
18 Reviews
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Filled with fan service but good fan service
13 January 2022
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This movie was filled with fan service but they didn't just have the fan service for the sake of fan service and actually incorporated the fan service into the plot.

When it comes to other stuff; the directing was good as always, the acting was good as always, and the acting from Willem Dafoe was great. My problems lies in the writing of some of the characters; Doc Ock was a bit too comedic(I know it's the MCU but still) and sandman's writing was werid, at first he helped Peter fight electro but then he suddenly started acting him and being a villain even though at first this seemed like it was happening after his redemption (since he helped him in the beginning). I'm surprised more people aren't mentioning this.
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Ghostbusters (1984)
Great visual comedy but subpar CGI
1 December 2021
I think this movie either has a lower budget or the production company has a lower budget because the CGI seems lower budget than other 80's movies I've seen. Aliens, Terminator, and star wars came out around the same time as this movie yet they seem to have better CGI.

The CGI may have been lower quality but the movie made up for it with it's visual comedy because it has great visual comedy.
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One of the few times the villain didn't wait for the hero to power up
5 November 2021
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Many times in anime especially the villain waits for the hero to power up and vise versa and I thought this episode would be a classic case of that. The hero would power up and then manage to defeat the villain or at least buy them time to escape but that didn't happen. The villain attacked during the hero's power-up and it was one of the most suprising moments I've ever experienced when watching a show or movie.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Great show, worth watching
11 October 2021
I've been searching for a show that had the same mystery as stranger things season 1 and this show has it. I've been searching for a show with the same horror as stranger things season 1 and this show has it. If you like the mystery and horror in stranger things season 1 you will most likely like this show.

More people should be watching this show because it needs recognition.
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Masterchef (V) (2010– )
Prioritizes drama but still entertaining
4 October 2021
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This show is entertaining overall but unfortunately it's entertainment first and actual skill second. I want the show to be entertaining but I also want them to equally prioritize skill. I know that's hard but when they keep Krissi (someone who was super rude and created the most drama I've seen for the show and didn't even know how to cook a crepe despite being in the top 4) until the top 4 you know drama is a priority and they aren't trying the slightest to balance what they prioritize.
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Masterchef: Top 5 Compete: Part 2 (2013)
Season 4, Episode 22
James shouldn't have had to compete
4 October 2021
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I didn't mind a tie breaker but when a contestant wins a mystery box and is given the advantage of being sent to the next round and getting whatever place they were promised. They should be given that place no matter what happens. James was promised top 4 for winning the mystery box so he should at least get top 4. What happens after that is up to him and the judges but the fact that he was told that he was getting top 4 in the previous episode and got top 5 in this episode just pisses me off and I'm not even James. If they needed a tie breaker because it was too close that's fine but James shouldn't have had to compete in the tie breaker.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Season one is one of the best mysteries I've seen
17 September 2021
Season 1 is so great that I've been trying to find a mystery that is like season 1 because I've been trying to replicate the same feelings that I felt while watching this show. In fact season 1 is the criteria I use for any great mystery. Makes you ask questions and once it answers some questions, it brings up even more questions.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Four: The Body (2016)
Season 1, Episode 4
Another great episode that kept me hooked
17 September 2021
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It confirmed some of my questions that I had in the previous episode but also brought up more questions like any good mystery should.
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This is the episode that got me hooked onto the show
17 September 2021
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It made me question if Will was alive or not. If he was alive then who or what was that body and if he was dead then what or who was triggering the lights.

