
11 Reviews
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Big Deal
12 April 2009
The doting hysteria surrounding this overblown tome of a film amazed me when I first saw it 50 years ago. It is as tedious now as then. With a few exceptions (especially Gable), the acting is overdone and phony. After the fourth silhouettes against the setting sun shot within the first 30 minutes, even the beauty of those scenes was diluted to visual doggerel. One of the few entertaining scenes was the newly widowed Scarlett dancing a jig below the serving table top at a soirée. As for historical accuracy - never mind. I know that I am in a small minority who rate this between 1 and 6 but there is always hope that more people will be less impressed with the scope and grandeur and notice what a silly soap opera this thing is.
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Please Stop! I'll Talk.
31 May 2004
If we want suspected terrorists to talk, just make them watch this overblown, pompous turkey on a continuous loop - hold the battle scenes which were not too bad. Anybody will break down if forced to watch and listen to this goodie two shoes tripe. Just another wowie zowie special effects monstrosity - gee, did the giant elephants remind you of the fighting machines from Star Wars (The Empire Strikes Back)? How would you like to clean up after those babies? They even left it open for another "episode". I would have rather spent 3 hours and 21 minutes in the dentist chair. Old J.R.R. has to be spinning in his grave at the treatment his work got from these goofs.May the Fa*ts be with you.
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The Crossing (2000 TV Movie)
One of The Best Made-for-TV Movies
17 September 2003
Excellent production with fine acting by Jeff Daniels as Washington. The rest of the cast is also very good. Daniels transformed the stern and stiff George Washington from portraits into the daring and inspiring leader he was. I am beginning to think of Jeff Daniels as being in the same class as Jeff Bridges and Chris Cooper; a true professional. The actual Battle of Trenton was portrayed accurately and serves to reinforce my gratitude for our Founders' courage and dedication to liberty. Jeff Shaara's account of the battle in his excellent book, The Glorious Cause, also depicts Washington as a gambler when the potential rewards justified the risk. I hope it is re-run soon but if you don't see it on TV, buy or rent it.
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Max (I) (2002)
Why Make Up History?
26 August 2003
The 3rd Battle of Ypres was not fought in Spring, 1917 nor did it break the back of the German army. The 3rd. Ypres occurred between August and November, 1917 and as much harm to the French and Brits as to the Germans. Why do screenwriters make things up when it doesn't add anything to the story? All it does it drive me crazy. This was a slow moving and muddled film that could have been brilliant
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The Hangman Rules
19 June 2003
A very entertaining movie with the stars (Price and Guinness) doing a wonderful job but the hangman, played by Miles Malleson steals the show. What a brilliant portrayal of a fellow justly proud of his profession and ready to retire after years of faithful service. I thought he would have a line like, "I don't want to just hang around." Well worth seeing for brisk screenplay and the understated and professional acting. They just don't make them like this any more.
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So Close To Reality It Hurts
4 June 2003
As one who was there in 1964 and early 1965, this film is so accurate it brings back events I thought were long forgotten. The absence of insignia and the motley collection of uniforms is so accurate of that time. I can still see a Marine in khaki Burmuda shorts, boots and a muted Aloha shirt with his Thompson slung over his shoulder and a bush hat on his head. The only film close to it is The Quiet American but that is more the diplomatic and press end of things. I hope you can find this in your local video store. Semper Fi.
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So Close To Reality It Hurts
4 June 2003
As one who was there in 1964 and early 1965, this film is so accurate it brings back things I thought were long forgotten. The absence of insignia and the motley collection of uniforms and weapons is so accurate of that time. I can still see a Marine in khaki Burmuda shorts, boots and a muted Aloha shirt with a Thompson slung over his shoulder and a bush hat on his head. The only film close to it is The Quiet American but that is more the diplomatic and press end of things. I hope you can find this in your local video store. Semper Fi.
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Great Action - Poor History
23 May 2003
Was there a better action actor than Flynn? I don't think so. This is a wonderful film that only remotely resembles the historical facts surrounding the Civil War and the Black Hills Campaign - only a politically correct geek would care. Wonderful entertainment presented by real professionals. "Garry Owen" will resonate in my head all night after seeing this.
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The Hill (1965)
A Knockout Film That Deserves More Exposure
9 May 2003
I believe this film to be one of the best of its genre ever made. The acting, lighting and dialogue are all outstanding. It is a brutal and disturbing story but it demonstrates that human dignity and principle can endure the worst that tyrants can inflict. I am grateful to Turner Classic Movies for running this on May 7th. I wish other movie channels would pick it up so more people can see it.
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A Sleeper
14 April 2003
I had never seen or heard of this movie until it came on TV last week. Fortunately for me, I decided to record it. As with any O'Neill work, it has to have a semi-tragic end and sympathetic characters who conflict with each other. The cinematography is wonderful and the acting, even John Wayne, is outstanding. It is like watching an all-star revue of some of the top character actors of all time. The film does drag somewhat but it is well worth the time.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
I'd rather have a root canal than endure this again.
11 June 2001
I saw Pearl Harbor on Wednesday last week; I went to the dentist on Thursday. If I were presented with a choice of the two ordeals to repeat, "Tie on the bib, Doc". Without going into details of factual errors, technical shortcomings and the inane and impossible plot, suffice to say that I hope surviving Pearl Harbor veterans from both sides bomb the studio for unleashing this insult. It will be a short wait for this to reach the $1.00 rack at your local video store so don't waste your money to see this in the theater. The special effects are not worth it.
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