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Backdraft (1991)
Superior 90's Fire Fighting Thriller
31 May 2024
Backdraft is like the who's who of 90's stars. Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Scott Glenn, Robert De Niro, Donald Sutherland, JT Walsh, Jason Gedrick, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Rebecca De Morney all star here. Kurt Russell one of Hollywood's most unappreciated actors takes the lead role and he is great here as older sibling to William Baldwin. The conflict between the two rings true and adds emotional gravitas to the story. De Niro has a small role but it is crucial to the plot and is great as he usually is, although surpassed in a couple of scenes by an on form Donald Sutherland. The action scenes are fantastically shot and the sounds and movements of the fires really add to the sense of danger, almost as if the fires have a life of there own. Watching Backdraft today it really stands up well, and i found myself enjoying revisiting the film and was really invested in the fate of the characters. Backdraft is probably a forgotten 90's film now and that is a shame. Also for those who dismiss this as Top Gun with Fire trucks that is also untrue. Backdraft is a fantastically made and acted family drama come thriller which truly stands the test of time and deserves greater accolades.
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Franchise Fatigue
26 May 2024
Again starring Tom Cruise, Dead Reckoning is the 7th film in the Mission Impossible franchise. The film is the first of a two part end to the franchise, but at nearly 3 hours long it feels far too long. The action scenes and stunts as always are exceptional, and there are a lot of them. The problem is the plot. The script is convoluted, badly paced and far from gripping. Esai Morales of NYPD Blue fame is a good actor but is sorely wasted as the main villain and i never got fully involved in the supposed personal battle between him and Cruise which is meant to drive the emotional core of the film. There is nothing here we havn't seen before in previous Mission Impossible films and the whole venture feels like film making by numbers. Ultimately Dead Reckoning feels like a big disappointment and is as memorable as a computer printout. Hopefully the 2nd part will end the series on a high.
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Fun Filled Carpenter Film
25 May 2024
Big Trouble In Little China is a mid 80's action film directed by legendary director John Carpenter. Starring a prime Kurt Russell and Kim Cattrall this film is wild, funny and fun. Kurt Russell does his best John Wayne impression and really carries the film. He is simply superb here and you can tell he is having fun with the role. In fact most of his dialogue is instantly quotable. Kim Cattrall never my favourite actress is good enough and the supporting cast all do well. Visually the film looks good and the special effects just about hold up today. This was the pre-cgi era after all. Truth be told character development and plot are both thin in this film, however the film moves along at such a pace this is only a minor criticism. I probably enjoy the first half of the film more than the second half as the second half is set predominantly in one place and the pace slows slightly. Big Trouble In Little China is a switch off your brain grab a few beers kind of film and it is a film i revisit quite frequently for that very reason. Hugely fun with a superb Kurt Russell performance i can certainly recommend Big Trouble In Little China to anyone.
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Resident Evil Franchise Rolls On...
23 May 2024
Resident Evil Afterlife continues directly after the events of the previous film with survivors looking for the supposed safe haven of Arcadia. Milla Jovovoich returns as Alice and is joined by Ali Larter and Wentworth Miller of Prison Break fame. Paul Anderson who directed the original Resident Evil returns and he ensures the film is well shot with great visuals in places. In truth Afterlife adds nothing new to the franchise but it does move at a relentless pace, albeit at the detriment of character development. Action scenes are well handled however the CGI in places looks a bit ropey and the film does generally feel like a bit of a B movie. Jovovich, Larter and Miller all give solid performances but elsewhere supporting cast members provide weak, hammy performances. Resident Evil Afterlife does what you expect of it and is a fun 90 minutes in a brainless sort of way, however ultimately this franchise is beginning to feel a little tired now.
