
12 Reviews
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Please watch this in a *REAL* iMax theater
22 July 2012
How do you compete with the heath Ledger's Joker when you have a mask on your face?

You don't. Bane is a good villain, with a memorable voice and even more memorable lines but his personality and motivation are murky and not as fascinating or understandable as the Jokers'.

With that exception, the overall casting for the movie is the best of the 3 movies. Christopher Nolan must have so much Hollywood Cred by now that he just gets every single on of his first picks, no matter how small a role they have and it is delightful to see.

The cinematography is the best ever. With 72 minutes of iMax footage, you simply need to see this in an iMax theater that supports 70mm film. These are usually round structures with screens 5-stories high unlike most "fake" iMax theaters located inside multiplexes so do your research beforehand!

The pacing and the action scenes are fantastic of course. It is unfortunate that so many key moments were exposed in trailers but such is life. There is plenty left to satisfy.

The question that everybody wants answered is: Is it better than "The Dark Knight Returns" ? My answer is it's on par with it.
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
I can't believe how good this TV Show is
28 March 2012
I do not give 10/10 to TV shows. They must take it from me by force, They must grip me with the strength of a gorilla and make me beg for more when they end. They must make me feel elated, they must make me laugh, cry, get mad and feel awed by the writers' work.

They do not need to be perfect for perfection does not exist, but merely make me feel an uncontrollable urge to sacrifice my own precious time to tell complete strangers about them.

Sherlock Holmes does all this in spades. The characters are likable and memorable, the villains are delightful, This is the first 90 minutes TV show I've ever seen and the format works great somehow.

As of my writing, there are 6 episodes total and at least 2 of them are absolute masterpieces. Both of them in the second season. The remaining 4 episodes are "merely" excellent.

All in all, this is the best Sherlock Holmes adaptation ever. Better than the originals. Yes, I said it. An absolute must watch, worthy to be placed next to series like "The Wire" or "Game of Thrones".

Watch it and weep with joy!
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I want my 2 hours back.
16 October 2011
There is no plot - only a stream of images following prostitutes in a bordello. The cinematography is OK and there are many realistic depictions of the female body but the overall result was oh-so-dull.

There is no plot, the editing looks like it was done randomly, the continuity is tenuous, the characters are boring.

I suffered through the whole movie. I'm giving it 4 stars because I did chuckle 4 times and I suppose it could have been worse somehow. I now feel a profound resentment for the director and the writer(s). What a bunch of self-indulgent jerks. Even Michael Bay does better movies! Michael Bay! Ugh!

Don't watch this. I stayed in the movie theater in the hopes the ending would somehow redeem it and because I was with friends.

They both strongly disliked it by the way.
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Kung Fu Panda (2008)
This movie shows you how it's done.
21 June 2008
I saw this movie yesterday and BOY, what a home-run! It's funny, gorgeous, touching, wise and all-around awesome. This is the kind of movie that shows you how to make animation movies that can please adults and children.

The tag line of the movie is "Prepare for awesomeness" and it is the most honest tag line I've ever read. Within 15 minutes, I was all giddy and repeating to my date "This is awesome! This is awesome!".

Best line: "There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness." I gave it 10/10 . Instant classic. I beg you to go see it and I will personally flagellate my penis into a bloody pulp if you are anything but deeply, profoundly happy about seeing it.

Go! Go! GO! (and take the kids too!)
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The movie that does everything right.
4 January 2008
I saw a trailer for this movie a long time ago and I had a good feeling about it. I then forgot it completely. I'm glad because I was able to watch it now without any idea of what the plot was like and I experienced every twist and turn in the plot as it was meant to be.

My review won't be long because it doesn't need to. This movie is one of the few that never annoy. It delivers only stellar acting and memorable characters and a plot full of inventive and satisfying twists and turns that keep you surprised all the way through, just like real life. That is the movie's biggest achievement.

It's an instant classic and an absolute must-watch for all. It made me feel I had no choice but to give it a perfect score, even if, in coarse but precise terms, this movie made me its bitch.

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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
This is no X-Men 3
8 May 2007
I was dismayed to read the lukewarm, mixed reviews on this movie since I enjoyed the first 2 installments immensely. It is with a little apprehension that I sat to watch Spiderman the third at my local iMax theater.

I am very glad to say I was not disappointed. Sure, the plot is a tad flimsy and the ending a bit clichéd but it's OK. I forgive and forget because the rest of the movie is great. There are some uproariously funny moments in the movie (which I won't spoil!) the action is great, the villains all looked and moved great, the pacing was good, heck. It was a great ride and a satisfying movie which is what the director intended.

I was let down by X-Men 3, I wasn't let down by SM3. It's a great flick and it most definitely deserves more than a 7/10.

I give it an 8.5/10
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This movie is the total awesomeness!
12 September 2005
Square really landed this one. They didn't try to please everyone and instead focused exclusively on Final Fantasy 7 fans. And boy, are those going to be happy fans when they see this movie! The story might not be all that interesting or credible but it ties in neatly with the story of the game and has several honest-to-god funny moments!! A total surprise there and a welcome one too

There are lots of cameos and funny references to the game too. And most important of all: The fighting scenes rock so hard they could cut through diamond! They are truly the total awesomeness and would have made the movie worth it even if everything else sucked. I mean, they are some of the best ever created PERIOD.

See this movie. Bye.

PS: I know my review sounds like the ravings of a teenage girl. It was, like, totally what I intended.
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Interstate 60 (2002)
Everything a movie should be
26 November 2003
I cannot believe such a great movie did not get the recognition and the publicity it deserves! Tis a a shame I tell you! It's funny, uplifting, profound and above all, it's original as hell! It really has something for everybody.

You like fantasy? You've got it! You like satire? It's there alright! You like romance? Done! You like drama? look no further! Got a taste for irony? enjoy!

And I could go on and on about it. There is no way you'll be disappointed with this movie... ...And you can take that to the bank!
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Amélie (2001)
Pure pleasure.
31 October 2003
I have watched thousands of movies and there is not a single one that even comes close to making me feel the way I do when I watch "Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amélie Poulain" . It's like munching on endorphins for a couple of hours. It is beautiful beyond description. Watch it.
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Seabiscuit (2003)
4 October 2003
I watched the trailer for this movie a few months ago and decided it was your typical "underdog" movie and that it was probably not worth watching.

Then I was surprised by the very high score this movie earned on IMDB and I thought that maybe I was too quick to judge so I watched it.

And guess what? Turns out I was right all along. Nothing in this movie is great. Not the generic characters nor the cliched and predictable storyline. It's an average movie and nothing more. I have absolutely no idea what the people who rated it 8 and over were smoking when they did it, but I want some of it...

I give it 6/10
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Words fail me...Amazing...simply amazing
25 August 2002
I do not know how to describe this movie. I watched it 22 years after it was released and it shows. I was expecting cheap gore, weak storyline, bad acting and stereotypical fighting scenes. I was hooked after the first ten minutes and awe-struck after the first 30. Soul? magic? atmosphere? I frankly don't know what it is this movie has but it is unique, breathtaking and touching. Just watch it.
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one of the three best western movies ever
17 May 2001
acting, story, sound track. all are flawless. it is also the kind of movie that everybody should watch not only because it's a masterpiece, but also because it helps defining a genre. there is no point in commenting the movie any further, just watch it and make your own conclusions.
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