
23 Reviews
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True Story..True Friendship
3 August 2018
Mmm..I don't know what to say!! The story is so simple, appears to be ideal, but it's true. It is a story about pure love, friendship and loyalty that touches you in more than a scene. Really, there is no need for a movie to be complicated to enjoy it.

"Hachi: A Dog's Tale" narrates the story of the statue of Hachiko which stands outside of Shibuya Station in Tokyo. I've always heard this story as an example for loyality, but never believed it, dunno why.

Back to the movie, it is a bit slow paced, despite its short running time. Actually, I found this slow pace as an advantage, make you feel how deep the relation between the dog and its owner(friend). What deepens this feel is the soundtrack which fits the scenes perfectly-in my view. Cinematography is good too.

I have nothing to add as it is so simple as I mentioned before, but one last thing; a special recognition to the dog. I wonder how he acts to be like crying(not kidding).

Now, am planning to watch the original(Japanese)version, but this one is worth seeing.
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Temple Grandin (2010 TV Movie)
A True Portrayal of A Fantastic Woman
3 August 2018
"I'm not like other people. I think in pictures and I connect them" "I don't want my thoughts to die with me. I want to have done something"

These two quotes almost summarise what kind of person is Temple Grandin and how she is such an inspirational person. I've never met an autistic and I don't know how they act like, but I was fascinated by the movie. It is a complete art from all its aspects; the acting,the direction and the cinematography, From the very first scene you will be captivated. I loved everything about it and how it referred to her mother's efforts and the idea of the opening doors too. In one scene it gets a bit emotional feeling her confusion and in the other you'll be gripped by the way she thinks. It works for not trying to grip your sympathy for the lead character like many other movies (no offense). Claire Danes had totally turned into Grandin that you forget who Danes is. After watching the movie,I went through some of Grandin's interviews and lectures, this made me appreciate Claire's effort more. The only thing I wished that Danes to lower her voice tone a little bit. Through the videos I watched for the real Temple granding I found her voice is not as loud as in the movie. May be it is in a phase before she became a famous scientist, may be I am overreacting.. One another thing I loved about the movie is being a fast paced without making us lose concentration or get bored.
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The Beaver (2011)
One of Gibson's Best Performances
3 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I came to watch this movie, I didn't know what to expect, actually not expecting much as I wasn't sure about Foster's direction, and it didn't well at the box office. Then I decided to watch it as I am a biggg fan of movies dealing with psycho/mental illness.

To be honest, the movie is categorised under the comedy genre, but I found no comedy, maybe light scenes but didnt amount to be so funny. Also, it isn't very dark or serious drama. It is in between; a good story with fine performances.

The original plot is really appreciable; a man seeking help out of his depression by adopting a beaver as his soul. It is a bit weird, but it is totally new and original idea, which I liked.

About the acting, it is really good, no one could deny this fact. Mel Gibson in my opinion delivers one of his best performances, and the teens too. Jodi Foster is convincing as the caring wife who tries her best to keep her family.

The pace of the movie flows well that it didn't bore me, and nearly the last 30 or 40 minutes form the best part of the movie. There is more than a scene worth watching -in my opinion- such as the one in which the protagonist fights with the puppet. Actually, through the whole movie you'll never doubt that the two are two different characters that the beaver has a real soul, thanks to Gibson's performance and the camera cuts.

One last thing, don't watch it with high expectations to enjoy it. It is just a good movie with really fine wise performances.
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Awakenings (1990)
A Real Moving Story With Solid Performances
3 August 2018
"What we do know is that, as the chemical window closed, another awakening took place; that the human spirit is more powerful than any drug - and that is what needs to be nourished: with work, play, friendship, family. THESE are the things that matter. This is what we'd forgotten - the simplest things"

Finally, I had the chance to watch Awakenings. My brother recommended it for me years ago, and since he is not into movies, so once he is captured by a movie, I know it's a good one.

Apart from my brother, I found Awakenings is very beautiful and heartwarming. It has also some light scenes. They are not many, but sufficient for a movie that deals with catatonic conditions.

Everyone here is perfect playing his role, and I mean everyone, from the two leads to the secondary roles. For Robert De Niro, he is excellent through the entire movie especially through the scenes where he acts as if he can't control his muscles. I think these scenes are difficult enough for any actor to make, but he brilliantly executed them.

But frankly, I loved Robin Williams as Dr. Sayer or Dr. Oliver Sacks, the true neurologist whose book is that the movie is based on more. Here he is nerd, earnest, hopeful.

