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Kaleidoscope (II) (2016)
An Art of Acting in very boring and messy movie
23 May 2018
I love Tobby Jones, her prove himself through his career as an great Actor, and in this movie which have tendency to be an Artwork, he really prove himself as a great character Actor. But, the whole movie with its rythm is very slow and boring, and kind of a mess. Still, it is great to watch if you want to see how good actor can go deep into character. I must say I gave up after a half of it, but I still admire how Tobby Jones illustrates a persona in this one. I was suprised no many Critics gave a shot to this, but obviously did not make much of attention to such audience. I say acting is great from all of the Cast but as a movie it fails to lead u deep in it.
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Shameless (2011–2021)
Not entirely comedy
25 September 2017
I started to watch Shmeless few weeks ago, mostly binge watching. While on Season 5 I can conclude that this series in not entirely comedy but more than that. Mostly drama with many dark moments and a lot of violence, not sure of this is suitable for younger age, as with so many scenes of substance and alcohol abuse it tempt u to become one. No matter what, this is great series that shows darker side of humanity in its purest form. I only don't like too much nudity and sexual encounter in it, especially the V character and her look that is repulsive to me (the look and her showing her disgusting body almost naked all the time) , but this is, all that I wrote very subjective. THEY ARE ALL SO F UP
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Extant (2014–2015)
Mediocre rubbish
24 July 2014
When this Show started I had high hopes, as I am a big fan of Sci Fi, and when I red that Hale Berry will be in it I was really excited. The pilot where a kind of promising, but it flaws to something very mediocre with very bad execution. I was surprised to see that Goran Visnjic well known Croatian actor will be in it, standing by famous actress. I never did like Visnjic too much. He is great theater actor but in Film, I don't know he simply act bad, more expressing his attractive look then inner self as a character. Also I was very very disappointed with Hale Berry here. She is ultimately capable top actress but in this show she is so limited and not relaxed at all. The story is also become bored and nothing too much promising. Like repeating well known concepts of many well known movies. Anyway I still will try to follow this series but I am not counting in any improvement here.
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
Interesting story, good cinematography, not so good acting from famous stars
4 July 2014
This movie is a tendency to become ambitious, but it fails. It is an interesting new blockbuster with famous stars, decent story but with bad execution and a bit confusing. It is obvious that director wished to make some kind of exciting work that will represent some Art in it, but it is far away from that. I am calling it the Hollywood syndrome, where they want to make something breathless yet loosing themselves in that high budget commercial world, where Art is visible only in shallow passages of visual representation, nothing more. This movie is however not so bad, but it id not what it could be. I will not spoil here anything not describing the scenario, but rather focus on how one big budget project could become confusing and showing weak performances from few of the best actors u can find today. I like the story, but then it become mixed and confused, it don't looked to me balanced, yet OK, it had its own path, predictable and nothing too much excited. Good visual effects and cinematography is visible here, yet I was disappointed by weak acting. I only give credit to Rebeca Hal and Paul Bettany, but they also did not perform in a way they usually do. Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman was disappointment as I expect much more from then. Anyway mediocre big budget movie.
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The Americans (2013– )
Great espionage thriller
1 July 2014
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When The Americans first came to TV I was a bit uninterested and sceptical. I also watched first episode, but then gave up. So after a red positive critics and reviews about it, I start ed to watch it from the start, few days ago. I am so happy I find such a good espionage show. I watched Homelnad and was pleased with it, and in a waiting for a future Season I must say that "The Americans" left me with far better impression that is Homeland. I think it is better Show in that segment. I like the main cast and overall atmosphere. Tense and exciting is what The Americans is. I am in a final stage of Season 1 and I am happy I will follow the story in Season 2. Also I am glad there will be Season 3. Obviously audience is pleased. And how I is it that I like it more than Homeland. Well, the whole espionage concept is far better presented here, it penetrated in its core. I can'r say that it is the best espionage show can give you, but I like it.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
A new way of making TV show
27 June 2014
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As a big Breaking Bad fan I was reading that Brfeaking Bad will define how the future TV shows will be created. It meant in a way that will upgrow even movies. And yes, the Fargo came, and it really proves that the new era of high quality TV show raised. I was quite a fan of the movie Fargo, but Fargo TV show looks better to me, having even more bizarre elements and overall context. I was actually amazed how god this show is, not to mention casting one the best actors from movie world. Martin Freeman and Billy Bob Thornton made an impeccable performances, but hell, all of other actors also do. Collin Hanks, Bob Odnekirk, Oliver Platt. Simply awesome performances. I liked how they made a connection with the movie Fargo, yet it is so richer in details, conversations and overall plot, mush better and unique. Bizarre, unusual and funny with dark comedy elements and real violence was a great way to make it as a TV masterpiece. Not everyone will admire though. All that would not be made so good, I believe, without legendary Coen Brothers as a producers. Their influence is obvious, and that quotes and conversations by Lorne Malvo reminds me on Anton Chigurh from "No Country for Old Men" (at the gas station). Every episode is made very tensed and rich, and the whole story rise to its peak that simply leaves you breathless. The ending is supposing to be like that, and what I can say is that I am exciting for the Season 2. I believe they will cast some memorable persons like it was in the first season. Spectacular.
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Kill List (2011)
Dark, Brutal, Shocking
27 June 2014
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This movie proves how real horror should look. It was my second time to watched it. As there are so many elements in this movie that need to have detailed observation, even the premise is quiet simple it is however more than simple. It is very intelligent made film that could after ending become a bit confusing. So I believe the second more detailed look at it could solve that. I will not describe the plot, but what is most important is how the director project human nature and how someone can confront himself in a worst possible way. Also, how someone can become so violent only to show what a real human nature could be. Yes the end is shocking but also complete movie is shocking too. It shows a real violence if we add to that some graphic elements that looks really nasty. I rarely see such a movies and I a pleased that at least kind of films exists. I liked how the director put pieces together. The acting is realistic and the way directer represent relationship and its rhythm (the family) during movie is more documentary like. Anyway it is dark, disturbing and very tense movie. And that "Thank you" adds so much to its complexion, yet simple. So watch this one more focused. It is not a movie that could be watched like some cheap action stuff, it needs concentration.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
I would give it 100 if there is such rating on IMDb
26 June 2014
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Wow, what an experience. This is a movie like no any I saw in a long long time. Actually I never saw such a film. It is original, astonishing, mesmerizing and so eerie that scares me a lot and gave me such a impression that I can't stop to think about it. I see there is very defined differences in audiences, Either you love it or hate it. Mostly negative comments about this movie define it boring. But I understand, it is really not a movie for everybody's taste. But for us who like it we find it as some piece of beautiful art. I would not like to compare this movie with Kubrick or Lynch or any other director that many compares. I find the director Glazer unique and that movie is unique in its core. I can say that somehow it reminds me on a work of Alan Parker or Ingmar Bergman, but that would be wrong. The Only element I would compare is a music score that reminds me of that eerie feeling of Angel Heart or There will be blood. The score here is really powerful, so eerie and so creepy, yet so dreamlike, not of this world that it fulfill overall scary atmosphere in the film. Oh yes also the score in movie The Hitcher (from 1987) too. I am a fan of horrors but this one gives me such a creep I did not felt for a long long time. I honestly liked the part of the movie till our main protagonist stand against the rules, and starting to question her alien side and tried to act like human. The ending is very sad and it clearly show how she transformed in something so different. Till the end, become so devoted to that human side she don't belong.

