
20 Reviews
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Mile 22 (2018)
Great Movie but way too many cuts
5 November 2018
Could be way better if it weren't for so many cuts and too fast scene transitions It works for the changing surveillance cameras and stuffs But for 1 sec of fight has 3 cuts is just too much

All characters are interesting btw
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Far better than what everyone said
23 May 2018
Better than the 1st movie

Boyega was amazing

The actions were superb

Oh, and The kids were great
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Psychokinesis (2018)
I had expected The Father to marry Director Hong lol~
8 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Quite entertaining movie. The telekinesis' visual is on the same level as Chronicle so that's quite good. Characters behave realistically, except Director Hong, she's insane, and that's amazing lol~ Plot is not bad though the resolution feels incomplete. My only problem is it seems another power was developed beside telekinesis there.
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Thanos is such a charismatic villain
25 April 2018
Same CGI villain like that Steppenwolf, but Thanos is much much more

Recent marvel villains have been awesome Like Killmonger, Loki, Ultron, and now Thanos

Not only powerful physically, but has interesting personality, and somewhat relatable If you just recently watched the movie "What Happened to Monday" then you might even support Thanos' actions

That's it about Thanos Now to the movie itself

It lived to the hype Not in the way that people predicted, but the epicness most likely satisfy everyone Not gonna spoil, go watch it Though I'm sure most of you have gotten the ticket already lol~
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Wind River (2017)
Amazing movie with a single flaw
6 March 2018
Great movie, but it has a single flaw. I will only explain the flaw because many reviews have already explain the good points.

So, not so much a spoiler, but there were casualties from the cops in this movie. Probably several deaths or severely wounded. Yet, when it's all over, no one showed concerns about them. Instead, the movie was doubling down about how poor the victim girl was.

I know this is a propaganda piece about the injustice to Native American, but C'mon, they were good cops dying in the line of duty and no gratitudes for them? This is another case of "Oh shut up! you don't understand our feelings!" I don't know whether there are scenes cut or what, but currently the writer-director is so deep in "pretending to care about the suffering of certain something" that he is blind to other sufferings.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Total Crap
18 February 2018
I watched this a long time ago but I washed my brain with Tide-Pods to cleanse it from this movie.

Watched random Youtube video and this was mentioned so I got here and write a review.

I just gonna list the problems with this crap : 1. This is not a squad of bad guys. This is a squad of good guys pretending to be bad guys acting like good guys. 2. Most of the squad are irrelevant, useless, and annoying. Fireman, Crocodiles, Boomerangman, Slipknot, nobody cares about these people. 3. The enemies are crap. Enchantress is crap, her minions are faceless unlimited boring crap. 4. Corny everything. When Harley said, "Don't hurt my friends!", I literally vomitted.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
You don't need ghost
17 February 2018
Horror is everywhere

Not just terrifying ghosts and monsters

Even simple visit to your grandparents might be a horror story

P.S. Old people are scary!
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Black Panther (2018)
A superhero movie made me cry...
15 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The pinned under the rubbles in Homecoming, Logan and Watchmen entire movie. Those were emotional, but didn't make me cry. But the relationship between T'Challa and Erik with their respective father made me cry.

Among superhero movies I've watched, this is the best so far

The score for the reviews and ratings for this movie is kinda funky. Just like Get Out, there are people that rated this too high or too low due to racial issue. I say let's put that aside and judge this movie for it's quality as a movie. Even the final message expressed by this movie, as said by T'Challa, is to build bridges to connect, help, and work together with everyone.

But I digress, Worthy of it's title as the best superhero movie so far (according to me), the actions, visual effects, and scale were amazing. The music matches the tone of the scenes and overall enjoyable.

The enemies are not "faceless" like Ultron's robots, Avenger's aliens, Suicide Squad's and Justice League's Dumb Whatever-Those-Things are, and this is my favorite aspect of the movie, actual enemies with personalities and ideas.

The only "flaws" (not really but) to me are : 1. The villains were as interesting as Loki, but they were all dead. Pity. 2. Despite being a superhero movie, not much "superheroing" done. Well, this is the internal strife part so understandable.

