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Elysium (I) (2013)
An Absolutely Non-Sensical Waste of Time!
31 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I read several reviews of this movie before I actually saw it and every review was BAD. But, I believe in giving movies a chance because many times I like poorly rated movies but not this time.

The general gist of the film centers around the orbital colony known as Elysium. Elysium is the home of the wealthy and well to do. They live in a paradise free from hunger or disease due to the "healing beds." The people on earth live in total poverty as they slave away in the factories owned by the people of Elysium. In short, it is a take on the old argument of rich vs, poor. And in trying to get that message across, the movie falls flat.

In the opening scenes, we hear the characters speaking Spanish. Later, they are speaking English. No explanation was given as to why this happened. We see robot cops and robot parole officers. Again, the reason for this is never given. Now, lets get to important stuff; we see that Los Angeles of 2154 is nothing but one huge slum. Shanties and run down buildings everywhere. We see Max, Matt Damon's character, going to work and we see manufacturing sites everywhere but no stores, no shops so where do they spend their money? We see people like Spider having access to DNA marking equipment and access to several exo-atmospheric shuttles used to fly people up to Elysium. Now, if the people on earth can just jump onto a shuttle and leave the atmosphere, why can't they produce healing beds and such themselves. A lot of it stems from the fact that the earth people have no respect for anything.

Now, lets look at the acting. There are some very talented people in this film. Matt Damon's portrayal of Max was just BAD! He has already proved that he can play an odd man out type hero with his role of Jason Bourne. The character of Max reminded someone of a blundering idiot that went from screw up to the next. Another disappoint was the character of John Carlyle. He was played by one of the most underrated character actors in the business today and that is William Fichtner. Fichtner has had supporting roles in many blockbuster films, such as Col. Willie Sharp in Armageddon; SFC Jeff Sanderson in Black Hawk Down and others. Fichtner almost appeared to be reading que cards. Now we come to the character of Defense Secretary Jessica Delacourt. Jodie Foster appeared to be attempting to act like a combination of Hannibal Lector, Darth Vader and a damsel in distress. She sucked just like the movie.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
An Absolute Disgrace
12 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Calling this film awful is an understatement. I can't even begin to explain the historical inaccuracies in this film. Every director and screen is allowed and expected to take some artistic license with a story but to totally ignore facts is pathetic. What were the writers thinking? This movie is worse than The Memphis Belle and that is saying a lot. Now for what I consider the worst part of this piece of junk; the casting of Alec Baldwin as Jimmy Doolittle is an INSULT to that great man's memory and legacy. Baldwin, politically stands for nearly everything that Doolittle stood and fought against. Over and over in his long life, General Doolittle put his life on the line for his country and what he believed in. Many of the safety standards in aviation today were pioneered by Gen. Doolittle. He made the world's first instrument and helped to develop the first ILS systems. Volumes have been written about what he did. And he lived by a code that a person should do what ever they could to leave the world a better place than it was when they entered it.
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Very, very, very sad and very, very, very BAD!!!!!
17 November 2009
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I was waiting with great anticipation for this movie. But after seeing it I can say that it was the most disappointing movie that I have ever seen in my entire life.

I watch movies for entertainment. If I want to find out about environmental issues I will watch a documentary. This movie was pure, junk-science propaganda and that is all it was. The acting was dismal, the plot line infantile and the overall effects outlandish. In all I considered an insult to my intelligence. Take for example Klaatu's line about the earth not belonging to man and that if we live the earth dies. The Bible says that MAN has dominion over the earth. I wish that the left would look that word up.

In all I consider this movie a bad piece of left-wing environmentalist BS that must have been made by Al Gore.

Rewatched recently...worse than I remember!
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Airwolf (1984–1986)
Don't like doing this.............
9 August 2008
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I really looked forward to this program for two reasons; I really liked Jan Michael Vincent and I am an aviation nut and have a serious love affair with helicopters. I don't like this program because it takes fantasy to an unbelievable level. The world speed record for helicopters was set at 249 mph by a Westland Lynx several years ago. The only chopper that was ever faster was the experimental Lockheed AH56A in the 1960's. It hit over 300 and was a compound helicopter, which means it had a pusher propeller at the end of its fuselage providing thrust.

In short, no helicopter can fly much over 275 because of the principle of rotary wing flight. And the Bell 222, the "actor" that portrayed Airwolf wasn't very fast even by helicopter standards. And it didn't stay in production very long.

There was a movie that came out during this time period called "Blue Thunder" that was much more realistic.
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Absolute garbage
10 March 2008
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I remember the hoopla that preceded this piece of trash. This movie doesn't even make good science fiction! The writers of this trash could not have consulted a single scientist when they compiled it. There is not a single scientific fact mentioned in the entire movie. They got EVERYTHING wrong. IF the tropospheric air could be brought down at great speed, it would warm up to around 30 degrees. AND it is only about -50 degrees at that altitude to begin with.

