
10 Reviews
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Joker (I) (2019)
Good Film.
16 November 2020
This movie has a great character arch for The Joker and delivers it perfectly with the cinematography, acting, directing, score and many other aspects, however, what puts this a an 8 for me is how some of the scenes or shots focused on being stylish more than it focused on contributing to the story; the portrayal of The Joker, even though I know it was trying to be more realistic, disappointed me a tiny bit because of how much crazier Joker is in the source material. Joker is still a good film if you watch it as a film rather than an adaptation, so I recommend you do that.
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Story and Action in 1.
16 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While most action driven movies lack story and most story driven movies lack action, The Dark Knight combines the 2 and makes them the same thing. The plot is dripping with drama, momentum, and is clearly laid out in an example that has been used in many video essays. Also, the action is exhilarating while the characters are deep, developed and all purposeful; how could I forget the best part of this film; The Joker. The Joker is essential to the plot and the marvellous climax; he's menacing, smart, brilliantly acted, and the perfect fit for Batman since he helps embody the movie's theme. I strongly recommend this film.
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Parasite (2019)
Best Movie of the Century (in my opinion)
11 November 2020
Not only is this my favourite movie of the century, it's one of my favourite movies of all time. What's so great about it? This movie has the best example of an amazing midpoint and conveys a theme and deeper meaning better than any other movie I've seen. The first half of the film was captivating enough, but once it reaches it's midpoint I was glued to my seat and my eyes were glued to the screen; this movie is close to perfect; I'm sure it might have some flaws, however, I can't see them since the are so easy to overlook because of the qualities that it would take me hours to list. Just to name a few; the pacing is fantastic, the characters are interesting, the conflict is original, and it has one of the best montages of recent years. This movie will go down in history and be remembered for years to come as an achievement of cinema, and this is why I strongly suggest you watch it.
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The Godfather (1972)
Fantastic Adaptation.
9 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is truly a masterpiece; the story is riveting, the momentum and pacing are marvellous, the characters are interesting and it really does pay off what it sets up, however, it would take me forever to recite the list of pros. I do have a few criticisms though; this movie, while leaving out some elements from the book were a good call(such as Fanucci and Johnny Fontain's full story), my sisters say that Vito's death isn't as tragic and Michael's arch isn't as slow burn in the film due to the decision to keep out some of the scenes relating to these 2 concepts, but I think that the scene before Vito's death was enough for the movie and the swiftness of Michael's development was justified, however, they should have ties up Fabrizio's sub-plot better. Overall, spectacular film.
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Kinda Overrated
6 November 2020
While this movie has amazing cinematography, acting and costumes and is an immensely heart breaking film, this movie doesn't achieve what it was clearly trying to. The Omaha beach scene will go down as one of the best scenes in cinema (and the part of the film which saved my review from giving it a 2), Saving Private Ryan has countless flaws; it tries to be an anti-war film, and while it does show the suffering of the characters, which gets us to sympathise with them, the impact and focus is taken aways by the patriotism and demonisation of the enemy. I'm not saying that Nazis were good, but that an anti-war film should not have a hero-villain narrative. In the end, the film tells you that war is worth all the lives that are lost in it, therefore putting it straight into the pile of American propaganda films.
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The Daily Show (1996– )
Hilarious and Informatve!
6 November 2020
Trevor Noah, along with his colleagues, delivers news in a fresh and hysterical way. Some say that his show is a huge drop in quality from the Jon Stewart days; I have seen some of the Stewart shows but I must say I prefer Noah, despite seeing what others liked in Stewart, however, this may just be because I started watching the show after Trevor took over and since I have grown attached to him. Another thing I love about Noah is his interviews, while other Talk Show Hosts just do a Youtube challenge, Trevor actually talks about serious things with his interviewees and sprinkles it with a bit of humour. Trevor Noah is my favourite talk show host and The Daily Show is my favourite talk show and news reporter; I recommend that you watch this show, despite its slight drop in quality since social distancing started.
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Leone's best
6 November 2020
This movie is brilliantly edited, acted, shot and the score is one of the best I have heard. Plus, the story is so complex yet so interesting and fun, the villain is one of cinema's best. The motives of each character is clear, and while many may consider The Good, The Bad and The Ugly to be Leone's best film, I think that this is slightly above in quality due to the characters being motivated by not only external conflict, but also internal, personal conflict. I recommend that you watch this film and Sergio Leone's "Dollars Trilogy".
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Meaningless, unfunny cash grab.
6 November 2020
While I may not have nostalgic memories attached to the original, this movie was a massive disappointment. I loved the first film and enjoyed the second one too, I found them funny in a smart way; the comedy in this film contributes nothing in the story and is just put there to get a cheap chuckle from the audience, plus, the jokes are incongruous with the situation, nobody would act the way these people do when faced with what they are faced in the movie. This movie is just the original story without the charm, humour and decent effects; this new movie is all tell, no show and doesn't trust it's audience one single bit. I hope Ghostbusters: Afterlife is better and brings something new to the table.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Best TV Drama that I've seen.
6 November 2020
Breaking Bad is the most exhilarating, fast paced show you will find, every action causes a reaction later in the story, this is Breaking Bad's greatest feature(in my opinion), they set up something and pay it off brilliantly. Other than that, the show's other strengths are the characters, who are brilliantly acted, the action, the tension, the writing, the cinematography, the production design and much, much more. I recommend that you watch this show and also go watch it's sequel film, El Camino, and it's prequel series, Better Call Saul.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
My Favourite Movie
6 November 2020
Pulp Fiction is the most original, rule breaking film I have ever seen. Instead of following the widely used 3 act structure, Pulp Fiction makes up its own and while the 3 stories may seem completely disconnected at first, once you look closely you can find the underlying themes that they all share. Anyone who says that the movie lacks focus or has no meaning hasn't analysed enough. I highly recommend this film since it is number one on my list of my favourite movies of all time.
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