
12 Reviews
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Carrie (2013)
Not terrible, but you will probably find yourself bored and disappointed
19 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, let me start out by saying this isn't a terrible movie. It certainly is not one of the worst horror movie remakes out there, but I can't help but feel disappointed from the 2013 version of Carrie. First off, this movie does not really add anything new to the mix. It's basically a copy of the original 1976 film, just with a modern setting. I generally am less critical of remakes than most, so the fact that I didn't like this should indicate that it just wasn't that good. I found myself bored throughout a lot of the movie. I've already seen the original, so why do I need to pay to see the exact movie again?

The director really should have gone out of her way to differentiate this film from its predecessor, instead of making a near shot-for-shot remake like 1998's Psycho. One example of a remake that attempts to add something new to the mix is Rob Zombie's Halloween. While that film was pretty weak also, at least it tried to inject something new to the storyline. The only thing I can say that was better about the 2013 Carrie is that the gym teacher lived. I never understood why she died in the 1976 version since she was one of the few people that was nice to Carrie, so her survival made more sense in this movie. Other than that, the original far surpasses this version. If you haven't seen the original, you might like this film as you have nothing to compare it with. However, some that haven't seen the original still might find themselves bored. One last criticism with this version is the prom scene. You'd think with the special effects improvements between 1976 and 2013, this version's killer prom sequence would blow the original's out of the water. Not the case, as the original killer prom scene was much better in my opinion

Overall, this wasn't a terrible film, but cannot even remotely compare to the original. Those that haven't seen the first film might very well enjoy it, but for those who have, you most likely will leave the theater disappointed. This remake was completely unnecessary, and adds absolutely nothing to the mix. If you've seen the original, then you've basically seen this as it's a hollow copy of it.

Final Rating: 4/10
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Saw 3D (2010)
Way too bland and average to be the "last" one
28 October 2010
Saw 3D is the newest and "final" entry into the Saw series. Going into this I was expecting the best of the franchise. Let me start with the good things about Saw 3D. Saw 3D reveals the longly anticipated fate of Dr. Gordon. He is definitely the highlight of the film. The traps in the film are OK, but feel a bit bland and uninspired. It's like wanting a straight shot of scotch, and someone diluting that shot with water. It's just a little blah. The 3D isn't corny, but at times I wasn't even aware I was in a 3D movie. It isn't nearly in your face as the trailer wants you to believe, which isn't really a bad thing. The acting is horrible, but who cares about acting in a movie like this. The plot was just boring. Basically the same as Saw VI, some random guy going through rooms trying to save people. Once again, bland and uninspired. It's disappointing that the series would go out on such an average note. This movie is better than Saw IV or V, but all the others are better. Final rating: a very generous 5/10
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Tries so hard, but the horrible pacing and bad acting ruined it
9 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this is not a horrible movie. But, it is not good. First off, 3 of the 5 main characters die in the first 30 to 45 minutes. The rest of the movie focuses on the two remaining characters, Nancy and Quentin. I must say, Nancy and Quentin are some of the most uninteresting characters I have ever seen in my entire life. All of the characters are underdeveloped. The character of Kris starts to develop, but she is murdered before you can start to care about her. Freddy is a creepy child molester with no humor, unlike the original Freddy Kruger. The special effects were good. Kris's death scene far exceeds the original. Dean's death was also very well done. Jesse's death was okay. The acting was bad. The characters were so wooden with there acting half the time, and the other half the time they're over acting. This movie wasn't extremely scary, but far more scary than the remakes of Halloween and Friday the 13th. The ending was a corny rip-off of the original. Over all, A nightmare on elm street 2010 is a mixed bag for me. The acting was bad. The pacing was horrible. Freddy Kruger was creepy, and not in a good way. The special effects were good, and it was scarier than an average horror movie remake. I didn't like it, but I didn't hate it.
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The Strangers (2008)
This WILL be the best horror movie for 2008
30 May 2008
First off, this is the best horror movie I've seen in the last 5 years. It was terrifying, and incredibly realistic. I've never seen a movie that looked this real. This will be the best horror movie for 2008 and possibly better than some of the most popular horror movies like Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Shining. It has terrific acting that draws you into the story. I found practically no mistake in this movie, and also in my opinion one of Liv Tyler's strongest and most realistic performances. I loved this movie, it is realistic, scary, and not gory at all. For a final rating I give The Strangers 10/10. And if you like movies that will give you a heart attack because they are so scary, this is a movie like that.
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P2 (2007)
A great thriller that never lets down
12 April 2008
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My first thought before this movie was that it was going to be awful, the gore would be corny, and the terror would be stupid cat-mouse type. But I was extremely surprised. This was truly terrifying. An empty parking garage with an insane psychopath on the loose. The gore was there, but not in excess. The amount of terror and gore are balanced excellently. There were no really noticeable mistakes. P2 is definitely a must see. The ending was a satisfying ending, although it was a tad bit predictable. You know she is going to make it out of the garage. The beginning is a little confusing at first. I don't think they should have began the movie with Angela busting out of a Car trunk while the song Santa Baby plays. Overall, this movie deserves a score of 8 1/2, but I will give it an eight.
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Cloverfield (2008)
The greatest action movie of the year
21 January 2008
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First of all, this movie is awesome. Great action, great CGI(some of the best) and great acting. The movie was perfect almost. The only thing that I didn't get was why did this guy keep the camera. I'm sure that if a monster that was 50 times bigger than Godzilla was coming after you, you would have dropped the camera. Other than that, this was very strong in every way. In the movie, your rarely ever see the monster enough to get an idea of what it is. But for those that want to know what the monster looks like, you won't be disappointed. At the very end of the movie, you really see the monster, up close by its front. I'm not going to tell you what it is, but it's scary. In the beginning when the Brooklyn Bridge broke, it looked like a giant snake, but it's not. The CGI was outstanding, especially that it was all shot on a home video camera like the Blair witch project. The only shame on this movie is the ending. It's not a mistake, but it is not at all satisfying, and leaves you with a "what the heck just happened" feeling. Overall this movie is definitely worth seeing twice, and getting the DVD. If you like action, sci-fi, thriller, horror, fantasy, or adventure movies you will like this.
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I Am Legend (2007)
A pretty average movie, and the bad box office proves it.
22 December 2007
Going into this movie, I had high expectations. But those expectations were shattered by this very average movie. Even though the CGI was pretty strong(not great) and the acting was okay, but what really bothered me was how boring it was. Occasionally I Am Legend's cozies sleepers will be awakened with brief shots of adrenaline and terror, but not enough. If it had, my score would be at least a 7/10/

