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A major disappointment
24 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Being a huge fan of the indiana jones series I was both excited and nervous about this 4th installment. Excited because of all the stuff I had heard from Spielberg, Ford etc about how it would be made in the same spirit as the first three, with old school stunts, no CGI, and a fantastic script that had taken 10 years to perfect. Nervous because of the law of diminishing returns, with Last Crusade not as good as TOD and that film not being as good as Raiders.

Well unfortunately I was right to be nervous as this film is a major disappointment. If it were any other film it would be so-so, but as its an Indiana Jones film, I'd have to class it as pretty bad.

It doesn't start off too bad, with a chase through Area 51 (the final resting place of the Ark of the Covenant from Raiders), with the villains of the piece being the Russians replacing the Nazis. From there on however it goes downhill, with terrible ideas coming thick and fast. How bad are these ideas?

Surviving a nuclear bomb by hiding in a fridge?! CGI gophers! Shia Lebouef as Marlon Brando wannabe Mutt Williams who has a connection to Indy, only people with single digit IQ will not be able to guess what that connection is.

And this is only the first half of the movie the second half gets worse.

More CGI with Mutt swinging through the trees with an army of monkeys! Comedy blows to the groin, over and over again! Yet more CGI in the form of killer ants!

Following on from this is the most over the top ludicrous ending that you will ever see that provoked groans from the whole cinema at the screening where I saw the film.

I know people will say that its meant to be a B movie homage, but here's the fact if you spend a hundred million dollars plus on a film it Isn't a B movie.

Also if you spend that much make sure some of it goes on a script.
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Swingers (1996)
This film is so money and everyone should know it!
1 May 2003
"Swingers " proves that movies don't have to cost tens of millions of dollars and be full of C.G.I. to be great.

This film follows the (mis) adventures of Mike, as he tries to get over the break up of his long term relationship.Helping him are his group of struggling actor friends including the ultra cool Trent.

For any man going through the hell of an unwanted break up this movie really is the "MONEY", because its so accurate but amazingly manages to tap into such a depressing subject in such a light hearted and funny way. Early on in the film Trent, as ever, persuades Mike into doing something he doesn't want to do; go to Las Vegas. Through the course of the evening Mike loses his money and struggles with the ladies, but this half hour segment is handled so well that you can laugh and empathise at the same time.

Of course eventually things work themselves out for Mike, but its not an easy ride for him, especially the classic mobile phone scene.

I could talk about this movie all day, and have seen it so many times that I know all the dialogue, but suffice to say that this is the coolest, funniest, most heartwarming film you will ever see with great acting,amazing direction(on an obviously limited budget) a killer soundtrack and the most refreshingly funny and honest dialogue you could hope to hear. Even though this film is set in L.A. it really strikes a chord with guys everywhere.

Respect to John Favreau, Vince Vaughn and Doug Liman and the rest of the cast and crew for making my favourite movie!(The parody "Swingblade" on the dvd is quality too)

10 out of 10! A mini masterpiece!

Respect to John Favreau, Vince Vaughn and Doug Liman
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The funniest comedy series ever!
21 August 2002
I strongly advise everybody out there to catch this top show the next time it's repeated on T.V. as it is THE funniest thing I have ever seen, and makes you laugh the more you watch it.

Vic and Bob's previous comedy series where great as well, but this contains the best characters they have ever created:

Donald and Davey Stott, Mulligan and O'Hare (and their new album "Titty Biscuits"), and especially the characters in their spoof documentary "The Club", which is about Paul Baron, who owns Hulls 4th best nightclub together with his long lost brother from Hong Kong, Tony. Kinky John Fowler is the entertainments manager who discovers a new boy band "Mandate", and wild nights at Baron's nightclub include an erotic night, a talent night with some very unusual acts, and Les Dennis!

The biggest laugh comes however comes with the introduction of "America's most incredible vegetable!", a foul mouthed melon from Arkansas.

Vic and Bob's latest offerings (Shooting Stars and Randall and Hopkirk deceased) are O.K., but I wish they would make another series like Bang Bang, as they only made 6 episodes. Vic and Bob are geniuses!
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After Hours (I) (1985)
Another great New York movie from Scorsese
26 July 2002
This movie may not be quite as well known as Scorsese's other New York movies (Raging Bull, Taxi Driver etc), but it is a gem to be discovered.

Griffin Dunne plays Paul Hackett, a computer programmer who goes to SoHo for a date with the gorgeous, yet slightly strange, Marcy. Through the course of the evening he loses all his cash, and meets a lot of weird people.

Being a Scorsese movie it's incredibly well photographed and edited (by long time collaborator Thelma Schoonmaker), but it's also a great comedy albeit a black one. Scorsese isn't known for his comedies but like in Goodfellas (the Joe Pesci "What do you mean I'm funny?" scene) or Mean Streets ("What's a mook?"), he shows a great comic touch.

The contrast between the grittily realistic New York streets and bars, with the surreal cast of characters (like ice cream van driving vigilantes and paper mache sculptors) is also well balanced.