I did not read the novel yet, but I heard it is great. Many questions left, but I think the director had intention to leave us variable conclusions we could make by ourself. Scarlett Johanson is wonderful and she really proved she is a great actress. Many people wrote that she did not act or that she only use few words, but they don't understand. It is not a words here that is important, but how she manage her expressions and true non human self. Like when she tried to ate that cake. She really gave the power of someone who never put something in her mouth. That was memorable. And her creepy behaving, wow, she is really great. Than man with elephant man syndrome. It is not some actor with mask on. It is a real man with that syndrome director casts. Kudos to the director for that. And that creepy man on the motorcycle. I don't know how to define him, but as I can conclude he is some kind of alien agent that checks everything and clean the scenes. Obviously more than just him, bu he is some kind of higher official. There are two most scary sequences in movie that left me really scared and shocked. The most disturbing is a sequence with the baby crying, and second is the sequence with those men under that black substance or whatever it is (I think alien matter that is used to extract flesh and bones from people) and the scene where a man is sucked completely with skin extracted (that probably other aliens wear). Very complicated movie yet not that hard to understand and very involving. So involving that I wish to see it again and again. Bravo to Mr. Glazer. You really deserve the highest grade awards you can get. Please give as another like film quality in the future
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The Hitcher (1986)
Creepy and shocking
14 June 2014
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Back in 1987 I watched this movie and where surprised how shocking and creepy it was made. It is one of the best performances of actor Rutger Hauer, and one of the best car chases/crashing cinematic experience I ever saw on big screen. Some gruesome scenes all around made this one more as a shocking thriller horror that will even today please fine audience. Unlike its remake (with Sean Bean) which is very weak, the original Hitcher is a movie really worth to watch. The complete atmosphere, score and camera work is outstanding. This is not high budget movie, but great B flick which I believe have cult status.

