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Three Cheers To The Vanderhof Family,Three Cheers To Lionel Barrymore.
3 July 2003
My favorite american director is Frank Capra."It Happened One Night" is his first great film."Mr.Deeds Goes To Town","Mr.Smith Goes To Washington" and "Meet John Doe" are perfect examples of how to make a great film about simple,ordinary man."It's A Wonderful Life" is everybody's favorite holiday film.But "You Can't Take It With You" is Capra's masterpiece.The story is perfect,The direction is brilliant and it's impossible you don't get tears in your eyes with the sweetness and shear simplicity of Martin Vanderhof.That leads us to the best thing in this classic:Lionel Barrymore,one of the greatests actors in film history.All you have to do is see this film and "It's a Wonderful Life" and see for yourselfs.Mr.Potter is cruel,heartless,despicable and absolute fascinating(I still can't believe it ranked only 6 in the AFI list,because for me he's the greatest villain in film history)All Mr.Potter lack,Martin Vanderhof has to share.He is absolutely adorable,he has a lot of friends.(The scene in the court room is magnificent)he is sweet,and equally fascinating.(Not to mention that Lionel is really gorgeous in this film)One must remember the shining presence of Jean Arthur,and equally portrayal of good and young Jimmy Stewart.Not to forget Edward Arnold and his greedy Anthony P. Kirby,who tries at all costs to buy Grandpa's house.But Lionel teaches him in a marvelous harmonica duet,how to enjoy life.The Plot is simply and delightul.Jean is Lionel's granddaughter,and she loves Jimmy Stewart,who is the son of the blood sucking banker Arnold.Jean decided that the two family's shall met,But Stewart's family will have a shock when they meet the wonderful and very eccentric Vanderhof family with Lionel,the grandfather anyone would love to have,Spring Byington as the writing mother(Only because someone forgot a typing writer in her house)Ann Miller as the adorable dancing sister,Essie,and a very funny Mischa Auer as the russian dancing teacher,who always arrives just in time for dinner.Pay also attencion in a small but memorable perfomance of the forgotten silent actor H.B.Warner as the broken Mr.Ramsey.I believe I already say to much,but not all this site will be enough to say what this masterpiece and Martin Vanderhof means to me

My Rate:1000 Out Of 10
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How Can I Describe Perfection.In Two words:Simply Sublime
25 May 2003
For me,a film addicted"Brief Encounter" is a polished diamond.It's the most perfect romance:You don't see lovers climbing balconys or dying in each others hand.What you see in "Brief Encounter"is two ordinary people in love.Only two normal people who stumble on one another in a railroad station and discover that they have more things in common,then meets the eye.So they started to see each other once a week,but their love are doomed,because they are both married and have very good lives.Celia Johnson is a sparklling gem as a house wife repressed who finds a man so repressed as she.That leads us to Trevor Howard.I know the reason of Celia's anguish.A normal woman simply could not resist to those eyes and the perfect face of Trevor,who embodies every english man in a simple wave,or just laughing in the theater.David Lean's soberb direction and Noel Coward's perfect story give space to show that you don't need to be Romeo And Juliet to tell that love's a good cause to fight,even when the fight is lost
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Intolerance (1916)
The Greatest Masterpiece In Cinema History
15 March 2003
We are in 2003,movies are almost 110 years old,and everybody wonder,where do we go from here.I always answer,we cannot tell the future of movie history whitout knowing his past.Unfortunatly I live in a dim-witted country that don't care to movie history.So let's go back in time,86 years back to be more precise.In 1916,the great world war one was in her peak,probably the entire European market was close,and,the motion picture industry,like all others,came to a hold.In short,movies were silented.But one director refused to be shut up.A genius,named David Wark Griffith.Only one year before,he astounding audiences with the first great feature-lenght film "The Birth Of A Nation".And in 1916,he directed the film he will always be remember for:"Intolerance",without doubt,the greatest film ever made.The film was a flop,when first realease,but now,that the intolerance theme is so,why not,high fashion,the film gain the status it really deserves:The status of a cinematic jewel.A precious stone,to be treasured,to be kept in the heart of every movie goer,and everybody who aprecciates a flawless,beautiful,brilliant film.Griffith directed after "Intolerance",three other masterpieces."Broken Blossoms","Way Down East"and "Orphans Of The Storm".But he died in poverty,and it will take more then 50 years and people like you and me to finally show to the world that David Wark Griffith is one of the greastest genius in motion picture history,if not the greatest.Like the great diva Norma Desmond would say."Long live silent pictures","Long live David Wark Griffith"and "Long live Intolerance",the cinematic one,of course.
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William Cutting Rules.
