fantastic visual treats, render Scorcese's first family film a success, that is well worth a couple of hours of anybody's time.
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Unspectacular but enjoyable mixed martial arts action movie
21 February 2012
I was a huge fan of the original "Never Back Down", therefore was looking forward to seeing this follow-up.

In terms of the plot, it is painfully similar to the original, however this is not necessarily a bad thing, as, surprisingly, the same, predictable story line is still entertaining second-time-round. In addition to this, the characters are very similar to those in the first film in many respects, just with a few fresh ideas being introduced.

The action itself is strong; combat is well-acted and every fight scene is relatively convincing, therefore the film succeeds in, arguably, its key area.

In addition to this, Jai White is brilliant and after being impressed by his performance in "Blood and Bone", I was pleasantly surprised to see that his ability has not halted. Furthermore, despite being unsure about his ability as a director, I was equally impressed.

Overall, fans of the original who desire a similar dose of mixed martial arts action, or those who want an enjoyable, solid, MMA-based drama and are not concerned about a lack of depth or originality, should probably give this movie a try, however I'd advise watching the original first, as it is undoubtedly superior.
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Underrated, entertaining British thriller
21 February 2012
I was not entirely sure what to expect prior to watching 'A Lonely Place to Die'; the plot intrigued me however after reading a multitude of negative reviews I was uncertain this film would be enjoyable.

This lack of certainty was unjustified, as I found this movie very entertaining. The pacing is spot-on and the acting is solid throughout; in addition to this, the film was not too predictable, therefore I was more than happy to see this movie through until the end. Sean Harris is also, in my opinion, a key contributor to my positive opinion of this film, as he is expectantly brilliant as always.

Overall, what stops this film from being fantastic is the lack of depth, characterisation and stand-out moments, however if you are looking for an interesting, entertaining British film with a few fresh ideas and solid acting, this is worth your time.
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Crushed (2009)
The low budget could not be any more clear
21 February 2012
I was never expecting 'Crushed' to be of the same standard as 'Fatal Attraction', especially after looking at the cast. However, I also did not expect the film to be this below-average.

The plot of this film is good, despite its lack of originality. Furthermore, the pacing is acceptable and the script is passable. Yet, despite this, the low-quality recording, matched with acting that is, at points, humorously poor, creates a film that does nothing but symbolise its low budget. As a result, this movie does not engage its audience or establish a sense of care regarding the fate of the characters on- screen, therefore the experience is not a memorable one.

Although this film is, generally, not very good, it is easy-to-watch due to little thought being necessary to keep up with the storyline. In addition to this, Natalie Dickinson does not do too badly (especially in comparison to the actors she accompanies on-screen) and conveys her character in quite an interesting manner.

Overall, despite limited positives, the poor acting and unspectacular production values render 'Crushed' as a victim of its low-budget and a very forgettable film. With so many great horrors around, I advise you spend your viewing time elsewhere.
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Anonymous (I) (2011)
A solid, interesting film; however an equal waste of potential
17 February 2012
Prior to watching Anonymous, I did not deem the theories surrounding Shakespeare being a fraud to hold much validity, however, if nothing else, this film completely altered my perception upon this controversy.

Anonymous is, generally, a solid, well-acted and intelligently paced movie, however, the concept it adopts is a very interesting one, especially for those interested in literature, thus I felt that perhaps the film relies to heavily upon the ideas it proposes, as opposed to its execution.

The movie felt to grow increasingly ambiguous as to its direction, and seemed to feel irrelevant to the key plot. Although this ensured that key points in the film were more effective and distinguishable, the entertaining but seemingly insignificant sub-plots rendered the film as less engaging than it could have been, and felt, in some instances, as if such plots were used as time-fillers.

In addition to this, I left viewing with the impression that perhaps Rafe Spall was the wrong choice for the role of William Shakespeare; this is not a criticism of his acting ability, but a suggestion that it made the film slightly unbelievable, as most would imagine Shakespeare to be very different to that which Spall conveys on-screen.

Overall, I feel that Anonymous could have been a masterpiece, however only reaches the standard of a solid film. Despite this, if nothing else, it will more than likely lead to you having a quick search for information surrounding this controversy, as the idea it imposes is undeniably intriguing and, for this reason, Anonymous is unlikely to be a forgettable movie.
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Strange, unique and highly entertaining; I loved it
16 February 2012
House of 1000 Corpses is difficult to compare to anything else; the quirky, humorous but brutal nature it adopts is married by some unforgettable characters and an unpredictable sequence of events throughout.

Although a 9/10 seems generous when this film is compared to true classics such as Casablanca, the experience it provided me with has been dissimilar to anything else that has stemmed from other films; it's peculiarity and general craziness kept me engaged throughout and the fact it is surprisingly unpredictable ensured I was nothing short of entertained from start to finish. In addition to this, a few hours after I had finished watching House of 1000 Corpses I decided to watch The Devil's Rejects, as I badly wanted to see more of Rob Zombie's style exhibited on-screen.

I highly recommend this film; it's perhaps not for the feint-hearted, or for those who like some normality and composure on-screen, however it is a unique, crazy and highly enjoyable light-hearted horror throughout.
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