
21 Reviews
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Why a 5 rating...
10 December 2023
...for cast and scenery! Dialogue sucks, plot is worse, and outcome, well I am not spoiler but why bother!! "On the Beach" was better all the way around Now I had to come up with 423 more characters so that my review will be "acceptable". Please consider those first 209 or so up till now as my review the best of this character eating.

...Like said earlier do not wanna be a spoil so let's say I had hope but nothing new and nothing old done right. It was sorta free and that is about what is worth. The deer and their "trainers" were probably the biggest achievement of the film. Good old nothing venture and fittingly none gained.
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Nanny (2022)
Well done, beautiful but..:
19 January 2023
I can see why this film did well at the festivals. It kept my attention and I had very high hopes. I saw early on that there was a chance for disappointment. When I realized that my hope was naive I decided to hang in there for the beauty. In the end it was as I had come to fear. Well acted all around, fascinating web of intrigue, no cheap jump scenes and wonderful music but alas a solid 6 of a movie. If beauty and calm conflict of spirit are the point of "horror" this is a horror film. So now I have to come up with 109 more words.. Rather tried to stuff something more into narrative I will ramble a bit the cast. Anna Diop Senegalese-American actress carried the film.
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Tremors (1990)
All ways worth watching...
19 May 2022
... for all the reasons in all the reviews before me good, bad, or worse this is a fun film with great monsters and memorable characters. Root for horses, pull for losers and cheer for the bombs! Enjoy again and maybe once more after that.
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Multi-waste of time and talent
7 May 2022
Here we go into the multi-verse! A note that will effort my review of this movie... I gave up comics when the multi-verse first showed up from the look and feel of this more noise than story, I will probably do the same with Marvel/DC movies now that that seal has been broken. Love Cumberbatch, Wong, and will watch Ejotor anytime but pretty much done with twin. Nice scenery as always, hated the musical fight (very Disney), the Capt. P. - Fantastic 4 scene ridiculous waste of time and talent. All in all this movie will not be add to my collections... not ever as a bad example of a series ran dry of story and wide on special effects.
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Suburbicon (2017)
To Hitchcock or not...
26 April 2022
Everyone did their part. Plenty of wonderful talent. I enjoyed all the performances. Writing witty, Situation timely, maybe even clever. I found it more uncomfortable than intriguing, annoying not frightening ,high hopes but alas no Hitchcock. Sad not ever close...
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Having not read all or any reviews! But...
11 April 2022
This is an intense movie. Running at nearly full speed right up to the end. There is very little time to give it a lot of thought, I believe this is on purpose. I have never care much one way or another about Adam Sandler but his performance is the movie everything and every other character is just a prop. Not going to complain about any other aspects of the film... Adam Sandler on fast forward. Well worth another couple watches... maybe at 3/4 time.
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Moonfall (2022)
Thank you, Halle!
16 February 2022
Unbelievable! The entire movie in every aspect that was in anyway associated with this film was simply unbelievable! The acting was beyond belief and I LIKE Halle Berry a lot, I would... and have now, watched her in even the worst of movies. Even with a great bunch of actors (of course this film had only one such actress) none could have overcome the script! Terrible... I was shushed (rightly so) for laughing out loud but the dialogue was so bad all I could do was to laugh! (I found myself wondering if the dialogue was maybe better in Chinese). The CGI was, of course, amazing... if one could suspend any knowledge of science or physics that should have been learned by middle school... but everything and I do mean everything else, was just plain bad! Only way I would watch this film again is with a group of 'smarter-than-I' friends who could pick it apart line by line and scene by scene, now that would be a good time! Love you, Halle!
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I raised my rating...
3 December 2021
Should talk about my change of heart... at first watching years back, I saw too much cartoon CGI behavior. In these later years, viewings have opened to my observation a fairly well composed story that follows Dickens carol well with particularly different beauty.
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Eternals (2021)
Yes I rated it a 4...
9 November 2021
...because it was nice to see re-emergence of Angelina Jolie, but that was my only hope for this film! I had hoped earlier when Thanos had his day that we not have to suffer through monumental versions & re-version of the MCU. A move that sold millions of comics by re-writing all the rules with the mere creation of yet another universe... wanna make an evil guy with spider skill easy new universe, want bring in ancient gods and mega-humans with mythologic back stories and powers just whip up another universe. I lost interest when they pulled the trick with comics and I find it even more frustrating that they are taking the movies down the some rabbit hole. Sorry to say this movie maybe only the beginning... good luck following the story (s) as they make it through the merengue of MCUs. As far me, well I can re-watch the originals.
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Vanished (2016)
Much better than the first attempted 2014 reboot!
22 February 2019
Yes this film is better than the Left Behind reboot starting Nicolas Cage disaster but just barely. Obviously for a younger audience but I pity the kids who may have to watch this poorly written and sadly acted story. Moria - The Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy Film Review Richard Scheib posted here in the exterior reviews seems to say it best; " The major problem with the film is not even anything to do with it as a work of evangelical propaganda but that it is simply not very interesting. It is shot with a professionalism but looks B-budget, particularly in its unimaginative horizons." If this is as it appears a reboot of the "LaHaye" series my only hope is that it goes the way of the first Cage reboot attempt.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Why can I rate this movie 0?