8 February 2003
I can't start to enumerates the reasons of why I love this film.First,is truly a marvelous epic of revenge.The Director is Martin Scorsese.Cameron Diaz proves that she is not just a pretty face at all.And even DiCaprio,who is usually dismal and umbearable shows he can act when he wants.Everything from the costume to the settings is astounding.But the main reson,why I love this masterpiece is Daniel Day-Lewis.William Cutting is one of the greatest villains of time(If not the greatest)he can be sadistic and gentle at the same time.You fight to hate Cutting but you end up falling in love with him.Every scene he's in is a classic and every line he said is a real gem.I cannot choose my favorite scene,because I love every scene he is in.Not to mention he is more good looking then never.Definitly worth waiting five years to see Daniel again.I hope we wont have to wait so much again.9 for the film and 1000 to Daniel.
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Nuremberg (2000)
Brian Cox Shows why he's the soul in this Masterpiece
2 February 2003
I've seen this masterpiece and I could not believe it has been produced by a Tv Network.Everythings,from the costumes to the actings is brilliant and could win an Oscar if produced for theaters.That film proves a little theory from mine:every film has a body and a soul.The body is that very known actor that usually produce the film and gives to himself the best lines and scenes.The soul is that actor that you usually does not remenber the name or you never seen,that actor that with the strengh of his perfomance still every scene he's in.The body of "Nuremberg"is Alec Baldwin.His soul is Brian Cox.Robert Jackson is a man obsessed with justice,but poor Alec does not have experience enough to make people believe that.Hermann Goering is a man you're supossed to hate but everything is forgotten.Brian Cox gives so much life and talent in his perfomance that even if you already know what happens (Hermann Goering will surely died)you still feels much pleasure in seen Robert Jackson transformed in a little toy in Hermann's skillful hands.My favorite scene in this modern classic is the more simple and also the must difficult for me to see:Brian Cox alone in his cell staring the bars in the window and singing a beautiful german song while the camera fixes in his dazzlings blue eyes.I was in tears at the end of this.Hermann Goering was a nazi leader,yes he killed a lot of people but when you see Brian cox in this film,you'll forgive everything.Thank you Brian,for teach us how a wonderful actor can be,when given a great part like this
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I Only Need Two Words:Burt Lancaster
3 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Ok,let's faced,The Germans are the bad guys:they killed a lot of people.The Americans are the good guys:they saved the world.So,by the natural order of things we are supposed to root for the good guys and let the Germans get what they deserve.But that,at least for me is virtually impossible when it comes to Ernst Janning,a German jurist with the face of an angel,played by an amazingly beautiful Burt Lancaster.What the american Prosecutor,played by Richard Widmark say with a thousand words and screams,Ernst Janning say with his eyes,to tell the truth,he stays in complete silence for almost the entire trial,But his face is all he needs.Another starry performance is given by Maximilian Schell,who have the task I would kill for,defending Janning.Whe cannot forget the wonderful Spencer Tracy who have the most hard task,at least for me:convict the defendants.The greatest scene of this masterpiece is when Rolfe(the defense lawyer)is crucifying the witness,(I'm not going to be a spoiler,you will have to see the film to know why),and Ernst Janning finally explodes,and that gives space to a dreamy speech(9 minutes in close-up,with that heavenly face of Burt Lancaster dominating the entire screen,putting out everything hidden in his heart.I really would not want to be in Spencer Tracy's place because I would never convict a man so beautiful as Burt Lancaster.If you are looking for a massterpiece:"Judgement At Nuremberg" is your film.10 out of 10.And 1000 out of 10 to Burt Lancaster.
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Along With "The Cat Concerto",The Greatest Catoon Ever"
27 July 2002
I'm twenty years old ,and I'm still crazy about cartoons,and the"Tom And Jerry" cartoons are the best ever made.But if I had to decide what is the best cartoon ever made,I would be in deep trouble,because like "The Cat Concerto",this "The Cat Above And The Mouse Below",is a unique Masterpiece.It all start with Tom,in a very fancy suit(Looking just like Fred Astaire)trying to do his job and sing the barber song from "The Barber Of Sevilha". Guess who decided to take a nap,under the theater floor.The whole film is a delicious sucession of jokes and like always there is Tom.I've said once,and I would say again:Tom is the greatest cartoon character,and "The Cat Above And The Mouse Below" is the second greatest cartoon masterpiece,losing only for "The Cat Concerto" of,course
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The Perfectionism Of Visconti+The Music Of Mahler+The Beauty Of Bogarde=Perfect Film
13 July 2002
I must say I reluted to see "Death In Venice",because been a great fan of composer Gustav Mahler,I though the film was an insult.But one day I saw a film called "Modesty Blaise",and I sat my eyes in the most beautiful actor I have ever seen:Dirk Bogarde.When I find out that he played the leading role in "Death In Venice",I decided to leave all my prejudices aside,get all my courage and rent the film.I can only say one thing:Sublime.Gustav Von Aschenbach is the perfect man.He is beautiful,handsome,talented,sweet.The fact that he falls in love for someone of the opposite sex is something secondary.All that he needed was someone to understand his genius,that is the one thing that he did not find in Venice."Death In Venice",is a masterpiece of a lifetime.Dirk Bogarde is the most talented and beautiful actor of our lifetime
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The Most Beautiful Smile I've Ever Seen.
