
30 Reviews
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Outer Banks (2020– )
Third Season Killed It For Me
12 March 2023
Again, required to write 600 words about how much this series blows chunks is more than I want to write about the series.

The first season, it started off with interest. Perhaps a cross between a gender mixed Hardy Boys and Dawson's Creek. However, by the time the third season rolled out... I could barely watch two, maybe three episodes. Beyond unbelievable.

Who wants to watch a stupid storyline filled with "bad men" shooting at and hunting down a pack of teens (who look very old - 20s and 30s) in a hostile tropical setting. Chase after chase after chase after stupid mistakes, it is endless foolishness.

Lead character is played by Chase Stokes born in 1992 is 31 years old, yet apparently he is a teen? Nope. The antagonist "teen" Raff is played by an actor, Drew Starkey, who was born in 1993 and he is 30 years old. The remaining "teens" are in their mid twenties and the adults are pushing their 60s. So it begs the question: who is the audience for this show? Do teens want to see adults playing the parts or actual teens with whom they can identify?

Nothing to be learned here. No real relationships, just chasing after a made-up treasure -essentially a goal post that keeps moving- like a cat chasing after a laser red dot, those kids will never get their hands on, so there is never a resolve.

I know there needs to be tension and conflict but Outer Banks seems to believe that adding a chase does that... for me, I reach for the remote, fast forward through those parts. Leaving little sustenance to keep me interested.

I gave two stars - one star for the first season, another for the second and none for the third season. Nothing to see here... move along to something else.

2/10 stars - a smoke and mirrors dud.
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The stars are for Ms. Bell
29 January 2022
So many things are just straight up OUT there including the series search for its genre. Is is a thriller? Dramady? Rom com? Horror flick? Ugh and the child fight scene... pull-leezze! Please, please, please make it stop! It's something like Desperate Housewives meets Veronica Mars (obvi) meets Saturday Night Live... I guess it is in the title... if you do have a spare 8 hours to just throw away, watch this then but realize it is a parody - I think - or it just doesn't take things literally, or really even try. The writing - the storyline - the premise like why? All of it is so unclear it's muddy. Again, is it a parody or is it really bad series, bad story... struggling a little longer to think whether there wasn't something that I just didn't get... nope. It was plain and simple bad. Not worth the time investment, move along. Rewatch Ozark all the way through... this one, wait... hold on - just finished episode 8...

And another... "Bingo" into the next season... oh please no. Another season?

I really, really, really wanted to like this. Got comfy on the sofa, opened a favorite bag of chocolate covered caramels, ready for a great show starring Kristen Bell. It was all miss and no hit. Perhaps I'm the one missing something... but it really isn't worth your time. Possibly better as a film. But ain't no shining gonna turn this turd to gold, sorry Ms. Bell. Deep respect for you, but this series is that turd.

3/10 stars.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Rosemary's Baby meets Blair Witch
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film reminds me of Rosemary's Baby with the armature film of Blair Witch equally as boring. The music is annoying... and tell me who is doing the filming of her while she is filming? Honestly... then the Return of Chucky doll that everyone worships, or hums, or pants or whatever they do when they gather together in the basement... ugh. Timing is super slow. The lead... not seeing the person in the red coat the first time... seriously?

Just seems like a waste of time really... perhaps I'd rather go through the last three seasons of the Ozarks. Makes me wonder exactly what I'm going to get with that Netflix service hike... $20 a month.

For starters you have to believe in religion to have this work... if you don't it is just nonsensical garbage.

Does this contain spoilers? I don't know... but I certainly do not recommend watching this.

2/10 stars.
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Just say no and save two hours of your life now...
3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This... well, really to start the acting was well done... not complaining about the talent, but the story. Ugh, the story, if you can figure it out because it is buried in the past, blurred around the edges, expecting everyone to understand what the ??? Is going on. A lonely older woman goes on a vacation alone. That sounds like a pretty dull story right? Some how she ends up with a hole in her stomach, passed out on the beach, wakes up and calls her daughter while possible sepsis develops and she continues to bleed out. Why? Why? Why? Don't answer, I really don't care. I just cannot believe that no one from the conception of this film to final photography and production that absolutely not one single person stepped up to say this is a total dud.

Netflix has lost its Midas touch.

As for 'The Lost Daughter' - leave this film as its title suggests "lost" or you'll be the one who lost two hours of your life... not worth it.

