
83 Reviews
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Analyze This (1999)
Original and Wonderful Chemistry Between Crystal/De Niro
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this movie at least five times over the years. Tonight was the sixth, and I thought it was finally time to review it. What drove me here to do that? Well - the amazing chemistry between De Niro and Crystal for one - but also the horrible casting of Lisa Kudrow. I'm sure she's a wonderful person, but she almost single handedly ruins this amazing movie. Her forced lines, absolutely zero chemistry with Crystal - and bad acting makes you wonder who thought she was right for such a high profile film??

Beyond the huge distraction of Kudrow, the film is of course a classic. Not because of all of it's gangster lines and recycled dialog, but because of the inventive and unique take on a big time, rough and tough, gangster and his emotional/mental issues preventing him from being the man he thinks he is suppose to be.

This movie solidifies Robert De Niro as one of the absolute best at his craft, not to mention is ability to play a huge range of characters, but also Billy Crystal as one of the best comedic actors of our time.
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Moonfall (2022)
Can't believe this is only getting a 5/10
24 November 2022
This is an amazing movie.

Sure, there are those moments you think, geez, I could have written this better.

But honestly, this is so much better than the current reviews.

The greatest thing about this movie is it's FUN!!! Never gets boring, and it's just fantastic science fiction! Amazing sci-fi!

Don't go on just the IMDB score of this movie. I've been watching these for years, this is a WINNER!

I've watched all the "world ending disaster" movies, this is right up there. Just as intricate, full of fun and amazing.

Great special effects, acting - overall fantastic. I highly recommend! Don't miss!
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Great Idea, Executed Poorly
5 August 2022
I love the "idea" of this film, just not how it was executed, written.

Why can't an idea like this be a film without having the luggage of modern religions weighing it down?

Why do so many people still believe in God through words written by HUMANS centuries ago?

I hope this idea is made into a film again someday, but from the eyes/heart of a person who knows God spiritually, but has no affiliation with religion.

It could be great.
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Hustle (2022)
The Movie You Want All Others To Be Like!
10 June 2022
"Hustle" is an amazing movie and should not be missed.

There were so many scenes I was, without any doubt, expecting a predictable Hollywood movie and this film continually surprised me. It says something when directors, movie writers, constantly copy each other so much we as an audience can predict what comes next. I can happily say this movie is not cookie-cutter - and does indeed forge it's own uniquely beautiful path.

Adam Sandler has been one of my favorite actors for many years. Mostly comedies, but I think it's clear this guy is the real deal. Not just another SNL "comedian turned actor", but a real movie star that continuously delivers. I'm tired of seeing the same old, same old actors getting Oscars every year. They need to recognize people like Sandler and their contribution to cinema. Seriously, more than half of my all times favorites movies are Sandler movies.

This movie is beautiful on so many levels. On so many "human" levels. It's an amazing movie and a movie this world needs right now. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie and feel GOOD tonight!
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Replicas (2018)
Couldn't Miss the Opportunity to Review
4 November 2021
I read several reviews here at IMDB prior to watching this movie (which has made it way onto Netflix's "Top 10" list this week). I started of course by reading the description - and it intrigued me! Then I read a few reviews and glanced at the overall rating (5.5 at this writing) and I was sadden, yet curious. So I watched.

Here's my take.

I'm extremely patient when it comes to movies, especially those I want to succeed based on the story/content. And this is definitely one of those. I love SCI-FI - and love it when a movie challenges important and difficult questions like; "Who are we really?", "Do we have soul?" and "Can a human play God and get away with it?". All of these are played out in this movie, albeit in an almost humorous way. I guess I could almost see this being a cult-like movie years from now, but right now it just seem like some odd piece of work from Hollywood.

Many have commented on the lack of experience of the writer, and I have to agree. There are many scenes where you find yourself scratching your head and saying to yourself, "That just doesn't seem right. That's not how that would go in real life". Yet - there is enough to keep you glued for another few minutes. Keanu's acting is tolerable, but really falls short when confronted with showing anguish and sadness over his family dying - or the hard decisions he has to make. Although - there has always been a quirkiness to Keanu that almost gives him a pass. Thomas Middleditch is probably the most entertaining of all the actors.

