
13 Reviews
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Strange masterpiece
1 November 2023
Can anyone imagine the "Pitch Meeting" of Webber and Rice saying, "We want to make a Rock Opera about the ministry and death of Jesus Christ." After the execs were revived with ammonia vials and cold compresses, the idea was executed perfectly. Not only was it an amazing success, but a classic for all generations. While many feel it is blasphemous, I know a significant number of people who became Christ following Christians as a result of the album, play, and even the movie.

NOW this review is about the movie. How Jewison was not able to cobble a few million together for this is a mystery considering how much profit was seen w/ stage production. But, considering the lack of funds, the movie hits really hard. It kinda incorporates all peoples from all times, i.e. The Roman soldiers who look like construction workers.

Virtually all actors did an exceptional job. Carl Anderson was stellar in his role of Judas. Not only did his voice carry the power and passion of the part, but his acting was equally superb. The only fault I find is in the overacting of the actor who played Pontius Pilate.

This is one of those albums and movies I must watch during Christmas and Easter along with Jesus of Nazareth and the likes. This movie is a blessing imho.
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Plug nickel
7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the director played around with something genuinely legal tender and ended up with scrap metal. This storyline is taken from a well-written novel published in the 50's.

This movie was mentioned during the infamous Depp/Heard case where a YT'r noticed Heard had stolen a quote/line verbatim from the '99 film. Herein lies the rub. The movie starts out with enormous potential for enjoyment; A -list young actors of the day, excellent cinematograph, costumes, English actors faking American accents to perfection...The plot kicks in with reasonable plausibility as an American industrialist finds a young man he believes can find his hedonistic sun-basking son in sunny Italy where he resides with his girlfriend/fiance. Now, said industrialist, running a multi-million (possibly billion) dollar ship building co. Should be a pretty sharp cookie, right? Well he bases his hiring decision on the fact that the titular character was wearing an Ivy League jacket during a musical performance, so he must know my son!!!. That's it. He offers to pay Mr. Ripley a sizable stipend do convince his son to return home. We quickly learn the main character Ripley is a psychotic con-artist talented in the art of identity theft. In saunters the Cate Blanchette character who runs into the imposter Ripley thinking he's someone she knows - admits to feigning her name, because she is rather rich and well-known in social circles and is trying to stay on the down low. Naturally the viewer thinks she is the father's insurance policy, making sure Ripley gets the job done by either implementing plan B as either back up or is part of the concurrent execution of the retrieval plan. Uh uh. No.

Ripley easily manages to worm his way in to his targets life. In fact he's quite forthcoming about how he came to be there on behest of the father - not much intrigue in that. Things start to get weird and uncomfortable as Ripley falls for his victim's life-style and the victim himself. OK, some reasonable plausibility. But his romantic feelings for the son are unrequited. Well, no matter, because virtually every male character hereafter is gay, be they friends or strangers. Anyhoo, given Ripley's heartbreak, he murders his object. When Italian and American investigators are called in, Ripley is somehow so cunning or they are so stupid, the murder goes unsolved.

I'll cut it short, he murders two more men, whose lives apparently aren't really worth a long, thorough investigation. Here is where my husband and I started to place bets on the plot twist; The fiance of tycoon's son is writing a book - could we be watching the inner workings of her mystery? Were the investigators pretending to be stupid to have the murderer screw up? Were all characters working in concert to lasso him into a confession? Is this a Dorian Gray morality story? Was the Cate Blanchette character investigating him? Was there a sub-plot soon to be revealed? Was Ripley himself an author and this was the workings of his creative mind?

NONONO. In fact the moral here? Murder whoever you want - do whatever you want - because everyone is an idiot. In fact, the father of the dead son actually awards his son's inheritance to the stranger/murderer Mr. Ripley.

Back to Depp/Heard. Amber Heard was 13 years old when this came out. Could she have seen this during her formative years? Is there any wonder we just watched a sociopath pretend to be a victim while victimizing another. We just watched a sociopath believe she can fool the entire world with her piss-poor acting and delusional/hallucinatory story telling?

You be the judge.
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Utterly fantastic.
4 June 2022
There are few times in life when the cinematic experience leaves its mark deeply in the heart and mind, i.e. June 7, 1977 Star Wars or Feb. '96 The Lion in Winter, Aug. 1987 Ferris Beuler's Day Off. This movie is one of those blessings. It's hard to believe a man like Thomas More existed, as did his family, as did this king and his circle and situation. The movie makes one ponder the times and their difficulties. Superbly written, acted, directed - just excellent in every way. Paul Scofield is an under rated actor who blew the intellectual doors off this play/screen adaptation. Actually, every player was perfect. So thankful for this work of art.

