
27 Reviews
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Funny old movie
25 June 2021
Yeah you know me I don't really love old movies or black and white movies. They says its art but I say its lame. But hey don't forget who your dealing with here. I love all funny movies. Black and white or not if its funny its funny and you can't change that so there's no telling where this comedy is headed with the one and only prince of comedy Jimmy Cagney in the starring role. Its fast, its fun. Come one come all on this wild ride. Don't have time for an old movie you say? Fella, you better make time! And get ready to laugh your bottom off!
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Fun low budget movie
6 April 2020
This is the kind of movie that my friends would not want to watch and they'd make fun of it because they think it is not good because it is different from the movies they like. Yeah, it's low budget but that doesn't mean it is not good. It is very good. It was made I think by some high school kids and they did a good job with what they had to work with. They made a whole entire movie and I'm proud of them, and the acting is even o.k. if you don't think about it too much. And now the same guy is making a new movie called 48 Hours Drinking Spree which is a comedy unlike this one but the name sounds very funny. I can't wait!
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Fun wintertime movie!
1 April 2020
I like movies with snow in them. This is one of them. Will Farrell is in it too. I like that. I like Will Farrell. He is funny guy. OK, ok, so the movie is not GREAT I realize that. But there are some really good parts in it and hey, so what. I liked it and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'll tell anyone who wants to hear about it all about how much I like this movie, even if you don't want to hear about it I don't care I'll still tell you. I'll keep talking about it until you walk away annoyed cuz I won't shut up about it. I love it!
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Contagion (2011)
This movie is awesome and TRUE!
24 March 2020
Ok so its kinda boring at times which is why I gave it a 9 not a 10 but some parts are exciting. I bet the guy who wrote this is smiling and happy now cuz it came true. Good acting too and Gwyneth Paltrow is lovely as always! Jude Law has a very funny role and impressive acting skill.
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Lower City (2005)
Good stuff in here!
22 March 2020
The story isn't great but that doesn't matter. The movie looks very good and it has some very sexy stuff featuring a very pretty girl who I enjoyed in City of God. And the story isn't terrible or anything like that. I'm sure it's well-made and everything, it's just that it's kind of boring for a teenage boy and not my cup of tea. But it's worth it to see that beautiful lady in action!
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This movie ROCKS!
10 March 2020
I'm not kidding, this movie is totally awesome! It's absolutely hilarious and very fun to watch. Even if your not a fan of kung-fu or parody movies, this movie is just so incredibly funny that you won't be able to contain yourself. Brother, it's a laugh a minute if ever there was one! The style is perfect. They have the hilarious dubbing issues that mimic the old style kung fu films. And it looks like they mixed some old kung fu footage together with new shots and they got footage with a guy who looks kinda like the main actor. I think that's how they did it. Or else maybe they superimposed the one actor's face onto that old footage I was talking about, but they didn't do a perfect job and that's how come it looks sort of like somebody else. Either way, it's very funny and very good. Maybe it looked a bit off cuz of the technology of the era, but then they just left it like that for a laugh. I wouldn't be surprised, Bill. These guys who made this film are funny dudes and have a good funny bone in their body's if you know what I mean. I will leave you with this, one of the funniest movie quote of all time: "But...isn't Betty a woman's name?" Funny stuff. Buh-bye, Popeye!
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Empty Spaces (2019)
One of the best I've seen!
6 March 2020
This movie is awesome. Dude gets divorced so he takes out his life savings and buries it in the woods where his ex-wife can't get her hands on it. That's just good economics. It's smart is what it is. Maybe you think its boring but if you don't like it your stupid. Figure it out. Its not a fast-paced rollercoaster but more of a slow, sinister ride that can still be just as fun and its a nice change of pace for once. Movies don't need to all be the same and this one proves that. Its an observation of one man's life and we see everything through that lens so that we pick up on the subtle details without being delivered all the information directly. Do we love this guy or do we hate him? I found myself on both sides of the equation at different points in the film, although I'm not really sure if weather we are meant to sympathize. Maybe we're just meant to watch and observe and make up our own mind and enjoy the ride! Toodles.
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Sweaty Betty (2015)
Wish I could vote 11!
15 January 2020
Seriously, I wish I could give this movie an vote of 11 stars! It's that good! I don't know why the low score here, people. I really enjoyed this one! Toodle-loo!
