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Beacon 23 (2023–2024)
Potential. But needs focus
27 May 2024
We watched 4 episodes, and then gave up. The beginning seemed intriguing, although admittedly the 'science' parts were pretty bad, I could suspend disbelief. But then it just wandered: the plot, tone and characters seem to have no coherent plan.

It mostly.seemed like episodes of the Twilighr zone, or maybe just a writers workshop where they do exercises in varied motivations and ideas.

The thing that did my head in was really the characters. They change on a whim, and not even for dramatic purposes. One second they kill someone; next they are apologetic and sad, then they've forgotten this life changing trauma. Maybe the writers are trying to portray something - maybe everyone is supposed to be a pyschopath?? It's pretty weird.

In the end the lack of any ongoing plot or theme makes it not worth watching. How frustrating.
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Lift (I) (2024)
Another lame filler job by Netflix
12 January 2024
As usual, an expensive cast can't help with a poor script of less than B-grade quality. Kevin Hart is mis-cast and has zero charisma as the supposed leader of an elite team of art thieves. A few other names show up but have little to do.

Action is kind of feeble, except for the initial Venice boat chase which is just OK. The actual plot, such as it is, makes very little sense, and seems essentially random.

Even my wife, who is very tolerant for basic fun movies, was openly mocking the ridiculous and predictable script by the end.

Yes, it's another half-hearted by the numbers effort by Netflix. No, it's really not worth your time. I regretted watching it.
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Cleanskin (2012)
Doesn't know what it wants to be
10 September 2022
Although it has some good elements and makes a reasonable effort at character building, this film seems to struggle in tone. Is it a thriller? Well, there are perhaps 20 minutes that might count as thrilling. Is it an action movie? There's some action, but long sections of the movie have none. Is it a study in how terrorists are created? Maybe a little, but the motivations seem flimsy and more time is spent on a clumsy romance. Is it a gritty English drama? Kind of, but a lot of it is quite subdued and not dramatic at all. It also has some rather absurd plot moments (getting explosives through an elaborate attack on an arms dealer? Um, I don't think arms dealers carry around plastic explosives in a briefcase), and a ridiculous conspiracy that comes out of nowhere.

With some rewrites and a lot of editing this could be a pretty good film, but instead it's a somewhat boring mess.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Well made, but actually kinda boring
30 April 2021
This is not your traditional Guy Ritchie movie with slick fast paced action, clever humour and lots of twists. Which I have loved in the past. It is basically a combination of heist movie and revenge thriller. But it's played very straight, without a lot of effort to build characters, and doesn't ever seem to build much momentum. So a few times during the movie I found myself looking at my watch, wondering if it was really going anywhere.

The action is fairly tight but mainly gunplay, not much physical action as Statham is famous for.

There are no heroes either, Stathams character seems to be a pretty nasty piece of work himself.

All in all, it's an average thriller with nothing in particular to recommend it.
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Greenland (2020)
Just a bit dull
5 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie manages to establish an intense feeling of impending disaster, showing a pretty ordinary family reacting in an ordinary way to something amazing.

But then, it doesn't know what to do next. In short, they run away and get to safety and that's it. There is no dramatic flow at all, no themes, and the ordinariness of the characters makes them just uninteresting. It doesn't make the mistake of relying on special effects, but it doesn't offer anything else either.

I don't feel like it was complete crap, but I wouldn't watch it again for free.
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Potential, but very slow
28 July 2020
We watched it for a while and it seemed like it had potential, but half an hour in an nothing had really happened. The trailer made it look like a fast moving action comedy but it was more like a wannabe Tongan Quentin Tarantino movie, with dialogue that tried to be slick but needed another couple of passes through the editing room. Wow, the dude was cut though! Some shirtless scenes for the ladies.
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Enemy Lines (2020)
Ok for the budget
18 July 2020
Tells a reasonably honest war story, and makes some effort to be realistic, but that's about where it wnds. Dramatically it does nothing. The beginning and middle is OK, but a weak ending unfortunately shows the lack of budget, poor acting, and very pedestrian directing. Some real equipment and uniforms is about the best part. The American lead seems totally out of place with his pretty boy haircut, but the Brits don't bring much either. There's some awkward Interludes with the Polish scientists family that are nevertheless the most moving parts of the film.
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Daffodils (2019)
Doesn't sell it's central tragedy
18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While the movie starts as a cute romantic musical with nostalgic kiwi songs, it then veers into an unearned tragic twist. The characters weren't developed enough beyond 'cute working class guy meets cute country girl' to sell the total failure to communicate that causes it all.

