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The Bride (1985)
Wait, Sting can act?
17 October 2019
To be clear, Sting can't act. But it is Sting. I mean. Sting. So you have to like it right? Plus it is Sting from the 1980's.

Ah yes the 80's. Where you can make a movie about controlling a woman who is naked at parts, and no one gets mad. But the story isn't really like that. It is basically a cooler take on the Bride of Frankenstein.

The cast is very fun and the film has a cool fantasy feel as well. Sting is Dr. Frankenstein. Jennifer Beals is the Bride. Clancy Brown is the monster and does a great job of it. Then you have David Rappaport who was in many fun 80's films and is the monsters best friend in the film.

You basically see two stories here. The Bride and the Monster.......and Sting being Sting....ok three-ish. He is no Bowie as the Goblin King, but he is alright.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Ew, it has wings
17 October 2019
I will say that this film had a really interesting story to it. A creature to brought to the surface that has sonic hearing. So you need to be quiet or you die. The creature though. Looks like a bat which makes sense with the sonic hearing. But almost like alien baby dragons. I am not sure why films need to do that. Just make them over grown bats. They do not need to look weird.

Cast was great. Kierman Shipka is always fun to watch. She is always cast in interesting creepy roles. I am sure the older she gets, the cooler roles she will get. Stanley Tucci plays her father and is also great. Some of the side cast die in stupid ways though.

I almost feel like this would of made a better show. Like give me a season and lets see how it goes. The movie is too fast and leaves various amounts of holes. It could of had a cool Walking Dead feel, but not 300 seasons, just a few.
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Rings (2017)
She's back and she is a teenager!
17 October 2019
So most of us all saw the The Ring or even the foreign version Ringu and it scared the living hell out of us. The Ring was ahead of its time with the faces of the dead and the stop, go contorted motion of the young girl.

Well she is back, and you can tell she is a lot older (even though she is not meant to be) and she is a lot more angry.

The story takes place over 10 years later and I will admit. The new story is pretty cool. Finding something hidden in the original video that was on VHS. Having a group of people test out theory of 7 days. Also a nice back story to Samara.

The cast was decent adding in people like Johnny Galecki And Vincent D'Onofrio. But here is where the film went wrong. The story was all over the place. They should of just focused on the back story of Samara. But there were also a bunch of people on the 7 day schedule you had to keep track of. Not to mention the tape was VHS and there was one copy and some IDIOT decided to move it to a drive and now all it takes it for one person to share it on twitter and bam, the world is dead. So it got cheesy and with the PG-13 rating, it did't help. I mean the original was PG-13 but it focused on one thing making it scary.

Plus if you are wondering why Samara is doing what she is doing. They explain that, but I guarantee you won't like it.
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Mercy Black (2019)
My Imaginary friend hates people
17 October 2019
We all have a dream of having out imaginary friend come alive. And then it murders people and drives you mentally insane. Oh wait, am I the only one? That is basically what this film is about. Besides a little bad acting, the movie is not horrible, but it is not great either.

The story is interesting, but it put on screen in a more cheesy way. Austin Amelio is in this film and even though he is probably the best acting they have, it is hard to see him without a burnt face since I was binge watching too much The Walking Dead.
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Starry Eyes (2014)
Am I pretty?
17 October 2019
I liked this more than I should. It had its light charms as more of an independent film. Plus there is this light jingle throughout the film that is still stuck in my head

So question. What would you do, to be the best? How bad do you want it? Would you do anything? Some would go the distance and this main character does.

The film starts off so simple to the point I don't know where it is going. Then they turn up the dial to a ten. Then it is over. But again it had a charm to it and I respect that. Not super over done. No real bad acting. Decent story.
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You Don't Need Gore To Feel Pain
24 September 2019
I never thought much of Joaquin Phoenix as a tough guy. Even in this film he looks weak, but it is a perfect case of don't judge a book by its cover.

Phoenix is a war veteran who has no emotion for violence and pain making it easy for him to beat down some baddies.