All the cast perform really well, especially Griffin Dunne in the lead role, and this film deserves to be more widely seen and appreciated.
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The crab is Cool!
16 July 2002
I can't believe that people don't find this movie charming. Yes it's cheesy, and right from the start you know the way it's going to end up, but so what! It's funny and romantic, and it's got a really cool crab in it as well. With magic cooking powers!

I was waiting for the crab to be given some supposedly likeable celebrity voice like Bruce Willis or Michael J.Fox, but we were spared that, and just got to see it pinch people, cast cooking spells and even.....wear a top hat!

The other actors, good as they are, especially Sarah Michelle Gellar, cannot compete with the best crustaceon ever seen in a movie.

Watch it now!
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Anti fascist masterpiece....or pretentious mess?
3 June 2002
Although this film was banned in the u.k. for many years, I recently saw it uncut on t.v.

Prior to the film being shown there was a documentary where many people argued that this was a powerful piece of art, as have many people on this site.

However after watching it I felt numb and cheated that I had wasted two hours of my life watching Pasolini's "classic".

The plot is very simple - towards the end of World War II several powerful Italian fascists take prisoner a group of young men and women and torture them, whilst some old prostitutes tell ever more disgusting stories, and err....thats it.

Apparently there is some great anti fascist message in showing young (suprisingly compliant) people being tortured; physically,sexually and mentally. That seems to me to be using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, everyone knows that fascism is disgusting and that terrible atrocities were commited during World War II, but does that mean to make a voyeuristic movie depicting it is an intelligent thing to do? Especially when it's combined with the sick jail cell fantasies of the Marquis de Sade, and not paticularly well made. The acting is generally poor, and that is combined with some pretty bad camerawork and phoney torture effects. Also it might be set in the '40s but everyone has '70s haircuts!

It seems to me that if this movie had been made by an American director then it would still be banned in the U.K., but slap some subtitles on it and you have a deep art house masterpiece.

The only reason to see it is that unlike a lot of other previously banned movies that are not that disturbing (for example The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), this film has many genuinely unsettling scenes.

I believe that it is right that this movie isn't banned anymore in Britain, but it's difficult to see where it's merits (arstistic or cinematic) lie.
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JFK (1991)
Gripping conspiracy theory
29 May 2002
This movie is a must see for anyone interested in the cover up behind the Kennedy assassination that rocked the world.

Kevin Costner plays Jim Garrison, the Dallas District Attourney, who discovers a link between the events in Dallas and criminals, gangsters and ex CIA agents, and struggles to find the truth even though it may cost him his reputation, family and even his life.

This film, although very well directed by Oliver Stone, does suffer from a slightly rose tinted view of Jim Garrison (who was thought to be close to mob bosses), and was critically attacked by critics who thought Stone was excessively paranoid.

However the movie outlines the many flaws contained within the Warren report(the official government version of events which confirmed Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone killer), and gives an extremely plausible alternative version of the Kennedy killing.

The other reason to see it is for the great cast including performances from Tommy Lee Jones, Joe Pesci and Gary Oldman.

For those unfamiliar with the case the film may be slightly complicated, but this proves that Stone will not compromise his vision, simply to dumb down the facts and may a nice cosy thriller, which is very rare for directors these days. The film however only improves with subsequent viewings and for J.F.K. conspiracy theorists (like myself) it is both entertaining and informative, and makes a great companion piece to the director's other masterpiece "Nixon".

Now all thats needed is for the U.S. Government to release all outstanding CIA files,uncensored of course, and let the world know the truth!(although we all know that will never happen)
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The Getaway (1972)
McQueen at his coolest
25 May 2002
Although the remake wasn't all bad, there was no way that the original could be improved upon. Although primarily about a heist and an escape with the money, the film is also romantic, but not in a corny "Titanic" way. Sam Peckinpah does a great job with the directing and this is a vast improvement on the pretty depressing Straw Dogs.

However Steve McQueen is the main reason to watch this movie;in my opinion it's his best movie and even cooler than "Bullitt", with the minimum of dialogue he really brings the character of "Doc" McCoy to life, and there is real chemistry between him and his co star Ali McGraw (who I think were having an affair in real life).

I've heard people compare this movie with "True Romance", but this is by far the superior film.
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Film of the year!
17 May 2002
After seeing the latest Star Wars film, I can't believe just how good it is. I enjoyed The Phantom Menace but didn't think that it was as good as the original trilogy. Attack of the Clones however really is as good parts 4,5 and 6, no matter what some snotty critics may say. I saw it in an (obviously) full cinema and everyone seemed to be impressed by it. The only part that drew a groan from the audience was the appearance of Jar Jar Binks; but that was more than made up for by the amazing action sequences, each one better than the last - the speeder chase on Coruscant, Jango Fett vs.Obi Wan Kenobi(in the rain!),and finally the battle between Jedis, Clone troopers, droids and monsters in a gladiator arena.

