
30 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
One of the finest films of the century
31 July 2023
Oppenheimer is indisputably one of the best films of the century. The production is an intense character study of one of the world's most complicated scientists whose mark on the world was lesser known to the general public, until now. Christopher Nolan creates a spectacular and unsettling story that is complete with suspense and ethical difficulties. Cillian Murphy is amazing in one of the most enthralling performances of his career. The story has numerous characters and each cast member brings a spectacular addition to the story. RDJ plays a disturbing role, Florence Pugh plays a tragic part, and even Tom Conti plays a charming Albert Einstein. The final scene is so impactful it will leave a lasting imprint on your psyche.
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Satisfying watch
13 November 2022
Love and Thunder is good but still somewhat lacking. The flow is awkward and the editing seems disheveled. The funny lines are bland jokes and don't really add substantial humor to the conversations. The special effects are dull, but the camerawork and the color is actually rather great.

The characters were hit or miss. Thor is now portrayed as a moron and does not seem like his usual character from his many other appearances in Marvel movies. That said, Chris Hemsworth does deliver a fantastic performance and his comedic timing is always excellent. Unfortunately, it is not enough to redeem the film. Zeus was not as exciting as he could have been. Jane Foster had decent chemistry with Thor, but her backstory is shallow. Gorr, played by Christian Bale, was a good surprise and was quite unsettling as an antagonist. It is too bad he wasn't in more scenes, so he didn't seem that ominous.

Overall though, the action was superb and the final conclusion was satisfying to watch.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Mostly Excellent Action Thriller
2 August 2022
Excellent action thriller with an astonishingly weak ending. The main characters are phenomenal in their roles and the supporting characters are immensely entertaining. The villain felt somewhat underdeveloped, but hopefully this will be updated in future sequels.
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5 July 2022
I initially had apprehensive feelings going in, since the cheesy one liners in the trailer were not great. But, as soon as the the film starts, it pays homage to the original, and really brings back the nostalgia in full force. This sequel has its own original story that grabs your attention from the start and then takes you on an intense ride. With plenty of laughs, and ecstatically good flight scenes, this is a truly top blockbuster.
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A Solid Sequel
5 July 2022
A solid follow up to the original. Part I showed John Krasinski's incredible promise as a director and Part II confirms his talent is no fluke. The overall story did feel almost like the same film as Part I, just with some new characters added. But, the tension throughout is intense and satisfying, making this a strong addition to a successful franchise.
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Cherry (I) (2021)
Edgy and Realistic
8 March 2022
Fantastic movie and enlightening portrayal of the hardships of war on a soldier during his time serving. The story is hard to watch, in a good way. Holland played his role supremely well and elevated the movie.
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Great comedy action for a history buff
8 March 2022
Heroic story at its best. Fantastic character development with a nice villain twist. The action scenes are amazing as expected for this franchise. The camera work was top notch. The initial story build up was slow and gave the impression of a movie with two parts. Yet, nothing was useless or wasted. Every piece of dialogue advanced the story.
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Greyhound (2020)
Good performance
8 March 2022
Tom Hanks gives a good performance. But the mediocre character development of his character and the supporting cast made the movie somewhat empty. The battle scenes were dramatic. But without much background knowledge, it was difficult to care. This is still a recommend for the battle scenes and Tom Hank's performance.
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Less than zero
8 March 2022
The title of this movie describes its deserved rating. Do not waste time or money or internet bandwidth on this. Zero rating for the dialogue, cinematography and story. The movie was just a random mix of scenes stitched together that are meaningless.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Good action, but deviates from the original
7 March 2022
Without Remorse does not resemble the novel, which makes the title somewhat misleading. It is a completely unrelated story with a lukewarm plot, under-developed characters and a questionable conclusion. The acting was decent, but it wasn't enough to save the undesirable script.
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Interesting war drama
23 February 2022
This movie had a lot of potential, but was somewhat anti-climactic. It did have fascinating insights into the dynamics of European politics leading up to the beginning of World War 2. The backstory is fictional, but it offers context into the dilemmas faced by the people living through the rise of Hitler.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Witty, with action
23 February 2022
This was a good introduction to the character's deeper story, but it did not resonate with me as much as I thought it would. The series felt more like a kid's show with slap-stick style fighting scenes, childish humor and random trick arrows that seem pointless.