1 star out of 10.
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Stay Close (2021)
A Struggle to Watch... let alone binge.
2 January 2022
Stay Close... ugh... it just hits you like over-cooked spaghetti. The story is so ho-hum overdone: the past comes back to haunt you. SOOOOOO many characters your head will spin. Can't decide what time line we are looking at... and the coincidences... well they just shine through as lazy writing. The acting/actors are fairly good, but you would not realize with this cardboard characters they've been hired to portray. I read somewhere that Corbin had been hired to do 15 of these mini-series... I think Netflix overpaid -no matter what the price.

Last week around this time I was dying for anything new to appear... out of all the new stuff that was recently dumped, I haven't a clue why I would chose this one, probably because it would take my mind off depressing national news. I thought it would be fairly entertaining... but it really isn't at all. Often I've had to stop, go back, and replay because I stop paying attention or my mind wanders to more thrilling thoughts like laundry or dishes at one point I found myself cleaning out the fridge. I'd rather do household chores than sit still to watch this mind-numbingly slow story fumble to an end - with all that said, I've just started episode 6 - three more until finished.

It's not what you think it is... it's much worse.

I gave two stars out of ten (2/10) - one star for the acting, another star for the film production crew... I also suggest not to waste your time.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Ugh!!! After 20 minutes of stupidity.
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh where do I start, perhaps somewhere in the first 5 minutes... she was out the door, trips the car alarm, drops a bottle of pills, gets her friend involved. The film spends a lot of time continuing the bashing of a women clearly dealing with a lot. Soooooo slooooooow. Lots of shots just looking at nothing. This film stops short of calling women crazy.

Probably a good flick to fall asleep to... a nap. You know one you really don't have to pay attention to, just sound in the background. But then the jarring tension assisting dramatic music cuts in like a knife.

Unrealistic that on a dime, her closest friends would turn on her especially considering her recent past history. In real life, that kind of nonsense goes on for years.

Besides I also wrestle with the issues of watching Elizabeth Moss in anything. She believes that aliens will save us. Nothing will save you from this trope filled flick.

It's 2 hours long... watching Elizabeth Moss portray a stupid woman reenact in her own interpretation scenes from Fight Club.

This is definitely a one star UGH! Pass! Go to the next on your watchlist.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Diversity is not the problem - loaded with misogyny
25 December 2020
I do not have a problem with diversity or that this series does not align perfectly with history... but my problem is that it is a period piece. And while they did not hold to truth on the race of aristocrats - you should expect this when it is a Shondaland production, think Hamilton - the issue is they held true on the language used and the seriously deep misogyny. It is almost every line and well, the very theme of the series of events that take place to show the eligible women off to marry a wealthy man.

I cannot watch much more of this... so far I'm at 18.5 minutes... and I'm very disappointed.

Rule of thumb for me, with all that is out there to watch or even re-watch and might I add READ as well... there is no shortage of entertainment. At 18 minutes my attention should have been grabbed. Rather I picked up my iPad to bang out a note of warning over my complete disappointment with this series.

Unless you are a HUGE fan of period pieces, flat acting, misogynistic themes (a woman better get married or suffer the life of a spinster; "after she went and ruined herself" UGH!) and as I've seen from the other reviews if you are able to overcome the racial diversity that was not even remotely true (again think Hamilton) - then be my guest.

But for me, there is enough oppression out there for women without having to slog through eight 50-minute episodes reminding us how poorly women were and are still treated.

For me this is a solid PASS!
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Perfectly Boring
13 October 2020
I watched. I listened. I anticipated. I watched. I listened. I lost anticipation for anything good to happen. I watched. I listened. I paused. I got up grazed through the fridge. Started watching again. That didn't help.

By the time I got to episode 8 on Saturday morning... it took me 5 hours to watch the last hour and a half. It was so painful. That's the horror part of it. The pain and suffering of watching, listening, anticipating something to happen that just never happens.

And the end is a big old slap in the face for all the time you wasted watching, listening, anticipating a story to actually do something, anything, but just sit there like soggy, muddy footprints in your mind.

Why waste your valued time? I swear you'll get a better "Halloween" story from a children's camp. Promise that you will not have missed anything other than a deep desire to have those hours back.

I gave one star because I have to give that, wish it was only a half star, so that one star actually goes to Haunting of Hill House - far superior. This is nothing like it. Annoying really, with perfectly splendid new ways to irritate people too.

Highly recommend that you PASS on this deeply disappointing season.
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Project Power (2020)
Meh... pass.
18 August 2020
I saw several reviews that stated "it started off good..." I disagree. It did not start off "good" it looked cheap and scattered from the beginning. It would seem they spent their budget on the cast more than anything else - including the writing. What could have been a great film with an excellent idea turned sour very quickly.