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Gibson And Hawn Charisma Elevates Comedy Thriller
13 May 2024
Bird On A Wire is a film i have seen many times throughout the years. Starring prime Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn it is an action comedy which provides an easy watch. Gibson plays Rick Jarmin a character who is in witness protection due to giving testimony against drug smugglers David Carradine and Bill Duke. His cover is blown when his ex Goldie Hawn accidently stumbles across him and the rest of the film involves them on the run. The interaction and chemistry between Gibson and Hawn is fantastic and at times elevates the routine script to a higher plain. Action scenes come thick and fast but to be honest are serviceable at best. Carradine and Duke feel a little wasted and there characters truthfully could do with more screen time but they make the most of the limited time they get. The end act at the zoo goes on too long and doesn't feel as clever as i think the director thought it was. Gripes aside though, Bird On A Wire is a huge amount of fun. It moves along at a brisk pace and Goldie Hawn is on top comedic form. I always enjoy watching this film, it is enjoyable and doesn't tax the brain too much. I would go as far as saying this film is the perfect Sunday afternoon film. Of course Bird On A Wire has long been forgotten but if you do get a chance to see the film on any format i can highly recommend it.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Predator Prequel Tries To Do Something Different
13 May 2024
Prey is a prequel to the original Predator film and set during the 1700's where a Comanche tribe is hunted by the original Predator. Starring a no name cast the film manages to make you care about the lead character and her battle to prove her worth. The cinematography is fantastic, this film really looks good and the CGI is not too intrusive. Where the film falls down for me is that it provides nothing really new aside from the setting. At least Predator 2 had the guts to send Danny Glover on board the alien ship at the end. Also, aside from the main character and her brother the other characters were not fully developed enough. The original Predator for example had a team full of differing characters all who made an impact and are memorable. In summary Prey is a worthy addition to the Predator franchise but other films in the series are better than this. Prey is a solid rather than spectacular film.
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Seagal In Serial Killer Thriller
8 May 2024
The Glimmer Man was released at the tail end of Seagal's Warner Brothers career. Teaming him up with Keenan Ivory Wayans and riding on the coat tails of the previous years Seven the film finds Seagal as a cop investigating a ritualistic serial killer. All of the above sounds fine until we get to the actual plot which then incorporates the usual Seagal CIA connections, his character having a shady past and his prayer beads and over sized jackets. Couple this with his herbal remedies and moralistic approach to life and suddenly we don't have a thriller we have a Seagal film! Seagal and Ivory Wayans have good chemistry and are ably supported by the always impressive Brian Cox and Richard Gant of Rocky 5 fame. Action scenes throughout are pretty good and come frequently and Seagal gets some great one liners. We are still in the period of time here where he isn't reliant on stunt doubles. The Glimmer Man is far from my favourite Seagal film but does have memorable scenes. I particularly enjoy the scene in the restaurant where Seagal confronts Cox and proceeds to trash the place, and also the face off with the Russian gangsters. I do think it is a shame that about 45 minutes in this steers away from being a serial killer thriller and turns into a token Seagal action film but this is clearly the path the producers wanted to take. In summary The Glimmer Man is a fun 90 minutes but far from essential Seagal.
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Knives Out (2019)
Murder Mystery With An All Star Cast
8 May 2024
Knives Out is a murder mystery film with an all star cast including Daniel Craig, Christopher Plummer, Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, Don Johnson and Michael Shannon. It centres around the death of Plummer shortly after his 85th birthday. Craig plays the investigating detective and his performance is good but the accent he puts on is nothing short of horrendous. Plummer is good as usual, and in fact not one member of the cast puts in a weak performance. Chris Evans plays against type and his performance lifts the second half of the film and drives the plot forward. At times i found Knives Out a little convoluted and the comedic aspects didn't always work. However it is undeniably well made and well shot and doesn't feel too long with a 2 hour runtime. You certainly have to pay attention to the film as the plot moves from the present to the past with red herrings thrown in. Undeniably a good film Knives Out falls short of being great, but it is certainly refreshing to have a film which is not a superhero film or a film full of CGI.
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Driven (2001)
Unfairly Maligned Long Forgotten Stallone Film
7 May 2024
Driven is a film i saw at the cinema when it first came out back in 2001. Starring Sylvester Stallone, Burt Reynolds, Gina Gershon, Kip Pardue, Til Schweiger, Estella Warren this is a film which has been criticised by most over the years. Despite many people's criticisms i have always enjoyed the film, directed by Renny Harlin who directed Die Hard 2 and Cliffhanger, Driven moves along at a brisk pace and is never boring. Stallone plays the ex champion with a storied history well and his scenes with Burt Reynolds are some of the highlights of the film. Kip Pardue is a little one dimensional but Til Schweiger does his best Michael Schumacher impression and elevates the scenes these two share. Now i know Driven contains some typical "Stallone-isms" such as drivers stopping midway through a race to rescue a colleague, racing two demo cars through residential streets, and in the final race of the season Stallone managing to finish the race even though his car is falling to pieces but these all just add to the fun for me. The car falling to pieces scene i actually predicted before going in to the cinema! On the downside we have some early 2000's CGI which is distracting and the soundtrack in all honesty is awful. I truly believe Driven was a film designed to entertain and it certainly succeeds in that aspect. If you are looking for a serious film about a racing season this is definitely not for you. As it stands Driven is one of my biggest guilty pleasures and in my opinion deserves greater appreciation than it currently gets.