So a guy that earn salary by moving a car from one part of America to another, takes a man who hitchhike during hard rain night. It soon become obvious that a man is a lunatic and a killer who enjoys in killing all of his victims that takes him for the ride. And not just them. He is not just ordinary man. He is very intelligent, very dangerous, very capable and superior manipulative psycho that will drive you crazy and kill you no matter what. You simply can't run from him as he will find you even in a smallest whole somewhere deep in the ground in deep Sahara desert. Not just that, he is so intelligent that he will turn everyone on you as he can manipulate situation so that you will become that gruesome criminal or anything that law enforcement would rather see you on electric chair.

But luckily at the end someone believes you, but by then you loose your sanity and emotions (the killer probably wished you become). Hopefully at the very end you get rid of this demon, but even then it is obvious that you will never be the same person as before. The killer and psycho name is John Ryder and he loves to ride.

Great movie.
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Home Sweet Home (III) (2013)
Could be better
12 June 2014
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I am a big fan of home invasion movies. I thought this would be fun to watch, but within only two scary moments, and partly good camera work, it becomes repeating cliché, boring and uninvented. I liked the music, kind a old blues tunes, though. From the start with added atmosphere and camera work it looks interesting, but then it lacks in its representation. The cameraman did a half good job moving camera, and even it reminds me on camera work at the start of R. Scott's Alien, it was obvious that cameraman in Alien where perfect performer with all that added scary atmosphere. Here, it does not look right and it somehow lacks the tension. I am sure the man behind the camera tried to do the best, and also the sound department put a lot of effort, but at the end it was not on high level basis.

OK, the stranger came in the house, inspecting it, waiting. The complete process that was intended to leave is frightened was not successful. It was too long and loosing it tense with so much mixed details. It was OK, but not refined as it is in the best of genre. After a while, the owners came and in some slow pace of not so great acting they become a victims by some psycho maniac. The complete atmosphere was with no any special tension, like we all know what will happen. And it happens, but in a very mediocre nothing to scare of work. Only two moments made me scared but it is such a small part in overall concept that I forget about it. The ending is kind a OK, but it is nothing so original or special about it, yet better than to have a clear happy end. I was OK with this movie, but not impressed at all.
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Cape Fear (1991)
Noir by Scorsese
2 May 2014
As a one in billion residents of this Planet, I did not watched original Cape Fear movie from 1962., but I am prepared to watch it, so I could really been able to compare it with Scorsese's remake.

I watched Scorese's Cape Fear long time ago, and last night I re-watched it again, but this time with different approach to the cast ensemble and cinematography Mr. Scorsese served us.

I could say that it was the golden age of acting of Mr. Robert De Niro that shines in its best. I could only say he is really a master of acting. Even today when he is rather old, he still have that shine in all of his movies even not top notch of acting, but anyway he have that special bouquet. In my opinion he is most comfortable doing villains, as it is with his part in American Hustle, which proves that.

This remake reminds me on De Niro from for example Goodfellas, with his mean face you can see when he left the prison.

I need to add, that Mr. Scorsese may have his valuable new actor in Leonardo Di Caprio which are great actor, but never could have that charisma De Niro had and have.

This Cape Fear remake lay on a bit of Hithcockian style in a way I see it, definitely in a way of atmosphere and camera work. I really did enjoyed it, and Scorsese proves that he is great in managing characters and overall tension, no matter what.

In his world there is no strictly black and white, rather a vast grey world which is actually realistic. That's why Mr. Scorsese is I can say, one of the most influenced and notable directors of this new age of cinematography.

His newest works are ambitious and you must respect it, but his earlier works proves what a masterpiece cinematography is.

Also notable is a great acting of then young Juliette Lewis, as she really involve herself so realistically in her part. The big veteran stars G. Peck and R. Mitchum which where part of the main cast in original Cape Fear, had their good moments here, but nothing special. Nick Nolte and Jessica Lange had really good performance here, but the center of attention and tensions are mostly made by De Niro and Juliette Lewis.