Nope, turned this garbage off after I started cleaning my house. It was pointless, empty characters and just seemed like the film was devoid of any value to watch.

It's a boom boom chase chase boom movie with no substance, no meat, nothing. Find something else... Looper was good - dig that one up.
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Summer Night (2019)
Don't Waste One Summer Night - Hard Pass
25 March 2020
Watching this was purely a fluke. It was on Netflix, newly released and well, since I'm stuck inside, I thought "Why not?" It is so bad that I couldn't even make it through the whole movie and I usually suffer through to the end even in the worst of films. When the faux band starts playing and one of the tools is chewing gum so much it was like watching a cow chew cud, well, it rankled me so much that I had to stop the film and post my disgust here.

Do not waste your time. Unless you want a good lesson about the me, me, me, me generation with a huge chunk of patriarchy is alive and well. Big eye rolls over the weakness of the characters, their shallowness and inability to show even a little of compassion for the rest of humanity.

With everything else going on in our world right now, this film is pure torture to watch.

Hard Pass.
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Frank & Lola (2016)
Not much hope a really bad DikFlick
3 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First the beginning... yes, no, yes, no sexual situation... really? Really?! In the confusion of misinformation that manages to wrap the globe at record speeds, do you really want to promote such a confusing message?

Every single time Frank, played by Michael Shannon, opens his mouth it seems creepily misogynistic, controlling, run-very-fast from this type of guy because red flags are popping up everywhere subtly and right smack in your face.

Lola, Franks obsession or "love" interest, played by Imogen Poots, apparently likes to be controlled... as we learn in the opening scene: Okay, yes... but could you hold me down while you go at it? WHAT THE ACTUAL... ?!?

No, no, no, no! This is not a message that needs to be spread out there, imho, ever. Once I take a deeper look at the film, all the behind the scenes people such as the writer, producers, director, etc. are men. Go figure.

The crux of the film is found in the truth, should a woman be believed? This film goes so far as to follow a guy who tracks down the man his "love" obsession has claimed raped her. Lola arranges through her new boss to get a coveted job opportunity for Frank where he interviews in Paris, conveniently close to the accused rapist. So while in Paris, Frank stalks the guy, ready to kill him with a pairing knife (again, WTAF?). When he confronts the rapist, he instantaneously drops his alliance with his "love" and sides with the rapist. Again, again, again: WHAT THE ACTUAL...?!?

Back stateside in Las Vegas, he is sullen about getting the job that Lola lined up for him. He breaks up with her. (WTAF?) Ends up getting more of the story from Lola who is deeply disturbed by his betrayal to confront the rapist, side with him and then break with her. Frank flies back to Paris under the pretense of prepping for his job where he also confirms more of Lola's story and realizes that the rapist is now back in the states in pursuit of Lola. Immediately, he flies back to Las Vegas. (WTAF?)

Climax is anti-climatic, really. I would have started something else but it was a train wreck that I couldn't stop watching. Lola never asked Frank to do the things that he did... in fact she was upset and regretted any involvement by Frank thus far. Still, without any regard to her wishes, he does what he does in her virtue, name, wtfe he does it for... it is literally dizzying. Seriously made me re-think men's true intentions: all about them, their ego, their significance.

The best part of the entire film is the last minute. Wait for me... did she? Did she leave? Yes, no, yes, no... is it a bookend finish or just another bolster to the male ego?

Unless you are a male, or a female that panders to the male ego... you will not enjoy this dikflick... it panders to the male message in regards to women and how they choose to use their sexuality and bodies. If you support the male dominance, then this is for you... in my opinion this is a very graphic and horrific depiction of women, rape, sex, relationships, encourages cow-towing and submission to the lesser of two evils. Complete BS to be avoided. The message is not a good one for women, as for me I would recommend a pass.
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The Act (2019)
Whoa! This is entertainment?
16 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This sat on my watchlist unviewed for well over a month. Wanted to make sure all the episodes were in before I started down the primrose path. Also I knew it was going to be a heavy story. I realize everyone has their stories, mine isn't exactly "It's a Wonderful Life" either but geesh - Munchausen makes anything depressing, I had to mentally prepare to see this too. Also I was excited to see the actors do their magic.