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The Getaway (1994)
Remake simmers rather than sizzles
3 May 2024
In 1994 'then' couple Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger decided to remake the Steve Mcqueen film The Getaway. Directed by Roger Donaldson and co- starring James Woods. David Morse, Michael Masden and Jennifer Tilley the remake doesn't stray too far away from the plot of the Mcqueen original. Baldwin is ok here, looking young and slim but he is outshone by Basinger who looks fantastic and her charisma overshadows the scenes they are both in. James Woods is fantastic as usual but his role is far too small and we would have benefitted as the audience if he had a greater part to play. Michael Masden is serviceable but looks weird with a ridiculous mullet and Jennifer Tilley is just plain annoying. Also look out for an early appearance from Philip Seymour Hoffmann. The Getaway is well shot and slick, however it is almost too slick and there really is no tension in any of the action scenes. Basinger and Baldwin are meant to be on the run for there lives but watching this it really didn't feel as if they were, it seemed they were just moving from scene to scene with no urgency. The Getaway does very little wrong, it is a typical 90's thriller come action film so in this way it is entertaining enough and a solid watch. I do feel however this was a missed opportunity considering the talent involved and that is a shame. Ultimately The Getaway is a long forgotten 90's film which provides solid entertainment and is a good watch without ever being great.
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Forever Young (1992)
Gibson Curio
2 May 2024
Forever Young was made in arguably Mel Gibson's heyday of the 1990's. It is a warm hearted story of lost love wrapped in a time travel scenario. In truth Mel Gibson holds the whole film together with a strong performance despite the average script he has to work with. It does help that he has good chemistry with Jamie Lee Curtis and Elijah Wood as there characters take up most of the films running time. Joe Morton is wasted in his role near the end and look out for a cameo part for Walton Goggins of The Shield and Justified fame. Forever Young is the perfect Sunday afternoon film, the sort they don't make anymore. The main problems with the film though are the set up and the ending. We do not spend enough time with Gibson and his wife to be in WW2 to be fully invested in there eternal love together, and in the final act of the film after being seemingly ok for a good period of time in the present day Gibson's character starts to age rapidly which then creates a rushed feel to the end of the film. At 1 hour 37 minutes the film feels too short and actually could have done with a longer running time to expand on the storyline to provide a greater emotive impact. In summary Forever Young is an enjoyable inoffensive film but could have been so much more.
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Alien (1979)
Sci Fi Horror Classic Stands The Test Of Time
21 April 2024
It is amazing to think Alien first came out way back in 1979. Watching it in the here and now, the film has barely dated and still stands up as a masterpiece of horror and suspense. Strongly casted with fantastic sets and a now legendary creature design, Alien is a true classic. The pacing of the film although slow by todays standards really enables the audience to get embroiled in the atmosphere and claustrophobia of the Nostromo and allows us to get to know its crew. Sigourney Weaver of course made her name with this film, but Ian Holm as Ash is fantastic, the subtle body language responses he does throughout as the horror escalates enable us to realise he knows more than he is letting on about the creature. There is not a single weak performance in the film and each character leaves an impression in there own way. The special effects are also outstanding and hold up to today's viewing, it was certainly a masterstroke by Ridley Scott to show as little of the Alien as possible as this escalates the dread and horror. A minor gripe would be there is perhaps slightly too much of the Alien shown right at the end of the film but thankfully that is just for a few seconds. The Matt paintings look fantastic for the planet the Nostromo lands on and the eggs and face hugger are suitably horrific. Alien is a film i have watched lots of times over the years and never got fed up with it, always enjoying the visuals and viewing experience. The word Classic was created for a film like this.