In conclusion : Watch it
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What a beautiful movie
11 February 2018
I cried at the end

6.7 is too low of a score

I got the same emotional overflow when I watched Shawshank Redemption This should rank around 8-9 too Either Perfectionist Agatha Christie's fans or Millennials by disposition lowering the score

Very enjoyable and heartmoving movie If you haven't read or watched any iteration of Murder on the Orient Express, watch this first
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The Guardians (2017)
This is a dumb movie for sure. But...
9 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The actions and visuals are great. Probably the only good things about this movie. The order of events are wrong. The characters are super dumb. Training arc near the end of the movie. Khan (Speedster) can cut the cable/pipe holding the transmitter tower easily yet didn't. Also, fighting Kuratov, Khan was depowered with no reason. Forced dumb backstories. Crappy dialog. Lack of BGM. So yea, the rating 4 is true. The visual effects team was truly wasted in this movie.
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Geostorm (2017)
People got the wrong idea
18 January 2018
This is a great movie and deserves higher score Not 10 of course. I gave it a 10, but it's just because I only rate my movies either 10 or 1. Like or Dislike. People's taste changes over the years so specific ratings is not really credible.

Now, first of all, Geostorm is not really a "Disaster" movie 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow are pure disaster movies since the protagonists are "living through the disaster". Geostorm is not this kind. Remember The Core and Sunshine? Geostorm is more like those, the background story is global disaster, but the movie itself focuses on the adventure thriller of the world saving heroes.

Geostorm was marketed as disaster movie, with trailers focusing on the disasters, but most of the movie is about unraveling the mysteries of the incidents. There weren't even protagonists put as a civillians to truly experience the might of the disasters. The disasters were just... Side stories, backdrop.

So, the conclusion, this rating is for Geostorm as disaster movie. As a different kind of movie altogether, this deserves higher rating.

Btw, Sarah was badass!
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Dunkirk (2017)
Nolan : Let's make people think that this movie is smart (Spoiler : It is not)
6 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let's make a war movie from the perspectives of random soldiers, it would be fun.

Oh, let's also not shown "The Enemy" at all, it would be a masterpiece.

Maybe it could be so, but it didn't.

It failed spectacularly (But somehow people think this is epic, why?)

Go watch Saving Private Ryan again then compare it to Dunkirk. If Saving Private Ryan is a 9 then Dunkirk would be a 2, and that's still a compliment.

This is not smart evacuation movie, this is a boring and dumb soap opera. Bullets and Bombs literally came from nowhere. Boring characters you don't care about escaping from one place to another.

Seriously guys, this is not a good movie, why is this so highly rated? Have most people on earth replaced by aliens from outer space that they think this is great movie?
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Only 2nd to the original
30 November 2013
Skip the 2nd and 3rd movie.

This is a canon continuation to the animation series, the original characters have become big wigs in this movie in their respective fields.

The staffs are mostly Japanese so expect Japanese quality of CGI and style. The dialogs were quite awkward, maybe because the script was originally in Japanese, but you can get used to that.

The actions were awesome and there's some nudity as well. For 80 minutes movie, it was extremely satisfying.

Many questions were left unanswered so I expect more sequels to be made.

For Starship Troopers fans, this is a must watch.
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Conquest 1453 (2012)
Don't believe the rating
13 September 2012
The only reason I watched this is because the high rating it got here in IMDb, but it left me totally disappointed First of all, special effects were overused in this movie, I can take it if they were good, but no, they were bad, so bad that it actually makes mutant chronicles look good, all cannon fires were special effects, they were so lousy that you might think it's one of Syfy low budget movies Battle scenes are horrible, random slow-mo at inappropriate moments ruins them even more Unnecessary romances, which was fiction, and lame, and LONG. Nobody expected romance when they went to the theater to watch this Stupid production staffs, isn't this a movie about Islam? After all those glorifying then they showed us Hasan the hero having illicit sexual relationship? of him engaging in premarital sex? that's sheer idiocy (well, i don't know if they already married or what but still this romance part is unnecessary) The ultimate disappointment is the scene where they transport the ship through land. This is the most famous part of the history of the conquest, yet only being shown for a minute?? This is the turning point of the conquest man...... Why didn't they show us the moment when the idea was proposed? That was rather insane idea, wouldn't the advisers against this, why was it approved? The movie pictured that moment as insignificant

To the production staffs : YOU FAILED MISERABLY
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The Core (2003)
It's great despite plot holes and clichés
14 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, there's a lot of imagination running wild in this movie earth core stopped spinning, indestructible material, man survives in a 9000* temp when his suit only withstand half of it despite that, it's a great fun watching this movie I just hope Hollywood stop inserting clichéd events into the script, as in an expedition to save the world and the crew members dying off one by one, the stuff getting old, realistically it should be either everyone survives or everyone dies, you don't get 90% of the crew die and for the love of god, please stop making the survivors are a couple of man and woman who are romantically attracted to each other always always the survivors are the main character and a girl.......

cliché cliché cliché cliché cliché
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Skyline (2010)
It's actually a great movie
7 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm shocked that the rating is so low here I'm reading those negative reviews which practically said they don't understand the movie this movie is similar to Independence Day, but told from the perspective of oblivious civilians, in that aspect it resemble Cloverfield being told from civilians POV, it's given there's no explanation about the aliens. But seeing that the army has deployed before and immediately after the invasion it's clear that the government is aware of their coming.

