
35 Reviews
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Very bad science fiction
9 July 2023
This movie is so boring. I couldn't believe how boring it was. It is hard to enjoy a movie where none of the characters are likable. Natalie Portman has one expression from start to finish. I couldn't care less if she lived or died. There is one character who is a lesbian. Why that information is given to us? I don't know because it adds nothing to the storyline. Natalie Portman used to cheat on her husband before he goes missing. Again why is this information relevant to the story? No idea! It kept annoying me how little the team that goes into the Shimmer is prepared- they don't have any protective gear. They don't have any vehicle.. they have to walk...they don't seem to even have any training on how to handle dangerous situations and wild animals. Why were they chosen? LOL Its a stupid story with boring characters. Wouldn't recommend.
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Again???? First pink now black...
29 January 2023
I have not watched this so I am giving a neutral rating. But.. how many times will this family tell this story??? A whole movie wasn't enough??? They want to milk her death even more? This is no more about spreading awareness. The movie and other countless interviews done by her family already did that. So whats the purpose of this story to be told again for the nth time???? Money??? I don't understand. Do they want people to once again feel sad for them? Or once again say oh wow what a brave girl??? Like what do they want to achieve thats not already done?? Not going to watch this because there are many other more important stories that deserve our time. Other kids who have died. Other families that have suffered and no one listens to them because no one is making movies about them. This family needs to take a break!
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The Vow (2020–2022)
About season 1
17 January 2023
How bunch of dumbass people were used and abused by a below average intelligence man who talks BS.

Thats all season 1 is about. I couldn't believe how dumb people can be and swayed by some buzzwords. The man vicente is a pussy. Crying at the smallest of things. No wonder Keith mopped floors with him. Got him hook line and sinker. The woman Sarah, she was in it for the money till someone branded her LOL Bonnie was the smart one. She got out of the nonsense early. These days there are many such gurus and coaches and motivational speakers. Stay away from them. If you need help, go to a licensed therapist or counselor or a psychiatrist. Don't engage with these gurus and coaches. They all talk nonsense.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Season 1 was entertaining.. season 2 was okay
15 January 2023
This show is visually stunning. Each and every frame is breathtaking. Especially second season. Just wow! But while season 1 was interesting and I would rate it a solid 7, season 2 was like 5 for me. Episode after episode, season 2 just dragged. I was just forwarding because nothing was happening. Season 1 on the other hand was very entertaining. Every character was well written and acted. As usual some unnecessary nude scenes in both the seasons.. glad to be able to forward through them.

Just some characters to meet the limit - sjsbdidnaksnaojshdbnekdbshdbdkxkndnkzkababsjsbsbsjzjdbdbdjdbdbdjjd.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Great premise.. average execution
30 December 2022
I liked the premise.. group of friends on an island to solve a murder mystery game. What I expected- real murder on the island.. more murders till the killer is revealed. Twists and turns.. unexpected revelations. Did I get it - yes and no. Parts of it was great.. parts not so great. The ending was satisfying but still not satisfying. Its a one time enjoyable watch. But don't expect brilliance.

A lot of the characters end up being totally insignificant and just to add fluff. At the end I kept asking why were these characters even there???

Daniel Craig was great but the rest of them were all just meh..! I did laugh at few places.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Dated, boring, unnecessary kink and sex
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe because I am watching season 1 now in 2022, but it felt dated to me. I didn't like Jessica Biel's character. Why so many close ups of her face that make her look so ugly. Unnecessary sex scenes. And it was just next level eww when she indulged in incest with her sister. Why was that part even there??? The younger sister was made to look like some sex obsessed wannabe hooker. And so you don't feel any sympathy for her. So this woman murdered a guy who didn't even kill her sister?? She knew all along it was an accidental death. And why she had memory loss.. too convenient. There are lot of shows like this nowadays. Where they think by showing kinky sex, forced flawed characters, mental illness, drugs - magically a thriller mystery can be made. No! There is just no substance. All characters are unlikeable or plain boring. Not sure if I will watch any more seasons.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
30 September 2022
The girl playing Mae plays her role well. You are never sure if she is good or bad. Suzanne is a good character too. Man playing cop is also okay. But the rest of them are plain boring. The show could have benefited from a fast pace and more twists and turns. Its watchable but not exceptional. Definitely not binge worthy. Took me a while to get through all episodes.

And why they had to insert a lesbian character and an asian character and a gay best friend? Seemed force and an unnecessary effort for showing diversity which adds no value to the actual story.

The cult and its story is also kinda meh.

