
15 Reviews
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so carter just wants to go surfing...
5 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this in the same week I've seen Dark Knight and Mamma mia and all I can say is this is underrated as these other two have been overrated. This is not to say that any is bad but this really is the bravest of there late summer blockbusters. My theory is chris carter wants to finish the story of mulder and scully but wants to end the franchise. This is why the scene in the car park which could of been the climax isn't, and the film concludes on a strange note.This is a movie of faith versus belief and also works as a conventional thriller (although some of the directors choices are just plain weird.) There are excellent performances throughout, and the movie truly has a sense of atmosphere.
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How much charisma and sex appeal can one woman have
11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I bought "The Philadelphia Story" on d.v.d. and this gem of a documentary is included. If your expecting a standard puff piece you will be so surprised. The great Kate herself talks about not only her career, but shares many thoughts on living, loving, and dying. She sets the record straight on many matters, including alleged affairs, both hetero and homo, and even clears up the rumour of her having parkinsons. One thing that really comes thru is her love for Spencer Tracy. The brief moment when she speaks to her self made sculpture of him is very moving. On the whole this is a lot of fun and is a fitting tribute to the strong willed Ms. Hepburn. What a woman.
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How does anyone not find this hilarious?
10 January 2008
Do you like really inventive comedy or do you love "the wedding crashers", if the answer is the latter stop reading now. I can't believe this movie is not higher rated. Basically Meadows plays a character not unlike Austin Powers.There are so many inventive moments in this gagorama. From crudity - Leon playing with himself on the porch, the ex boyfriend tricked into eating . . Oh well. To inspired lunacy- clown sex , the Broadway routine, the voice over. Meadows is great as the childish, but very sweet natured Leon. Some great lines "don't blame the wang" "freaky deaky sex world" too many. . . Why this movie wasn't huge is a mystery. Great comedy.
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Best Simpsons episode of my far.
25 July 2007
I was dreading this. The series has been faltering for at least five seasons so far and it is obvious they were running out of jokes. Well it seems they have saved quite a few for this comic masterpiece. The Simpsons movie manages to pack in a gag rate that is comparable to "Airplane" but also manages to tell an entertaining story that goes beyond the confines of the usual 22 minutes we are used to. I will not reveal the plot as future generations will enjoy this movie but I have read a comment that compares it to the Family Guy movie. What are you on? The style of this piece is subtly different to the T.V. show and when it goes into a Big movie moment you really notice and appreciate it. Compared to other small screen animated of recent years e.g. "South Park" or "Beavis and Butthead do America" it does not feel like an extended episode. Also manages to thrill the most mixed audience I have sat in for years. The audience applauded which is always a good sign.
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A special edition DVD would be a blast
4 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The greatest romantic comedy of all time, and you cannot even get a "Vanilla" DVD in the uk. This is a movie with a strange history. Originally started in 1976 by Mike Nichols, it was called "Bogart slept here" and starred Marsha Mason and Robert DeNiro.The great thespian is rumoured to of walked out of rehearsals after Mason said that he should respect Mike Nichols more. (Nichols had worked out that DeNiro could not "Do Joy".) No such problems for Dreyfuss. He is amazing as Elliot Garfield. The two leads capture each line to perfection, which is no mean feat as nearly every line in this movie is a gag. Even Quinn Cummings is that rare thing a child actor that does not make you reach for a revolver. Even the now dated Gay King Richard routine works still as it is done in such a sweet, good natured way. So many great lines (my personal favourite..... "Capital P, Capital U, capital TRID") The final shots of Mason are an echo of the final shots of (the vastly overrated) "Breakfast at Tiffanys". Also this is one of those rare Romances that men enjoy, possibly because Dreyfuss is not exactly George Clooney, is an incredible smart arse throughout. and unlike someone like Hugh Grant actually knows when to put the "moves" on (so to speak) Hope for all average looking guys everywhere. A Brilliant, Brilliant movie. Please can we have a DVD release with whistle and bells please Rastar and Sony.
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Not the worst film ever made, but close.