I only did not like that negative film type of visual effect which I would rather replace with clean B&W shots (which are also presented) but who am I to suggest that? :)
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Silicon Valley (2014–2019)
A pleasure for those in IT industry
25 April 2014
Catched this show few days ago, and after I watched Bing Bang Theory I must say I am thrilled about focus on strictly world of geeks, developers, angels and all those in the vast, yet strict world of IT industry.

I am Graphic Designer and former web developer but been worked in various IT companies and met lot of geeks and similar girls & fellas, so I am bit familiar with that showed here.

This is really great and funny show, and as it is from HBO it can't something cheap made and shallow. Actually by the third episode it becomes more and more involving. I adored how they managed humor through I believe real situations that exist in this world. I never been in USA or Silicon Valley but I believe the creator and producers did not degrade the core of it. I liked not just humor but also visual representation. For example, just some detail like T shirts with actual motives is awesome.

To add final world, I think this is motivational show for getting new ideas in industry, if you are involving in it. I am not geek, just ordinary designer, but I see how motivational it is. I even looked on compressing algorithm myself :)
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Old School Supreme Spectacle
1 June 2013
I remember watching Towering Inferno when I was 10, back in 1977 and as long my memory holds, I watched it every time it came to the big screen. It is one of the best disaster spectacle I ever saw. When this movie came fully remastered for Blu Ray edition I was happy to watch it again. Because everything is made with CGI today I was afraid that this old school made special effects movie, will look funny, but contrary, it still looks fresh even it is made in 1974. So, after all this years and with all that complex and more than real special effects we have today, this movie can stand proudly without a shame in this modern age. However we can't expect to see something that could pair to today's standards. It is classic and obviously made in golden 70ies, but it still holds that breath take feel and tension with realistic effects. The movie were made with huge budget and with highly acclaimed movie stars from that time. The story is simple, the cast is very good, but not that great, except Steve McQueen who shines among other. There is tension, shocking scenes, scary fire and explosions and scenes that is really memorable. The movie is fast, there is no boredom at all, and good (not so deep) presentation of any important character. This is why classic cinema have its quality, instead of todays shallow and weak character development or none, in most of the blockbuster movies today. Anyway it is delightful to see remastered version of great spectacle, and to remember good times we spent at the cinema. Also for younger generation to witness what was blockbuster movies like without computer generated effects.
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Move On (2012)
Made by fans
1 June 2013
I watched this movie yesterday on TV, and from what I read it was made by fans, but the concept were commercial project of the road movie with product implementation. From the beginning of the movie there's T-Com logo and it was obvious that this movie is an experimental project of the telecom company. From numbers of brand new smart phones in this movie it was obvious. The fans in this case were the creators of the various elements in the movie, chooses by officials of the project. Anyway it is nothing but commercial action spy movie, with typical action scenes. The movie lay strongly on James Bond concept, but it is shallow and may be confusing, especially by the end. The plot is all about aged secret agent that needs to deliver strange aluminum case from one location to another. The movie is filled with lovely European countries sceneries, especially from Croatia, Montenegro and Macedonia. But what makes worth to watch it is an excellent Mads Mikkelsen as an leading actor who held all by his charisma. Mikkelsen is such a great actor that he can make weak movie better one. He also is able to bring complete movie with all bad elements and bad actors to a higher level. This is the case here. The scenario is so weak and rest of the cast are from mediocre to weak or amateurish, yet Mads put a shine on all of them, and brings us watchable product. He is like good ingredient that makes food better. Anyway the movie is nothing to be remember for, except the acting of Mads, and it is probably only for those who admire this actor.
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Brave (2012)
Great and touching
30 May 2013
Many reviewers have bad opinion about this movie. Many have mediocre opinion as well, but there are some of us that thinks that Brave is great. Oscar winning is not an absolute measure, but still reveals something about quality. Roger Ebert which is not among us anymore and which reviews I admire a lot, wrote that this movie kids will love, while parents will not. I am not a parent but I am in a mature age to be one, and I liked it. It even brings tears on, which only few movies, and not one animation till this one did. I will not put much criticism about it, but it is very subjective opinion of such admiration from me. The animation is really amazing, and the sceneries are fascinating. I am myself a fan of anything Scotissh and Irish, so the complete background of the movie fits more than well to me. It is funny, sometimes very funny, and it is very emotional, especially the ending, which is very happy indeed. I don't know much about background story of it, but I really liked it a lot, and I think there must be an audience that liked it same as me. It is innocent, brave and very positive; like the animation movies I remember from the old days.
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Snarveien (2009)
American horror coated in Scandinavian fur
30 May 2013
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Detour would be a very good horror movie if it would not suggest typical American horror concept. For any horror movie fan it is obvious mix of few, well known titles. For me the suggestion goes to Texas Chainsaw and Hills have eyes. It is Norwegian-Swedish language movie, with good cast and quality production. Unlike most of the Scandinavian horror movies which are slow, this one is fast and tense, but very predictable. The plot have those well known elements which are typical: scary night, abandoned gas house with bunch of abandoned cars, turning to the nowhere road, abandoned mansion, crazy family, torture with recording, helping policeman turning to be a bad guy, victim running through wood... There is a lot of flaws, but in general it is not so bad, as many horror movies today seems to copy each other or strongly lay on some of the famous titles. What disappoints me is the elimination of bad guys that looked too easy, and all of the positive characters stayed alive (even we like them), except one fellow who acts as a collateral here. So, nothing smart or new here, too predictable, yet more fast than typical Scandinavian horror.