The credits of this movie should have read, "Made by Al Gore and the pseudo-science crowd of low IQ idiots." Global warming is a myth and this movie didn't help the cause of the global alarmists. By the way, even the "global warming alarmists" have openly criticized this piece of garbage.
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Leave Howard Alone!!!!!
8 February 2008
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Okay, I will admit that this movie was stupid. But it was stupid in a good way. It was funny and it was funny without bare boobs or butts or sexual situations or drugs. I guess that to be "good" a comedy has to have sex, gross humor or humiliation in it. Some people don't think that way. Movies like Howard and "Spaced Invaders" are just plain funny.

We need more movies like Howard. Not everyone likes to watch grossness or just plain retarded behavior on the screen. Keep your "American Pie" and your parodies. If you are into mind-numbing stupidity. I'll stick with good, clean silliness. Howard is a movie worthy of the comic geniuses of the past.
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The Best Crime Drama...Ever
7 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
CSI is without a doubt the best crime drama to ever be aired. The series is technologically correct. The series shows how things are actually done in crime labs. The events are sped up for TV's sake. An example of this is how they get fingerprint hits in seconds on AFIS. I never saw it happened that fast in real life.

What won me over to this program was a scene that took place in the lab. The tech was looking at a .45 cal. bullet that had been recovered from a murder victim. The tech made the remark that there were no rifling marks on the bullet. He got up and went over to the weapons rack and said "that means that it was a fired by a Glock or an HK." Which is the truth. They are the only two weapons made with polygonal rifling with does not cut into the bullet.

All in all, the most realistic crime series ever.
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Coming Home (1978)
One of the worst! Typical of Hanoi Jane.
10 August 2006
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My wife found this movie at the county library and wanted me to watch it with her. Now, I knew that it had two of my favorite actors in it, Bruce Dern and Jon Voight but it also had my least favorite actress in it, which is of course Jane Fonda. Well, I decided to give it a shot and I regretted every minute of it. I lost an uncle in Vietnam in 1968 and my hometown of 2000 lost around 20 young men in the war. The movie starts off pretty good but it loses ground very quickly. Basiclly, it shows returning vets as physical cripples or mental cripples. Both views are wrong but is to be expected if Jane Fonda was involved. In short, this movie is just a bag of anti-war propaganda, no more and no less. If you want to see a movie about Vietnam, watch Hamburger Hill or Gardens of Stone. Both are excellent.
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MacGyver (1985–1992)
Some good points but...
10 June 2006
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I was in my early-20's when this series started. My best friend and my wife thought this was the greatest series ever. I didn't. Now the series did have its good points: field agents of the intel services, special forces and other elite units use things like Mac's ever-present Swiss Army knife much, much more than they would a "Rambo" knife. They also use their minds much more than they would a weapon. But this is taken to an extreme in this series.

Don't get me wrong, most people in Mac's line of work aren't hard-cussing, trigger-happy thugs, they are more like Mac in temperament. And I realize that this is a fantasy program. But the story lines are just LAME. Most of the stories just don't make sense and the situations that he finds himself in just aren't believable. And this mess of NEVER carrying a weapon just isn't reality.