Finally, despite being nominated for three Oscar awards, I think it's underrated, at least among the audience. And don't forget to bring some tissues.
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Chalte Chalte (2003)
3 August 2018
I watched this movie at first because of its poster (the other one) thinking it would be a fresh one. I wasn't disappointed. Actually it became one my favorite movies with its catchy songs and background music since the opening credits. The acting is one of the strongest points of the movie and the protagonists are never over the top (it's one of their best). Rani is delightful to the eye and SRK, what can i say about him? The cinematography is breathtaking with foreign locations. Story-wise; it's refreshing to see realist love stories that goes beyond the-guy-gets-his-girl sequence, which most of the movies end with. What happens after the assumed happy ending? That's what this movie shows.
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Once (2006)
A Low-Budget Movie that Captures Hearts
2 August 2018
I am writing this review now while listening to the award winning song "Falling Slowly". ONCE is the best musical-in my opinion. It is the simplest story I've ever seen on screen. Its simplicity is shown through everything surrounds it from the camera to the budget to the 17 days in which it was wholly made. Sometimes you needn't a high budget to be captured your audience.

About the performances. you will never feel the actors are acting. They are very real. Actually everything is very real, I think due to the camera work. I doubt it is a home camera or something ;)

I don't have much words to describe it. Simply, it is a feel-good movie with a straightforward story about immigrants in Ireland, and sweet melodies that after watching it you'll feel loving everyone and want to hug everyone. You know, am so sensitive towards music :)
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An inspirational friendship between two deprived men
2 August 2018
A masterpiece. INTOUCHABLES portrays an ever lasting friendship between two men, deprived from the most precious things in life; health and family.

It is outstanding on all levels. The script is written beautifully, and it flows very well. It's funny, touching and inspirational. Despite its hard subject, it succeeded in making a good balance between emotional and comic timing.

The two leads' performance is spontaneous especially Omar Sy who is really humorous depending not on grabing jokes, but casual comic situations to draw a smile on your face.

The only reason I didn't give it 10/10 because there are some jokes, or say scenes that dragged a little bit. I find that it would have been better if those scenes were shorter as comedy needs to be impulsive.

Far from this point, I highly recommend this true-story based movie for its beautiful direction, cast and sweet piano background score.
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21 Grams (2003)
life weighs 21 grams only
2 August 2018
It is known that 21 Grams is shot in a non-chronological order. Usually this kind of story telling is used for the thrilling factor, but this is not the case here, as this movie falls in the genre of drama. Be patient as the the whole picture will be clear at the end-and not before the end.

Actually, Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu used this technique to deliver the puzzling situation and coplexity of characters, that they carry their pasts which stands as stumbling blocks infront of going on living their futures.

For performances, Sean Penn is fine as always, Del Toro is great, but Watts in incredible(she got the nomination of the academy award for best actress). All the charactershere have their faults that they do not deserve your full empathy.

21 grams is about grieve, revenge, conscience and the fragility of life. It is said that life weighs 21 grams only, so what does it deserve from us?

It is rated R for scenes of bloody violence, pervasive language, drug use and sexuality/nudity.
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Hitch (I) (2005)
Funny Equation
2 August 2018
Funny+romantic+slapstick but without platitude+Will Smith=2 hours of laughing=Hitch

Will Smith used all his charismatic abilities and shined in the role of a date doctor/expert who knows what works with women but fails with his woman.

It's lighthearted and there are scenes you will laugh out loud at especially those with Kevin James.

It gives you, Guys advices about how to deal with your love, and the most important one is to be yourself, she will love you for who you are.
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2 August 2018
When is a movie loved?! There are several reasons such as acting, plot or even a soundtrack. But what happened here is not only below average, actually it's nothing.

-Bad acting and no chemistry at all between Tristan and Isolde -cheesy and cliched story. Forbidden love!! Really, it is a new story that i haven't ever seen in any movie before, and will never see.Boring plot. -No rememberable soundtrack. i always believe that in worst situations a good soundtrack makes the worst cinematic journey acceptable at least. -What makes it worst the historical errors.

i can go on counting the reasons why i will never forget this movie, just for making me suffer during 125 min.
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Moneyball (2011)
Numbers, numbers all the time
2 August 2018
With a zero baseball knowledge, i really enjoyed the movie, simply for: 1- Pitt's greatest performance. I thought Benjamin Button was his best, but i was wrong. he is the calm GM who thinks of numbers all the time, yet frustrated when he's alone.

2- Jonah Hill. he really impressed me, although i wasn't expecting much from him.

3- The whole supporting cast is fine without any exceptions.

4- The movie has its dramatic moments without excessive needless emotions, just to appeal for more audience and give a break of the material dominating spirit.

5- The script is at least great.

