
13 Reviews
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Whoop Whoop
26 August 2010
I loved this movie. ANyone expecting anything more than silly, low budget, UN PC humor is in the wrong place. U can say that I'm a "Juggalo", but my girl isn't and she thought this was hilarious. Anyone who will give this a one star probably didn't watch the movie, and they are on they're never ending quest to just diss anything Psychopathic (over the internet, in the safety of there moms basement) but i'll tell you seriously this isn't intelligent humor, its sight gags, and it can be slightly hit or miss, but what does hit is a hit (you might wanna take a hit before watching, may make u more susceptible to the hilarity!). there's plenty to laugh at here, including some of the acting, which is fine. Madrox and Monxcide steal the show again, and 2 Dope was on point. Violent Js performance was definitely toned down a few notches from the last movie, but still solid and hilarious. Mark Jury also stole the show as the sidekick who gets most of the great lines. There were plenty of funny cameos from stars no one seems to be interested in anymore (remember Razor Ramone from WWF, and i guess Tom SIzemore need Methamphetimine money). The more you watch it the more you laugh. If you shut your mind off, i guarantee you'll have a hootin' good time y'all.
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You Know what....
20 March 2005
I'm really starting to come around to remakes... At first I hated this movie, and i hated the Texas Chainsaw Massacre even more. I'm a movie nerd, i downright loved both of the originals. But then something happened... the remakes came to DVD and i enjoyed them 10 times more at home then at the theater... Anyways, this is a very solid movie. Superb acting by everyone, incredible special effects, even better, sound, dynamic picture... I love it. Ving Rhames is the man as always. Sarah Polley, who annoyed me a few times was strong casting, and everyone else was good too. I don't have to go over the plot, anyone who knows anything about movies knows the plot to dawn of the dead. 2 words... zombies. mall. I have to say though, this is not a social commentary, this is a run-of-the-mill horror flick, but its great. Unlike this movie, and TCN, some remakes suck. The Ring, The Grudge... terrible. It was all boo scares (although the grudge had great atmosphere). All in all I'm very satisfyed, and I'm totally looking forward to the evil dead remake, as well as the amityville horror remake (which was a great idea and has a great lead, the classic Ryan Reynolds.. i mean come on Van Wilder becomes a psycho, u cant go wrong... WATCH THIS MOVIE.
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Constantine (2005)
Wow, finally a good movie
19 February 2005
I'm the type of guy that usually waits for the DVD. When I get around to going to a movie, I want my money well spent. In the past few months, I went to about 6 movies. I turned down a lot of movies I eventually saw on DVD to see movies that sucked ( I pasted up the Grudge to see Spongebob (what can I say, I'm a fan...)). Saw was the last good movie I've seen, until this. Let me start off by saying Keanu Reeves is a mediocre actor, but there's one thing I like about him, He picks his movies, and doesn't just sign his name unto anything (like Ben Affleck). Sweet November, I suppose, was contractional. But he just doesn't do any movie. He made a very good choice with this movie. Keanu did a bang up job with this movie. He was Constantine. A lot of purists will ban his performance and this movie because he's not a blond Brit and this is the UK. Hey! SHUT UP AND WATCH THE MOVIE. This is a very well-made, spot-on directed flick. Definitely worth the five bucks I paid ( I guess the cute red-head at the ticket booth musta thought i was hot because my brother paid 7.50, ha-ha)
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Pretty Fun, but maybe the worst in the series...
5 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, to let everyone know, there is an NC-17 version of this film being released in the beginning of April, this review is based of the theatrical cut.

Now let me put this out there, I own all the Child's Play movies, and Child's Play has always been one of my favorite movies. I'm a huge horror fan. I love this rubbish. As you all probably know by now, Seed of Chucky is Not a scary movie, its camp horror, which I also like. There was a lot about this I liked, and a lot I didn't. I'll start with likes. It's very funny. Jennifer Tilly was very funny. Second off, Brad Dourif is still the man. For any fan of the series, its always great to hear his oneliners and hear him swear. Someing about potty mouths on dolls just appeals to me. Also, there was a lot of blood and gore in the select scenes with blood and gore. But that leads me to what i don't like about this movie. There wasn't a whole lot of death going around. Honestly, about five people bite it in this movie. Chucky is the supernaturally possessed doll of a serial killer, but really, he doesn't kill anyone and it makes me very mad. Another thing i didn't like about this movie is the fact that the Glen/Glenda doll exists in the first place. I couldn't stand his voice, and he/shes a wimp. Could of done without him. I hope the next Chucky movie is about him killing nonstop. Make him scary again. I mean, they made Freddy scary again 11 years ago, they can do it to Chucky.

Anyway, this is a pretty good flick, but I cant wait for the new DVD. And everyone should buy it so they make another one.
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28 Days Later (2002)
This Movie Sucked
5 December 2003
I feel bad for everyone who liked this movie and thought it was original. It had alot of chances to be a great movie, but in the end, it was an indie crap film that was boring and long. I had high hopes while watching, but it was crushed after a few minutes. I tried to sit through this plenty of times, but feel asleep each time. But when my buddy bought it and told me of how great it was, I gave it another chance. After sitting though this 108 minute mess, I punched my friend for making me watch this again. The premise is cool, espicially how you come in contact with a virus and a second later your changing. But its so damn boring i cant sit through this crap. Get a grip on yourself and go rent a classic zombie flick that doesnt try to be a great movie. It just happens
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Actually... possible spoiler
16 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
A long time ago I wrote a post about this film, saying it was the worst movie ever. And for a while i strongly felt that way. But the other day, it was snowy, i was bored and this film was on demand, for free, so i said what the hell. Actually, this isn't that bad. I mean, the acting sucks, the plot sucks, and its pretty dry, but its entertaining. And the ending which i felt was the worst ever actually made more sense then the other, excluding the original two. Not bad. Helluva a lot better than 5 or 7. As for Busta Rhymes, well... he rocked! I thought he was funny, and an all around good character... But, one stands out in my mind. I mentioned this in my previous review.. What about John Tate, Lori's son?