All in all, this was a fun watch. It could have been phenomenal with the right writing and direction, but "it is, what it is". If you love SCI-FI, you'll enjoy it!
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Bulworth (1998)
More true in 2021
20 May 2021
I'm watching this movie in 2021 thinking - wow - this is so spot on for today, and made over 20yrs ago.

Apparently nobody listened.
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True Lies (1994)
Action film that's fun!
16 December 2020
I've watched this movie several times over the years, and it keeps getting better and better with every view.

The chemistry between Arnold and Tom Arnold is a big reason this film works!

And while we're on the topic of Tom Arnold, how in the hell did this guy not get more nominations for awards for 'best supporting actor'??? Tom Arnold almost single handedly makes this film. His comedic timing is flawless. He plays off Arnold like a pro. I'm just amazed I haven't seen this actor in a role just as amazing since. Fluke? Maybe.. Never finding the right role again? Maybe.. The powers that be? Maybe.

Nevertheless, a great, great film. One of the best action/comedies ever.
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Midnight Run (1988)
Greatest Movie Ever Made!
30 November 2020
This is simply the best movie ever made. I don't say that lightly. I can make that statement, personally, because I've watched it at least 10 times. It only gets better. That's a sign a movie was written, acted and executed amazingly well.

The dynamic between Charles Grodin and Robert De Niro is unmatched in modern cinema. This is this the stuff iconic movies are made of. Perfect dialog, perfect acting and perfect ACTORS.

All pistons are firing in this movie, every second from start to end. That's RARE. Amazingly rare.

I highly recommend this film. It's my top-5 for life!
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Late Night (2019)
What a Great Ride!'
26 October 2020
This movie has it all. Drama, comedy, more drama...

But what it truly excels in is telling a great story, great character development - and GREAT DIALOG!

Mindy Kaling steels this movie! She's absolutely wonderful and such a underrated actress. Of course Emma Thompson is incredible as well, but we've all come to expect that from her - so no surprise there. But Mindy Kaling brings something really refreshing to the screen. It's hard to put my finger on it - but it works, and works really well in this film.

Not everybody is going to totally get this movie. But if you're one of them that does - you'll be very happy you watched.

I strongly recommend this film!
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I Am Wrath (2016)
An Above Average Revenge Story
1 September 2020
John Travolta and Christopher Meloni make this movie. Both very underrated actors that often deliver way above and beyond. This is one of those movies.

I read several of the other reviews. Many were quick to toss this movie aside as just "another revenge movie" and a failed attempt at capturing the magic of other, more successful, revenge films. And they may be right, to a certain extent. But what makes this movie special is, again, John Travolta and Christopher Meloni. Not only is their acting superb - but their "buddy chemistry" is what makes this movie truly unique and fun to watch. It takes more than good lines for an audience to believe a couple of actors make a great team. It takes good, down-to-earth chemistry - and these two have it.

The fact that they were middle-aged, had some history - also helped me personally enjoy this film.

This is a good movie. Great action, story - acting. You could do a lot worse. Give it a shot if you enjoy films of this genre. I highly recommend.
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Paradise (I) (2013)
Hidden Gem!
21 August 2020
Don't listen to the naysayers here.

This movie is not as fast paced as an Avenger movie - but that doesn't mean it's not worth watching. The main character in this film evolves, slowly, from the over-sheltered life growing up in a conservative, religious town in Montana, to a person who clearly and accurately sees the world as it is. She sheds the lies and inaccuracies fed to her by her parents and religious community to see life as it really is. In doing so, she saves herself.

Well worth a watch! Some really great dry humor! Feel good movie!
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Fire with Fire (II) (2012)
Much Better Than Reviewers Would Have You Think
6 August 2020
This is a really good movie. I've watched it three times in the last few years, and tonight marks #4.

What makes this movie really good? Josh Duhamel and Vincent D'Onofrio.

Not only are the characters they portray well acted and engaging, but the chemistry between these two is what classic movies are all about. Good and Evil, Right and Wrong. Never gets old when done right, and man do they get it right in this movie.

I have seen Vincent D'Onofrio in many films ("The Judge", "Run All Night"). He seems to excel in those he can really sink his teeth into. This is one of those roles, and may be his best to date. When I think of some of the best gritty and engaging roles by actors over the years - this one repeatedly rises to the top. Truly chilling.