6- The background score- which is important for me- is liked by me too. it's sweet, emotional, and suitable for the movie's atmosphere.
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1 August 2018
Actually i was expecting more after all the hype around it. yes the acting is fine, but i felt the movie is really empty. i was expecting better cinematography showing the beauty of Hawaii, no plot, no message(not necessary), no brilliant acting as it's claimed, no catchy background score, no character development..actually nothing is worth watching. not to be even compared with SIDEWAYS(the director's chef d'oeuvre). A Big Disappointment.
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"Everything you have seen here has been an illusion"
1 August 2018
"Everything you have seen here has been an illusion". it's the best quote I've ever heard in a movie especially now in a fake world with fake leaders, incidents, people and almost everything around us.actually it's not a call for skepticism, but for expecting everything could happen, reading between lines and how you can control others. For the movie, the direction is at its best. it's a joyful journey in the world of magic with great cinematography and wise performances. background score is suitable for the mood of the movie making you wait for what is gonna happen. What really impressed me is the climax, and what a climax! if you haven't watched it yet, go and give it a watch now at least for once :)
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Take Shelter (2011)
OSCARs are not the best of Hollywood
1 August 2018
A Masterpiece, but not for everyone. You can watch it if you : 1) have patience. it's a calm and slow-paced movie, but never boring 2) appreciate artistic, lyrical and intelligent cinema 3) look for a different and an unusual topic with solid performances and direction 4) like dramas and thrillers 5) believe that the OSCARs are not the best of Hollywood 6) look for a clean movie without usual sexual content and nudity

Have a nice journey within your dreams and facing your fears :)
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A Biopic of A Woman Who Slept in The Streets
1 August 2018
La Vie En Rose, the movie, is one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen, being a biopic of a woman who slept in the streets passing through tragedies all through her life and stood on stage at her latest days to sing Je Ne Regrette Rien. The movie belongs to Martion Cotillard. Actually she is the strongest point in the movie, and it's her best role till date. No wonder she got an Oscar award and became the second non-English-speaking actress to have such award. Everything is suitable for the movie's dark theme,character and era, being it the makeup, the lights and the background score, which I liked how it is used during certain scenes near the end. In's excellent and recommended for everyone
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Guzaarish (2010)
A Beautiful Painting By Sanjay Laila Bansali
1 August 2018
Guzaarish (Request )is not a movie. It's a beautiful painting drawn by director Sanjay Laila Bansali (hope I spelt it right). After seeing all his movies, finally i was able to know he is the director of Guzaarish and i was right when reading the end credits. Despite having the topic of Euthanasia (depressing topic), the director didn't make it fall to be melodramatic or tear-jerking. Instead, he made you enjoy every scene which is visually stunning indeed. Concerning the actors, Hrithik Roshan, the protagonist, didn't rely here on his physicality, but his acting abilities only. I think this is when he started to act from his heart, not from his mind, letting himself to act freely as if he is in his own room. He even sang What A Wonderful World with his own voice, not a playback singer like other Indian movies. Aishwariya Rai Bachan is a pleasure to the eye besides performing wise. All the other supporting actors are good too (sorry I don't know their names). What may i complain about is the plot. It's not very tight, and could have been better by trimming some scenes like the accident scene and Omar's story.
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The Return (2003)
Various Interpretations
1 August 2018
That's why i love European movies. they focus on the story, acting, cinematography; natural cinematography without usual Hollywood special effects and explosives, making you sigh after the end credits. What is more beautiful than seeing the water and the blue sky, feeling the air on the way the actors feel it. Really, camera angles could make difference, making the audience in the seat of the actors. What I mean is apparent in the scenes where the children use their camera and view sights. You feel shaken hands while taking photos like you do, see the world like they see it around. It gets bothering at times these shaky hands, but it get you in the mood of the movie. Concerning the acting, it's solid, and the two boys are superb. The movie does not contain much dialogue, so the actors depended on their facial expressions which they succeeded in having the right ones in every scene, expressing how they feel towards their father. The plot is vague in some concerns and not everything is revealed. It is about the return of a father to his two children after 12 years. He took them in a journey to a deserted island. What special about The Return is its various interpretations. It appeals to all countries and all ages according to your interpretation, whether it is politically, socially or even religiously. Believe me, you will find what concerns you in this powerful and flexible movie, realizing that The Return is more than the return of a father.
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Fun to Watch
1 August 2018
At first i thought it was a rip off Shallow Hal or at least it would be a usual cliched romcom. Instead, i found a real message through a simple and lighthearted plot. Yes, i know it has some silly moments, but we can overlook them as the whole experience of this feel-good movie is worth watching. Kim Ah Jung-in her first role-fits the role of the cute Hanna and the beautiful Jenny perfectly. She did all the songs by herself, despite not being a singer. I like all the songs. my favourit is Maria, which is originally by Blondie. Actually the songs topped the Korean charts at that year. "200 pounds beauty" was a super hit and won many awards and nominations including best actress and best film, so watch it. It is really a sweet one.
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October (II) (2018)
Simple yet beautiful
1 August 2018
I will keep my review as simple as the movie itself. The movie opens to Varun's character. He is such a carefree guy, who goes through a journey of love and learns how to care for the other. It's all about feelings, even if one can't express them. October was such a delight to the eye with its fascinating cinematography, and such a delight to the ear with its melodious and melancholic theme. Acting-wise; this is Varun's top performance so far. He is the ace of the movie. On a side note, it's refreshing to see a Bollywood movie without the typical around-the-trees dances and lip-syncing songs and short timed. One last thing, it will definitely stir your emotions without much dialogue or romantic scenes.
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Really entertaining
6 September 2015
A Parisian husband who is transfered to a town in north of France carrying a negative image about its people, but then he realizes the truth of his misperceptions.