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Feardotcom (2002)
This movie rocked! but why does everyone hate it?
8 March 2003
This movie was awesome. It was a great horror movie. Sure soem areas were confusing, and soemthign could have been better explained, but its a horror movie! Name one horror movie that makes perfect sense, that could happen, and isn't devoid of all logic, and it would not be horror. The point of horror is to escape reality and watch something totally off the wall and out there. If you want logic, watch gone with the wind. Want to be entertained, watch this movie. The acting was good, pacing was good, pretty gruesome, and had a killer ending. I suggest people that get queasy fast, don't watch this, go rent The Ring.
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Adaptation. (2002)
One weird mid trip
6 March 2003
Talk about a movie that plays with your head. This movie takes truely unseen plot twists, and by the end, you wonder how it all happened so fast. Nicolas Cage is a great actor and is finally given a chance to prove himself again. And Chris Cooper...... wow. He stills the show as the con man with a brain. His character is funny, sad, and sometimes likeable. This movie is being snubbed at the oscars this year! Sure the actors were nominated, but why not the movie? Oh well. Check it out.
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Clitche gore-fest heist/ revenge flick that is no good.
6 March 2003
With a type of directing only done once before ( Natural Born Killers), a plot done many times and came out right only once ( Resivior Dogs), and a bunch of has been actors. Thats what this human horror flick with a budget is. Its far too violent to be taken serious. I'm no wimp that is shy away from violence, but dude, this movie over kills it. I mean, they cut Natural Born Killers 150 times before it was rated- R, where the hell was the MPAA at with this one, I could name a dozen things that were just stupid and over the top. I mean, this flick has no center holding it together, none. Cox is a terrible actress, Costner has never been to good ( except for JFK), and i bet Kurt Russell woke up a day after this flick was released and said " Oh my, why did i make this......." Do yourself a favor, and get Resivioir Dogs, Natural Born Killers, or Killing Zoe, not this tripe
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Donnie Darko (2001)
One of my favorites
1 March 2003
This is actually a rather excellent. I was hesistant on seeing it for a while because i didn't trust the actor that portrayed Donnie. ( Bubble Boy). But after watching it many many times, this is one of the most underrated, beautiful films i've seen in a loooooong time. It's rather confusing on the first viewing, but if u watcch it twice, it will hit you as clear as day. The acting is great, the plot is tight and followed well, and it has no real genre. Is it horror? Is it comedy? Is it drama? Is it even sci-fi? well its all of them. this movie has soemthing for everyone, and reccomend it to people only with an open mind
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Kids (1995)
People say the children are innocent
13 February 2003
This is the movie that describes exactly how teenagers are nowadays. This movie is dead-on every subject. Sex, drugs, violence, feelings. All of them bases are covered. Most adults say this movie is child pornography, or its just exploitation. Its not. This is how we are. No other movie covers it so well. Just like Alex in A Clockwork Orange, teens aren't all happy go lucky. The most of us ( me and almost all the kids i know) are cynical, mean, and selfish. We care about whats important to us. We don't care for history, or anyone else. The reason adults think this movie sucks is because they didn't live it liek we do. If you are 14- 28, i think this movie would appeal to you more then it would anyone 29- death. I think the writer wanted to wake the parents up with this movie, to tell the parents " hey your kids are falling apart", but like all people, most won't listen. I reccomend the highly but be warned, this movie isn't child's play. this is serious.
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Powerful stuff (spoilers)
13 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is the movie that makes you think twice about doing drugs, or gambling. This movie is about a strung out Lieutenant who lives his life in dirt. He abuses his rights as a cop whenever and however he can. In one scene he walks up to a car with two girls, and verbally rapes them. There are many scenes that are hard to watch ( the nun rape, the verbal rape scene, when hes shooting heroin). But underneath all this grit and grime is one of the most powerful messages you will find. It hits you through Kietel's more than superb acting. Be warned though, this isn't an action movie, and not alot happens, but if you like Kietel, or are just in the mood for this. Watch it
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Wow, what is Myers doin in a Scream movie? ( ALOT OF SPOILERS)
6 February 2003
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I heard that Kevin Williamson ( for those that dont know who this fellow is, he wrote Scream, and I Know what u did last summer or it should have been called Prom Night 5 because it a was a terrible rip-off) did some touch ups on the script before preduction, i believe it. It reeks of his cheesy dialogue, and his unbelievble one-dimensional chacaters. In this movie, Myers tones it down on killing and is chasing his sister again. But wait, wasnt his sister presumed dead. No she faked it and somehow had another child ( remember Jaime Llyod, the cute little girl from halloween 4-5-6, I guess Laurie dumped her off and started a new life, great mom huh?), and, get this, she got her teachers degree and is the headmaster of a private school. Well Micheal finds her, and stalks her, kills her sons annoying friends, and kills her annoying boyfriend. Exciting aint it. Not! Avoid unless you are very bored and dont mind being p**sed off by dumb characters and a once hard-core killing machine go soft and Hollywood. Thanks Kevin Williamson, you and whoever wrote this movie killed Micheal Myers, because after this came Ressurection. Another terrible movie
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