21 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The worse ever and I have seen Tommy Wiseau's The Room! This Left Behind is far worse because it wasted some talent not Cage's, but others who could have maybe been somewhere important.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
"Don't drive angry..."
4 February 2019
By now all that can be said good, bad, or indifferent about this film has been said. I just want to add my cheers to a movie that has been a standard. Can watch anytime, often do, but all ways best this time of the year! See it again and again and maybe just one more time.
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Not your "feel good" run out mill "Carol"!
29 December 2018
Low cost, very stage like, and dark as many have mentioned this performance seems to me to be collectible in its direct interpretation of the classic Dickens' story.
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Watchmen (2009)
Poor choices...
18 November 2018
The most inappropriate use of music in a major movie ever!
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1 May 2018
Bad Script, bad acting, up-and-coming (?) stars, and some seriously scary ass klowns! A true classic 80's movie. Can't be a classic cult film lover without this one in your collection! Great job to all involved. Major Kudos to John Vernon!
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I, Tonya (2017)
Tawdry just like the "incident"
23 March 2018
Robbie's acting and portrayal of old and young Tonya, champion... age difference aside. Mother, of course, amazing well acted and spot on, Allison Janney an award winner no doubt. Story; trashy, tragic, tawdry as mentioned, Oscar quality undeserved, outside the acting not a movie worth watching!
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Mother! (2017)
Had to laugh!
20 January 2018
... I am so glad I waited to watch this on video, I am shure that my fits of laughter at each new allegoric discovery would have at the least encouraged others and best infuriated most, mainly as I am slow and had purposefully not forewarned myself in any way toward this film. I need to say that I liked Mother!, I especially like the title the exclamation point is critical to the title sincerity! I also need to point out in earnest I appreciate Darren Aronfsky for many of his films and for the fact that he does not skimp on star power. I have always enjoy Ms. Lawrence, Javier, and who can have any kind of problem with Michelle Pfeiffer and Ed Harris. All that said Mother! is a very bad dream, one that it is very hard to rouse from in a manner that allows the dreamer to fully appreciate the twisted depth. Laughter was the only response that I could muster... the loudest and most ruckus outbursts were at totally inappropriate times. A bit of a spoiler note here... one should not and can not in public laugh at the killing and mutilation of a complete innocent as I did. (If that statement ruined anything, well, by the time it happens you really should have seen it coming!) Darren A. has been known for his, how do I put this, his interesting and disturbing interpretations of Biblical myth, more than once and in more than just this movie. Who am I to judge? I would recommend this movie to those who can get outside of the nightmare and appreciate the art (?). Unfortunately at this point, I am shure the jadedness of these reviews (my own included) and all the deep and thoughtful explanations offered so expertly have clouded the impact available to me as I first watched this film Give it a shot, go ahead, scream, puzzle, laugh if need be and enjoy the star power and the scenery... what the hell?
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Cloud Atlas is no ordinary film.
29 October 2012
Cloud Atlas is no ordinary film. It may not stand up to the critics reviews or expectations. Yes 100 million dollars price tag does push the bar. Cloud Atlas is a visual voyage . Don't try to understand it, don't put binders on the story or the performers just let it all go and soon what it was all about will not matter. I am shure everyone has heard that looking for a linear plot is not the way to enjoy this film. This is an experience and different, I will be one of those who will watch this movie over and over not to discover the little tricks and clues but enjoy the cleverness of Mr. Hanks who has nearly as many roles in Cloud Atlas as he did in Polar Express. I will watch the beauty in the talent and form of Ms.Halle Berry, 아가씨 Doona Bae, and Ben Whishaw. I plan to revel repeatedly in the veteran performances of Ms. Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant, Martin Wukke, and Keith David. I can't wait to love to hate Hugh Weaving in all his villainess evil in every manner from the powerful and dreaded Bill Smoke to the farce of a Nurse Ratched like character in masterful telling of brotherly rivalry that puts Jim Broadbent at the merciless ends of Hugh Grant's trickery. Jim Sturgess, James D'Arcy, and others, no one is under used in this wonderful blend of talent. So Go Early and Go Often!
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I believe everyone has all ready said this...
24 July 2008
... so I will say it some more. The Tracey Fragments is well acted in that there is very little acting and a lot of re-acting. Ellen Page is her remarkable self... I am so hopeful about her continuing career. Fragment is however everything everyone has said about it. It is hard to follow, but it can be followed, it is a simple story but it holds the attention, it is art, it is pretty, it is crap and it poorly done but I watched it from start to finish... knowing where it was going the whole time... why... well because it is chocked full of humans and human interactions. Beautiful humans and harsh humans. People exchanging hardships and moments of simple pleasure. I can... and often do go on and on... So I would recommend this Film to my friends who like to watch movies for more than a story.
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Moving Pictures... Some worthy of framing.
28 September 2007
This wonderful slow rich movie is truly a series of moving pictures, yes there is a simple story loosely trying to pull all of these wonderful groupings of photographs together but I found that I really just barely needed the story to enjoy the amazing pictures.

