At least it's a fun blockbuster...
4 July 2004
After waiting a long time and forgetting the details of the Matrix and Reloaded (and hence not worrying about the many unanswered questions or new characters), I found I just enjoyed it as a big dumb actioner, with a bit of a unique flavour.

The first hour of Revolutions plods a bit, like Reloaded, wasting time on irrelevancies like the train station. So there's an easy half hour to trim (Reloaded was bulging with similar scenes). This prevents the movie from achieving any kind of greatness.

Perhaps if Reloaded and Revolutions had been edited tightly as one movie, it could have been great. Instead we got one mediocre and one half decent movie.

One little quibble with the effects: the tracers from the machine guns (hehe) were too perfectly straight and consistent. This made it look artificial to me, especially when they were all shooting at the hole in the roof, but in closeup the guns looked more convincing and cool.

All in all, fun, but forgettable. Standard action-scifi fare.
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