But I lost interest when the facts went a bit haywire. First the point about Emma being allergic to sugar. Technically, isn't that diabetes? Realistically, not a thing, sugar is in everything, including us (sigh). However, there is such a thing as sugar intolerance. Did anyone research this before production? This is a sign of bad writers. So, I whip out my laptop and start to look around on this story while I paused about midway through episode two, Teeth. This is the episode when Emma gets her teeth pulled out attributed to sugar. Several scenes are completely devoted to this sugar crisis storyline and it just is so flimsy. SMH.

Turns out that the sugar allergy never happened in real life. And those tooth extractions were from the acid reflux on some of the crazy and unnecessary medicine that was constantly pumped through Emma's system. Makes sense to me because I was always told as a model to not eat rather than binge/purge since the acid on a consistent basis would ruin your teeth pretty quick. So why didn't they lean into the truth rather than make up this whole half-truth hard-to-swallow nonsense.

Perhaps, and this is a big stretch, the writers were hoping that we would see through this sugar allergy and begin to question all the ailments that Emma was suppose to harbor. Hmm.

I'm giving three stars towards acting... the real story had more bite, unfortunately the writers, director, whomever just steered the story in the wrong direction.
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Bad Blood (2017–2018)
Bad Blood is just plain Bad.
8 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
And "bad" is certainly an understatement too. The actors seem like they are 'wingin' it. They all make my skin crawl. I just don't think that I can stomach much more after only a half hour into the series - certainly not worth wasting another four hours of my life. It's terribly misogynistic and degrading to women... again only a half hour in and the only three scenes with women were strippers, a mistress and another side "piece" way too young... definitely not into him for anything other than his "gifts," money and influence. Someone could have had a really good story here but so far... it is just D list actors and a bad script.

Do yourself a favor and watch something else instead.
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Downsizing (2017)
Suffered thru this to the bitter end
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The premise is there: small life. The life of the Lilliputians for 2.5 hours... just way too much really. Add an Asian racist sterotype... and a white savior complex there you go, Hollywood's answer to the climate change debacle. Geez, it just makes my head spin that people cannot see what films like these really mean and how destructive they are to our society.

Not that I'm a fan of Matt Damon but geesh, you 'd think he'd do a better job of researching scripts. This entire story was a dog. In my opinion, you'd do better by finding something else to watch rather than waste two hours of your life, like I did. Hopefully, you'll keep scrolling until you find a better choice.
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Three stars is generous
4 June 2018
Perhaps I gave three stars as a tribute to the three hours of my life lost watching this dreadfully dull pos film. Maybe it was for the cast and crew who got behind the project working tirelessly until its completion. But more likely it is an arbitrary number that isn't the worst but no where near the best, not even mediocre - because if it wasn't for the original, I would have never given this film a second thought. VERY THANKFUL that I did not have to pay theater prices, rather I saw it on HBO... over two, three days as I would have to stop and start the meandering meaningless storyline.

The original Blade Runner was a film that I had to study at film school - wrote several papers on the various meanings throughout the film. While the original was far from perfect, it was original and with a purpose and a storyline that almost anyone could follow... the reboot, or sequel, prequel or whatever you want to call it, totally misses the many points that were made in the Original film.

If you are checking to see if this film has good reviews... make sure to read more... it's a lemon that has been left out to rot and mold - take a pass and watch something else.
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Only 28 minutes in...
8 April 2018
Nothing has happened except I suddenly would rather do my taxes. So far each character responds in a monotone manner, flat, dead. Very difficult to watch, cannot fathom going further into this horrendous piece of garbage, yet there is a whole two hours left. It's not even worth the time to explain all the ways this film should be skipped.

If you don't believe me, check out the other reviews all say PASS!
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After 15 minutes, I left the show...
8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Made dinner, walked my dog, washed the dishes, came back to this show watched another two or three minutes. Paused to check IMDB rating... not shocked to see a 2 - which I think was a little harsh because a lot of people put in hard's just when one actor is off, or the set looks hokey or even bad edits can really drag the entire production down. But this one felt so patriarchal from the get go... made me start to think, where are the women we admired of this era... why do we need to dwell in our oppressive history? I've got other things to do while this runs through an episode or two - perfect background for painting two chairs. Maybe not even in the same room... but it will drone on and I will whittle away at my project, say I watched it but it really lost my attention around 19:59 S1E1 - so if you are not a hardcore watcher of films, whereas it is your craft, then I would steer clear of this mysoginistic tired AF story.