I wish I had a process for creating stills from this film, I would frame them and collage a wall of my home.

An wonderful example is the scene where Schultez comes out in the dark of the evening to a bench at the back of his house is as fine a piece of art as anything Hopper ever did.

This is a beautiful collection of art.
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Pride and Prejudice on SPEED....
17 December 2005
...2hrs. 9 minutes to tell a 10 to 16 hour hard read of a book? I think Joe Wright did a find job. I did feel like I had been on a bit of a roller-coaster ride of emotions but a mighty fine roller-coaster with beautiful well-crafted views. Was it a Knightley film feast... yeah you bet...but if I had to pick a leading lady to stare at for 2 hrs. she would be in my top ten list. I hope this film wins some award for photograph. I don't believe I have seen close-ups done that well in color ever before.

MacFadyen was a fine high speed Darcy, there was not time for him to be the quiet struck up Firth Darcy. In the time allowed I think he did very well... or maybe quite well as the case may be.

Supporting crew, yeah, well, OK. But really who cares as long as Lizzy and Darcy get it right. I must give my highest marks to Judi Dench who WAS Lady Catherine as far as I am concerned.

Maybe if I had the time and education I would join the Jane Austenites, who have been decrying the shabbiness of Bennett farm and household but hey the little visual tour of England and the walk through some of the finer old homes more than made up for the pig in courtyard shot that has caused such a fuss.

To the end now... I loved the book (more than once) loved the BBC series (both a few time each) and I loved this movie. All are different in their way but all tell the wonderful story of two very interesting, very complex characters who are pushed and pulled to and fro by the strongest forms of Pride and Prejudice.

So unstuff your shirt, sit up straight, made shure you lap bar is secure and enjoy a fun whirl on this rapid-fire performance. If you want the Jane Asten dialogue read the book, if you have not seen the BCC series get ye to a library and check them out... all good and worth the time. As is this movie.

At your service. . . TManley

Sugar the only word in the English language where the "su" makes a "sh" sound. Are you shure?
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