Anderson redeemed himself in the role of Col. Jack O'Neil in SG-1.
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Mars Attacks! (1996)
OK! What's the deal???????
20 April 2006
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This movie was stupid. It was meant to be! I've read several commits on it and most are negative. People please!!! This movie was NOT MEANT to be serious. It wasn't supposed to tell a story or to be Oscar material. It was supposed to be the way it was made. Did it EVER occur to some of you that actors MIGHT just want to act in a movie that was fun? Look at Gene Hackman's role of "Harold" in "Young Frankenstien." Oh yeah, you can talk about Nicholson, Close, Benning and the other top billers "wasting" their talent, but you are missing the point. This movie was SUPPOSED to be goofy. It was not supposed to make sense. The movie had several real good parts--bowling down the heads on Easter Island for one. The alien's heads exploded when exposed to Slim Whitman's yodeling is another good part. But the best part of this movie is that Jack Black gets ZAPPED! My only question about the whole film is; WHAT WAS THE DEAL WITH THE BIRDS!!??
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You've got it wrong.
20 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie made absolutely no sense to me. Until I realized that it was NOT based on New Testament teachings (ie, Christian) it was based on Old Testament teachings. And as such is one of the most anti-Semitic films that I have ever seen. The laws of this mythical republic were based on the Law of Moses. They were not based on the teachings of Christ. In fact, there is a scene in the movie where they show troops rounding up "Baptist Fundamentalists." Anyone that is familiar with the Bible knows that the use of handmaids was never mentioned in the New Testament. the greatest problem with this movie is that although the "ruling class" is never called "Jew" they still are put in the stereotypical mode that anti-Semites place Jews--arrogant snobs that run everything. In short, this movie isn't anti-Christian, it's anti-Jewish and is so in the extreme. Stay clear of it.
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Task Force (1949)
16 March 2006
I first saw this movie late one night when I couldn't sleep. For those of us that study the history of military aviation, this movie is a God-send! The "between wars" US military had a dismal understanding of aviation. And this film shows what Naval aviators had to contend with. The film depicts, correctly, the backward "John Paul Jones" thinking of the Naval brass at the time. The film covers some 20 years but does it very well. Gary Cooper plays the role of a Naval aviator better than he plays most of his roles. And seeing Walter Brennen as a Navy admiral was different. I grew up watching him as "Grandpa McCoy." Aside from the "movie" stuff, the film is a very good history lesson. Most people can't believe that we had one of the worst air fleets in the world during the inter-war period. And it was because of the 19th century thinking of the senior brass. But for airplane nuts like myself, seeing the old Boeing F4B's, Curtiss Goshawks and Grumman F2F's and F3F's actually in the air was the most wonderful part of the movie. If you get a chance to see it, do so.
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A True Military Review
28 February 2006
I read one review of this film by someone that thought they were an expert in the military. They aren't. In the first part of the movie, we see Travolta as a First Sergeant (1SG) and a gun runner. He also has a fake Southern accent. This is because he is trying to gain the confidence of those selling the guns. His refusal to assist the female captain change her tire goes along with his undercover act of being a "misfit." Travolta's character is an Army CID agent and like most CID agents, his rank in the movie is Chief Warrant Officer (CW4). Army warrant officers serve as high level specialists in several fields. All warrants, except for aviators, can stay in the service until they are 65 years old. They are not bound by normal retirement requirements. Now as to the entire work party stopping and saluting when an officer's vehicle drove by--this is what REALLY happens in the Army. It may be different in the Marines, Navy, Coast Guard or Air Force.

Now, let's go to the movie itself. It was great. The plot, the acting and the interaction between the "normal" soldiers and officers and the CID agents was right on. One of my favorite parts was when Travolta and his partner walked into the Officer's Club--and the place cleared out. Soldiers of ALL ranks really don't like two groups snooping around, CID and Intelligence. (I was in the later) I was really impressed as to the reality of the movie. The rah-rah, stars and stripes films DO NOT show how the Army REALLY works. This film and "Blackhawk Down" does. They show that's its not all spit-and-polish, snappy salutes and marching in formation. These people have JOBS TO DO! There's a time and place for the "parade ground" junk that most people believe goes on every day. This film shows the working Army.
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Red Dawn (1984)
It scared a lot of us.
2 January 2006
I remember seeing this movie for the first time in 1985 with my brother in law. He was a former Marine and I was in Army intelligence at the time. Contrary to what some people may think today, the old Soviet Union was capable of pulling off an invasion like this. They would have used all of their assets, such as the Cubans. The description of what happened as told by Powers Boothe, was very probable. I know what the Soviets were capable of doing. I spent six years of my life teaching other soldiers what they were capable of doing. The movie wasn't perfect. The old French Resistance codes should have been left out. But all in all, it is a pretty good depiction of how a resistance movement is formed. And by the way, this ISN'T what's going on in Iraq today.
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Iron Eagle II (1988)
Not that good
8 September 2005
As an aviation buff, I thought that this movie sucked. Passing off F4's as MiG's is just the beginning. The army sergeant is WAY too fat; he would have never been allowed to remain on active duty. The Soviet Union did not use women combat pilots in the 80's. (I know this because I used to study and teach Soviet combat tactics.) And the incident at the beginning of the movie would not have been something that could just be "hushed up." Much of the footage is from the first Iron Eagle. And that movie, although fanciful, is much better and many times more realistic. There are much better aviation movies out there. I was greatly disappointed by this one.
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Very good.
25 November 2003
I first saw this movie late one night on HBO. I did not know that any movie had been made about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The film was very realistic in showing the relationship between a tank commander and his crew. Warrant Officer (Propropchek) Daskal is a very dark, brooding character longing to relive past glory. (Daskal's rank is never mentioned in the film. I was in US Army intelligence at the time and identified the shoulder boards.) All in all, the film shows a piece of history that has been somewhat forgotten. This invasion did cause the US to boycott the 1980 Moscow Olympics. By only question is "What happened to George Dzundza?"
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