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Signs (2002)
7 August 2002
This movie was such a great movie it was so scary funny and sad it just had everything the aliens were so freaky in this movie they were so hard to catch but when u saw them they look freaky and the cast was small but great Mel Gibson did such a great job the little girl "Bo" was cute and the son was cool and the uncle was so funny anyways i prefer this movie to everybody 10 out of 10!!!!!!
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Mars Attacks! (1996)
7 August 2002
This movie is a really funny movie with A lot of stars in it too. its about aliens landing on the earth they bring them peace then the dove of peace flys over there heads and thats what started the WAR any ways its a good flick i give it a 7 out of 10
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Good Movie
7 August 2002
Michael J fox did a great job in this movie this movie is a Comedy,Horror and a thriller i liked this movie A lot it had a good storyline it was really more funny then scary i think anyways i give this film a 8 out of 10 stars!
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WWF Insurrextion (2001 TV Special)
6 August 2002
WWF World/Intercontinental/Tag Team Titles: Steve Austin & Triple H vs. Kane & The Undertaker, WWF European Title: Matt Hardy vs. Eddy Guererro vs. Christian, WWF Hardcore Title: Rhyno vs. Raven, 30 Minute Submission Match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, Dutchess of Queensbury Rules: William Regal vs. Chris Jericho, Last Man Standing: Shane McMahon vs. The Big Show, X-Factor vs. The Dudley Boyz & Spike Dudley

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WWF Backlash (2000 TV Special)
6 August 2002
A World Wrestling Federaton Pay-Per-View with the following matches: WWF Tag-Team Championships: Edge & Christian vs. X-Pac & Road Dogg with Tori; WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship: Dean Malenko vs. Scotty 2 Hotty; Bull Buchannon & the Big Boss Man vs. Acolytes; WWF Hardcore Championship: Crash Holly vs. Tazz vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Hardcore Holly vs. Perry Saturn; Big Show vs. Kurt Angle; T & A with Trish Tratus vs. The Dudley Boyz; WWF European Championship: Essa Rios vs. Eddie GuGuerro; WWF Intercontinental Championship: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho; WWF Championship: Triple H with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley & Vince McMahon vs. The Rock with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Shane McMahon was the special guest referee.

it was OK
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WrestleMania 2000 (2000 TV Special)
6 August 2002
WWF Champion Triple H vs. The Rock vs. Mick Foley vs. The Big Show, Two Falls Match: WWF Intercontinental & European Champion Kurt Angle vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit, Ladder Match: WWF Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz, Hardcore Battle Royal: WWF Hardcore Champion Crash Holly vs. The Acolytes vs. The Mean Street Posse vs. The Headbangers vs. Kaientai vs. Tazz vs. Viscera vs. Hardcore Holly, X-Pac & The Road Dogg vs. Kane & Rikishi Phatu, Too Cool & Chyna vs. Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn, HEAD Cheese vs. T&A, D'Lo Brown & The Godfather vs. Bull Buchanan & The Big Boss Man, The Kat vs. Terri.

i hate the rock for hitting a girl
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Pretty good
6 August 2002
This movie was pretty good it had a lot of action and stuff which made it good i liked it better then the first one this one had a really good storyline and a great cast this movie really rocks i give it a 8 out of 10!
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The Curse of Monkey Island (1997 Video Game)
6 August 2002
well this video game is not that great its like come on just look at the graphics they sucked i didnt like them at all i played this game for like maybe a hour or two then i just said awwwwwwww this so so boring!!!!!!! DO NOT BUY THIS GAME MAYBE ITS WORTH A RENT!!!!!!
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4 August 2002
Now i have watched alot of episodes of this and it is really scary the stuff you see in it just scared the hell out of you they visit the most freakey places like castles from the 1800's haunted houses places that were built over graveyards watch this show if your dare cause this show is really scary!
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
What a great show!