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Target (1985)
Hackman Excels In Kidnap Thriller
19 April 2024
Target is a long forgotten and little known film which came out in 1985. Starring Gene Hackman, Matt Dillon and Josef Sommer this has for a long time been one of my favourite thrillers. Hackman is absolutely fantastic in this, the scene in the airport where he goes from boring middle aged man to ex CIA expert is sold completely by how Hackman plays the scene purely using body language. Twists and turns abide in the plot as we join Hackman on his journey to trace his kidnapped wife. Set in Paris and Berlin and shot on location the film looks great and is scattered with memorable action scenes including a couple of car chases. On the downside Dillon comes across as a little wooden at times, the music is very dated and the beginning of the film for the first 10 minutes plays like a TV film. These minor gripes aside we have some snappy dialogue, good interaction between Hackman and Sommer and a nicely constructed plot. An understated stand out scene for me is a scene where Hackman and an ex lover who is also a spy reminisce on the past and what might have been between them in a different world. It is played beautifully and you really sense the regret between the two characters. In summary if you happen across Target i fully recommend you give it a go, bear with it for the first 10 minutes and you will be thrown into an exciting old school thriller with one of the greatest actors at the peak of his game.
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Red Notice (2021)
Fun Action Comedy
19 April 2024
Red Notice stars The Rock, Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot. I was interested to read that this was the most expensive Netflix film at 200 million dollars to make, and was intrigued to see what this would be like. After watching Red Notice i can liken it to films like Indiana Jones, Lost City and Romancing the Stone. In other words a fun Sunday afternoon adventure type film. The plot has lots of twists and turns and although it is nearly 2 hours long the film zips along at a good pace never being dull. All three leads have good chemistry, The Rock being..well the Rock, and Gal Gadot putting in a fun performance. Reynolds is good but his performance does border into annoyance at times with the comedic elements. Action scenes are good, although as is the way these days there is too much CGI which can be a bit off putting. All in all though i really enjoyed Red Notice, it is a film i would revisit again and a film i certainly enjoyed watching. Everything is set up for a sequel and i hope they make one.
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Sneakers (1992)
Robert Redford Charisma Carries Techno Thriller
18 April 2024
Sneakers sports an all star cast of Robert Redford, Dan Ackroyd, River Phoenix, Ben Kingsley and Sidney Poitier. This is an early 90's techno thriller, so obviously the technology is now looking dated. This is the first time i have seen this film and it does remind me a lot of the Oceans films in terms of an all star cast with a twisty plot but very little character development. Redford carries the film at times, always a strong charismatic screen presence and it helps that his character Martin Bishop does have a bit of a backstory. The rest of the cast all give good performances with very little to do. I found Sneakers fun, although felt it went on slightly too long. There are some good moments throughout with elements of tension, although i did find it hard to believe that Kingsley and Redford's characters were meant to be very good friends in the past as for some reason these two stars had very little chemistry when on screen together. Taken for what it is and the time period it was made Sneakers is a good fun film which anyone could enjoy but is a film which is not destined to make a lasting impression.
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Thriller Based On A True Story
17 April 2024
A Civil Action has a great cast including John Travolta, Robert Duvall, William H Macey, James Gandolfini and John Lithgow. The film is about an injury lawyer taking two companies to court to prove by dumping toxins they have caused leukaemia in 8 children living nearby. Travolta is in good 90's form here but is outshone by Robert Duvall who puts in a fantastic performance as an opposing lawyer. Duvall really elevates every scene he is in. Macey is solid, as are Gandolfini and Lithgow in small roles. Whilst the storyline is engaging i did find the courtroom scenes a little underwhelming, i expected more fire and tension in them, particularly with the actors we have in the film. At times it feels the script is trying to cover too much story for the running time and timelines are moved forward in the blink of an eye. To be honest this is a film which could have perhaps benefitted from a longer running time. The film looks good and there is not a bad performance throughout but by the same token nothing feels special about the film. Ultimately A Civil Action is a competent well made legal thriller which simmers but never really catches fire.
