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The Brave (1997)
a new arrangement with the devil or Faustus
25 July 2004
Raphaël is an indian. (Johnny Stepp). His family is without any money. A sort of devil (Marlon Brando)seems to like tortures and die of the indians. It's a terrific thing when we know how He did for the Indians. When this old big devil wants with $50,000 the death of Raphël (the same name that the angel)we can't to think to his daughter (Cheyenne)who suicided on 1985. During this strange deal Brando dare quotations of Jesus: "Give to Cesar what is due to him and to God what is due to God!" In this sequence of the picture we can found the misery of the indians territories like the evil of the human condition.The name of Raphaël is suggesting the bible book of the Angel Raphaël who helps Tobias. "El" means God in Hebrew. We may consider this picture as a parabal where we are each other victims or devils. It's an opinion, no more
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much ado about nothing
16 July 2004
I beg your pardon for my bad way of writing a perfect American idiom. I think (I hope I am wrong!)than the film "the peacemaker" is not even for the little children.The worst of the serie of the James Bond movies is one hundred best than this! Why? One example: a man with a nuclear weapon with plutonium (more than two pounds!)is walking near the United Nation Center building without presenting any finding of irradiation!All the film shows these sorts of topics of violence, love, and uncredible events; It seems to me that it would be a good action to give the price of the "peacemaker" to the pooor men of New York! It remains the question about that: "Why did the author did this picture" I do'nt know if I must weep or laugh at that! I am so sorry that I prefer shut up
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Analyze This (1999)
Small Freud and the Godfather
23 March 2004
As usual Robert de Niro gives us a masterpiece of playing both the comedy and tragedy! He plays as a Godfather but he has a very serious nervous breakdown. He choosed a psychoanalist ( Bill Cristall) as the Doctor Sobol. The trio Joe Viterelli, Bill Cristall and De NIRO is amazing and wonderful. On sea a gangster weeping bitterly has an effect comic! Everytime Bill must substitute the dead father of our gangster. Bill must to join in marriage. Twice he can't! ans we split one's sides with laughing. Of course the Federal Bureau of Investigation seems ridiculous as this impossible marriage invaded by the gangsters, the police and the stupidity of the father in law.It requires to sea this film at least two times: it's better for everybody.
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Cape Fear (1991)
Theology of Ulysses or madness of Ajax
28 September 2003
First we must not forget that Martin Scorcese intended to be a priest. In almost of his movies we must see a certain idea of the human salvation.I may not write the violent plot of this wonderful (scenario like characters)but the question is to know if a mad man is worthy to be saved or not. A proof: the Max's body is tattooed with a lot of biblical quotations The lawer himself were false to one's oaths, seven years ago.No black, no white! So it is not curious that Scorsese did "The last temptation of Christ!
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Jackie Brown (1997)
a beautiful but clever girl
21 September 2003
First Luis (Robert de Niro) shows us how he can play not as usual as a drug addict! Then I may not tell the beautiful plot of Quentin Tarentino but I can say at least the following. Jacky Brown is an air hotess in the worst mexican company in Los Angeles. She is very beautiful. The F.B.I. after the revelations of a bad guy ( Baumont Livingston)is waiting for her in the airport. One of them find $10,000, what is forbiden by the custom, and last but not the least a little bag of cocaine! She works for a very bad man: "Ordel" whose the job is to sell narcotics and arms. How can she can do with a friend (Max Sherry) to rob $ 1,000.000 and get be free? That is the problem!
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a french clownery during the Césarian Empire
17 September 2003
Despite I am a french man I can say that this movie (made to laught at the characters) is a piece of clownery: so it is pitiable! Furthermore, this film is blasphemous , free of charge, without any historical background. I am not a puritan but so many grimaces are too much for any interest! Jean Yanne, the chief of the staff had to pay taxes to the State, may be. It is an opinion, no more!
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The Firm (1993)
The golden trap
15 September 2003
First it is rather difficult to write about this film. I may not tell the plot! The Firm is a "factory" of very special lawyers. Tom Cruise, graduated, receive a lot of money, house,and coaches to get a lawyer here. But how these men earn their money? Almost our Hero has a brother who is a prisoner. The F.B.I. surveys this strange firm: The police knows how they do without any proof: they work with the Maffia to "wash" the money in the Caiman's Islands in order not to pay any taxes. Furthermore there is a lot of died lawyers in the firm. Between his lawyer's duty and the F.B.I.: How our Hero can do without be false to one's oaths as to set his brother free! Is he a winner or not?
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Marathon Man (1976)
more than 40 Km to the understand
14 September 2003
It is rather difficult, that's to say impossible to dare criticize a such wonderful movie! But it requires a knowledge of the U.S. History, and so the Choa in Europe by the nazis. The hero has a brother (Roy Sheider) who is believed to work in a major oil company. That is wrong. An old nazi (Sir Alec Guiness) play this character. Our hero is named in the Bronx: " the Slug" because he is a fan of jogging until to be able to win one marathon. Owing this hobby he save his life. But the nazi desire his lot of diamonds. Who will win? At last, our hero, student in history, can forget the father's suicide during the Mac- Carthysm epoch!
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Men of Honor (2000)
an exemple for everyone
11 September 2003
This film relates a true history: the first black man who became an officer in the U.S. Navy despite a lot of traps: he is a black man from a poor family in the Missouri State, then he was despised by the others men who wants to be a diver. The chief of the school is a racist man. De Niro, his officer has an ambivalent relationship with this "nigger". At last, after a dangerous mission, he loses his leg. Despite this and the officers, helped by De Niro,like a father, He wins. It is a lesson for everybody.