You at first think the film is going to go in an Oldboy way and be very violet. Well it is, but you don't get to see it. You just see glimpses of the aftermath and you know by the look on Phoenix's face, it was brutal. It shows you don't need to see all the gore to get a feel of what is going on, for that is not what the movie is about, but something deeper inside Phoenix's mind.
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The Nightmare (II) (2015)
I didn't just watch this, I lived it
23 September 2019
Here is the thing. I will tell a little story. You can choose to believe me or not. But it will explain why I gave this movie a perfect rating.

The movie is a documentary about different people who experience sleep paralysis. Basically, you are so called "dreaming" but you cannot move anything or say anything. You are frozen and things happen around you. There are different forms. Some just can't move certain parts. Others, cannot move anything.

My story. When I was little I had sleep paralysis for years. It wouldn't be every night, but a few times a week. It was the same every time. I was frozen and I would hear someone enter my room and taunt me. Breath in my ear, touch my body and then finally grabbing me. Which then I would "wake up" screaming in cold sweat. My body would be tingling all over and I felt drained and sick. One night before I went to bed, I decided to fight. So I laid on my back and waited. I kept repeating to myself over and over "I will not be frozen tonight".

So I closed my eyes and then instantly reopened them. Everything was silent. I couldn't move, I was frozen. The so called entity was in my doorway, but I was frozen with my eyes at the ceiling. It got closer and closer and I started realizing I couldn't breath, but then I remembered what I said, "I will not be frozen tonight". After that I was able to move my hands. Then I realized I wasn't frozen anymore. So I sat up as fast as I could screaming "I AM NOT FROZEN!" In my doorway was a dark silhouette of a man in a black coat and hat; like from the 1950's. After I saw him he ran out of the room. Right after, my mom ran in my room. She heard me yellow "I am not frozen" and came to see if I was ok. Pretty crazy huh?

So fast forward 15 years later since I had this happen. I am sitting down to watch this movie with my love Alyssa. We get part way in and they start asking people, who was the man they saw. Most of them said.....the man in a black coat and hat. Just then Alyssa looked at me and my eyes teared up. She tried to snap me out of it, but I was so scared I couldn't even talk. How could this be real? When that happened to me, the internet wasn't even a thing yet. So I couldn't of even heard about it. Plus I was just a little kid and no one else had it happening to them. After that, I wasn't myself for a week and I couldn't even sleep that night.

Pretty crazy huh? What do you believe? Has this happened to you? Also I have not been able to watch this film again and probably never will for it may bring it all back to me and the man in the black coat and hat would visit again.
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Rottentail (2018)
It's just a fun movie people
16 September 2019
A great Easter movie for the whole family! Just kidding. So this is a take on the monster movie genre but more comedic. Story line is actually decent but very goofy. You have your fun horror gore and some actors that you might recognize. The action makes the movie fun to watch so you aren't stuck in dialog the whole time. Also there is a passionate love scene for the ladies.

Ok listen I know some will rate this movie bad, but that is the beauty. It was made that way. The writer, director, they knew it would be cheesy but also worked hard on it. Some will see what it took to put this together. Others will just be like, "killer rabbit?"