I think people who consider this show or at least the first season overrated didn't finish this episode because how can you call the first season overrated after seeing this episode.
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The Exorcist (1973)
18 August 2021
I've heard great things about this movie which caused me to watch with extremely high expectations. Needless to say I was dissappointed. I'm sure it was great at the time but it just didn't impress me like it does others.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
at least this ending was good
3 August 2021
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I felt this ending was a good ending for the White Walkers/Army of the Dead. The intro of the show was what got me hooked and the intro was an introduction to the white walkers. So I'm glad that the white walkers had a good ending as well as a good intro.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Hated the direction they took a character
3 August 2021
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They wrote Daenerys in a way that felt like betrayal. In other words I felt betrayed when I watched what they wrote what Daenerys decided to do. All this build up, ruined by one episode. I still love seasons 1-6 and don't feel I wasted time watching them but I still feel that they ruined one of the main plots or at least had a horrible ending for one of the main plots.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Made me question who's telling the real truth
20 July 2021
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This movie made me question who's lying and who's telling the truth. I'm not talking about the truth in this movie since the truth was already confirmed in this movie, I'm talking about real life. In this movie there were many lies told and evidence to make these lies seem truthful was faked. This movie made me wonder if the same thing happens in real life and how much it does happen. Do people fake evidence and/or lie in court? If so, how many people actually do this? Is the "truth" that court trials are supposed to find out the real truth or a truth that people think is the truth but it isn't really. How are they supposed to know if the witnesses are actually telling the truth or just lying? How do they know that the evidence wasn't faked?
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Phineas and Ferb: Rollercoaster: The Musical! (2011)
Season 2, Episode 37
Every song in this episode is fire
6 July 2021
I feel like they made this episode to make up for the fact that the original episode didn't have any songs and they went all out because every song in this episode is a great song. Especially, "Mom look" and "Rollercoaster"
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Breaking Bad: Pilot (2008)
Season 1, Episode 1
One of the best first scenes to a show
14 April 2021
This episode has one of the best first scenes to a show. It's gets you hooked onto the show or at least the episode because you want to know how he got into this situation and then when you find out how he got into that situation you are interested about how he gets out and finally after that you are probably already interested in the rest of the show. Other shows and movies have done something like this but I think this show does it better than the other shows and movies.
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Unfunny villans
14 April 2021
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The villans of this episode were different from the usual villans. They weren't really skilled or threatening to the main characters. They don't have to be intimadating but I at least expect them to give the main characters some trouble but they didn't do even do that. I feel like they were going for a more comedic route for this set of villans but it didn't really work for me. It's hard to believe Dio sent these guys to attempt to kill or slow down(so that Holly would die before they can get to him) the main characters. The only plausible explanation is he didn't know their personalities and skill, just what their stand is.

As for positives, the powers of these villans were cool especially the one that can predict the future using manga so I guess that's something but overall this was my least favorite episode so far.
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Baki (2018–2020)
Interesting premise, bad execution
12 April 2021
I started watching this show because the plot summary that netflix gave made me interested. The idea of death row inmates all coming to fight one guy sounded really interesting (netflix made it sound like it wasn't a competition but they all just suddenly wanted to kill him because they heard about him and wanted to fight him and he had to fight all of them) the real plot is still interesting though, the death row inmates, a couple other people, and Baki all fight each other in a competition that doesn't have a set time or location so a fight can start at any moment meaning you have to always be on your toes.

So what's the problem? Well Baki isn't all that interesting of a character and we barely find anything out anything about him in the first episode because it spends most of the episode showing the inmates escaping. Obviously, we are mainly here for the fights but a show or movie needs a good plot before, during, and after the fight or else the fight and the character(s) in the fight(s) won't be as interesting. Just imagine how uninteresting the world tournament in dragon ball would be if we barely learned anything about Goku before the tournament and/or if the plot before, during, and after the tournament wasn't good either. Some people could make the argument that since the reason you are watching the show are for the fights and so I should focus on that instead of the plot, well the problem is the fights aren't even entertaining to watch. I don't mind pure martial arts based fights(I love shows like cobra kai and orginal dragon ball that was mostly martial arts at least at first).

I didn't even finish the show because I just stopped caring about it. Maybe I will finish it in the future but right now I just don't want to watch it because it's just not engaging or entertaining.
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Monsters awesome, humans stupid and uninteresting
5 April 2021
I'm having trouble rating this movie because on one hand the monsters are awesome and cool and the fights are awesome, entertaining, and fun but the humans aren't all that interesting and they are even stupid at times. So because of that I have trouble rating it. However if I had to rate it 6.5/10 seems good which is why I gave it a 7 because I rounded up.
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