9 June 2002
I had a very bad experience watching the version of "The Thomas Crown Affair",starring Pierce Brosnan,and I can say that the only thing that saves the film from drowning is the talent of Rene Russo.So obviously I reluted to see the original version.But one day I listen in the radio the song "The Windmills Of Your Mind" and I decided to rent the film just to hear the song one more time.But every bad experience and even the song slip my mind when I see for the first time the face of Steve McQueen.His beauty and smile suits perfect the enigmatic and debonair character of Thomas Crown,and even Faye Dunawaylooks more beautiful then usual.the whole film is perfect.The opening credits with the song "The Windmills Of Your Mind"(The greatest song I ever heard),and the multiple screens putting together the face of steve is the most inventive of the history.The robbery plot,the settings,the wardrobe,everything is perfect and the director Norman Jewinson is at his prime.10 out of 10 to the film and 10000 out of 10 to Steve McQueen who is without doubt the most beautiful and talented actor ever to shine in our screens.A shame he leave us too soon.But now he is shining more then ever up there
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What I can say:Is Conrad Veidt
17 April 2002
I wait for almost two years to finally be able to see this cinematic jewel and when I heard a local network was going to pass a restored copy I cried like hell of happiness.I will say only one thing:Is Conrad Veidt at his prime.His perfomance does not make Gwynplaine horrific,it makes him the most sublime human being on earth and is impossible you don't fall in love with him.The presence of Mary Philbin as the gracious Dea is very helpful.Forget Conrad as the Sleepwalker Cesare or as the handsome Major Strasser.Gwynplaine Is the perfomance of a lifetime of the most talented and beautiful actor of a lifetime
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What I can say:Is Conrad Veidt
17 April 2002
I wait for almost two years to finally be able to see this cinematic jewel and when I heard a local network was going to pass a restored copy I cried like hell of happiness.I will say only one thing:Is Conrad Veidt at his prime.His performance does not make Gwynplaine horrific,it makes him the most sublime human being on earth and is impossible you don't fall in love with him.The presence of Mary Philbin as the gracious Dea is very helpful.Forget Conrad as the Sleepwalker Cesare or as the handsome Major Strasser.Gwynplaine Is the perfomance of a lifetime of the most talented and beautiful actor of a lifetime
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Anna Karenina (1997)
Sophie Marceau at her prime but the film belongs to James Fox
19 March 2002
I earn the book in my 21's birthsday and having seen the classic version with Diva Greta Garbo,I've got curious to see this version starring one of my favorite actress:Sophie Marceau.She is really at the prime of her beautty and her talent and Sean Bean is more talented the usual.But all that is forgotten When appeared in the screen the face of James Fox playing my favorite character:the mixture of cold and beautty Karenin.I've seen James in a lot of other films like "The Remains Of The Day" "A Passage To India" and "Greystoke" but in this film he is really in his peak playing the more cynical,cold,sinister and beautiful Karenin I've ever seen.8 out of 10 to the film 100 out of 10 to James Fox.
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A perfect film for a perfect book
12 March 2002
As a "Harry Potter" fan(an addicted one) I ran to see the first film.I could't believe my eyes when I first saw The Hogwarts Castle with the lake and the main room.And what can we say about the actors:Alan Rickman is the perfect Severus Snape:sinister,charming and more good-looking then never,Ian Hart shows superbly well the aparently sweetness of Professor Quirrell and Robbie Coltrane is just lovable as the giant Hagrid.Daniel Radcliffe,Emma Watson and Rupert Grint are wonderful new comers and Richard Harris and Dame Maggie Smith shines as Professors Dumbledore and MacGonnagall.And at least but not last my favorite:Tom Felton as the dazzling Draco Malfoy.All that I can say is that is a perfect film for a perfect book. 10 out of 10
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The greatest cartoon masterpiece
20 January 2002
I'm 20 years old and I'm still crazy for "Tom And Jerry".This is not just a "Tom And Jerry"cartoon,this is the greatest cartton ever made.All cartoonist should see this classic to learn how to create a great cartoon.Everithing is at his best:the music,the settings and of course there is Tom.Is impossible you don't fall in love with Tom.If I had to rate this cartoon 1-10,I certanly would give 10000.
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