The alien is something like organic machine, but I think the true form of the alien is like a virus or nano organism capable to invade machinery and living organism.

They invade the earth to harvest human nervous system, which acts as a control unit and somewhat power supply.

so the one controlled those alien units are human brains, but after the virus overwritten and taking control of them.

this would explain alien's regenerative and resurrection ability.

It's told subtly in the movie that Jarrod being scouted for Terry's work so Jarrod somewhat a genius and that's why he was able to resist alien control, or maybe he just acquired immunity after being exposed to the light many times, or both.

this is a great movie not inferior to cloverfield, normally i would've given it a 9, but to help this movie I'm giving it a 10. It deserves higher rating seriously.
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The Dead (2010)
Zombie in Africa
7 November 2011
I'm sure that this movie inspired by Resident Evil 4 where zombie outbreak occurred in Africa Some zombie movies always bewilder me. Basically zombie in zombie movies can be divided to fast and slow moving zombies.

In this movie, it's the slow zombie. Zombies in this movie are the slowest zombie I've ever seen. Moreover the setting is rural Africa, not in the city where people are restricted by walls and locked doors, anyone can practically outrun these zombies, and yet the zombies can still spread like wildfire. This is so unbelievable, they are moving 50 cm/s for god sake.

The movie itself is good, every scene is meaningful, the locals can act, the scenery is vast and beautiful. But it's kinda boring in the middle.

it's like an adventure movie with zombie, worth to try
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Solomon Kane (2009)
Something feels wrong
28 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
At first it's like a slow paced adventure, a traveler join up with others traveling a beautiful world Then enemies start appearing also then people start going out of character. They said and act things that is not of their character and all of them overestimate Solomon's ability I had thought that Solomon Kane is some sorcerer or something because he kept saying "my powers" and everyone seem to think he can massacre the entire mob while those mob had them hostage.

The family kept telling Solomon to kill them all, all while still had swords touching their neck. So unreal and what was that final battle, so ridiculous
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Robin Hood (2010)
The plot is going downhill on the later half
24 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this is a long movie, more than 2 hours The first half is rather entertaining but the later is more messed up than mushed potatoes So Robin claimed as Robert Loxley to safely cross the channel, then he goes to Nottingham to return Loxley's sword. For reasons unknown Walter, Robert's father suggest for him to disguise as Robert Loxley (remember that he doesn't know that Robin previously did disguise as him). So the story goes on, everyone knows him as Robert Loxley. But suddenly in the final battle, Marshall calls him Longstride, and then everyone call him Longstride too! Even the king, even though he had met him before as Robert Loxley, now recognizes him as Robin Longstride, and it's just weird that by the end of final battle everyone shouting Longstride! Longstride! Like he was some kind of legendary hero or something when actually it was his debut battle with non-Richard armies. Man, it was really weird.

Oh yeah, by the end of the film, suddenly he got a nickname, Robin of The Hood, only God knows why...
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Jumper (2008)
What's with all these negative reviews?
22 April 2011
Seriously, what's with all this people? There's even people rate this movie 1, are they for real? They are complaining about the good guy is not really good and the bad guy is not really bad, what are you people, 5 years old? They are angry because the protagonist, despite having super power, not helping people in trouble like those submerged by flood. Man.... people die everyday you know, from flood, drought, disease, murder, accident, etc, etc. You can't expect him to save everyone, right? And let's make it clear, He (David) is not a good guy, even less a hero, he is just a protagonist with super power, which is teleportation. You all make a mistake if you think that in every movie that depicts super power there must be a hero, actually, someone would be extremely stupid or brain dead to be a hero.

Maybe if you got super power you might save several people at first, but you will get tired of it so fast, I guaranteed.

Anyway, this movie is extremely fun, especially if u just watched some tear jerking movie, it'll cool you down and re-energized you :D The jumping scenes felt very real, and the battle part were awesome, , it's like a world tour in 60 seconds or something, and while you're at that, u can take a car from somewhere, drop bus in the lake, or even bringing your room with you in your trip.
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