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A good day for die of crap
15 May 2013
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I am a fan of the first two DH movies. Second one is my all time favorite. Third, I did not like much, but it was OK. However I think DH slightly falls down with fourth installment which I did not like, but still had hopes to watch better next one. But now we have something that movie makers could be ashamed of to call it Die Hard movie. Bruce Willis as John McLane is not the same old McLane at all. At least that's what I felt. All he presented here is Bruce Willis as a brand with well known tag line everybody already know and which made him an movie icon. The story which is very predictable and looks like low budget action flick, is build up with technically high-end scenes in vast amount. The action in the movie mostly seems ridiculous and stupid, and have only purpose here: Demonstration. To be honest, it is a spectacular look of the latest technical art, yet dull and synthetic without heart at all. In my opinion it is great for demonstration is amusement park, but not as a part of DH concept destroying element. This was obvious from the start. The chasing on the streets of Moscow were nothing more but thousands of crashes, explosions, cars destroying mayhem, and so stupid that reveals the complete movie itself as a high tech garbage. It might be great as a reference material to test home cinema systems, but not to sacrifice name of one of the best movie franchise in movie history.
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Dark Skies (2013)
Different approach on Alien invasion
13 May 2013
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If you like movies with Aliens treating our World then you will probably like Dark Skies. If you like movies with a scent of classic alien horror cinema then you will probably like this movie. I was delighted as a fan of non action packed blockbuster Alien movies like for example Transformers. I am more on the side of intelligent mystery type sci-fi thrillers and Dark Skies is definitely for those that like mentioned genre behind it, the evil that stab us behind our back threaten our lives, the pessimistic yet more real view on reality when higher intelligence manipulate and use us as guinea pigs. Like in Matrix, when we become plain slaves to those higher beings, slaves belongs to experimenting with us and abducting us for their evil purposes.
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Side Effects (I) (2013)
13 May 2013
Most of the Steven Soderberg movies are serious projects with that complexity that some might find bore or hard to follow. With many notable titles, as well as those that he produced, you probably could easily guess what you will get. With his Side Effects he enters to the reality o pharma industry, particularly in the world of antidepressant drugs. What is notable here is how doctors manage with depressive patients, but I can't made any conclusion, even I had treatment once myself. But what seems to be a problem with side effects of the drugs, is not part of the story at all. The movie become good thriller, with effective upside down till the end. Anyway good movie, maybe slow paced at more than first half and a bit confusing, sometimes little boring, with fast flashes from one scene to another, but very good story overall.
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Aftershock (2012)
More than you expect but in some aspects fails
12 May 2013
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Written and produced by Eli Roth who also acts as an actor, seemed interesting to watch and were expected to be shocking, with a slice of gore. I was not disappointed by watching it, as it really shocked me. So I could say it was very good film, but, only flaws I found were weak acting and in my opinion slow developing story, it was almost boring, but when shocking moment came I was pleased to witness shock after shock, and movie actually starts. It was not the greatest in the rhythm and how story develops, but it was not bad. If you are fan of Eli Roth work you will find how strong influence he had on making this film. What I liked here is very good made ending which is not happy, but reminds me somehow on ending of "Planet of the apes" original movie. I don't mean to compare those two, but in some way I found a slice of similarity. Gore did not have first perspective but there is enough of it, nicely tuned in. It could be made maybe much better, but the film is made well, with as I mentioned before some weak elements. Not bad choice for those striving for disaster movies with some twists and surprises.
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Pusher (I) (2012)
When remake goes down
24 April 2013
This movie is an obvious example of bad remake attempt. Pusher original is a great movie and one of the best crime drama in modern European cinema. Actually, Dannish. Also it is a part of the trilogy which were (all three) directed by now well known director Nicolas Winding Refn. While Pusher were presented as a very realistic dark crime underworld, this remake is just a poor copy of the movie, same individuals, same places and context. The original movie language is Dannish and is placed in the city of Copehagen, and this one were made by UK actors and placed in London. There is only one actor that played the same character in original and this remake. It is Milo, played by great Zlatko Buric, but what generally fail here, is that Milo have a Turkish background here, while in original he was presented as a Yugoslavian, as his original background is from the region of Ex Yugoslavia (precisely Croatia). As a disappointing point is Milo presented with Turkish background which did not suit here at all. I thought if the characters were original as in original movie, Milo will have original presentation, but it ends as something different. Maybe it is because in original movie he was presented as a Serb praising some of the well known war criminals like Karadzic or Arkan. Maybe only because of that director Luis Prieto presents Milo with different background. The obvious copy of the plot did not look effective at all. The feeling is that we watch bad repetition of original, and it is so obvious how original is good. Far from better, unique I should say. The actors also were not convincing as those in original. I don't think that this movie will leave positive marks among critique and audience, but this is my opinion. No one have to agree with it. I say, this one is not worth to remember, only as a bad repetition of original great Film. Director Nicolas Winding Refn acts here as an executive producer, and I really don't know what is his opinion on this one, but regarding original Pusher, he made other two stories that follows first Pusher, and all of the three stories fits excellent in a whole, as a Pusher Trilogy.