4 August 2002
This show is one of the greatest shows on television today it has great acting and a great writer Joss Whedon that has a new seris coming out called "Firefly" and he also writes the hit tv seris that is a spin-off of buffy the vampire slayer "Angel". Anyways this show has everything Drama, Action, Love, Fantasy and Comedy. This show shows you the set backs on life like when Buffy's mother died "Joyce" and when Buffy's one true love left sunnydale "Angel" to do his own thing in L.A..And you cant trust everyone is sunnydale because most of the friends buffy made turned to be a demon a vampire or in a tribe that bows down to this giant snake. Well this past season(season 6) was great it had alot more action and everything i just hope sarah michelle gallar stays after season 7 that would be great!! i just love the buffy and spike realantionship it is great i would like to see how it develops in season 7. anyways this is a great show a reccomned it to everybody!
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4 August 2002
Now this movie was ok it was a little boring at the start and i didnt get it to much but its about micheal after this baby and killing every "strode" well anyways he tries to get the baby but there is DR loomis, kara and Tommy doyle the little kid from halloween 1 that are in his way. i thoguht this movie was OK i give it a 7 out of 10
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Halloween II (1981)
4 August 2002
now this movie is pretty good but i didnt like it as much as the Original well this one takes place right after the last one where u see micheal get shot 6 times and falls oout of the window and then DR Loomis looks and micheal is gone well after of that they rush Laurie strode to the hospitial and give her a shot so she falls asleep then somehow Micheal makes his way to the hospitial and starts to kill some of the staff then Dr loomis comes and saves laurie from micheal once again. i thought it was a good movie 8 out of 10
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forget it
17 July 2002
"A Walk to Remember" by Nicholas Sparks was an amazing novel that warms the heart and soul. The movie "A Walk to Remember" with Mandy Moore and Shane West was the movie it was made into. I wish I could say the same about how great it was and how it left me with the same feelings the book did but I cannot. This movie left me extremely disappointed and feeling sorry for Nicholas Sparks for ruining his precious novel. I know that when directors make a movie out of a novel the words "based on the novel" always are shown but I still cannot see how they could have even said those words. This movie doesn't even take place in the same time period. I knew from the beginning scene something was terribly wrong with this movie. I was so disappointed at who they chose to play the part of Jamie Sullivan. Mandy Moore does not have any acting talent and should stick to being a pop singer. I'm so sorry, Mr. Sparks that they ruined your wonderful novel.
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WrestleMania III (1987 TV Special)
17 July 2002
WWF Title: Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant, WWF Intercontinental Title: Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat, Roddy Piper vs. Adrian Adonis, The Hart Foundation & Danny Davis vs. The British Bulldogs & Tito Santana, Harley Race vs. The Junk Yard Dog, Koko B. Ware vs. Butch Reed, Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake vs. The Rougeau Brothers, The Killer Bees vs. Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff, Hercules vs. Billy Jack Haynes, King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo & Lord Littlebrook vs. Hillbilly Jim, Little Beaver & The Haiti Kid, The Can-Am Connection vs. Don Muraco & Bob Orton I just loved when hulk hogan body slammed andre i mean andre was so heavy!!!!
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They lied
17 July 2002
On its own merits, Remember the Titans is a wonderful film with a good message, if somewhat Disney-fied one. The problem with this film is that IT COULD NOT BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!! After watching this movie, people will get the idea that Alexandria, VA is the poor, rural redneck bigot capital of the world, which is NOT true. I live in Alexandria, and it is a bustling, diverse, densely-crowded Washington DC Suburb located in metropolitan Northern Virginia (which is FAR different from rural Republican Southern Virginia); not a rustic Georgia swamp-town as it appears in the film. I also attend TC Williams (which looks nothing like the school featured in the film, and is in actuality one of the most culturally diverse schools in the US) and I met many of the players from the successful 1971 team at a school assembly around six months before the films release - it was not racial black-white tension as exaggerated in the film, but more of a long standing rivalry between the two city high schools, Francis Hammond and George Washington High Schools (which are both now Middle Schools) that caused issues in the team at the start of the season.