It is a comedic horror film. It is making fun of B horror movies and telling its own unique story st the same time. So sit back and just enjoy the goofiness of the film.
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Poltergeist (1982)
Come into the light carol anne
16 October 2011
This movie had such a great creepy feel. Now the film is based around what will happen to Heather O'Rourke's character. But she was very young, so she did having many speaking lines. On the other hand, they had her say the work daddy and mommy a lot in a creepy way from the film. You will notice it at certain parts. The acting was really good and Craig T. Nelson and JoBeth Williams did great jobs as the parents. Now there is a poltergeist going after O'Rourke's character and you never get to really see him so it is creepy. There are many really crazy scenes as well that will leave you terrified. Zelda Rubinstein comes in as a medium and just hearing her voice is kind of creepy. Now Tobe Hooper directed this film, but he had help from Steven Spielberg who was a writer on the film. You can tell some of Spielberg's touches in the film. This is a great horror film.
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Never Drink The Worm
16 October 2011
This is a good sequel to the first film. It takes place only a little time after the first. Heather O'Rourke has gotten a little older since the first film, so you has many more lines in the film. I guess you could say it gives her character a little more personality. The father, mother and brother are the same from the first also, so that is good. A new edition is the mother of JoBeth Williams's character, Geraldine Fitzgerald. Now the biggest thing in this film is the character Kane played by Julian Beck. In the first film they gave the ghost a voice. Here they gave him a body and a really creepy on at that. Beck did an amazing job. The story line was decent but two things got in the way for me. They should of left the problem to Zelda Rubinstein's character. Instead they brought in this Indian guy and his acting was a little off. Also the ending of the film was interesting. Why they went with that ending, I am not sure. But still a great and scary movie.
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zombie superhero
16 October 2011
It was decent. The girl was weird though. She was like a super hero ....zombie. I mean it kind of screwed up the whole getting bit and turning into a zombie. They should of kept it along the same lines as the first two, but I guess they just wanted to try something different. Putting a superhero type zombie in the film I admit was kind of fun. But it really lowers the scare factor. How Brian Yuzna directed Re-Animator, so if you watch this film you will see some similarities. I will admit that Mindy Clarke was an interesting girl superhero zombie in the film though. Also it was fun to see Sarah Douglas. This is a typical series that starts off scary on the first one and in the later numbers turns into a comedy or super hero movie. Too bad.
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The Chair (II) (2007)
A fun chair
16 October 2011
This film was almost good. It had a really cool concept about being possessed by a spirit and becoming them. It was also strange for it was a girl being possessed by a male spirit. But the film is based around building this torture chair and learning something from the past from the house that the main character is staying in. Here is the problem though, parts of the film just made no sense. Something would come up and you would wonder why it even happened. Also the film had scenes for the jumping scare factor, but seemed to ruin it. A girl sees a blanket, yes we all know there is something under the blanket because we saw earlier in the film, something was put there. So no, it was not scary on parts that worked out like that. I do respect the story of the film though, it was really a good idea. It just wasn't portrayed right.
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DJ Zombie
16 October 2011
OK I am very disappointed from this film. This takes place a little after number four. So the movie basically starts with Peter Coyote. Some of the characters from four did die, but some lived. The ones who lived where in the film with no recollection of what happened in the last movie. It is like it didn't even exist. Now this film and the fourth film were made in the same year. I believe they are both continuations of the original, but with different story lines. Also the fourth seems to reach a different type of audience than this fifth one. The fourth was action with zombies and experiments. This one was drugs, sex, raves and zombies. They actually thought it would be a good idea to put the chemical in a pill form to sell at raves. What was going through their mind making this film?
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Doghouse (2009)
Man hating zombies
14 October 2011
The story of the film was a little strange and they really could of gone with a better ending, but that is not what makes this film fun. Imagine a village full of beautiful woman; zombies. Then a group of guys come in and kill them. The idea was pretty funny. That kind of makes the film more in the comedy field than horror. The cast was great. Danny Dyer was really funny with his remarks. Then you have Stephen Graham who is always entertaining when he goes into action star mode. Now the female zombies were interesting but not that scary. Well there was one zombie would was about 400 pounds who was actually pretty scary. Some do become a little scarier later in the film. But like I said, the only thing that seemed to mess up this film was the story line. Parts were pretty bad, but the film made up with some of the fun.