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S.W.A.T. (2003)
Early 2000's Action
17 April 2024
Swat has a good cast including Colin Farrell, Samuel L Jackson, Michelle Rodriguez, Jeremy Renner and Oliver Martinez. The film is based on an old TV show which i have never seen. The plot for the film is razor thin, a new Swat team is assembled by Samuel L Jackson full of misfits and they ultimately have the big mission at the end of transporting Oliver Martinez to the FBI, the catch being he has offered anyone 100 million dollars for his release. Jackson brings his usual charisma to the film, Martinez is suitably slimy as the villain and Farrell is serviceable as the main hero. For me, Renner steals the honours though as the disgraced former Swat team member gone bad. The action throughout the film is ok, although nothing really stands out. We have almost zero character development which for a film running nearly 2 hours long you would have thought there would have been. Watching the film again it does actually feel quite dated, with an early 2000's feel to it. Ultimately Swat is an easy watch, a turn your brain off after a hard week at work sort of film. It is very average but does entertain.
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Fantastic Re-Imagining Of A Familiar Story
15 April 2024
A Star is Born is the 4th or 5th telling of this particular story. I have only previously seen the 1976 version with Barbara Streisand. Bradley Cooper directs and stars and he is great as Jackson Maine the already established star who discovers Lady Gaga. As her star rises his falls dramatically with tragic consequences. The first third of the film brilliantly sets the story up and to my mind contains the films strongest songs in this particular segment. Lady Gaga really convinces as the waitress who is taken on a journey to the top. Sam Elliott plays Cooper's brother and the interaction between the 2 is fantastic. Elliot really captures how much he cares for his troubled younger brother and this is apparent when he is showing concern for Cooper's hearing loss. If i was to direct any criticism at the film it would probably be that it runs on a little too long. The middle section when Lady Gaga makes it to the top could have been trimmed a little as this section always seems to lag a bit for me when i watch the film. The final act though is fantastic with what i consider the most powerful and heart breaking scene in the film. This scene is where Lady Gaga's manager tells Cooper exactly what he thinks of him. Cooper's acting here is superb as you can see the pain etched on his face and into his soul, and the damage that conversation does changes all the characters lives forever. In summary A Star Is Born is a film which i have revisited a few times since i first saw it. It contains a great soundtrack and great performances and really is a modern classic.
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Point Break (1991)
Swayze And Reeves In Adrenalin Filled Thriller
11 April 2024
Point Break has an all star cast including Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary Busey, John Mcginley and Lori Petty. It tells the story of a rookie FBI agent who goes undercover as a surfer to try and bust a crew of bank robbers. Point Break is a film i have seen many times over the years and on a recent re-watch it holds up pretty well. Swayze is good as Bodhi a zen like surfer, but Keanu Reeves is a bit wooden at times in this as the FBI agent Johnny Utah. Every time he is on screen with either Swayze or a scene stealing Busey he is clearly outshone. The plot in Point Break is strong and the bank robbers wearing masks of Ex Presidents is a great touch and really memorable. Action scenes are good and the soundtrack is also strong. The FBI raid is filmed well and look out for a small cameo from Tom Sizemore in that particular scene. A particular highlight is the skydiving stunt work and i believe Swayze did this for real. On the downside the film is beginning to show its age and is slightly cringe in places down to some of Reeves acting and John Mcginley (who i have never rated and just find him annoying in everything i have seen him in). Did i mention the end scene? That is a scene which really works and the concept of that has since been copied. Ultimately Point Break is still a fun packed thrill ride and worth a revisit if you haven't watched it for a while.
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The Irishman (2019)
Scorsese assembles the old crew for one last hurrah
7 April 2024
The Irishman brings back together screen legends Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Joe Pesci and Harvey Keitel. Stephen Graham also appears. Directed by Martin Scorsese The Irishman charts the story of truck driver turned hitman Frank Sheeran played by De Niro and his part in American History. Robert De Niro is fantastic in this film, the best i have seen him in years bringing one of his classic performances to the table. The only actor to outshine him is Joe Pesci. Coming out of retirement specifically for the film Pesci is outstanding here. Pacino as Jimmy Hoffa is good but we do have the shouty Pacino on display which i have always found a little over the top. Stephen Graham also plays a strong part and more than matches the legends in the scenes he is in. A lot has been made of the CGI de-aging and for me it works most of the time. A couple of scenes it is a little obvious and distracting but more noticeable is when the actors are meant to be the younger men the way they walk and kick clearly demonstrates an old man. The Irishman is a very long film but doesn't feel its length, in fact a lot of the supporting characters could have used more screen time. For me the third act was the strongest and was tinged with pathos and highlighted mortality and how our actions define us. The Irishman isn't quite classic Scorsese but is a film which really involves the audience and gets you thinking. It is a film which i feel bears a repeat viewing as so much is happening with so many time shifts that little nuances are bound to be missed by the audience the first time. Ultimately though it is great to see these legends in this genre one more time.