2 February 2007
As a child of the seventies I grew up with the Myth that this movie was a great porn classic. I first managed to see "Behing the Green door" first and was both as excited and impressed as a young teen could be. I then soon saw this steaming pile of dog excrement and I think it almost put me off sex for a decade. There is nothing that isn't terrible about this movie, (except for Mary Millington who was lovely to look at but was to acting what Dom Deluise is to gymnastics.) I once met the Great Alfie Bass and after enquiring about "The Fearless Vampire Killer" and working with The Goodies I bravely mentioned this. He shook his head in shame and told stories of George Harrison Marks being so drunk he directed most of the movie asleep or vomiting.It shows. The songs are so awful I think I would chose a slow death than ever hear them again. A movie to avoid at all costs.
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Tickled Pink (1975)
Not the worst 70's sex comedy
2 February 2007
Dear lovers of seventies tack. Please note that whilst avoiding movies like "Come play with me" "can you keep it up for a week"( and anything else starring Mary Millington or Robin Asquith) probably Will be a great benefit to your health, this nasty little film is far better and at least showcases the talents of Sue Longhurst,the underused but absolutely gorgeous specimen of female beauty that she is. Although she had other rolls(Guffaw Guffaw)in the previously mentioned movies she shines and is almost erotic in this otherwise tawdry effort.I know this is sexist but there's no other reason to see it.The Jack the Ripper subplot and the efforts the main character goes to imprison his intended are shallow examples of the political incorrectness of the time and are really quite appalling. Having said that, thats what D.V.D.s are invented for. Skip the whole movie until Longhurst is naked and appreciate the beauty of the female form.
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Miracle Mile (1988)
It's time for the insects to take over
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have not seen this Movie in almost nineteen years ,but it has stuck with me since, and although so not a laugh riot that I may not seek it out until I am a trillionaire on Venus, I recall quality acting and film-making . The set up where Anthony Edwards accidentally gets a call that Judgement Day has effectively arrived leads to his instant romance with the sweet Wingingham but you realise from the beginning of the last reel that things are not going to resolve themselves in a way that enables the majority of life on earth being wiped from existence. But hey at least it's not far fetched. This (or worse)could really happen.Maybe I am a glass half empty and whats left is full of poison type of guy and I should brave myself to see it again. If you try, so will I.
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If you don't love this movie you are a dead person
1 February 2007
You know maybe it's me but if I had to list all the essential ingredients of a good movie they would include, an unpredictable story, a great soundtrack, a few attractive cast members, the odd joke, some action and many other things that are included in Russ Meyers masterpiece. The fact that the script is terrible, the direction is just inept camera work and the performances are , with one big exception, on par with a nativity play performed by children on some heavy A.D.D. medication, should not take away from the fact that this movie is still a hell of a lot of fun. I have never gone along with the so bad it's good reasoning of the Medveds etc. but this movie is so mesmerizing in it's camp crappiness you can't take your eyes away for a second. The two things of quality are(well it's three quality things if you include quality cleavage) are 1:the soundtrack, The Carrienations songs are so much better than they should be and after a few listens you will be hooked. 2: The career ruining performance by the guy that plays Z-man. What an actor, he goes for that dialog in a way that few actors would dare, going so far over the top that William Shatner looks like Harpo Marx in comparison. A masterpiece of Cinema and a quality assessment of Bentleys.
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Belushi.......what a waste.
2 October 2006
OK. first of all lets mention the things that are not good in this film. 1. The soundtrack and the song over the end credits. 2. The "80's" plotting.( seemingly casual info. regarding a minor characters phobias turns out to be not such a throwaway line after all.) 3.In some scenes Belushi seems a little ill at ease. OK that is it with the negative lets start with positive. This is an underrated gem of a romantic comedy. There is roughly a laugh out loud line or sight gag every minute of the film. (To compare that is about 108 more laughs than "My big fat Greek wedding" and "the wedding crashers" combined) Belushi is mostly terrific. He never played the same part twice anyway in his short career and he is great as the hard nosed newspaper man who falls completely for,and you cannot blame him, Blair Brown as a passionate animal activist. (You know i have spent 25 years looking for a woman like this.............. When God when?)Great Great movie.