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The Hole (2001)
In A Hole lot of trouble
14 October 2011
This was surprising an OK movie. It is not the best, but I expected something bad. It was the story line and some of the acting that was a little off. The story was interesting, but seemed to lose its appeal since they kind of explain the whole thing midway through. They should of just waited till the end. The cast was pretty good, but at parts you think, why did they put that in there? Some scenes did not need to be in there. But to make this a typical horror film, they needed these scenes I guess. I thought Thora Birch was pretty good and did come off as disturbed; which was her character. The male characters were just OK I though. Desmond Harrington seemed to not really shine until the end. It was interesting to see a young Keira Knightley. But they had her casted as the eye candy. So they didn't concentrate on her acting. If this film just had a little more suspense, it really could of been a lot better.
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at least she has nice teeth
14 October 2011
First I will say that I don't really need to mention the cast. Well I will mention Miki Mizuno who plays the slit-mouthed woman. She was pretty scary. I only really liked her character, but thank god the others kept dying. This movie was based on a myth, which always gives a horror film an extra creepy film. Don't get me wrong, I did like the story and how it was laid out. The acting was OK. That is why I thought the film was decent. But it had things in it that did seem to upset me. I understood the story line, but parts of it they could of left it. Seemed to cheesy at some parts. That and some of the characters seemed why too scared at one moment and then they would get this courage to be brave. Wouldn't work though. I think the film as potential. If they made another, they could probably make it more scary and better. The film runs an hour and a half, but I think if they added about twenty more minutes, they could of explained a few holes.
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9 October 2011
This was a pretty decent film. The story line was good but went way over the top by the end and it almost ruined the whole thing. The cast is class A. Scott Bakula is great and funny in the film. Kevin J. O'Connor is good and comes off kind of creepy. Famke Janssen is a good female lead. Daniel Von Bargen is really crazy in this film and was a good evil lead. There are many good side characters as well, but my favorite is played by Barry Del as Sherman. Talk about one messed up creepy character. The film has some decent special effects for its time and it may not make you jump out of your seat, but you will still mentally feel scared. It really does have that creepy feeling. Clive Barker really did a decent job on this film.
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Dark Tower (1987)
9 October 2011
OK this movie was not that good at all. First off the cast was pretty bad. Only two actors saved the film a little and that was Theodore Bikel and Kevin McCarthy; but they didn't have big parts. The whole movie was based around Jenny Agutter and I swear she was just in there to show off her body and that is it. There is a scene when she is running and some of the buttons on her shirt come undone so you can see a little more. But there was no point to it. Not to mention they loved using a fuzzy blur lens when filming her. The whole film, there is something killing people and they never show it till the end. So when people are attacked, they are attacked by something invisible and it is annoying. The story is pretty bad too because they tell you what is happening, but not really why which makes it confusing. I also like how the film is called Dark Tower, yet it is not a tower.
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bad hair day
9 October 2011
The only reason I liked this film was because it had some pretty interesting ghost parts. Also because it did have a nice scare factor at some scenes. The story line was decent but pretty confusing. By the end you realize that the whole thing really wasn't as eventful as you thought. The whole time I was wondering what was going on; what is the mystery? But at the end, it wasn't much. The cast was OK. Basically you had eye candy jumping off a balcony and hitting the ground. There was a couple older cast members who acted kind of bad, but the focus really wasn't on them. My favorite character was played by Eriko Hatsune though. She was pretty creepy. This film could of done so much more, but it didn't. It is worth seeing once though for a couple cool scenes.
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Nosferatu (1922)
yellow to blue
8 October 2011
Yes this is an old film and the actual dialog script is probably about 2 pages. But this film does things to make it a piece of art. The music really shows the different scenes and what is going on. Also the color lens they use to show a moment. Like happiness or daylight was yellow but evil or darkness was blue. There was a strange moment when red was used too. Again there is no sound of voices, but some of the acting was pretty good. A lot of it seems cheesy from the time it was made, but two characters to me really stick out. Of course the first is Max Schreck as Nosferatu and then the other is Alexander Granach as Knock. Two really really boggled my mind about this film. There was a shot of a ship in water and it was a great shot. There are low budget movies now a days that use CG ships and it looks horrible, yet this 1920s film went all out. The other thing is the vampire. How scary is he? I mean look at how deformed he looks. There are some vampire movies that have more deformed vampires, but then look at others. Like Twilight. Vampires are meant to be scary and Hosferatu is one freaky looking vampire.