PS: I can't give it a 10 because that is reserved for a picture a bit more complex, i.e. The Godfather. But that is in no way meant as disrespect.
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Truly one of the worst movies I have ever watched....
17 May 2022
Won't spend much time here, as this movie physically sickened me. Everything about this is not jut anti-men, it's anti-human. I thank God I have never met people as horrible as the so-called protagonists. This is a film to be studied by psychology, medicine, nursing, all applicable arenas regarding human behavior. I truly have to stop writing as I am on the brink of being sick. Cinematic garbage.
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Heathers (1988)
Golam sighting!
25 April 2022
Yes, the word means mass, as mass of meat. The word is applied to manmade man, hollow, brain dead, soul-less, often deadly. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on a movie barely grossing 1 million bucks given that many houses cost that even in regular neighborhoods. As an 80's teen, I'm glad I missed this. As a 56 yr old trying to watch this with my 21 yr old, I could've puked. Never in my life have I heard, saw, endured the foulities presented in this movie. Made Fight Club look like The Sound of Music. Soulless, classless, tasteless, septic slush, trying to identify as 'black comedy'. Never in the 80's or even now have I witness or even imagined so called humans reduced far below even 'human animals'. My dogs have more dignity. My jailbird uncle, a frequent flyer of Chicago's Cook County lockup, never acted or spoke like this even on crack. My high school pal, a heroin addict who dropped out Jr. Year due to pregnancy, came across as British royalty. The people involved with this are NOT HUMAN, but infiery, corpses animated according to the whims of a dark lord. So don't believe the lies, for their god is the father of lies, that this movie scored above Sixteen Candles, and close to Breakfast Club. Bots, Brain-deads, or infiery are behind that 7.2! Made Mst's Hobgoblins look like The Lion in Winter!!!!
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Unplugged: Nirvana (1993)
Season 4, Episode 13
Take a Bow Kurt.
2 April 2022
I can recall the evening I watched this so clearly. My life was kinda like this show, happy and sad at once. Airing Thursday Dec. 16, 1993, I recall standing in my living room, 7 months pregnant with my first, having just got home from my mother-in- law's wake/visitation. Wasn't really a big fan of theirs. They seemed like oily losers while my husband and I were working ourselves to death preparing to provide our kids with a good future. Well, tired or not, my opinion changed. I was shocked at the talent this guy and his band possessed. The choices he made regarding what songs to cover were impeccable. I was impressed that he chose the Meat Puppets over Soundgarden or Pearl Jam, allowing many of us to hear how good their songs were! I bought the CD years later and just downloaded it from Spotify recently. Wonderful music and memories. Kurt, you rocked.
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Pride and Prejudice in the Trailer Park
28 March 2022
Good gawd! Where to start? Was going to give this 4, then realized there was nothing to like. Why am I angry? Because the BBC version is one of the finest adaptations ever set to celluloid. It's like having a friend besmirched. First off, don't hire the human platypus to play Elizabeth aka the criminally overrated Kiera Knightly! Or an asthmatic in need of her inhaler - what was with the constant loud gasps and heavy breathing? Or one in need of a mood stabilizer - Lost count how many times KK (plays self not Lizzy) peeled onions, welling up on cue like a friggin' hosepipe. Is England a tropical island? 98 degrees, humid? Then don't have everyone's hair in Afro mode or glued to their face with sweat or grease! Looked like an episode of Trailer park Boys playing dress up - come on- pigs running through the house??? The house looked like a pigsty, no wonder they made a beeline for it. Who did the dark, dusty, depressing interior design - Lily Munster? But at least she was funny even for a vampire - not 'a jot' of humor was found in this sad sack version. But the final kick in the teeth was the last scene where dizzy is fondlling Darcy's naked leg. Wth? Uggghh! Had to watch the '95 version to wash the taste out of my brain.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Ever heard of Donny Dark? Ian McCullough? The World according to Garp?Far from original...
12 March 2022
When I saw this c '02 I'll admit I was a bit intrigued. How did a 25 year old think this up? Well, if you are observant, life can show you many things. For example, the name Donnie Dark was probably stolen, er, I mean borrowed from the 1969 play Butterflies are Free, where the main character, a blind man, is the son of an author who wrote a book series called 'Donnie Dark' - about a blind boy who performs heroic deeds. O' my...

When Mr. Kelly was in his formative years, Echo and the Bunnymen released The Killing Moon, and its gothic, eerie video was virtually looped on MTV in the 80's. Ian McCullough is quoted as saying "I'd mentioned somewhere The Killing Moon was about predestination, and he (Kelly) wrote the whole (expletive) film about it, cheeky (expletive)! And he gave us some pittance one-off fee for the use of the song, saying it was just a little indie film, but forgot to mention that Drew Barrymore was behind it, who had more money than Howard Hughes." (April, 2017 - YT vid. How Echo and The Bunnymen and God wrote the Killing Moon. (Timestamp 21:00)

Anyone remember the 1982 movie starring Robin Williams, The World According to Garp? Ya, check out the the poster... see that airplane sticking out of the second story bedroom?