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17 July 2002
MAN this show can totally FREAK you out after watching this show i am scared to death They know how to really play with your mind if you see something that you think is totally not true it maybe true i think everyone should watch this show its sooo scary!
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17 July 2002
As we all know most Oliver Stone films are like having Stone himself standing shouting at you for 2 hours. Here the effect is the same – even if the message is confused a little. We all know that US sport is more business than sport and we know that it's not all as good, honest stuff as it should be. Here Stone makes his point but also tries to mix in other stories more at home in a standard sports movie – the clichés of overcoming, of team spirit etc. However both work reasonably well. However the main driving force behind the film is Stone.
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17 July 2002
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me has got to be one of the funniest movies ever created. After being frozen in space, Dr. Evil returns and sneaks into the past (1969) to have henchman Fat Bastard steal Austin's mojo (libido, aura, a certain I-don't-know-what). Austin now must go back and get his mojo back while getting the girl. Extremely funny, with a few recycled jokes from IMOM, but mainly only in the first scene (the nudity-covering), with a funny new sequence (That looks like a giant...) and the part with ivanahumpalot is so funny kristin johnson is a great actress
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17 July 2002
It conforms well with the Star Wars series, by those specific "terms" like "May Force be with you", "the dark side(of the Force)", etc. And visual-effect faults are less than the older episodes. But flaws are still obvious, in the structure of the story, though. It is called "Attack of Clones", but the clones are not described clearly. Another interesting thing is that I can find origins of most of the scenes, mostly American scenes.
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17 July 2002
I wasn't sure what was worse Jar Jar Binks or Jake Lloyds acting, maybe George Lucas' script, in any case his special effects are again amazing and the impersonation Ewan Macgregor does of Alec Guiness is well done, but Darth Maul gets killed too quickly and he had the most appeal of anyone in the picture. And he flawlessly delivered his one line with Perfection, "Yes Master" other than that I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you are a glutton for punishment.
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Pretty good flick
17 July 2002
This movie was pretty good beacause it was filled with all these blockbuster actors such as Alicia Silverstone, Arnold Swazanegger, and Uma Therman. I liked this movie beacause it had a lot of action and lots of stuff anyway I give this film a 7 out of 10
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Goosebumps (1995– )
not scary
17 July 2002
I do not find GOOSEBUMPS to be a horror show. For a it to be a horror show it would have to be scary. It isn't scary. I've seen vacation videos scarier than this. The show has two big problems. The first big problem with this show is it is always to obvious. You always know what is going to happen such as something falling out of a closet. The second big problem is instead of being smart and original, the show is dumb and old fashioned. The show is full of flaky dialogue, bad acting, and cheesy plots. If you want to watch a horror show, watch BIG WOLF ON CAMPUS.
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Batman (1989)
17 July 2002
I loved this film it was a great action packed movie and i think micheal keaton is the best batman out of all 4 films this movie had action drama comedy and sci fi like everything i give this movie 8 out of 10!
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The Simpsons (1989– )
great show
17 July 2002
The Simpsons is my favorite television program of all time (And Frasier). The animated sitcom is witty, and incredibly brilliant. Sure, it is no longer in it's climax, but it is still the most entertaining program, made up of interesting and humorous storylines, clever jokes, some cool guest-stars (Although many of them are annoying, I enjoyed the guest-star appearances of Kelsey Grammer and David Hyde Pierce), and one of the best elements of all: parodies! If it weren't for the Simpsons spoofs on classic movies, I may not have been introduced to such marvelous films as Cape Fear, An Officer and a Gentleman, The Night of the Hunter, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. So, yes, you people who dislike the show nowadays do make some good points, but I believe it is still a great animated sitcom, definately worth it's acclaim and glory. As Mr. Burns would say, "EXCELLENT".
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Getting up at 9 rules
17 July 2002
Live with Regis and Kelly is the best show on morning television. Kelly is so funny with her off-the-wall comments and come backs, then there's Regis who makes fun of everyone but in a funny joking way. I give this show a double thumbs up!
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