
22 Reviews
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Top Boy (2011–2023)
Relentless and unforgiving
18 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The writers of Top Boy don't care about your feelings. The show is relentless and unforgiving. And very, very good. It shows a side of London that most of us will never see. A harsh reality in which a life of crime is pretty much the only way to go.

The acting is top notch, the story is intriguing, the locations are a perfect match with the tone of the series.

There's basically two kind of seperate series. The original Channel 4 series, two short seasons with an open ending, is now called Top Boy: Summerhouse. Thanks to Drake, we got two new seasons on Netflix. This is where the only downside is. Although the character Dushane has taken refuge in Jamaica due to the situation of the previous season, they kind of ignore most of it. What happened to the Albanians? Why isn't the police immediately arresting Dushane when he returns to London, because a kid was thrown of his balcony? What happened to Vincent? Did he bleed to death in his store? And how are Gem and Ra'nell?

But apart from that, Top Boy is a bloody masterpiece. Can't wait for the next season.
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Swamp Zombies!!! (2005 Video)
Worst movie I've ever seen BY FAR
16 November 2022
Somebody gave me this movie on dvd as a joke once and, since I have a soft spot for low budget zombie movies, of course I needed to watch it. In my memory, it was longer than the stated 1,5 hours. It felt like 5 hours at the least. The acting is just horrible. Like watching a kids play on acid. The decors were awful, too. And don't get me started on the camera.

I was celebrating when I thought the movie was finally finished, only to discover that they decided to add what felt like another 6 hours of terror.

This movie isn't fun, it's terrible. Just terrible. 45 hours I'm never getting back. Never again.
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Unpopular opinion; I really liked this one
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently, there's a lot of people who didn't like the movie. I actually really enjoyed watching it. Maybe Taika Waititi's quirky humour isn't for everyone and there's a lot of that in this movie. Bale's performance especially is amazing and Hemsworth continues his great sense of timing he already showed in Thor: Ragnarok and the last two Avengers movies.

I do agree that it's weird that some scenes were left out, like the one where we actually see Jane pick up Mjolnir for the first time, becoming "a Thor" (which I think is equally weird), and the actual butchering of Gods. This movie isn't worth a 10, but a 1 is equally ridiculous. It might not be the most clever plot, but it's very entertaining, like most Marvel releases. Let's not act like the earlier Marvel films are of a Shakespearean quality.
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As funny as ever
28 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have always loved Jackass, but with a new movie ten years after the last one, I was afraid that it was gonna be an uninspired cash grab. Boy, was I wrong. This might be my favorite jackass movie to date. It's so funny and unpredictable! The opening scene had me in tears laughing, the bear was the absolute highlight. That was brilliant!

Although some of the OG crew is missing, the new guys (and girl) make up for it. Especially Poopies. Bam can actually be seen as a member of the treadmill marching band and Raab had a cameo during the end credits. And then there were the old shots in the end that got me all nostalgic. Jackass Forever, Ryan Dunn forever. Let's hope for another movie!
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If you ignore the drama, it's actually a decent series
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My youth was all about He-Man, Transformers, GI Joe and what have you. Looking back, I guess I was a bit too young to fully understand those shows, but I loved them (and the toys!) nonetheless. So when News broke out that there was going to be a new Masters of the Universe series, I was excited. Especially since Kevin Smith was involved, who made a couple of my favourite movies.

I read that he was under heavy fire for making this show. I don't really understand why, though. I didn't read up on the drama, I just started watching the show and although there was a lot less He-Man than I was expecting, it's a very decent show. A bit of nostalgia, cool animations, an interesting story focusing more on Teela... the second half was a bit too chaotic and leaning too heavily on the "together we stand as one"-kinda thing, but I enjoyed watching it. Plus it had Fisto saying he would like to fist Skeletor...! Can't go wrong with that line, right?
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Decent anime prequel to the live-action Witcher series
22 January 2022
I have never read the books, nor have I played the games. I've seen the first and second season of the Witcher on Netflix, which I enjoyed very much. And since I love to watch a fair share of anime from time to time, this seemed right up my alley. It didn't disappoint. The animation is great, the story is cool and gives you a bit of background in one of the more interesting characters of season 2 of the live action series.

I wasn't completely overwhelmed, though. The voice acting was weird and for some reason the music volume was much louder than the rest, which made it very difficult to hear what characters were saying during the more action packed scenes.