Josh Duhamel can clearly be a leading man, and I hope to see him in more movies in this role in the future. He's one of those actors that rides just below radar - but has continually produced great roles in many movies outside the Hollywood 'A' list.

One final word. Bruce Willis. No doubt he's a draw for most movies, even though many of his roles in recent years have been a disappointment. Add this film to that list. I couldn't help but think of the phrase "phone in your lines" while watching him in this film. But again, Duhamel and D'Onofrio are the true stars of this film, so fear not avid movie watcher. If you're a huge Willis fan there's enough to hold your interest, but it'll be the rest of the film that truly blows you away.
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Man, I Wanted to Love This...
30 July 2020
I'm a big fan of Jeffrey Dean Morgan. This should have been a home run outta the park and instead it was a several moments of confusion and scratching my head.

Poor direction? Perhaps. I think Mr. Morgan delivered, but the movie was just missing that guiding hand that's the difference between a WOW and an UGH.

At first, I thought, maybe I'm just not smart enough to get this - as scenes moved - quickly from one to the other - and all the sudden new things were known by the characters - yet I could swear I didn't hear or see any kind of communication justifying it. Then after the fourth or fifth time it happened - I slowly consoled myself that in fact it was something with the movie, and not me.

This could have been a really great movie. Even with it's blurry edges, it does have many wonderful moments. If you really like mysterious, worth a watch.
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Extra Ordinary (II) (2019)
13 July 2020
Absolutely brilliant!

Great dialog! Beautifully done!

Will Forte brings his supernatural humor and talent! This man is so undervalued in this industry.

Maeve Higgins is wonderful! Great career ahead!
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The Runner (I) (2015)
Great Movie - Don't Listen to the Naysayers..
24 January 2020
I have been avoiding this movie for years solely based on the IMDB rating.

I'm here to tell you it's a lie. How somebody could give this less than 6 or 7 is beyond me.

This movie is about courage and life's many realities.

It's rare Hollywood creates an honest movie, but this is one of them.

If you want a well acted movie, with great dialog and a boatload of honesty - watch this movie. You won't be disappointed.
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Brian Banks (2018)
Inspirational Film!
24 November 2019
All you can control in life... . . . . . . . . . is how you respond to life.

Good movie! Don't miss it!
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Great Movie! Don't Listen to the Naysayers
29 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really interesting and riveting movie. Unique!

In grabbed me from the get-go and didn't let go until the very last scene.

I was not let down. I LOVE great fiction.

Before I ever watch a movie on Netflix, Prime or Xfinity - I always check IMBD. I was sadden to see so many poor reviews. But to be honest, they actually compelled me to watch this movie. Most of the negative reviews took issue with a political slant they believe maligned the movie. After reading these, I felt I needed to watch to see how I felt.

What they thought was a political statement, I believe is a statement of fact. Anybody with two sense can see this country is horribly divided. Civil war is not just something of the past, but a very real possibly for the future if this country doesn't mend the hateful and hurtful feelings two different parts have for each other.

Time travel movies are hard to get right. They have to have great direction and a great story. This movie has both! Give it a chance, you won't be disappointed.
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Was so looking forward to this film...
21 September 2019
Why does Hollywood insist on wrecking sequels? I've pondered this so many times. It's not a lack of support or funds, the movie has already proven to be successful. It's not a lack of GOOD writers or directors - anybody would want to be associated with an already proven success. No, I believe it comes down to profit and the holy dollar. That's the only reason I can find for why Hollywood knowingly continues to create crapping sequels, over and over and over again. Put as little money in as possible to make the profit bigger and hope the masses just buy it on name alone.

Before I mention what I believe is wrong with this movie, let me say the one RIGHT thing about this movie were the sets and beautiful cinematography. Absolutely stunning and gorgeous!

Instead of investing in a good script, with a good story and definition of characters - those 'above the table' on this film decided to see how many fight scenes they could pack into 2 hours. Not good fight scenes mind you - BORING, horribly acted and choreographed fight scenes. By the third or fourth fight scene - you literally find yourself checking how much time is left in the film and saying a silent prayer that it ends. This is the last thing I thought I would be thinking after waiting months to see this film. Sad. It could have been completely different. I understand this is "John Wick" - there must be fight scenes - but for the love of God - why couldn't they had made them more interesting?? Well directed and acted? Did I say Interesting? Maybe have one end before the 20 minute mark?? Would that have been so hard?