The show is just good enough for a one time watch when there's nothin else.
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Two Summers (2022)
Could have been great
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This show is not a mystery thriller. An unconscious girl is raped by her best friends after a night of wild partying with drugs. 30 years later, that same group of people are still friends. The rape victim has no memory of the assault. When the group reunites on an island to celebrate the birthday of one of the women in the group all hell breaks loose as a video recording of the gang rape is sent to the husband of the birthday girl. Every episode reveals a secret related to one of the members of the gang. Things keep getting complicated as the group starts to discuss whether the rape was actually a crime, whose fault it was, should they do anything about it 30 years later when the victim has no clear memory herself. The victim who is 50 now also struggles with her own feelings. The consequences of the secrets being revealed and the aftermath of a criminal investigation forma the rest of the story.

Interesting premise. But what doesn't work is the lousy storytelling. None of the characters are likable. You don't feel any sympathy for the rape victim. Nor do you feel for any of the other characters. And why are they always swimming??!!! Aarrgghh! Too much swimming LOL the ending was also disappointing. Wish it was more fast paced, crisp and ended with the rapists being behind bars. So that a strong message was sent that no matter how old a crime is, it must be punished.
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Mimi (I) (2021)
Beautiful story
28 July 2021
I gave 1 star extra for making a movie on such an important topic. Surrogacy is becoming very common among the affluent of the society and yet we have little awareness of what kind of complications can arise out of it. I know this is a remake but I feel this kind of movie must be made in many languages so it reaches every corner of our country so any young woman who wants to be a surrogate mother can truly understand what she is getting into and take an informed decision. Movies as a medium are extremely powerful when communicating such ideas through effective storytelling.

The movie excels in acting and music. Everyone has done their job perfectly. Beautiful ending.

Couldn't really find any faults. Must watch!
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Four More Shots Please (2019–2022)
Four more seasons please!
5 July 2021
I have watched many similar shows like Sex and the City, Girlfriends Guide to Divorce, Lipstick Jungle, Cashmere Mafia to name a few. And Four More Shots Please is definitely one of the better shows in this genre. The 4 female characters are quite believable and we see them going through the ups and downs of this modern society. Unlike its name, the women are not partying drunkards. They are hardworking and career focused. They are great friends to each other. Also bonus - nice clothes and beautiful locations. Its not a perfect show. Sometimes it can be a little boring but overall a good watch. It was great to see Lisa Ray on screen. Shez gorgeous!
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Criminal Justice (2019– )
Unnecessarily long
9 June 2021
Too much time is spent in what happens within the jail and too little time on the mystery itself.
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Losers and the City
21 March 2021
Possibly the one show were the lead character is so irritating..! Once you learn to ignore Carrie then you can watch it. Kim Cattrall (Samantha Jones) is the best character on this show! The woman is not just gorgeous but also classy and an amazing actor! Wish she was the main character.

Anyhow.. I rate it a 3/10 because the characters engage in toxic behaviors like - smoking, stalking, cheating, wasting money and going broke etc and I have a problem if the main characters are so pathetic and losers and never learn anything and act entitled. Case in point is Carrie guilt tripping Charlotte into paying her $30K for a down payment.

These women should be treated as the anti role models for young girls.

And oh there are multiple sex scenes but nothing that we in 2021 havnt seen before LoL
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27 February 2021
Don't watch it. Its bad, boring and pathetic. No effort was made by anyone on making a good movie.
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Elle is that toxic friend you don't want!
16 February 2021
The story of a toxic, insecure and selfish girl who does the exact same thing to Rachel that she doesn't want Chloe to do to her.

Its hard to like a movie that has a lead character that you cannot like.

Also, at least cast a girl who has the looks to make it believable that not one but two of the hot guys are into her LOL
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Tribhanga (2021)
Good one!
18 January 2021
Movie is a solid 7. I loved it. Not giving spoilers but it does make you think for a bit about the people in your life that you resent or have strained relationships with and makes you question whether that is right or not?
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Coolie No. 1 (2020)
Outdated.. not for 2020
26 December 2020
This movie's concept is better suited for the bygone 90s. In 2020 someone cannot fool another person by showing photoshopped pictures.. that is so laughable. Also the movie is not funny at all. Varun Dhawan's acting is so so. Sara has nothing much to do other than look pretty and dance. Boring one liners. Don't waste your time. Skip it.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Umm .. its all right
27 November 2020
Show is an okay watch but what kept bothering me how much Cassie drinks.. I was worried more about her getting sick than the mystery. Also, its really hard to like any of the characters in the show.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Season 2 Finale!!!
22 November 2020
Season 2 Finale - 10/10

This show is the best right now.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Definite watch if you like medieval fantasies
29 October 2020
I would give it a 9 if the unnecessary nude scenes were not there.

Exclude that and you are up for a great cinematic experience - everything is top notch.

