Not your typical war movie
6 September 2015
I am a big fan of war movies, and I was thinking that SAVING PRIVATE RYAN was the best, but i was wrong. In my opinion THE BROTHERHOOD OF WAR surpasses them all. Am I exaggerating?! no..

What makes this movie special-at least for me- is: -so realistic battle scenes and emotions showing horrors of war and not glorifying it like other movies. -dealing not only with war crimes, but also with the government crimes towards its own people. -asking what is patriotism and which bond is stronger;to one's family or to his country? -great cast and smooth, yet powerful background score-reminded me of the same effect of that of BRAVE HEART had on upon me.

Some Westerns may think of it as being kinda over-dramatic, but I see it's a part of the Eastern tradition in general, and actually it is justifiable here;the movie is more than some graphics which are very realistic.

NOTE: "The Korean War is an obvious example that there is no winner and loser in wars, only losers. There was no peace treaty, only a cease fire"
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