This could have been a great movie. Should have been a great movie, but instead - it went completely of course and nobody ever pulled it back.
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One Of the Funniest Movies I Have Ever Watched!
19 September 2019
I think I've seen this movie about eight times now. It gets funnier every time I watch it. For me, that's the true, and only, sign of a great movie. There are tons of "one-timer" movies out there. For me, this is one of them.

This one is special.

Kurt Russell is about as funny as it gets. The only other person I've ever found this funny is Woody Harrelson in "Kingpin". The entire cast is spectacular. You won't find that in many other films.

The writing is top notch. You rarely get to see writing this good on the silver screen. It's real and it's funny.

Great story, plot, dialog, acting and direction. This movie has it all. It's the real deal. I HIGHLY recommend it.
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Marauders (2016)
Decent Movie...
14 September 2019
It's not unusual for me to scratch my head over the ratings here on IMDB, but it's usually in the other direction.

"Marauders" is a well written movie. Christopher Meloni gives an amazing performance. In fact, he gives a performance better than any A-LISTED actor I've seen in the last 20 movies!

Bruce Willis has become the new Nick Cage. You never know if a movie he's in these days is great, or complete garbage. One thing's clear, he doesn't have the motivation he once did.

This movie is certainly worth an hour and a half of your time. It moves at a good pace, never bores - and keeps you thinking the whole way. Great performances by Christopher Meloni, Johnathon Schaech and Dave Bautista make the movie worth seeing.
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Runaway Jury (2003)
This Film Needed To Be Made
31 August 2019
This movie is about gun violence in America.

This movie has an AMAZING script - amazing acting - and amazing actors.

This is a classic, hands down. Right up there with all the best! Highly recommend it.
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The World Needs More Movies Like This!
29 August 2019
Why can't all movies be like this? I guess if they were, nothing would be special.

California solo is all about great writing, acting and direction. It is truly special.

No gimmicks, slick Hollywood tricks - just great dialog, direction and acting.

If you're a musician, you'll love this movie. If you're HUMAN you'll love this movie!

Highly recommended.
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Plus One (I) (2019)
Maya Erskine (Alice) Steals the Movie
17 August 2019
It's not hard to see the shining star in this film. Maya Erskine (Alice) steals the show in more ways than one.

As for a ROMCOM - this movie doesn't really deviate from the typical Hollywood formula these days - but does a good job of mixing things up occasionally.

What is truly special about this film is Maya Erskine. Her presence on the screen is undeniable. She has fantastic timing and can definitely deliver the goods in the comedy department. Rarely do you see this level of talent these days. I predict a very successful career for Ms. Erskine if she can continue to find good movies like "Plus One".

My only negative comment is, I think the producers could have cast the part of Ben better. Jack Quaid did a good job, but it always felt like he was one step behind Alice.

Definitely worth a watch, if nothing more than to see a new rising star!
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The Foreigner (I) (2017)
Fantastic Movie!
29 June 2019
I think like many, you see Jackie Chan and you immediately think slap-stick Asian Kung-Fu hilarity. This is NOT that Jackie Chan. His role in this movie reminds me of a vintage Death Wish film.

This movie has depth, feeling and great acting/dialog. It should not be missed!

This movie single-handedly re-instills my faith in the genre of Action Adventure. Not easy to do these days.

If like good mysteries and action - you'll love this movie!
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The Mule (2018)
Clint Eastwood is a National Treasure
4 April 2019
When you've got the goods, you've got the goods. Clint Eastwood has the goods in terms of creating, consistently, very good movies. Movies that move you, make you think - and most of all - enjoy a coupe hours of your life.

He's the got the Midas Touch. I don't think I've ever watched a Clint Eastwood movie I disliked, and I'm picky.

This movie revolves around a topic so near and dear to all of us: family. It highlights that none of us are perfect, some more than others, but in the end - redemption and forgiveness are there for even the worst of us.

He elegantly, again, makes a movie for an older actor that works, and works really well.

Do yourself a favor and watch this movie, you won't be sorry. Clint Eastwood is a master of his trade, and this movie - like so many of his before - clearly shows that.
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