The movie is a what psych/ologist/iatrists call 'word salad' - but substitute 'plot' for 'word'. A schizophrenic attempt at melding innumerable ideas onto a thread of celluloid, hoping it will have the audience begging the question, "Genius or insanity?" And too many of us believe if we don't understand it it's just over our heads. That might apply to Shakespearean language techniques timed in iambic pentameter or Dante's 700+ year old epic poetry. But this is not in the same galaxy as genuine works of genius.

I'm not saying that one should not derive enjoyment out of it. I just wish people would do a little homework before hanging the sign 'genius' over the head of a 25 y.o. Guy who consciously or subconsciously appropriated the original thoughts and works of others.
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Purple Rain (1984)
So bad its....terrific
24 May 2021
Of course this review is oh 37 years after the movie came out. Saw this movie at a New Years party '84 to '85 - many of the songs were already in heavy rotation on the radio, but tying the music to the truly Amazing artist and his quasi-autobio really put a new spin on things. The mere thought of someone living in such humble circumstances creating music never heard before, a look never seen before, alone, from his parent's basement to the big screen was jaw dropping for this 18 year old. That was the 80's, a time of boundary-less optimism, all things are possible attitude. Why? Because it was true!! This movie could not be more perfectly timed than to come out in the midst of one of the most glorious times in human history not to mention American hx. Sure, there some serious cheese in this flick but that's now part of its charm. Don't mess with imperfection.
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27 March 2021
I will be brief as it has been a while since I've seen this. After debating whether or not to watch it again, I've decided no. I recall watching this with my sister and we were both sobbing into the couch pillows until we were out of breath. Obviously the acting is superb! Well directed as heart strings aren't just tugged their ripped out and refashioned into a warriors bow. Took 2 days to recover. That has only happed to me two times total in my 5 decades on earth. If you are looking for a means to elicit catharsis this is the equivalent of emotional blow out! Brace yourself.

PS: Other time; Our Town, where the protagonist is speaking from the grave (vs. Unconsciousness).
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Aged Well
26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS! Although the movie is now over 40 yrs old, it still strikes a chord, as depression and tragedy have in no way abated in our age. MTM is superb in her portrayal as a rather cold parent, at least with her surviving son. Rarely inquires into his life, no praise of noteworthy accomplishments, little to no physical affection. I do feel she is warm, loving, and supportive of her husband though, plenty of scenes of them smiling, laughing, enjoying each others company. Sure, she's not an earth mother, no loud, affectionate, Italian pasta-making Mama, but she is an upper-middle class, country clubber and given the times, that is the way they were expected to behave.

I found this a breath of fresh air in a way, as her husband & father of main character - Don. Sutherland, is the deep feeling, empathetic, loving, and truly concerned parent of a son experiencing severe PTSD and clinical depression. Fathers for the last 40-50 yrs have been maligned atrociously as superfluos at best, beastly at worst. Here, he is observant and accurate regarding the lack of love mom is showing the son.

Under the horrific pressure of the son's continued depression/anxiety it becomes more and more apparent that the mother has a severe bonding issue with the surviving son. This in turn begins to damage the marriage, resulting in mom's rather spontaneous departure. It seemed premature and poorly developed as only one severe argument is depicted between husband and wife. The only other hint of marital discord was regarding her deciding his wardrobe on the day of the funeral - and this discussion ends up with her hugging him affectionately in apology.

Sorry for such details, but it felt like a bit of a refreshing twist. The movie is a bit slow paced and literally asks more questions than it answers. I felt it was worth the time spent but did find myself fast forwarding spots.

For what its worth...
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Cats (2019)
How ah who??? Why...whut just happened???
17 January 2021
Glad I didn't pay for this, at least not with money. But any viewer in full possession of their faculties paid some sorta price.... a bit of soul damage, psyche pulverized... I just know something I had once is now missing. Maybe it's any hope that the entertainment industry isn't first gen Nephilim back from Sheol. I saw the play in '98 Chicago. I didn't care for it. But I thought I'd try again in film format. Well, there went $50 on the drinks needed to flush the experience down the sewer properly.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Could've been superb.
3 October 2020
I hope that Johnny Cash's first wife sued mangold et al. For the abysmal portrayal of the woman who actually wrote the entire story. Could they have made her out more obnoxious? They hire a absolutely horrific actress and then give her horrific lines so as to smooth the transition into Johnny's adulterous affair. I am pretty sure the people working in this industry or not fully human but skin walkers-creatures who cannot relate to real human beings in any way shape or form. Thank you for letting me get this off my chest.
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