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Love story set in Seattle
14 January 2020
This is one I'd been hearing about my hole life, so's of course I had to check it out. I gave it a 7-star good rating on account o' the good acting from Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan was looking oh so fine in her younger years. But its a chick flick to be sure.
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Good 'nuff biopic
14 January 2020
Is it pronounced BIO-pic or bi-OP-ic? I've heard both, but I think the first is correct. I heard my dad calling it the second way, but he's wrong about a lot of stuff. I just turned twelve, and it took me that whole time to figure out that the old man's not always right about everything. Matter of fact it seems like lately he's wrong a lot more often than right. He laughed at me when he heard me calling it a BIO-pic, but that doesn't mean it's not the correct way to say it. But this movie is about fathers and daughters and what they can learn from each other. Don't believe me? Just have a look-see yourself, why dontcha? Anyway, I gotsa go. G'day from the ice-cream man.
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Gigli (2003)
My God this movie SUCKS!
28 August 2003
Bottom line: Gigli sucks! I've never actually seen it -thank God- and I don't care to, because it SUCKS! The previews looked promising with a supporting cast of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, with Christopher Walken and Al Pacino, yet the movie still sucks and got the lowest rating ever on the IMDB. I no longer have any respect for any of those actors (I lost respect for Walken when he played in Kangaroo Jack)except for Pacino, because he ironicly played in IMDB's top movie of all time, The Godfather.
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The Prize (1963)
Not the greatest of movies I've seen in years, but fine entertainment on a rainy day
9 August 2003
Hi. I saw the Prize, with Paul Newman. And I liked it. A little. The Prize was a fine film and featured some funny bits from Mr. Newman, but nothing great (not even breasts in nudist colony seen!). I gave it a 7. An ought-to-see movie for real die-heart Newman fans. G'day from the Icecream man. I gotsa go.
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A well made film, but nothing special
7 August 2003
Don't get me wrong. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest was a very good movie, one of the few I gave a 10. The film was very well made, well acted, well casted, and, though it is a simple story, it not only won Oscars, it won our hearts (which "Driving Miss Daisy" supposedly did, though I hated that film). Some people might not like it, but I give it a 10. (The Indian guy who played Nickleson's institution-mate and killer was a native local Park Ranger where the film was shot, the crew thought he looked good for the part, so he played it and went on to an even larger acting career.)
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Never seen it...
7 August 2003
I only gave this movie a 9. A gave the first one a 10. I've never seen either of them (read my Godfather part I summary to find out why), but I heard that the first one was good (so I gave it a 10) and that this one was slightly less good (hence, a 9). I'm a real big fan of mobster movies, though (My Blue Heaven {and Steve Martin movies}, The Freshman, etc.) and have seen Jane Austen's "Mafia" (a spoof of Godfather) and liked it. 9/10. A must see.
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The Godfather (1972)
Neve' seen that befo'. Is is good?...anybody?
7 August 2003
I've never actually seen this movie, on account o' my Dad won't let me watch certain R rated films such as The Godfather (#1 on IMDB's top 250 list), The Shawshank Redemption (#2), American Pie, Road Trip, Catch 22, etc. I heard the movie was good though, and I trust whatever I hear if I can't prove it wrong, so I gave the film a 10/10. A must see.
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Cool Hand Luke has got to be one of the best movies I've seen
7 August 2003
I've seen a lot of movies, and Cool Hand Luke is one of the few that I gave a 10. The movie was very well made, well acted, and well casted. I couldn't see anyone else as accurately playing the parts in the movie, except maybe Denzel Washington if they made a new version of the film where Luke was black, because Paul Newman is old now, and he's not even black. Anyhow, not only was the movie awesome and very well made, it was made from a novel. They say that books are hard to turn into movies (watch "Sphere" to see for yourself {the book "Sphere" was good but the motion picture sucks!}) and that you have to start from scratch when moviemaking- obviously not with Cool Hand Luke. Luke is copied for heroes in many other movies, books, and even video games (Metal Gear Solid), as is the mysterious warden ("Holes"). Cool Hand Luke is a movie about a man arrested for something he did while intoxicated, then makes every effort to escape a labor camp. Special appearance by Dennis Hopper when he was young. A must-see. 10/10.