Added to that was an exciting mystery thriller involving Obi Wan(another great performance from Ewan McGregor after last years fantastic Moulin Rouge), and a well handled and believable love story between Anakin and Padme.

This movie also explains how Anakin starts his path toward the dark side which will eventually lead to him becoming Darth Vader, and Hayden Christensen handles the role very well.

The best performances however come from Christopher Lee as the evil ex Jedi Count Dooku, and Ian McDiarmid as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine who's understated performance as the master political puppeteer is excellent.

Plus if all this doesn't sound good enough we actually get to see Yoda wield a light sabre and prove why he's a Jedi Master!

George Lucas is back on top form and the worlds and characters he has created are as entertaining and exciting as ever.

See it and enjoy! 10 out of 10!
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Barry Lyndon (1975)
Great film, bad ending
14 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
As others have previously noted about Barry Lyndon, it is incredibly well made (special cameras had to be made to pick up the naturalistic lighting), and the soundtrack is fantastic. Also, although people complain about the running time and acting, I found that both the length and the characters really put you into the 18th Century and every scene in the film is perfectly paced and shot.

The only problem I have with it is that after investing time and emotion with Redmond Barry, and seeing him rise and fall through both armies and the class system, was that he doesn't get revenge on Lord Bullingdon,surely the most annoying character ever put on film. I appreciate that the film was about Barry's rise and fall, and a film doesn't have to have a happy ending to be great, but after watching the final duel between Barry and Lord Bullingdon I was disgusted.


During the final duel Bullingdon misfires, giving Barry (a seasoned war veteran) the chance to kill him. Barry does not take his chance, thinking obviously that this would make a truce between the two, but Bullingdon again demands his satisfaction and shoots Barry in the leg which leads to amputation.

In the previous half hour Barry has lost his "friends", and his son, and I felt that this final blow could have been tempered if he had managed to have some kind of retribution against Bullingdon.

In comparison to other Kubrick movies this is not as good as "2001", or "Clockwork Orange", but is as good as "Eyes Wide Shut" and deserves to be more widely viewed.
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A great action adventure movie
2 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** A lot of people knock this first installment of Star Wars but I thought it was great. The problem was that people had built this film up over 16 years since Return of the Jedi, and no film could live up to those kind of expectations.

From the opening bars of the Star Wars theme I had goose bumps on my neck and for the next two hours it was like being a kid again.

The story has been unfairly critcicised for having no plot but I think that the story is quite complicated for what is really a film for children.

!PLOT SPOILERS! Also in what other childrens film do you see the main character, the hero all the way through, die. And the main bad guy Darth Sidious "the Phantom Menace", get away? I think a lot of people who are not Star Wars fans didn't realise that Senator Palpatine is Darth Sidious and the Emperor. Also it was a brave decision by George Lucas to kill off Darth Maul, too often in blockbuster movies the bad guy appears to be dead only to return in some corny and contrived way, but seeing Darth Maul cut in two reinforces that he isn't coming back. Another complaint is that Darth Maul isn't in the film enough but I disagree, the film isn't about him and isn't it better to want more of a character (as with Boba Fett in Empire and Jedi), than to overuse them unnecessarily?

The other thing people dislike is the character of Jar Jar Binks and I can understand that he isn't to everyones taste but he is there to lighten up what is essentially quite a dark story and provide humour especially for children.

!PLOT SPOILERS! The only problem I can see with The Phantom Menace is that by having Anakin Skywalker be such a good little kid it will be difficult to turn him into Darth Vader in just two films.

All in all The Phantom Menace is a fantastic movie, much better than recent blockbusters such as the highly over rated "The Matrix" and "The Mummy" It has great characters, cool lightsabers battles, fast spaceships and out of this world costumes, and is a exciting prequel to the other movies.
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Casino Royale (1967)
A complete mess from start to finish
2 June 2001
With a great cast,cool soundtrack and a huge budget this 60s spy spoof should be great. But it isn't. The main thing with any spoof is that it should be funny, but this is terrible. Every so called gag is like pulling teeth and even all the beautiful girls can't save what is a disjointed mess. There are some good bits, like when Peter Sellers and Orson Welles are playing baccarat but they are outnumbered by many scenes just falling flat especially the over the top farce ending.

With five directors the movie was bound to be unusual, but this movie isn't weird enough to be cool or straight enough to be classed as a "normal" spy movie.

If you want a decent spy movie then rent any Sean Connery Bond, or if you want a classic slice of 60s psychedelia then watch "Head" starring the Monkees, or "Magical Mystery Tour"
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An all time classic for kids
29 May 2001
I watched this movie many times when I was a kid and thought it was really funny,scary and exciting but unfortunately I haven't seen it for years.

Its a pity that they don't make animated films like this anymore, because this has more character and charm than any computer generated cartoon or sugar coated Disney movie. All the monsters look great and the story is fun too,with a great soundtrack especially the title theme.

I only hope that they do a dvd release of it soon because it is fab!
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