I think I would've enjoyed it more if it was a bit longer. It felt rushed, especially near the end.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Great show, could have been even Better with more episodes
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, back off, people. Especially you, J. D. Florence Pugh is MY newest celebrity crush. She nails every scene she's in. And so are Jeremy Renner, Hailee Steinfeld, Vera Farmiga, Tony Dalton and Vincent D'Onofrio.

I wasn't expecting much of this series. Clint has always been an OK character, but the trailer made the premise look bland. But the chemistry between Renner and Steinfeld is amazing. They are at their best when they're together. It really gives this show a boost. As does Pugh's performance, Who enters the series somewhere in the middle.

The downside is that it's only six episodes, which means that the reveal of the main villain was a tad short-lived. But I'm sure said bad guy will return in probably Echo or maybe Daredevil (or both). Fun show, action-packed, lots of jokes and NYC is always a nice backdrop.
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Free Guy (2021)
Funniest movie I've seen in a while
7 November 2021
As a casual gamer, the premise of this movie peaked my interest. And it works really well! Love the randomness of the gamers, jumping into walls or glitching. And the interactions of the NPC's felt really familiar. Tons of Easter eggs and references. Several cameos, too, although I didn't notice most of them. Ryan Reynolds was the perfect GUY for the role. And the entire cast seemed to have a lot of fun. The story isn't perfect, but it's a great film if you just want to sit back and laugh.
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Vivo (I) (2021)
How many songs does one movie need?
11 August 2021
Every time the plot seems to be going somewhere, they burst into horrendous song. The animations are quite nice, but this movie could do with a lot less singing, to at least create some room for character development.
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This take on Batman is actually quite good
29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked how Bruce Wayne turned into a no-nonsense, hardcore Batman. Where Bale's Batman doesn't take crap from anybody, Affleck is like "hold my beer". I watched the extended movie and had fun watching it. There were some things that were a bit disappointing, like the reason why Batman stops fighting Superman (oh no, your mom is named Martha, too?) And the monster that Luthor created was kinda lame. But still, a lot better than I expected it to be.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Everything can explode
24 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have always been skeptical towards the DCEU, which was based on the poor reviews of this movie and Batman v Superman. However, I finally decided to start watching it myself instead of basing my opinion on reviews. And what do you know, it was quite a fun watch. Cool origin story, great visual effects. They skipped a few steps, for instance halfway through the movie they just start calling him Superman and the military all of a sudden knows all about kryptonite. And for some reason, everything Superman hits explodes on impact; buildings, cars, a gas station (which makes sense), trash cans... Seems a bit far fetched. But hey, explosions are cool, so why not go with it? Anyway, I'm actually looking forward to seeing the other DCEU movies now.
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Community (2009–2015)
The best in its genre
15 October 2020
I absolutely adore Community. It might be the absolute best in its genre. Each and every original character is funny in their own way and although some main characters left, it kept being a great show. In my opinion, the first and second season were the best, but even season six made me laugh so many times! Love the running gags, the countless popculture referrals, completely random themed episodes and the creativity of it all. From the paintball specials to the claymations and from the videogame episode to the one where the studygroup are all puppets, I couldn't pick a favorite. Same Goes for characters; Troy, Abed, Pierce, Jeff, Annie, Britta, shirley, Chang... They're all fantastic! We've had the six seasons, now let's hope for a movie!
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Tenet (2020)
Great storybuilding, great acting, fun to watch
1 October 2020
I was not expecting to completely understand what was happening in the movie, after hearing some of my friends. Hell, I didn't even know what the movie was gonna be about. But since I've enjoyed all Nolan films so far I just bought a ticket and let it all come at me. It turns out that although the story is quite complex, it is executed perfectly through little clues and great storytelling. It's a movie where you need to keep paying attention. And in my opinion, it'd a great movie. I loved the acting, the soundtrack is perfect and it's visually perfect.
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
Wtf Did I just watch?
16 May 2020
This entire documentary is like a horrible car crash, yet you can't look away. Every time when you thought you'd seen the craziest stuff the show had to offer, there was a new episode that was even more disturbing. I just hope the animals are OK, none of the so-called zoo's seemed to be fit to house big cats, primates or other animals.
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Midsommar (2019)
Wtf did I just watch?
27 February 2020
Looking at the end credits right now and the only frase that comes to mind, is "what the actual crap?!" This is easily one of the most disturbing movies I've seen. Yet it is impossible to look away, and almost kind of soothing in a way.
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Excitement, adventure... It all has it.
19 December 2019
First of all, don't mind the reviews of people rating this flick with a 1/10. It's ok if you're disappointed, but a 1/10... you're just being a fangirl crybaby. Is this the best Star Wars movie? Hell no. Is it the best movie in this trilogy? No. Is it the worst? Of course not! It is way better than the prequel trilogy. Great special effects, fun new characters and familiar old ones, a few good jokes and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I didn't read any of the leaks, so the plot was new to me. Some things were a bit far fetched and they took a couple of weird twists and turns, but man, I had fun and that's what star wars should be all about. So if you're not one of those sad, sad snowflake fanboys that want everything to be just like the original trilogy, just go watch it.
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Tarantino being influenced by Tarantino
18 August 2019
If Quentin Tarantino would watch his own movies and would be inspired by them, Once upon a time in Hollywood is the result. If you're looking for a fast-paced, action packed film with a thin plotline, you should watch the Fast & Furious or something. If you want to be awed by great actors at their best, great cinematography, a perfect soundtrack, a fantastic story arch, beautiful scenery and a rewarding finale, you should watch this movie!