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horror mystery
8 October 2011
A very creepy tale of a haunted house. Not only was the film creepy and scary it was also a mystery. You sit there and try to pay attention so you don't miss any clues, but then something creepy comes up and you get side tracked. This made the film a really good horror flick. The cast was pretty good. I am not too sure if I liked Gayle Hunnicutt in the film though. My favorite character was played by Roddy McDowall. He really brought out the feeling in his character. There were some interesting camera shots in this film which I think brought it more to life. The film was not that gory at all. It focuses on scaring the viewer mentally and I believe it does a pretty decent job. So see if you can figure out the mystery of Hell House.
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Scary tree girl
8 October 2011
This film had a lot of problems. But there was one good thing about it. That would be Kiralee Hayashi. She plays Satinka who is the ghost. Not just any ghost. A fricken creepy ghost. But the rest of the movie interrupted the scariness of the film. The bad acting was part of it. I mean why cast someone who cannot speak English and have them try to speak it? You would see Satinka and it would be stop go motion creepy and then right after; bad acting from the rest of the cast. The story line makes sense, but is in pieces. So much was left out. They just wanted to focus on the scary parts. But like I said before, they were ruined by the rest of the movie. If they would of just focused on the character Satinka and got a better cast or at least cut down the bad dialog, this movie could of been more scary.
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[Rec]² (2009)
firecrackers are fun
7 October 2011
Absolutely love this film. I thought after the first one, this would die down a little, but it didn't. It takes place seconds after the first one and still has all the amazing feelings the first film did. The scare factor is a total ten out of ten in this film. I caught myself jumping just sitting at home in pure daylight. The action was great and not too over the top. The cast was really good and really believable in their parts. You also get to see what happens to some of the characters from the first film. The zombies were creepy and not over done make up wise. That gave the film more of a real feel to it. Now the story was intense and amazing. Questions from the first film are answered and you will find out things you still can't believe. Also the film sets itself up for a third. A new feature in this film from the first is the use of many cameras. The first had the reporter's camera which filmed regular and night vision. This camera is brought back in the second along with a military high def camera that can switch to sub cameras planted on the soldiers helmets. There is also a small camcorder as well. There isn't much more I can really say about this film, you will just have to see it for yourself.
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7 October 2011
I will give them credit for have a few references to the films from he beginning. I will also give them credit for making cool zombies. I will then give one more piece of credit to the fact that they referenced an old joke from the first movie. But that is it. Other than that, the movie was not that good. The first half of the film was just boring with bad dialog. The second half had the action and it was decent. The story made sense, but was not really focused on in the movie. One thing that really made me mad as a person who loves zombies. The zombies in this film could be killed by getting shot in the chest. That ruins the whole thing. Now they did have different type of zombies. Ones that were bitten were really smart, could even talk if they were only bitten a little. Then you have stupid zombies. Then there is another type of zombie that does not make sense at all, but you will have to watch the movie to see them. The cast was half and half. Some could act, others needed to die sooner in the film. I love the Return of the Living Dead movies and this one was not a good add on to the others.
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We're Back
7 October 2011
I admit that this might of not been as good as the others, but it had a certain charm to it. It was a whole movie in itself. It really didn't need the back story that much. It does help to know it though. One small complaint I have is from Heather O'Rourke. In the first and second she was this cute little girl and she was tiny. So it actually made her a bit creepier at parts; even when she talked. For some reason since she is more grown up in their film, they made her talk really smart and snotty. Like she knew the whole world. But also since she was older, they could do a lot more with her in the film. The rest of the cast was pretty good. Tom Skerritt and Nancy Allen were great. Lara Flynn was OK at the time. Some of the side characters were bad actors though. Nathan Davis played an amazing Kane. He was really creepy. Now this film was great until the end. The ending was rushed to bring the film out. That is because they couldn't film the original ending since Heather O'Rourke died in real life. That had to use a double that didn't show her face and change the ending. But other than that, it really was a great film for a horror type season.
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