Reminded me of Braveheart, because of the setting.
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Disturbing and Unbelievable
25 October 2020
I have watched this 2 times. Only so as to make sure what I was watching is real. Because it is extremely unreal. The case is disturbing as it is about child sexual abuse but the unreal part is how it happened and how the parents were oblivious to it and had such a huge part to play in it. Watch it with caution because you may wanna puke.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Somewhat overrated
3 October 2020
The show tries to be something wayyyy more than what it truly is at its core - people trying to change their inevitable destiny.

After first 3 episodes of season 1, the reminder is quite intriguing to watch.

However, in the second half of season 2 it starts becoming almost laughable to see yet another person carrying a suitcase trying to time travel as though they are traveling from kitchen to couch.

Everyone is always serious. Everyone is talking in endless metaphors. There are some nude scenes. You can skip some bits here and there and come back and they still would trying to solve a problem which isn't a problem to begin with if they stop time traveling.

The actors are all similar looking barring a few. Which makes it very hard initially to remember who is who. And they all pretty much have one expression throughout - Jonas and Charlotte - those 2 have only 2 expressions LOL.

I will watch season 3 now. Lets see what happens. But I don't care about any of the characters (other than the child Mikkel) or what happens to them or what new unproven scientific theory they will try to weave into the show and talk in grim tones as if it is the most important problem of our world today.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Intriguing and Interesting
10 September 2020
I see people either hate it or love it. Well, the first episode is tremendous. I have watched all 5 now and I have been hooked to each of them beginning to end. It is not an edge of seat kind of show at every moment but it is dark, intriguing, intelligent and riveting. I would recommend it.
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Broadchurch (2013–2017)
Not for everyone
31 August 2020
This series is not for people who want edge of seat thrillers with lot of nail biting moments. And hence many people may dislike it. I enjoyed the stories other than the fact that some scenes come at very crucial moments and drag unnecessarily breaking the momentum. For example in season 3 when Miller and Hardy hit on a critical piece of evidence which reveals the identity of the rapist and the audience wants to know who it is, the show immediately switches to a melodramatic scene between parents of Danny Latimer (what gives?) The series spends a lot of time on back stories, inter relationships of different characters, which is like a double edge sword - it deepens the mystery but can also make you lose patience. In the first two seasons the cops - Miller and Hardy come across as losers who mess up critical parts of investigation resulting in some very frustrating moments in the court trial for audience. Thankfully they redeem themselves quite a bit in season 3... acting more like cops who are in control of a situation and don't have people walking all over them.
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Masaba Masaba (2020– )
Predictable... better shows exist on same subject!
29 August 2020
Rather watch Mahi Way once again.

Masaba Masaba has all those stuff that has been done and dusted before many times and in thousand times better ways.

Kiara was so bad... it was like she was doing a caricature of a caricature in an extremely annoying way LOL

Neena Gupta is good. Of course she will be. She is an awesome actress. Love you Neena ji. Only thing good about this show.

Masaba is all right. She tries hard but she is a better designer than actor.

Side characters are so boringgggg... aaarrrghhhh...

The worst part about the show I feel is that you do not connect with the lead character. Like one did with Mahi and her struggles in Mahi Way. Masaba's character is just blah. She isn't inspiring or a loser.. at no moment you feel happy for her or sad for her. You never laugh at loud at any funny scene... there is Masaba's friend who is trying super hard to be cool.. Remember that chemistry Mahi had with her 2 friends... yeah don't expect any of that here. Most of their talks are centered around men and sex... and of course they had to show a vibrator (is that a sign of women independence and feminism now.. meh!) Women are shown as having one night stands with multiple men just like that (what kind of message is this sending?)

And I am an independent woman that lives alone in the United States so I am the target audience of this show and this does not resonate with me.

You can watch it once if you have nothing else to watch.
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Drive (I) (2019)
27 July 2020
Karan Johar announced this movie as a Franchise. If you watch the movie it looks like Dharma's attempt to replicate YRF's Dhoom but with cars instead of bikes. But they make many mistakes: 1. Jacqueline Fernandes - Seriously??!! That woman cannot act and you cast her in lead role why??? 2. Cars: The cars look cheap and animated. They do not create interest. The races are boring!!! 3. Supporting thieves (bearded guy and his gf): They are the worst supporting characters in the history of Indian cinema. They are absolutely not cool or stylish as the movie tries to portray them to be! 4. Story: Had potential but ruined by bad writing. Some twists are interesting but Jackie and her acting just ruins all of it. 5. Wasted talent: Pankaj Tripathi, Boman Irani are totally wasted. Why they signed this movie god knows! 6. Direction: Pathetic! 7. Music: It is okay but unnecessary songs add nothing to the narrative. 8. Sushant Singh Rajput: He is probably the only thing that is not extremely bad but he has just not been given anything like Hrithik was given to look like a cool thief.. and criminal mastermind. He comes across as mediocre at best.

Not the worst movie to come out of Bollywood but certainly not what the initial marketing would lead one to believe.
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