I can kind of imagine that someone might be so twisted up by shame that they couldn't say anything, but not this character. It came across as ridiculous that he couldn't reveal a relatively minor secret (well in the past by the climax) to save his marriage.

There's also a fairly ambiguous section where the guy acts like a student lad playing in a band, ignoring his wife, which obviously upsets her, but why does he do this? How are they living if he is not working? Why doesn't she complain? This is where being a musical actually becomes a problem, a few lines from a song jammed in doesn't really tell you what the characters are feeling in enough detail.
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Westside (2015– )
Great Kiwi show
16 July 2019
Multiple complex interwoven plot lines, vivid characters, an exhibition of the various vices... what more could you ask for in a colourful Kiwi TV show? The occasional moment of duff acting doesn't put a dent in a very entertaining journey. Great work from writers, directors, actors and the rest.
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Prospect (2018)
Basic survival drama with dreamy sci-fi atmosphere
9 June 2019
A very basic tale of survival with two characters loose on a strange unexplained world. While very atmospheric, the sci-fi setting is pretty much irrelevant (although strangely much time is spent on an almost absurd organic 'mining' sequence).

Acting is really quite good, but unfortunately they are working with a pretty basic story that seems to be missing many pieces, including any reason we should care about what's happening.

I think if you liked the psychedelic travel sequences in 2001, or the slow meandering pace of The Arrival, you may find something to appreciate in this minimalist film. However, I don't personally find anything to recommend in it.
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Decent action blockbuster
4 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a solid action movie, with the standout being very well staged stunts. Acting was serviceable for the genre with a few fun character moments. However, the story was ridiculously convoluted, almost enough to be a parody. I also found the final scenes to be very schmaltzy with Tom Cruise having saved the world and been the best guy ever... again; kind of part of the territory but they really dwelt on it this time, in an already long movie.
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Alien Arrival (2016)
Slightly interesting, muddled first-time effort
9 September 2016
This movie may be a good first time effort for the director, but it does almost everything wrong. The story can't decide what it's about, the characters are thinly sketched and inconsistent, the effects from tolerable to embarrassing, and the sets and locations looked almost exactly like a 70s Doctor Who or Star Trek effort. There is sometimes a decent atmosphere and some camera work is effective. But it's the muddled story which often makes no sense, that killed it for me. It's not that is was too complex, it's simply that scenes, and even individual dialog lines, didn't connect to each other in any way.

I think possibly if you watched it slightly drunk and with the sound off, it could seem like an amusing diversion, because of some effective images - mostly skies with planets and ships. But trying to follow it like a proper movie just leads to disappointment.
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Dull with occasional interest
27 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Science Fiction sequel to the minor hit "The Philadelphia Experiment", again based on time travel but with quite a different plot. There isn't really a lot to recommend this movie but a few things livened it up to bearable:

  • The story is potentially interesting, with the same idea as The Man in the High Castle (Philip Dick).

  • some of the cinematography is somewhat interesting; it's way over the top for a direct-to-video C grader! Ronn Schmidt seems to have done a lot of other work and obviously let himself have some fun here. Unfortunately the blurry slow-motion at the end is quite bad and almost negates the good stuff.

  • Half Life! The scenes where the hero is running from the helicopter, are in some interesting industrial ruins that reminded me quite a bit of the game Half Life 2. Likewise, the machinery for the time/stealth machine.

However, this is all put together in the dreariest fashion imaginable, with a rather small budget, and the film contains quite long periods where nothing much happens. A good editor might do something with it, but then the movie is not very long as it stands.