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Inserts (1975)
Now heres a thing!
6 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Hey kids here is something you might not know, RICHARD DREYFUSS IS A GREAT ACTOR! Probably because most of his better known performances are in blockbuster sci-fi shark movies, but, if you can ever catch this rarely seen gem of a movie, you may realize and remember what a powerhouse performer Dreyfuss is. As the impotent (both in the artistic and the important way)director reduced to making porn for the already slightly depraved young Hollywood. He is at once both funny and pathetic. The truly climactic scene with him and a never better Jessicar Harper as the mesmeric Cathy Cake ,is the rarest thing in a Hollywood movie, a genuinely erotic scene that IS essential to the story. OK this movie is very "stagey" but you could argue that as a film about film and acting as sexual expression its "stageyness" adds to the movies reality. The viewer feels like a voyeur. Anyway, this is totally a totally forgotten movie that has brilliant performances. WHY IS IT NEVER SHOWN.May your rope rise with you.
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Better than Trainspotting on heroin. A CLASSIC MOVIE!!!!!!
11 September 2004
I have just seen this and quite frankly cannot believe how good it was.For years now British humour has suffered from the emergence of lots alleged talents who under the banner of alternative humour have forced suffering audiences to sit through movies that were anything but funny.This movie is FUNNY. This movie is CREEPY. This Movie is a 100% classic good time which pays tributes to the(sometimes not very good )films of Romero and Raimi but then goes beyond these limitations to provide a story in which you actually care for the characters. It's clever that, like the hero of Night of the living Dead, the lead character may not be doing the right thing, and even this pans out in a clever way.Captain F**kind Wow indeed. See this movie before you realize you are dead.
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Satan's Triangle (1975 TV Movie)
A T.V. movie that (eventually) delivers>
10 September 2004
Now it could be a trick of memory but I saw this movie on late night TV once, years ago and it scared the hell out of me. To say too much would only ruin the twist but there is a very clever plot device in which the viewer is bored almost into narcolepsy just before a VERY creepy climax.This really is an undiscovered treasure and I hope to see it again one day.The movie really has stayed with me where maybe better movies failed to do so. A more competent remake may not be a bad Idea only for the fact that in a way the movie is very original in story although not exactly expertly executed.Come on Hollywood how about remake a TV movie for a change instead of just a bad series.
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Wilders (almost) forgotten late masterpiece
29 April 2004
Hollywood.1970. Despite the fact that Billy Wilders track record was far from shabby, a foolish "suit" decided that the only way to salvage this movie from total disaster was to cut out various key sequences and ruin the 'concerto' like structure of this, probably Wilders most personal film.Intended as a 'Roadshow' movie ,with intermission, the two hours we are left with not only hint at greatness, the picture often, in it's own arch way, achieves the level of masterpiece thru some great dialogue eg:"I'm English, you know what that means,the only thing worse than our food is our lovemaking".Some of the best widescreen photography ever seen ,and most importantly 2 fantastic performances by 2 criminally underused(at least by Hollywood)actors.Blakely was often to have said to possess the art of concealing art and his bumbling, outraged, but ultimately worthy Watson are a terrific foil for Stephens Definitive, sexy, Holmes.This is up there with O'toole's Lawrence or Connery's Bond as an Iconic performance.It often mentioned that this movie is a failure but to me this is, even truncated, Wilders most personal film and therefore , a masterpiece.
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THE greatest comedy of all time.
26 April 2004
OK so the greatest comedy of all time may not actually be a perfect film, but it is the only truly dumb comedy that actually transcends the great Russian literature that inspired it.Brooks once said that he needed BIG thinking to inspire him and this movie is that rare thing a political comedy that actually works.It is also a buddy movie, road movie, theological treatise(GOD YOU'RE SO STRICT) and ultimately a love story that climaxes with the main protaganist faking a brain disorder.This film works on many levels and how many broad comedys truly do that, even Woody Allen repeatedly tried and failed.Hope for the best, expect the worst, enjoy this movie.
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