Spoiler Alert: Just don't waste your time. Re-watch Game of Thrones instead.
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An addiction - worth every bit of your attention
1 April 2018
I get it when people gush about a show, "Oh it's sooooo good, I really loved it so much, you have to watch it!" The statement is rubbish to me, as useless as an empty ink cartridge. The only think I learn out of that is that the person doesn't know how to articulate why they thought the film (or whatever) was "good."

Well, I'm not going to do that to you. I will try to be pithy but also support my declaration that this is a show worthy of your undivided ten hour attention. Yeah, only two seasons each with five episodes... and just think I had to wait three years for the second season, you can just power on through on a Sunday binge... just do yourself a favor - before you start: clear the next ten hours because you will not want to miss out by sleeping or bothered with work... no this will be difficult to turn off.


Because the characters are so wonderfully rich and intricately woven into each other's storylines. This is about a relationship, the main one being a smaller town doctor, her husband, her son, her practice and how she deals with handling betrayal on all sides of her life. The strong acting lends to the believability of the characters actions and the lengths they go to be heard, understood and ultimately loved. Just when you think you know the characters and think you have it all figured out another delicious tidbit is doled out to the viewer leading you to think the character just might...

It is highly relatable... anyone who has ever been in a relationship of any kind might be able to recognize the blatant manipulations, but honestly this is a simple story with very clever twists. Extremely satisfying for those going through a breakup, however, I think the biggest flaw -if there was one to point out- a smart, resourceful woman would have never looked back. Despite getting her hand burned several times, Doctor Foster can't help but put her hand back on the stove over and over again.

There are rumors of a third season, completely up in the air as of April 2018... but I'm hooked and waiting. Just hope it's not another three years in the making.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
Let's not mince words, this sucked the life out of me
4 October 2017
If only I could give this absolutely absurd garbage no stars... couldn't even go with 1/2 star - had to give a whole star and it is not even worth the star. It's not even worth my time to write anything about it but I felt the need to peck out a few words as a way to warn others: DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME this has to be the most horrid story line ever.

I suffered through every single episode, so you don't have to waste your time. The first one hooks you and you think well, the actors, yeah, they are pretty good at first - but by the end of episode ten you will find yourself kicking yourself for wasting so much time. Ten hour long TED talks would have been a more productive use of my time. By the end, I did not care one bit about any of the characters, none of them were worthy of life on the screen.

The plot is so full of holes, it's sickening. Just don't - but if you do, suffer through the entire crappy season - then don't post a review after the first episode. If you do that and watch the whole thing. You must go back and re-rate it - absolutely certain you will agree: waste of time.
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Jackie (V) (2016)
Jackie is just bad and not in a good way
27 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In all fairness, I'm writing this at only 14 minutes into the film. I was excited to see that HBO had offered it and my Roku TV does little side "hey-have-you-seen-this" ads. Since I needed something to watch I clicked on it, ready to be entertained for a couple of hours. Whoa - I was wrong.

Natalie Portman speaks and it's like someone is scratching their nails down a chalkboard. Some have said that her impersonation is pretty good... ugh. It just sounds like a person trying real hard to sound like someone else. Add poor acting and you've got a real bummer deal. Especially for those who actually spent hard earned cash on this drivel.

So here I am at the beginning of her recant on the day her husband was shot and I just don't think I have it in me to give it anymore time. After reading all the other posts about how awful this film is... I'm going to go with their recommendation to quit while I still have roughly an hour and a half left. I'd advise the same: don't bother.
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You're the Worst (2014–2019)
Must See FX TV
20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a sharp witted, highly evolved program that takes a wonderful romp through the lives of four main characters thus providing a deep look at all relationships through the lens of comedy. The characters are brilliant and sharp. Guaranteed that within the first episode you'll find yourself looking for the next episode.

I await in anticipation for season 4, which starts in the first week of September (2017). Can't wait to see how the tailspin from season 3 ending turns out.

If you have not checked out "You're the Worst" - well then, you might just be.
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Twin Peaks (2017)
Twin Peaks Bury It in the Past Where It Belongs
29 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Not aware of any possible spoilers... I just want to cover myself in case someone else finds a spoiler.

I first experienced Twin Peaks when it aired on TV in the mid-80s. Recently I re-watched those original episodes in anticipation for the upcoming new series and was shocked to find all the misogyny and horrific violence to women... furthermore to realize this was acceptable behavior, messaging and programming back then. While the serious issues were overlooked originally, it is certainly not acceptable by me today.

Now the new series remake shows no signs of upgraded material. With all of today's technology and CGI abilities you'd think Lynch could come up with something better than putting Kyle McLaughlin in front of a black background with tinkle lights add a "shaky cam" effect and call it spooky.