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Reacher (2022– )
Worthy of 11+ stars
23 February 2022
Good job. Amazon has created a series that is thrilling, efficient and darkly humorous. They picked the right Reacher for Reacher. It is amazing how minimal CGI in a compelling detective-action series can bring joy to the audience.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Visual and intense
30 January 2022
The movie looked and felt both fantastic and heartbreaking. Some parts were very emotional. Directed extremely well. The intensity kept me engaged through the end while describing an authentic situation mixed with mesmerizing visuals. This is possibly the best war movie I have seen and definitely one that provided me with a fresh glimpse of the crisis.
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The Martian (2015)
30 January 2022
I found this movie to be underwhelming. It might help get some kids interested in space and science, but the whole experience felt overly comical. Big moments felt trivial. Matt Damon's character should have enormous complications to overcome, but in the movie he just casually acts like he was at the playground. It never seems like he is in any real danger.
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Ad Astra (2019)
A thoughtful adventure
30 January 2022
Ad Astra is refreshing and worth watching. Masterful action and storytelling keeps everything interesting. Scenes are given time to be absorbed and the pacing is thoughtful. Themes mature into meaningful concepts. The combination of stunning visuals and controlled acting shows what Hollywood can produce when they do not pander to the lowest common denominator. Kudos to Brad Pitt for taking your time on this thoughtful adventure.
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Chaos and Comedy go well together
28 January 2022
The story in From Dusk till Dawn goes completely haywire in the absolutely best way possible. Completely extra blood and violence. Incredibly stellar cast. Silly, but immensely enjoyable with an awesome twist in the 3rd act.
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Queen of the South (2016–2021)
Awesome and Powerful
25 January 2022
A superbly written show with a magnificent cast. The intrigue was palpable and definitely held my attention. You become attached to the characters as they develop together as a family to survive in a brutal cartel world.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Awesome and underrated thriller reboot
25 January 2022
Awesome and underrated thriller. This series is not just another action cliche. Jack Ryan presents intense action that is not expected from a TV series and a gripping storyline that makes all eight episodes memorable. James Greer and Jack Ryan have entertaining banter as they develop mutual respect.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Best Bond
25 January 2022
Casino Royale reboots the franchise with a raw, brutal take on Bond. The film strips away the excessive CGI and gadgetry that dominated previous films. This new direction sets the tone for a more realistic 007. The action sequences are intensely satisfying. I am glad the film does justice to the source material.
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Baby Driver (2017)
Top notch action
24 January 2022
Baby Driver is a wildly entertaining twist on the heist genre and blends extreme violence with an infectious soundtrack. I really liked this movie and all the actors did a super job. Great action, great story, and intense driving scenes. Ansel Elgort is an underrated actor who really shined in his role. Kevin Spacey, Jon Hamm, and Jamie Fox all play their parts to perfection.
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Wonderful and Hilarious
24 January 2022
This movie is over-the-top fantastic. Kingsman exceeds the current Bond franchise. Great actors and a joyful story. The humor and the violence are top rate and meshed incredibly well.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
Excellence in Sci-fi
10 January 2022
Beautiful visuals in the movie. The post-apocalyptic earth, spaceships, and drones were all well crafted. This story offers a fresh take on the sci-fi genre and keeps you in suspense throughout the movie. The climax is surprising and fantastic. I would definitely recommend this movie for any sci-fi fan.
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Chronicle (2012)
Found footage done well
10 January 2022
There was a period of time when found footage was all the rage. Most copycats were done poorly, but this one was a gem. The movie has a unique concept, believable characters, and convincing performances. You can connect with the characters and they also have well-thought story arcs. The action is beautifully executed and the found footage aspect transports you directly into the middle of it.
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Skyline (2010)
Watchable just once
16 December 2021
Nice special effects, but the acting was beyond bad. The film itself wasn't too boring, but it wasn't too exciting either. The storyline resembles a SyFy show, on an extremely strict budget.
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