I found that there are also one more remake of Pusher made in 2010, in Hindi language. I did not see it so I will not comment on this one.
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Sleep Tight (2011)
Chilling factor
16 January 2013
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Sleep tight (original Mientras duermes), is not typical horror, nor gory (except one painful sequence), but rather, deep traumatic experience we witness on screen. It is actually pure horror, at its best.

Director Jaume Balagueró is not widely recognizable to the general audience, but those that follows horror scene he is well known, especially with the "Rec" movies (which are now become franchise), and few more.

The main character, troubled César (strong impact by Luis Tosar) is a concierge and receptionist in a dwelling building, surrounded everyday by the what it seems, higher class tenants, with whom he communicate in a very kind but non touchable way.

It seems that some of the bourgeoisie tenants don't feel his presence, and behave like he is some kind of irrelevant person. His feelings and emotional response seems non existent, only suggesting that he lay hatred for them, probably. Also he is non responsive to the humiliations he gets every day from the owner of the building, or to threats from the girl we seem as a second kind of predator, almost similar to his personality.

But some of the tenants are more human and emotional than others, and sympathize with him; the old lady, and the girl Clara which besides him, is a second main protagonist, and a victim.

Let's go back to the little girl. The girl express a wast of disgust and hatred to Cesar. It seems she knows what is going on, as she spies him, treating him all the time, by blackmailing him.

At the start of the movie we see Cesar in the bed with the Clara, waking up and leaves her apartment. We may feel that it is his girlfriend as that he acts like a boyfriend (he was or still is her boyfriend in real life). It all seems typical and normal.

But very soon, we found that they have no connection at all. Later we see Cesar laying under her bed waiting for her to get home, and with that, and following, the chilling factor starts.

Clara is a happy and always smiling person. She woke in the morning, sing while brushing teeth, dancing while dress up, then she walks off the building with big smile and kindness always greeting Cesar.

Her happiness is actually the main reason for everything happening in the movie. Because Cesar is not happy, he hates to be happy, he don't know how to be happy, and he stated in his narrations that he never felt happy and don't know how to be. He just hate happiness. He only want to "rip off that smile" from Clara's face, which he repeats to his sick mother every time he visits her in the hospital.

Cesar puts his dark and chilling plan in action, torturing Clara every night by poisoned her when she fall asleep, and lay in her bad close to her, so that she don't wake up. Every morning at 5 am he leaves her apartment, and goes back to his work in that same building. He also use chemicals and bug eggs of roaches to hurt her both physically and mentally, only to "rip that smile from her face".