In conclusion, not very good despite some potential.
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Russian Ark (2002)
See it, if for no other reason, to be there at a ball in Tsarist Russia
3 September 2006
This movie will probably overjoy you if you're already a student of Russian history and art. Or, if you are a student of film you will appreciate the technical and organisational brilliance in creating a film in one extended shot. If neither, you'll likely find sections of it rather dull.

But for me, the one experience that is unbeatable here is in the last 15 minutes or so: to see the old Tsarist palace come to life with an enormous ball to which you are invited. Swirl with the dancers, cheer the accomplished orchestra, be intrigued by the pantheon of powerful figures from Russia's past (some glimpsed only briefly) - and then float away down the magnificent staircase and hallway out to the cold winter sea. Farewell Europe... a beautiful dream of times past.
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Pure and inspiring
7 May 2006
Like the sports it is about, this movie is a lean and straightforward study of what it takes to become the best, from two quite different perspectives. There are no gimmicks, little drama, no bad guys, just understated visions of struggle and triumph.

As many have said, Vangelis' one-of-a-kind score elevates the movie from merely good to great, but I feel that separating them might be foolish: as the best scores do, it becomes one with the movie and the end result is an extraordinary whole, not a "good movie with a great score".

I can see why many people don't like it. It doesn't have many conventional elements of a movie and is about mood as much as plot. But, for those whom it suits, there is much inspiration to be found in this simple tale.
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Dull with occasional moments of fun
16 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I recently re-watched Reloaded, having forgotten most of the details, and without the expectations from Matrix hovering.

Unfortunately this mostly confirmed my original feelings that there are some good scenes, and a few great moments, embedded in long stretches of tediousness.

I didn't find the film particularly difficult to follow; even the architect's speech which was pointlessly verbose. I don't think that either this movie or the original had anything fantastic to say, just a couple of interesting thoughts in passing that were well expressed (e.g. the now classic blue-red pill scene). Unfortunately the seriousness is taken to absurd heights here, making those who follow the rather superficial philosophies annoyed rather than intrigued. Admittedly, those who have never experienced a philosophical thought in their lives find it incredibly deep - nice targeting of the "average Joe" there.

I watched this on DVD with a 120" projector screen, so picture quality is great; but there is actually not that much visual excitement to be had. The (in) famous moments like the "Burly Brawl" are still dull and with the benefit of high quality display the CGI limitations are once again visible.

One scene showed as a flash of the original's lean fun: near the end of the highway chase, Morpheus suddenly stops mucking around and takes out the Twins in a moment of pure adrenaline-charged movie excitement. The scene at the Merovingian's staircase-entrance is also fun, though it threatens to overstay it's welcome like so many others.

Perhaps we should put this movie down as an example to film students of the importance of editing. None of it is exactly bad, but everything is too long, too wordy, too over-the-top. Cut an hour out and this could be a good movie. Instead it merely stumbles through to a particularly unexciting cliffhanger ending.
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Dogville (2003)
Nice stage show. Should make a movie
18 February 2006
There's no doubt about it, Mr von Trier is clever, and can write a story. The story is quite interesting, although loses its way a little at some points, and at other points the trauma heaped on the protagonist is just too over the top.

However, this movie smacks of clever dickiness; of being clever just for the sake of it. Realistically, this is not a movie; a rational description is a stage show that happens to have been filmed. That's fine; but mentally masturbating about this as some kind of inspiration is not necessary. It's simply a choice that most people wouldn't bother exploring, because it's fairly obvious that it's not going to be very useful. Interesting? Yes (somewhat). Clever? Yes. Great? Not especially.
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Rear Window (1954)
Technically strong, great performances, but bland story and very weak ending
27 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was disappointed with this movie. For reference, I really liked Vertigo which delivered a really interesting story with great characters and direction.

In Rear Window, the characters are well defined and sharply delivered. My only quibble here is that it was virtually impossible to see why Lisa was interested in Jeff (other than some cliché about opposites attracting).

I understand that it was a nice study of various human behaviours and foibles, but that is not enough to make a great movie; it needs a plot, and the plot here was meandering and ultimately clichéd.