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The Hours (2002)
A movie about gay people.
19 July 2003
This movie was all about gay people. It wasn't so much a chick flick as it was a gay person film. Everyone in the movie is gay, except for John Rielly's character, who is in the movie for no more than five minutes and whose sexuality is unknown, since some of the other gay people were married. In the film, two lesbeons had sex, which doesn't even seem possible. It didn't even explain how it was done. I don't even think bisexual people will enjoy this film. They'd have to be at least 99.997% homosexual, because that's how gay this movie is. Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay!
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For the Birds (2000)
4 October 2002
This hilarious short tells the tail of a clumsy, half-witted bird in an attempt to make friends with all the other birds. I won't tell you the rest (since there's only about three minutes of it), but this has got to be the best movie that I have seen lately, if not best of all time.
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Twin Husbands (1946)
One wife, one makeover, on twin, what could go wrong?
26 August 2002
Leon Errol stars in this clever comedy short about a his wife who gets a makeover and his stray twin brother. This is an excellent short film, but they tried to add a bit of slapstick into it and that just didn't help it any. Still, I recommend it to anyone who likes that kind of thing.
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Bowfinger (1999)
Bobby Bowfinger
26 August 2002
Movie making isn't always so easy as it may seem, as Bobby Bowfinger discovered in this excellent comedy about a man and his friends who have never touched a camera before, trying to make a movie with the nation's biggest star--without him knowing about it! The movie is great--lots of good humor, and good acting from Eddy Murphy and Heather Graham. I watched it three times through after renting it for one night. I highly recommend this.
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My Blue Heaven (I) (1990)
Steve Martin at his best
26 August 2002
It was a good movie, with a great comedic story, and I can't see any flaws in it whatsoever. I've watched it a couple times through. There's no bad acting in it and it includes two of the best actors of that era--Rick Moranis and Joan Cusack. While I like Steve Martin and have seen many of his films, I can't say he's all that great of an actor, just kind of funny. In this one, however, he had a hard role to play, and he played it well, doing great voice-acting too. I can recommend this film to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's very enjoyable and funny. I like it.
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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
26 August 2002
All that the guy wanted to do was fly home to spend Thanksgiving with his family. Well, he made it home alright, two weeks late! After flights are stopped for a blizzard, he's stuck hitching rides with a shower-curtain ring salesman from nowhere, who gets Steve Martin where he wants to go, but Steve thinks he'd be better off not following this torture chamber of a man. It's funny, and I like it. Planes, trains, and Automobiles.
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Catch-22 (1970)
I want to catch a .22
26 August 2002
Well, I suppose I'll have to comment on this one too, folks. I know you're all big fans of my work and online summaries, but let's get one thing straight--I didn't like this movie all the way through. The movie, no doubt, was boring and tiresome, and, while I'm only ten years old, made no sense to me whatsoever. The only thing that kept me awake during this movie was the small bits of slow comedy and dramatic pornography, which were spread out over this long, vast, seemingly endless movie. As far as I'm concerned, it is humanly impossible to consciously watch this movie through more than one time and survive. The movie was funny at first, and full of crude humor and naughty, dirty nudity. But then, quite suddenly and abruptly, all of that stopped, and it became one of those old World War II Soap Opera/Slow Comedy/Mellow Drama/XXX kind of films, you know--the ones you pick up from a pawn shop for two bucks. It was a dangerous film not only politically, but physically. I'm quite certain that you could go into a deep coma watching that, and not come out for several years--when the movie finally ended.
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Bedtime Story (1964)
dirty rotten scoundrels
26 August 2002
Being the basis for "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," I couldn't help watching this one. I had the bad fortune of seeing the remake first, however, and they are scene-by-scene identical up until the last bits. I think that I liked "Bedtime Story" more, however. Marlon Brando did a much better job than Steve Martin did 25 years later. David Niven played the part better too. "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" twisted the end of the movie and set it up for a sequel, but that never came through. I like it fine, anyway, just how it is.
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Singapore Sue (1932)
It was wasn't very good
26 August 2002
It was okay, but it wasn't very good. I didn't much care for it myself. Singapore Sue! She wasn't that hot. It was kind of a musical if you know what I mean, but quite a short one too, at that. I guess you could call it a musical because it had lots of music in it. Well at least she did sing a song, one song.
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