The climax is near at the end of the movie, but I will not spoil any further, as movies ends in a delicate way, showing us Cesar as a true monster.

The horrible act of the monster is also seen in a scene when Cesar speaks to that sympathetic old lady, left her in shock without any hope for life in her. It was very sad moment. You probably will start to hate him at that point. Probably.

Gruesome effects here are not through visuals, even we have some unpleasant, some gory and some disgusting elements, but what is truly gruesome is an intentions, and inner perspective of the main character.

We may have sympathize with Cesar or hate him, but either way we are stuck in his twisted mind and horrible actions. He is really a dark and complicated character without any good. Only one element in my opinion miss here; entering the point of what actually makes him what he become.

We may conclude something from his conversation with his mother, even it is kind of monologue, as his mother answers through painful tears, obviously as a result of what he tells her.

Maybe he was a good person once, but here we witness the vision of the intelligent and pure evil. That perspective is strong in a scene with killing Clara's boyfriend, and another with the girl involved, but it is view able through the whole movie anyway. Cesar reminds me somehow to the Javier Bardem's character in "No Country for Old Men (That two actors are actually good friends in real life).

It is very wise made movie, almost non predictable, unlike so many of them where end is visible from the beginning. Here we have tension and expectancy with delightful ending, but not happy one, rather creepy one (but this is subjective point of view).

The main characters masterfully acts here, but that goes to the rest of the ensemble.

The tension is high and the music score follows plot nicely.

For the fans of the horror and those that looks for the real chill factor, this title is recommended.
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Dredd (2012)
Plain Dredd, just Dredd
26 December 2012
Dredd is a simple entertainment for the youth mostly, but it is enjoyable for the most audiences in need of a simple, shallow, yet good action relaxing flick, as well. The earlier version of Dredd forced in something as a plot concept with all that characterization, with weak and funny result, but what I like with this new Dredd is a simple product of high tech movie flick served as a simple flick, balanced with todays high tech movie standards, and nothing more. Just simple action, dare to say pop corn action. It is not just stupid action, not stupid kill em all concept, but naive and predictable, yet original in its own, like a comic book reading, only this time in video frames. Dreed stands in need for simple and entertained action with a bouquet of smart moral concept, which put this movie on a positive track. The sequel is guaranteed and is welcomed from my side of view. So get that pop corn and Coke or Beer, and enjoy.
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Beyond (2010)
Probably the best cinematic work on problem about alcoholism
29 December 2011
I saw so many movies regarding problem with alcoholism, especially focused on family issues. I however myself treated with that problem afraid to not become one (alcoholic), so I am very familiar with alcoholism and problems that it cause in life, from first hand.

Even I saw at least all of the titles about alcoholism that were published in film industry, as well all of the documentaries, I never found one that reflects that problem in reality so well.

This movie have all of the important elements showing how alcoholism influence life and what consequences it brings.

Great performances, screenplay and cinematography brings great result as a complete product that shows how alcoholism destructs family life and how terrible traumas it left on the most situations in family life , and most important, the children.

The main character of the girl in this movie follows her life with that traumas and reflections in her adult life, while her strong nature (as her father stated in one scene) keep her to survive that horror, unlike her younger brother who could not.

The spoiling would not be inappropriate here, as I recommend it for the viewers to see it.

This is not just great movie for all of us and for our families, surrounded by that silent killer (alcohol) but as a reference to medical communities that deals with alcoholism and AA and other similar social groups that needs a materials for therapy issues.

Personally I would like more constructions on some issues in this movie, but I think it is enough as there are probably no any movie title that gave so close picture to the problem about alcoholism.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Interesting dark satire but only in pilot
15 December 2011
I was very exciting about this show, but after the last episode I become disappointed. Don't get me wrong. The first episode of Black Mirror was a pleasure, while the second was absolute disappointment.

The pilot hooked me so strong that I recorded it, while the second episode throw me away after 20 minutes of watching. I hoped that it will continue that excitement and great story from pilot, but it failed.

I will not spoil here about the plot, but the first episode is all that is worth to see Black Mirror. I just hope that the third episode will bring back that good feeling as it was at the start.

I could not find much of information about the show, nor there are many of reviews there, nor ratings here on IMDb, but if I could conclude something about this series from first episode, it is the great critique on today's society, especially to the Government apparatus. I like the idea how they represent protest to the leading structure.
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