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Rounders (1998)
Poker Film With An All Star Cast
2 April 2024
Rounders is a film which had never crossed my radar previously. I am unsure why though as this has a great cast including Matt Damon, Edward Norton, John Malkovich, John Turtorro, Gretchen Mol and Famke Jansen. Matt Damon is very good in this as the poker player drawn back into the life by his childhood friend played by a great Edward Norton. Not only is this film about poker, but it is about relationships and the hard choices that have to be made. It is also a film about destiny, perhaps what you want to be is not who you are destined to be. The film uses voice overs by Damon which actually add to the appeal of the film as you get inside the mind of the main protagonist. All the major star names put in good performances here and this helps the film. On the downside the third act is a little predictable and in truth not a whole lot happens in the film. However, this being said i enjoyed Rounders and would highlight it as a hidden gem. In summary an entertaining film which i may well revisit in years to come.
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Road House (2024)
Successful Remake
1 April 2024
Road House with Jake Gyllenhaal is a remake of the Patrick Swayze 80's film of the same name. The plot runs along some of the same lines as that film but also has different elements to it which make this a film in its own right. Jake Gyllenhaal is really good in this and in essence carries a lot of the film through his performance. The supporting cast are all solid enough, however it has to be said Connor McGregor really cannot act! The film is directed by Doug Limen (The Bourne Identity) and looks great. The only downside is there are perhaps a couple of scenes which have too much CGI. Fight scenes are well done but can at times feel too over the top. Less would be more in some of them. I also found the third act a little weak compared with the first two acts once Gyllenhall boards the main bad guys boat. In essence though Roadhouse is a well made fun film which is probably better than it has any right to be. How does it compare to the Swayze original? I would say this remake is certainly on a par with that film. In summary i found Roadhouse an action packed fun watch which was better than i expected.
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Dolph Vs Aliens?
30 March 2024
So... the cover of this dvd indicated Dolph Lundgren vs aliens. Guess what? This was not the case. What we get here is a no name cast and a plot which involves drug hallucinations and killings of a camping team. Yes, Dolph is in this, but in a weird on the TV set, television programme sort of way. Dolph isn't even relevant to the main plot. Acting throughout is ok and the special effects are ok. The storyline though doesn't go anywhere and you are left wondering what is the point of the film. On a positive the film is very short at 1 hour 20 minutes long and doesn't outstay it's welcome. Overall a very weird experience best not suffered twice.
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Deceived (1991)
Thriller Fails To Convince
28 March 2024
Deceived marks Goldie Hawn trying to break away from comedic roles into other genres. The problem is she chose a thriller which really doesn't have the greatest script. All the twists in the story are predictable and ultimately the storyline isn't that involving. Another problem i found with this film was with the way it was shot. Everything seems very small scale and at times it resembles a made for TV film. Goldie Hawn is probably the best thing about the film, her performance is fine but she is let down by hammy acting from her co stars and weak direction. Ultimately i would say Deceived is an experiment which regretfully failed.
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New Meets Old
24 March 2024
Star Trek Generations was the first film with the Next Generation crew. It attempts a handover of the baton from the original crew by integrating Kirk, Scotty and Chekov into the storyline. The film also stars Patrick Stewart, Whoopi Goldberg, Malcolm Mcdowell along with the Next Generation regulars. No one gives a bad performance, Stewart is his usual assured self but the problem here is the script. Simply put, the storyline is trying to do too much and integrate too many threads ultimately ending up hinting at good ideas but never achieving them as no one idea is given enough time to develop. The idea of two captains from different generations working together is a good one but in truth probably only gets 10 minutes of time out of the 2 hour runtime. Star Trek Generations for me is the weakest Trek movie since the Motion Picture, the biggest disappointment being that this film just feels like wasted potential.
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