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The short-lived and the musical sorrowed happiness
9 September 2003
It requires some skill for a "basic french" to dare talk about this wonderful film. The genuine hero is the cello ( Jordi SAVAL who plays the viol))and so the music. Monsieur de Sainte Colombe is a great musician as a famous player. Marais( the two DEPARDIEU) desire both his art and one of his daughter. She became pregnant before to die! Marais must choose between the solitude as the father's austerity and the glory at the King's court!(Louis XIV) This mental split is the spiritual suspense of the magnificent film of Pascal Quignard, writer of the novel and the challenge of Alain Cornaud.Who dislike this does not have any soul, may be!
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Hammett (1982)
The private enquirry agent and the depraved chinese in Frisco
9 September 2003
This movie is a tribute to Dashiell Hammet who was the first U.S. author who " got out the novel of investigation far from away the familial saloons" before Chandler. He was an agent of the Pinkerton Agency, then, bored by this work, he wrote a lot of novels of investigation. Wim Wenders offers a tribute to his memory as beautiful the Hammet's novels were. He was alcoholic for it was necessary to drinck and write like, after him, the gentlemen Chandler. More over Hammet was brave during the Mac Carty times. He refused to invoque the fifth amendement: then he was a prisoner during one year.The film is showing to us the way of the Hammet's heroes used to live and die in San Francisco in order to defend the poor people of this town. The French Author in poetry, Aragon, introduce D. Hammet in Europe in 1936.
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our spy in Cuba
7 September 2003
I was disappointed with this film. It is exactly the plot of the Graham Green's book. John le Carré ( the author of the novel) was better writer. The characters made the best in order to save the movie! I saw this film two times because I used to doubt of myself. The result was the same. I got bored. It is my opinion, no more!
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our spy in Cuba
7 September 2003
I was disappointed with this film. It is exactly the plot of the Graham Green's book. John le Carré was better writer. The characters made the best in order to save the movie! I saw this film two times because I used to doubt of myself. The result was the same. I got bored. It is my opinion, no more!
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Analyze That (2002)
The doctor Freud with a maffioso
6 September 2003
It is a movie to be convulsed with laughter! I may not explain the plot but imagine a psychoanalist with a maffioso with his problems. All the characters are excellent. Even the violence is killigly funny: the treatment is efficient!
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Expedition: Bismarck (2002 TV Movie)
sink the Bismarck
31 August 2003
It's a hard but wonderful documentary about the end of this war ship. James Cameron forgets one thing, a very important thing. Despite the first radars , the MI6 knew exactly the position of the Bismarck, owing to "Enigma machine" built by Turner. The Admiral Reder was so stupid to communicate from Berlin with the war ship.The results is knew: 2,500 dead sailors and a fall down during 12 minutes near the french harbour: Brest.But, fortunately, the liberty for all the english then U.S.Ships to help England and 3 years ago, liberty for the free Europe.
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Logan's War: Bound by Honor (1998 TV Movie)
in the prison of one promise
31 August 2003
I beg your pardon for my bad idiom. First, the television series "Ranger walker" are always too much violent without any reason.In France it's forbidden to get a gun anyway, that's quite different with the lobby of N.R.A.Furthermore the song before the action says with contempt '"the stranger" as if any stranger, in Texas, was a bad guy.At last, Chuck Norris seems to have an hypertrophic EGO very unpleasant. It's a pity because He has a lot of qualities. It's my opinion, no more.Violence can induce violence in the life, the real life.I prefer shut up about the hidden "machismo" we guess in the film.
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Madame Bovary (1991)
The foolish dreams of a peasant's daugter
22 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Chabrol , as usual, gives us the best of his science! From the Flaubert's novel we can see Isabelle Huppert Madame Bovary)to go deep into an irreversible misfortune until to commit his own suicide . Alle the characters play like the long and difficult art of Flaubert's art
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Clean Slate (1981)
a little town of 2,000 souls
22 August 2003
This film is an adaptation of an U.S. novel of Jim Tompson. All his novels are precious like that of Chandler and, almost,of the Great Dashiell HAMMET!The novel is situed in the Kansas, but the film in old french Africa just before the War II. The characters are so bad as racist without any pity for the black like for each other.To my opinion we must read whole the opus of Jim Tompson and of course Larry Beinheart: "an american hero" or "Wag the dog" with De Niro and Dustin Hoffman . In Europe the "polard in french" ( novel of investigation) is the best way to know the U.S.A.But it's my opinion, no more!
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The true history of the fascism under Marshall Pétain
15 August 2003
After the film of Max OPHULS "le chagrin et la pitié" this picture shows the obedience of 99% of the judjes in France during the german occupation. Of course all the jews or any reluctant were killed. It's a shame for my country. As said Otto ABETZ, chief of the Gestapo in France, "the french used to make too much"! For us it's not a congratulation. The actal Président Jacques CHIRAC took heart to empasize this on 1995.
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the civil war or where is the law
23 July 2003
To my poor opinion this film is the everlasting war which split in 2 parts the north and the corn belt. The author (C. Eastwood) desire to help his genuine brothers.He saved a family, symbol of the reconciliation of the USA. We point that the fact of the importance of the Indian people.
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