I was very entertained for the first half of the movie, especially with the interplay between the two leads; then I got tired of following the increasingly silly murder clues. Unfortunately it finishes with a completely unrealistic and overacted "confrontation", with some crude overused visual effects (long before CGI!), and worse, it confirms that the fairly dull and obvious conclusion that was reached very early on was in fact correct.

My reaction at the end was: Oh. Is that it? I wouldn't say the movie is boring, though it is rarely exciting and moves slowly.

I realise I am in the minority of IMDb voters (although oddly there is a little clump of less-than-glowing reviews at the very end of the review list on IMDb). But I do think that those who rate this as near movie perfection are probably over-emphasising Hitchcock's undoubted directorial skills and ignoring weaknesses in the story and delivery.
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Ah, them's proper spaceships :)
25 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the pacing is a bit sloppy, the acting is flat, and there are a couple of shocking "deus ex machina" moments towards the end, but boy, this has a proper BIG spaceship with BIG engines!

The spaceship "Cygnus", poised on the edge of a black hole, is a pretty unique and visually interesting creation, detailed and convincingly engineered. The hole itself is quite well visualised too. Unfortunately the smaller "Palomino" spaceship looks a lot like a tin can, but that's just the entree.

Sure, it was created to cash-in on Star Wars but the plot, visuals and ideas are quite different. "The Black Hole" is it's own film, not a straight copy.

Definitely worth a look for science fiction fans. Not a lot in it for others.
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Extended Edition is definitive
12 February 2005
Return of the King, Extended Edition, is a decent improvement on the theatrical release, except for a couple of small mis-steps.

The EE improves the flow of the story immensely, succinctly explaining a lot of points that before seemed a little arbitrary. It extends some crucial parts of the movie to greatly improve the sense of time passing, such as Frodo and Sam crossing Mordor. It includes the much-missed conclusion to Saruman and Wormtongue's story - not in the same style as the book, which depended on the unfilmed (and unfilmable) Scouring of the Shire, but in an appropriate way that stays true to the spirit of the book. (In fact this scene is a good example of the very effective way that the writers collapsed multiple book scenes into one movie scene. Kudos.)

The extended cut also gives a lot more personality and interest to some characters; notably Denethor, Steward of Gondor, but others as well. The battles feel more grueling due to subtle extensions here and there.

It's still not quite perfect; I still think the role of the dead army was too much, detracting from the efforts of the living warriors. This was probably not easily correctable in the EE, since it would have meant filming some quite substantial additional battle scenes, and further the writers had clearly made a decision to go away from the book version here. Still, I would like to see that improved somehow.

The Paths of the Dead itself is extended, but most of this is unnecessary and frankly cheap. Looking back now, the theatrical edition is much superior both for suspense and lack of cheese. I would rather have seen the spooky and sad scene with Bregor's (?) skeleton lying at a the sealed door of some unknown chamber. And if I'm getting fussy, a bit more actual darkness would be nice!

There are other niggles, but they decrease in importance and probably only reflect my opinions and personal vision of LotR.

In terms of story balance, the EE of RotK was what should have been originally released to theatres. Unfortunately, this would have been impossible as it is an hour longer, and many casual viewers already found it much too long.

In any case, the final Extended Edition of Return of the King is absolutely stunning. Where I had previously felt the movie strayed a little too far into traditional "Hollywood blockbuster" territory, the EE now feels balanced, complete, and above all moving and true to the spirit of the book. I thank Mr Jackson, New Line Cinema, JRR Tolkien and everyone else who contributed.

For myself, this is the best series of films ever made, and I am quite happy to call Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King a masterpiece, as is the book it was based upon. Film and book snobs be damned, this is an amazing movie.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Director's Cut: a little less powerful
11 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original, so I snapped up the director's cut DVD when it came out.

I have to say that, although some bits of it were interesting, in most respects the original was more powerful.

** possible spoilers ahead ** The DC integrates some deleted scenes, some musical changes and some new visual effects, including pages from the "time travel book".

The deleted scenes are OK, but frankly not especially noticeable, and certainly don't change anything of significance. In this case, it seems most of the deletions were good editing choices in the original.