Acting: 7/10 Dialogue:6/10 Entertainment: 3/10 casting: 5/10

This movie is not good. An average score is 5/10, and 4/10 falls into the negative range. If you want to see this movie, rent it when it come out because it's not worth 8$ a ticket to see.
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Disturbia (2007)
Good movie with some bumps on the way
24 November 2007
This movie is not perfect. But it does have some bright moments. The acting is very good, The one thing I really loved was the suspense. It was gut-wrenching. Several twists and turns and surprising scenes. The main problem I had with this movie that's nearly 2 hours should have been no more 1 1/2 hours. The suspense was good for the first half of the movie. But then it got old and you wanted to go home. That doesn't completely effect this movie, but you will notice this. Also, some of the scenes were unrealistic. This is a good movie, but could improve. And with the IMDb score being 7.1, my rating is pretty accurate. The movie is flawed in every way, but only in minor amounts. This is the kind of movie to rent on a Friday night.
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The worst movie I've ever scene
24 November 2007
First off, I know this movie made a bunch of money. I know people loved this movie. It got a good score of 7.8/10. But the real truth is this movie sucks in every way. I hated it. We have all scene this corny action before, and we get bored with this. The acting was okay, but that isn't enough to raise my rating up. The concept is retarded and unoriginal. The movie is like Grindhouse to me. It's like a double feature. One half is about something, and the other is about something completely different. I went into this movie thinking it would be better than a lot of movies. But what I got was cheesy action, not very good acting, and several things that shouldn't even be in this movie. The only person that added any good acting was Mary Elizabeth Winstead. She was great. But everybody else was drowning her with their suckingness. Mary deserves a 10/10, but frickin' Willis messed this thing up.
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Good concept stricken with errors
24 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is equally bad as it is good. The acting is just terrible. You don't buy the fact that these people are dying. I came into this movie with high hopes, but the outcome was pretty ugly. Not one person acted well. A lot of the people had double personalities throughout so it was like them not being the same person. The deaths were cheesy, but were creative. The deaths themselves were good, but the way it was executed was bad. It was also not very realistic. Some of the scenes like Desmond burning in the cremetorium looked like green screen. This 5/10 is very generous for what this movie really is. 5/10 is really a rating a gave because these people attempted this. The trailer looked good, but the movie is definitely not. The entire movie was cheesy, badly acted, and corny. Although some scenes were smart and had good ideas, these ideas did not go well. That proves that these people were unexperienced. Even though this movie is under 80 minutes long, you want it to end in the first 15 minutes.
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
Well made, but has room to grow
23 November 2007
This movie is pretty good, with some good parts. But Mr. Brooks was always extremely flat and the his acting is mono-tone. He needed a lot more range. The movie is overall a 7/10, but in certain areas it was ugly.

Acting: 5/10 Originality: 7/10 Dialogue: 7/10 Demi Moore: 10/10 Kevin Costner:4/10 Danielle Panabaker: 10/10 Dane Cook: 6/10 William Hurt: 7/10

Some of the actors like Demi Moore and Danielle Panabaker did very well, especially Panabaker. She did really well making you wonder what she was up to. But I expected a lot more from Kevin Costner. He was terrible at his acting. Marg Helenburger was also good. The suspense was acceptional, and that was the one and only thing Kevin Costner did well at. Kevin Costner acted like a robot in almost every scene. It's hard to go into detail without spoilers, but he was flat.

Overall rating: 7/10
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Halloween (2007)
Wonderfully made, creative, and well acted
23 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I don't care what people say about this movie sucking. These people are going into this movie with a negative mood. I'm not saying it's better than the original, but it is as good as the original. The acting was very good. Scout Taylor-Compton did the best. Tyler Mane did very well making Michael look like a scary person unlike Nick Castle. This movie is creative by adding new storyline to Michael Myers. In the original, it shows Michael being raised in a normal family. In the remake, he is practically raised in white trash. This movie is more violent, but is more realistic than the original. Jamie Lee Curtis was out-shined by Compton. Danielle Harris was better than the original Annie. The only person I can criticize is Kristina Klebe. It's not enough to lower my rating, but P.J. Soles was better than her. Klebe had nothing to add to the table, and maybe took something away from Lynda.

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