The plot is kinda simple yet fun depicting stereotyping and friendship in a sweet and lovable way.

I really felt for the climax as I am one who is really attached to people and places. What helped more to enjoy WELCOME TO THE STICKS (BIENVENUE CHEZ LES CH'TIS) is the incredible work for the subtitles which captured the essence of scenes where different dialects have a role in the plot for non-French speaking.
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Not your typical war movie
6 September 2015
I am a big fan of war movies, and I was thinking that SAVING PRIVATE RYAN was the best, but i was wrong. In my opinion THE BROTHERHOOD OF WAR surpasses them all. Am I exaggerating?! no..

What makes this movie special-at least for me- is: -so realistic battle scenes and emotions showing horrors of war and not glorifying it like other movies. -dealing not only with war crimes, but also with the government crimes towards its own people. -asking what is patriotism and which bond is stronger;to one's family or to his country? -great cast and smooth, yet powerful background score-reminded me of the same effect of that of BRAVE HEART had on upon me.

Some Westerns may think of it as being kinda over-dramatic, but I see it's a part of the Eastern tradition in general, and actually it is justifiable here;the movie is more than some graphics which are very realistic.

NOTE: "The Korean War is an obvious example that there is no winner and loser in wars, only losers. There was no peace treaty, only a cease fire"
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Departures (2008)
A contradictory feeling
15 April 2013
Truly speaking, I felt bizarre after watching DEPARTURES (OKURIBITO), not because I didn't like it while winning the almost most credible award; the Academy award, but because I really liked it. For me, the movie to some extent is mediocre; mediocre actors especially Ryôko Hirosue (the wife) and a predictable plot. Yes it's simple, yet predictable in many places. This contradictory feeling may come out of its witty execution dealing with an intense issue (death and probably life) that could have been handled through an overly dramatic way, but what really fascinating is being crafted in such light heartedly way. The first part has its reasonable share of humor but not slapstick comedy, then it deepens gradually to have its moving and emotional scenes supported by such a great sentimental score. Cinematography is also great and has its impact on delivering the scenes. What seems to be great fun is discovering more about the Japanese culture and traditions in a more rural but honest way, rather than the usual image of modern Japan, the matter that is reflected even in using a classical orchestral score. At last, a resonant line saying "What I believed to be my dream, was probably not my real dream" makes one think and may it be a turning point in someone's life as it was for Daigo.
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Plastic Linings
12 February 2013
To start, I want to know first if this movie is a rom-com, comedy, romance, drama or what!! 'cause I didn't find neither romance nor comedy,actually. I read a lot of positive reviews and heard very good things about it; unconventional romcom, funny, honest,...etc. So, I went with high hopes and expectations to explore this so-called masterpiece.

But what I actually found is it is not only a mere average movie, but also a shallow one with predictable incidents and a dragged clichéd plot. It is too busy; mental illness, sports, book making, dancing, positivity,...etc. Every thing you can imagine is found here, but you will come out with nothing. BY the way, I did not even smile except at a scene or two at most. It is not funny at all. At each scene I waited for the next hopping to enjoy the fun, but I was hugely disappointed.

Even for the soundtracks, I think Danny Elfman has done better before.

I am always moved by movies about dysfunctionality-mentally or physically- but this time I really disliked the characters; a man who hit his parents, a sex addict, a gambler father. What is more laughable is that these characters are supposed to be inspirational!

I can't explain till now why all that hype around it, perhaps for Bradely Cooper who was the only savior out of all that mess, and Jennifer Lawrence who's already loved by the audience. Even those two I felt the chemistry between them is lacking. Every one of them did well but each on his own, away from each other. Or perhaps people were tricked by the the hype and media to the extent that they laugh at nothing.

Truly speaking, it is unfair to rate it 1/10, but I did so just to lower its general rating on IMDb as it's much more unfair to rate this awful movie 8.1/10

Hope I watched LIFE OF PI once again instead of wasting my time and money on this thing
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