The added visual effects mainly consist of some computer generated 2d images of some kind of computer or visual interface which is meant to be in control of what is happening. The graphics ranged from mildly interesting (an eye, waves) to extremely cheesy (flashing English words!). In particular, the "purge" sequence seems totally inappropriate and low-tech. Seeing an English word on a fairly basic looking windows-like interface... that's not exactly what you'd expect from some kind of higher being(s) modifying the universe! I listened to the director's explanation of the graphics and his ideas for the science-fiction element, and I came to the conclusion that there was a certain amount of luck in the original edit managing to reveal just enough; once you heard it explained it really wasn't as interesting as you might imagine. For instance, the idea of God actually being involved is fairly clearly stamped out by the technological flavour.

The musical changes were fine with me. The opening song (INXS, Never Tear Us Apart), I liked. I thought that fitted just as well or better than the original choice.

Selected pages of the time travel book mentioned in the original are shown in full, overlaid/interwoven with other scenes. These were mildly interesting, but seemed quite intrusive to me. They were clearly just added over top and didn't need to be there. They also seemed a little simplistic or matter-of-fact for what seems quite a mind-bending story.

Generally, I prefer director's cuts (ex: Bladerunner, LOTR) but not in this case. Stick with the original. This is only really worthwhile for completeness.
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Most convincing space battles ever?
8 January 2005
I'm struggling, but I can't think of any film or TV series that had more convincing space battles. B5 was too cheesy. Star Wars, ditto. All great fun, but this is the first time I've really felt like I might be watching a documentary from the middle of a space war. I can see that it might not be to everyone's taste, but it astonished and gripped me.

To have it backed up by an interesting story, good to great acting, intelligent and brave yet flawed characters, some interesting themes, and stunningly attractive but also strong women, well that's just incredible. I have to go buy this DVD now.

In a word: amazing.
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Clerks (1994)
Sometimes funny, sometimes dull
3 January 2005
I'd heard marvelous things about the hilarious scenes in this movie. The discussion about the destruction of the Death Stars in Star Wars was funny in a stoner kind of way, and there were other entertaining moments. But unfortunately there was also a lot of "repartee" that just wasn't very funny and served only to move the "plot" along in a fairly dull way.

I can't see where the semi-legendary status of Jay and Silent Bob comes from, either. They had a couple of modestly interesting scenes, and that's it.

Black and white? Please.

Towards the end of the movie it took itself far too seriously. In one way it was effective: I had an immediate urge to turn it off and do something useful. Was that the objective? Still, for some entertaining and off the wall moments, I give it a 6. Finding it difficult to believe it has nearly 8 by popular vote on IMDb!
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At least it's a fun blockbuster...
4 July 2004
After waiting a long time and forgetting the details of the Matrix and Reloaded (and hence not worrying about the many unanswered questions or new characters), I found I just enjoyed it as a big dumb actioner, with a bit of a unique flavour.

The first hour of Revolutions plods a bit, like Reloaded, wasting time on irrelevancies like the train station. So there's an easy half hour to trim (Reloaded was bulging with similar scenes). This prevents the movie from achieving any kind of greatness.

Perhaps if Reloaded and Revolutions had been edited tightly as one movie, it could have been great. Instead we got one mediocre and one half decent movie.

One little quibble with the effects: the tracers from the machine guns (hehe) were too perfectly straight and consistent. This made it look artificial to me, especially when they were all shooting at the hole in the roof, but in closeup the guns looked more convincing and cool.

All in all, fun, but forgettable. Standard action-scifi fare.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Big dumb fun
16 May 2004
This is just a big rollercoaster ride of effects and fun rip-offs of classic movies. The plot hangs together OK, it's not just random events. David Wenham is entertaining enough, Hugh Jackman has fun with a simple role, Kate's OK. It doesn't really let up at all, except for a few minutes. If that's not you, don't go. If you want a fun popcorn movie, this is the thing.

Hm, IMDB wants 10 lines now. Grr. Like there's a point saying alot about this movie. Oh well. It's no oscar contender, just fun stuff, like the Mummy and the Mummy 2 (the first one was maybe a little bit more coherent than the second)
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