
5 Reviews
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Inception (2010)
bad movie
20 August 2010
I would like to warn everyone that this movie is seriously overrated. Based on the rating here I decided to see it in the cinema, I wish I hadn't. It's not entertaining and plain boring, and much too long and repetitive. The characters are boring and very plain. It's almost like watching a couple of zombies of watching paint dry. It could have easily been an hour shorter. Plot holes are all over the place, nothing is properly explained and it's nothing but philosophical mumbo jumbo. Even the action was boring and unexceptional. I wouldn't even see it again if they paid me to do so (although maybe for enough cash I would). A large part of the audience that was in the theatre with me seemed to agree, because I heard only negative reactions. I gave it a 1 because a 9 is seriously overrated.
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The Shining (1980)
Lame and unfrightening movie
7 April 2005
Is this movie supposed to be for kids? Not once during the whole movie was I scared. Is this supposed to be a horror movie? It looked more like a marriage drama. The whole time I was hoping for someone to get killed, because that's what usually happens in horror movies. I had to wait until the last 15 minutes of the movie for this to happen. And only one person got killed, what a disappointment! All the time I was rooting for Johnny to kill his wife and kid. She seemed like a crazy woman from hell. Without any reason she started to beat on him with a baseball bat. Okay, he had some mental problems, but he hadn't hurt anyone. She was acting like a lunatic, and should be locked up. Or better, she should have been killed, because she practically killed him by knocking him down the stairs. Shelley Duvall's acting performance as the wife was dreadful, by the way. The boy also seemed to be suffering from autism or something, because at no time he was acting like a normal kid. He seemed like a mental patient escaped from an institution. No wonder Johnny got a little insane, with a wife and kid like that, I would be going crazy also. It is never explained why Johnny became a little unstable in the first place, but I guess that must be the reason. It only seems normal, any guy would do the same. Jack Nicholson was the only saving factor that stopped me from totally tearing this movie to pieces. He was a delight to watch and is truly a fine actor. Unfortunately he can only do so much, and he saves the movie from being a total flop.
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Pay attention people!
29 April 2004
It seems to me that anyone who saw the film and said that Jessica Alba didn't look like a native, hasn't been paying a lot of attention to the film (probably they only had eyes for the lovely Jessica). Because in the film it's explained that her father is English, therefore she doesn't have to look like a native. It surprises me that nobody seems to remember this important fact, and I have serious questions about the IQ of those people. For me this movie was near perfect, except there could be a bit more character development. Jessica Alba was gorgeous and very believable. To me she was the best actor/actress in the movie. But she can still improve. It's good that she works on her acting in these smaller projects, so that in a few years time she'll be ready for the bigger work, and make her big breakthrough. I give the movie a solid 7 (out of 10).
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Chicago (2002)
What a load of crap! The worst movie I've seen in years!
19 April 2003
This movie can be described in one word: torture or crap! I didn't want to see this movie in the first place, because I didn't expect too much of it. But when it received a bunch of oscars, I went to see what all the fuzz was about, in case I was mistaken. But it was even worse than I thought! My friend left the cinema in the middle of the film, because he couldn't take the torture any longer. The film looks like a freakshow, with bad singing, bad dancing, and a crappy story. And don't get me wrong, I love musicals, I loved Grease, Moulin Rouge, The Sound of Music, The King and I, Victor/Victoria, Mary Poppins... to name only a few of the great ones. But this was nothing compared to those movies. This movie was complete rubbish! I think the Academy gave this movie a lot of Oscars just so people would go and see it, and they confirm what I already suspected: they know nothing about film! I wouldn't even want this movie in my dvd collection if it were given to me for free. The thought alone almost makes me vomit. It would ruin my dvd collection of good movies. But there's one positive aspect: if you have a grudge against someone, and you want to give him/her the worst torture imaginable, then advice them to see this movie! -100 stars out of 10
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Driven (2001)
what a load of crap!
20 March 2003
This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. Sylvester Stallone seems to be in deep trouble, moviewise, if he plays in such crappy movies. His appearance in Taxi 3 isn't to hopeful neither (not that Taxi 3 is a bad movie, but what is an actor like Sylvester Stallone doing in it? It's a shame that such a talent (which he showed not too long ago in Copland) is going to waste. I hope there's still a good director out there who will give him a chance in a good movie, because he can still do it. I am the law!!!
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