
20 Reviews
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John Q (2002)
Eerily reminiscent of Platoon
14 April 2004
I was troubled when I saw this movie. Deeply troubled. It is clear that the director did the exact same thing Oliver Stone did when the latter directed Platoon: dished out a load of propaganda thinly disguised as 'entertainment' in order to manipulate the public. Whereas Platoon was pro-communist, anti-American, anti-Western propaganda, John Q. was socialist propaganda, pure and simple. Everyone has a right to his opinion, but if a director wants to get his point across, he should say so right up front, rather than be sneaky about it and show it under the guise of 'entertainment.' Like Platoon, this film was very subtly but dangerously subversive, and thus completely horrifying.
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Even Stevens (2000–2003)
One of the funniest shows ever made
9 January 2004
Even Stevens is one of my top 10 shows of all time. The characters are great. A lot of people don't like Beans, but I think he can be hilarious. The supporting cast is excellent, but the show belongs to Shia. He's a superb actor (everyone on the show is, in my opinion). The writing is witty, clever, and original, and some episodes literally have me laughing for over half an hour (and most shows are unable to elicit more than a chuckle from me). It's too bad there's a 65-episode limit, 'cause I'd definitely like to see some new episodes (although most of 'em I haven't seen). Anyway, if you have Disney Channel, give it a try. You'll probably enjoy it.
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My favorite superhero film of all time
26 December 2003
Although I think love the original Superman, I think it pales in comparison to this movie. I've been a die-hard Marvel fan all my life, and although I don't know much about X-Men or own many of their comics, I like the film a lot. The characters are colorful, the action is extremely cool, the acting is above average, the special effects are jaw-dropping, and the ending is sheer genius. If you like anything affiliated with Marvel, stop reading this stupid review and go see this movie.
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A superb war flick
26 December 2003
This film, while not the best war movie ever, is definitely one of the better ones, far better than Platoon (the worst film ever made), Apocalypse Now (ugh), Full Metal Jacket (another stinker), etc. This film depicts the men as they really were: tough, compassionate, caring, valiant, and brave. Granted, maybe there were a few men like the ones in Platoon, but if so, they were an extremely small (almost microscopic) minority. This film has a great cast, a good script (although too much artistic licensing went into it), sympathetic characters, incredible combat sequences, and is almost 100% historically accurate. It's a true masterpiece (which would make it the opposite of the God-awful monstrosity Platoon). Not one of the top 10 movies ever, but probably one of the top 50 (in my opinion). I'd give it a 9 out of 10.
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A superb war flick
26 December 2003
This film, while not the best war movie ever, is definitely one of the better ones, far better than Platoon (the worst film ever made), Apocalypse Now (ugh), Full Metal Jacket (another stinker), etc. This film depicts the men as they really were: tough, compassionate, caring, valiant, and brave. Granted, maybe there were a few men like the ones in Platoon, but if so, they were an extremely (almost microscopic) minority. This film has a great cast, a good script (although too much artistic licensing went into it), sympathetic characters, incredible combat sequences, and is almost 100% historically accurate. It's a true masterpiece (which would make it the opposite of the God-awful monstrosity Platoon). Not one of the top 10 movies ever, but probably one of the top 50 (in my opinion). I'd give it a 9 out of 10.
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8 out of 10
26 December 2003
An excellent film. The acting is superb, the history is accurate, the action is intense, the characters are sympathetic. My only complaints- which are minor ones- are that the film is too long and the pace is a bit too slow. Other than that, it's vintage Spielberg and a masterpiece.
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Not terrible, but disappointing (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!)
26 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT!!!! If you have not seen this film, read on at your own risk!!!!!!!!

Some of the characters are cardboard (like the guy who gets eaten by the compies, Ajay, and others), a lot of it is a rehash of the first film (the trailer scene, for instance), and the part with the T-rex on the mainland is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! Once they return to the mainland, the film hits rock-bottom and devolves into pure cheese. I don't hate this film- granted, it has many great moments- but it's a big step down from the original. I'd give it a 7 out of 10.
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Jurassic Park (1993)
This movie belongs in the IMDB top 250
26 December 2003
This has always been my favorite film, ever since I was 8 or 9 years old. The special effects are, of course, among the best ever in any film. The script is intelligently written, the characters are colorful and interesting, the pace is ultra-fast, the music is phenomenal, the action is suspenseful and unpredictable, and the ending is, in my opinion, wicked cool. I don't see why garbage like Annie Hall and Platoon is in the top 250 but masterpieces like this aren't.
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Propaganda film
26 December 2003
The problem with this- and with all Vietnam War films- is that they're all too biased. Antiwar films overlook the fact that the vast majority of U.S. soldiers were heroes, while prowar films overlook the fact that a lot of the soldiers did indeed commit atrocities like the one in this movie. This film sucks. It's time for a movie that is neither prowar nor antiwar, nor liberal nor conservative, but COMPLETELY UNBIASED.