When there are absolutely terrific shows out there, such as The Leftovers, why would anyone want to waste their time on this overrated garbage. This might have passed for entertainment in the 1980s when we were still mesmerized by "how'd they do that" music video on MTV.

The actors are dredged up out of retirement, most have remained fairly dormant since the original series. Their lines come out scripted, corny and seem read off of cue cards rather than organic action. So much wasted screen on silly things that really don't add to the story in anyway.

So if you are in to this kind of thing, then perhaps I might be able to turn you on to an entire film era that might be very refreshing to you: French New Wave. One 1961 film in particular that Twin Peaks seems to be ripping off is called Last Year In Marienbad (L'Annee Dernier a Marienbad). If you like Twin Peaks, or want to, I can guarantee that you'll enjoy it.

Still shaking my head, as these octogenarian one time actors ramble back and forth about a chocolate bunny for five minutes. The next scene literally watching paint dry. Or that meanwhile, another actor wanders around aimlessly. Sad for the great talent out there, yet Showtime decided to go with this pathetic nonsense.

Conclusion: Don't waste your time, watch French New Wave instead - you'll get more out of it.
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It Follows (2014)
Fresh take on horror
31 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
For weeks I danced around whether I should check this film out. The reviews held pretty high here and the reviews were equally consistent though I didn't read too many just so that I didn't spoil the film.

If you are looking for a new twist on classic horror, this is such a true treat. Rich with tropes, hidden understanding and a hyper-reality that the audience can touch in a classic way.

Essentially, "It" is as ambiguous as the time frame the film is set. Yet another pinpoint light right on the total subject: age, adulthood, coming of age, as time goes by… as seen with the fact that you cannot tell if this film is set in the 70s, 80s, or almost a future way with the clamshell compact eReader as well as the slow walking… like a tick, tick, tick, tick of a clock that subtlety references time marches and eventually "It" will catch up with you.

Some of the many layers of the film would suggest that "It" is adulthood. Although it some have compared this film as Nightmare on Elm Street meets the Ring… but really no, It Follows is definitely deeper. This film is as deep as you want it to be and even deeper still with multiple layers.

Completely original, unique and has its own very recognizable queue including the score. The film opens with a long pan 360 shot and continues to provide this type of shot throughout the film. Rich photography and cinematic shots. It gives you a doll house, watcher and being watched.

If you haven't seen this film, watch it now. If you like horror films, you will not be disappointed.
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Missing at 17 (2013 TV Movie)
Even if there is nothing else to watch… read a book instead of waste time on this trash
28 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Acting, if you call it that is even a stretch, was merely one big dress rehearsal. Unbelievable that someone actually approved a budget for this after school special meets cliché don't get in the car with a stranger message.

Then there is the cheesy background music forcing the viewer on an emotional ride throughout every single scene. Reality has been lost. Suddenly overnight a teenager hooks up with a random adult stranger and thinks she's hooked up with him.

Where is the backbone of this family? Why don't they call the car Candice is using as stolen? Missing person report filed? I mean, where is the responsibility for a high school teen? Again, reality missing along with the plot and sub-plot.

Save yourself the aggravation that I had to experience… just say no, no, no to this film. Read a book or watch another film… this is low-budget, no acting, and not worth the time invested.
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Tomorrowland (2015)
Like the Protagonist, I too was disappointed Tomorrowland was merely a fraud.
19 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Lured into the story in hopes of the flashy promises of a high-tech future, I forked over my money, albeit a rental but hard-earned dollars nonetheless, only to be ultimately disappointed in falling for this unrealistic farce.

First and foremost, the film is misleading ultimately promising that we will be indulged with a story of the future and the wonderful gadgets and technological advances that will be found within Tomorrowland. While we see but a glimpse of these wonders, like the Protagonist, we are ultimately deceived as the futuristic advances are merely a faked "advertisement" to recruit creative minds. While there was more time spent in "today-land" than Tomorrowland which is ultimately a rundown parallel universe overlaid on the current "Earth" yet in a different temporal sphere or plane.

Tons of CGI effects and poor quality blue screen are really what you get. That and a forever "child" robot person who can't come up with an idea on her own - yet is able to recruit for the now largely defunct Tomorrowland.

Anyway, probably a good 2 hour entertainment for the kids - but I fell asleep trying to watch it twice… fast-forwarded the ending with the robot/evil dude fight that was nothing but clichéd nonsense.

Not recommended, unless there is nothing better to watch.
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