Was so looking forward to this film...
21 September 2019
Why does Hollywood insist on wrecking sequels? I've pondered this so many times. It's not a lack of support or funds, the movie has already proven to be successful. It's not a lack of GOOD writers or directors - anybody would want to be associated with an already proven success. No, I believe it comes down to profit and the holy dollar. That's the only reason I can find for why Hollywood knowingly continues to create crapping sequels, over and over and over again. Put as little money in as possible to make the profit bigger and hope the masses just buy it on name alone.

Before I mention what I believe is wrong with this movie, let me say the one RIGHT thing about this movie were the sets and beautiful cinematography. Absolutely stunning and gorgeous!

Instead of investing in a good script, with a good story and definition of characters - those 'above the table' on this film decided to see how many fight scenes they could pack into 2 hours. Not good fight scenes mind you - BORING, horribly acted and choreographed fight scenes. By the third or fourth fight scene - you literally find yourself checking how much time is left in the film and saying a silent prayer that it ends. This is the last thing I thought I would be thinking after waiting months to see this film. Sad. It could have been completely different. I understand this is "John Wick" - there must be fight scenes - but for the love of God - why couldn't they had made them more interesting?? Well directed and acted? Did I say Interesting? Maybe have one end before the 20 minute mark?? Would that have been so hard?

This could have been a great movie. Should have been a great movie, but instead - it went completely of course and nobody ever pulled it back.
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