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Jaws (1975)
Harrowing suspense
26 December 2003
My favorite thing about this movie is that it's one of only two movies that genuinely scared me (the other one being George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead). The pace is lightning-fast (except in a few parts), the characters are smartly written and have depth, the action has the viewer on the edge of his seat, and the horror and suspense are virtually unsurpassed in cinema. 10/10
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The Music Man (1962)
A classic
26 December 2003
A hilarious movie, with spectacular songs, wonderful characters, a great plot, and phenomenal acting. If you like musicals and comedies, look no further. Harold Hill is one of my favorite movie characters of all time. Ron Howard (who directed The Grinch and Apollo 13) plays Winthrop. Also recommended: Singin' in the Rain.
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A brilliant modernized version of 'Romeo and Juliet'
26 December 2003
I know you all have better things to do than read my lame reviews, so I'll make this short and sweet. The plot is exceptional, the acting is remarkable, the music is some of the best of all time, the characters are very sympathetic, and can make you laugh uproariously at times and make you weep for them at others. The ending is dynamite, so I won't spoil it for anyone who may have missed this must-see film.
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One of Hollywood's most enduring masterpieces
26 December 2003
This film is nothing short of perfection: it has heart-pounding adventure, nerve-wracking suspense, gut-busting humor, exhilerating action, wonderful characters, an excellent plot, sheer unpredictability, romance that isn't nauseating or cheesy, and a brilliant script. It's great fun for the whole family, holds up well to multiple viewings, and is one of my favorite movies. 10/10
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Annie Hall (1977)
12 December 2003
In my opinion, Annie Hall is the most boring film ever made. Slowly paced, poorly written, very poorly directed, and extremely poorly acted, it is a stupid and atrocious film. It has cliched characters, a plot thinner than paper, no laughs, evokes no emotion from the viewer, and will most likely put you to sleep. I have one good thing to say about this shlock: it's a wonderful cure for insomnia!
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One of the best
31 October 2003
After reading the plot outline, some of you might roll your eyes and mutter, "Oh, great. A formulaic, plotless, cardboard-character, derivative flapdoodle." Not so. The plot, which gives life and depth to the characters, is so ingeniously written that most viewers will probably not be able to anticipate what's coming next. Breath-taking suspense, occasional pitch-black humor, a creepy, creepy villain, superb acting, and a roller coaster pace all add up to make one heck of a ride. Terry O'Quinn's character is probably the creepiest maniac to ever grace the screen since Anthony Perkins in Psycho. If you have even the slightest interest in horror films, I strongly urge you to rent this film.
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Phenomenal (did I spell that right?)
31 October 2003
The Hanoi Hilton is a must-see film. Many leftists denounce its historical accuracy and positive portrayal of the men who fought and died to prevent the disaster that befell Vietnam. If you want to know what the men were really like, by all means see this film. Don't waste your time on Communist propaganda crap like the monstrosity Platoon. NOTE TO ALL LEFTISTS: As this movie shows, most of the soldiers who fought were courageous and honorable men, not mindless killers like the idiots in the media want you to believe.
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Platoon (1986)
The most atrocious piece of garbage ever produced
31 October 2003
Ignore everyone who praises this leftist piece of crap. I've talked to many Vietnam veterans, and they all hated the film, denounced its many historical inaccuracies and its negative portrayal of them. Here's a hint: Oliver Stone directed the shlock. He's an admirer of Fidel Castro. So, obviously this movie is loaded with Communist propaganda. Sick, vile, poorly written, poorly made, etc. I could go on all day, but I have better things to do then contemplate this terrible film. Avoid it all costs. Most of the men who fought in Vietnam were (with a few exceptions, of course) tough, courageous, valiant men who fought honorably. By watching the movie, by praising it, you are only giving aid and comfort to the murderous Communists who were the true villains and butchers of that war.
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31 October 2003
I won't spoil the fun for anyone unfortunate enough to have not seen this great film. I'll simply list my reasons for loving it: great writing, characters with depth that the viewer actually relates to and cares about, complete unpredictability, and heart-pounding suspense. It is one of the only two movies that were frightened me- the other one being Jaws. If you're a horror movie fan, stop reading this stupid review and go see it!
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31 October 2003
My reviews are usually long, boring, and negative, so I'll make this short and save your time. This movie is historically accurate, extremely patriotic (as another imdb user noted), and pro-war. Since it portrayed the soldiers as heroes (which most of them were), I give the film two thumbs up. It boggles my mind that accurate movies bomb at the box office- like this- and crappy movies like Platoon rake in the bucks and get rave reviews. It's sad, really. Anyway, see this film, if you like accuracy: you'll like it.
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Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh...
31 October 2003
One of the other imdb users (who I'll keep anonymous just in case) was right when he said they don't make 'em like this anymore. Laugh-out loud humor, an attractive couple, scene-stealing support from Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds, Jean Hagen, Millard Mitchell, Cyd Charisse, etc., catchy and entertaining music, lovable characters with depth, a terrific script, and, of course, Gene Kelly himself. His dancing- and O'Connor's- must be seen to be believed. Recommended.
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