After all those superhero flicks (which I absolutely adore) and reboots of old movies, this one is quite refreshing. We all know the story of the Manson family, which is there somewhere in the background. But the main story is that of DiCaprio's Rick Dalton and Pitt's Cliff Booth. Dalton is struggling as an actor, Booth seems completely unconscerned as a stunt double. The chemistry between the two of them is off the hook. You're mainly watching them trying to keep working, which gives you the opportunity to see short films within the movie.

It is what Tarantino does best; put a bunch of brilliant actors together, add great writing, which gives you cool conversations, even when nothing is really happening (which is like 80% of the time). The cinematography makes it the more interesting and I'd even go as far as to say that this is the best I've ever seen of DiCaprio.

I rated it 10/10. Am I being generous? Maybe, but I loved every second of it. This one belongs with Tarantino greats like Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and Inglorious Basterds.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Dark, gritty and great to watch
8 March 2019
It's easy to compare Ozark to Breaking Bad; it has a guy that has a family to take care of taking some bad choices and getting involved with organised crime, it has a stubborn wife and kids going through puberty, it has a younger person aiding our protagonist while they are being dragged in further and further and it has a bunch of relentless crime bosses.

But comparing Ozark to Breaking Bad, which is, in my opinion, one of the greatest shows ever made, would be unfair to Ozark. It is a brilliant show on itself. The acting is awesome. Jason Bateman plays the quite unlovable Marty in a very believable way and Laura Linney is the perfect counterpart as the hard, relentless Wendy. Julia Garner's Ruth might be the most interesting character, coming from a poor family of hillbillies, trying to help her cousin go to college, being afraid of her dad and just not knowing what to do other than crime.

The show is very slow-paced in the first season, especially in the early episodes. It takes some patience to get to the part when all hell breaks loose, but believe me when I say it will be rewarding. Ozark, atleast the first and second season (at this moment there is no third season) might be up there with Breaking Bad.
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The Predator (2018)
A load of spectaculaire garbage
12 December 2018
The predator is inconsistent, lacks depth in every possible way and the story doesn't really seem to go anywhere. The characters just do what they want, there isn't the slightest thought of consistency in their actions. On the other hand, there is blood, explosions, gruesome deaths and two or three jokes that made me chuckle. They know they made a bad film and had fun doing so.
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John Wick (2014)
Average action flick
25 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So basically John Wick goes on an insane killing spree because Theon Greyjoy stole his car and killed his dog. What follows is a bloody mess, with the infamous John wick killing almost everyone, except for the random few he spares for some reason. Of course they end up dead, anyway.

However, the action is quite entertaining; cool cars, guns, knives, explosions, blood and cool music. If you don't want to think while watching a film, give this one a chance.
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Rampage (2018)
Entertainment, nothing more and nothing less
28 August 2018
I have to admit, I was expecting a terrible flick, but the Rock never lets the viewer down... well, except for the Baywatch movie, but come on. He sure as hell didn't let the viewer down is this action packed piece of entertainment. The man plays the same role as always, which is fine. But George the gorilla is what makes this film awesome. Nice CGI on that guy. The storyline is paperthin and the main villains are horrible, but hey; it's giant mutated animals fighting, destroying a city and eating people so who cares?
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Chaotic and pointless
14 June 2018
Exciting build-ups towards rewarding dino-action. Great characters, great character arcs. Dinosaurs being fascinating and having their own characterisrics and behaviours. If that is what you're looking for in a dinosaurmovie, go watch Jurassic Park. If you only care for fast-paced chaos, packed with uncontrolled action and weird decisions, look no further; this is the movie you should see.
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