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A magic fairytale
18 September 2006
Many movie critics has talked trash about this movie, saying it was boring and had bad dialogs. I can't believe why they think this movie is so bad. I thought it was great. It had suspense, very good dialogs, compelling characters, and some very effective scares.

The movie is about a stuttering man named Cleveland Heep who work as a apartment superintendent. One night Cleveland finds a "Lady in the water" swimming. He soon finds out that the woman is a narf that has come from the Blue world and has a message to mankind. Now it's Clevelands mission to help her. The movie features some very good performances of two very good actors, Paul Giamatti (as Cleveland Heep) and Bryce Howard Dallas (as the narf, Story). Bryce character is very similar as her character in the Shyamalan movie "The village" in many ways.

Shyamalan is still young, but has already been established as one of the best directors and screenwriters living today. His way of storytelling is very different from other screenwriters and directors. The movie features many cool and compelling characters, like the Chinese student, the weird writer, etc. They're all very funny, and makes the movie very entertaining. This movie features more comedy then in Nights previous movies. But it still has all the suspense, scares and the great direction from his other movies.

One of the best thinks about the movie i think, is the music. James Newton Howard delivers again a superb score, and proves that he is one of the greatest composers ever.

The visual effects in this movie is much better than in M. Night Shyamalans "Signs". In the movie Signs the visual effects was distracting from the story, but in this movie, it was very good.

I think this movie was incredible entertaining. Everyone shud see it.
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One of the greatest hip hop movies ever made
16 September 2006
There have been made many dance-movies through up the years like Flashdance, Dirty dancing and Saturday night fever, but there haven't been made many movies that are reflecting to hip hop. You got served is the movie hip hop dancers have been waiting for. The movie is about two friends, David and Elgins who leads the best dance-crew in the area. But one day when a white dance-crew challenge them to a battle, David and Elgin have to do everything they can to still be the best hip hop crew in the area.

The leading roles is played by Marques Houston and RÅB-singer/dancer Omarion. They do a really good job in they're roles. All the actors in the movie looks convincing in their parts. The movie also features very cool hip hop songs created by the B2K group.

The dance routines in the movie is so amazing that you have to see it to believe it. This is THE best hip hop movie ever created, and probably one of the greatest dance movies too.
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The Grudge (2004)
Gives you chills
5 September 2006
Ghost house pictures and Sam Raimi comes her with one of the most frightening modern horror movies ever. The movie is directed by Takashi Shimizu. The same person that directed the original Japanese version.

Sarah Michelle Gellar stars as Karen, a young lady who is a exchange student studying social work in Japan. But one day when a lady named Yoko doesn't show up at work at the care-center, Karen becomes her replacement. And she has to take of a senile woman in a large scary house. But things ain't what she expected. What she didn't know is that the house is haunted by evil spirits. Now she has to deal with evil spirits that will do anything to kill her.

This is very unique horror movie. Not in story but in editing, soundtrack and suspense. The movie features some very frightening scares, that will really shock you. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. The soundtrack is very good. It really helps the scares to kick of. The movie also features some cool editing. Sometimes the movie jump back and front in time. This can be distracting the first time for some.

I recommend this movie for everyone that likes modern horror movies. It is really a entertaining movie.
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Silent Hill (2006)
Good game adaption
26 August 2006
The story is very simple. a girl sleepwalks and talks about a place named Silent hill in her dreams. One night when she sleepwalk, she almost fell down a high cliff, until her mother saves her. Then the mother decides to take her daughter to Silent hill once and for all after doctors and medicines haven't succeeded of helping her. They leave soon after without her husband knowing anything. When their almost there, a girl suddenly come in front of the car, and they crash. Few hours later the mother wakes up, and the daughter is vanished. Then she walks into Silent hill looking for her daughter. At the same time her husband tries to find out what have happened in Silent Hill.

The movie is adapted from the game with the same name. This is probably the best game adaption ever. It's much better than movies like Resident evil apocalypse and Doom that had worse story and was not very interesting.

The movie featured not great but watchable CGI-work. Many of the CGI created creatures was cool. Specially the tree head monster. The set-design is great. Every street, building and the rooms in the houses where very good put together.

The movie have a very creepy feeling while you watch it. The mood in the lightning and how the monsters walk makes it scary for some and compelling for others. The movie also features a lot of blood and gore throughout the movie.

The actors in the movie does a good job. Specially Radha Mitchell as the desperate mother looking for her daughter. She was much better her then she was in the bad ''Deep Blue Sea''. But Sean Bean that is good actor, i thing didn't do as good job as Radha.

But the movie is not perfect. the story is very simple (not as bad as Doom), how the mother reacts at the beginning of the movie when she speed-drives from the police with her daughter in the seat next to her (a normal person would never do this), is bad scripting. It looks like the screenwriter rush through just to come to Silent Hill as soon as possible. But still the movie was very entertaining, and has a lot of gore and bloody scenes that will enjoy horror and game fans.

Welcome to Silent Hill
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United 93 (2006)
Deticated to the people that died
21 August 2006
The movie tells the story about what happened on September 11. 2001 when four airplanes got high-jacked. Three of the airplanes reached their goal, except one. And that was flight United 93. The movie follows flight United 93 from it takes of to it's terrible ending. At the same time we see what happened to the other airplanes.

Paul Greengrass directed and wrote screenplay to the movie very well. Instead of using known actors, Paul used actors that was not very known. That made it more realistic. And another thing Paul did was to film the movie with almost only hand-held camera, to help the realism of the movie. The actors in the movie are not very known, but they still does a good job. Every actor in this movie are good.

The movie is intense, heart-wrecking, powerful, and important movie. And the few minutes is so intense that it will make you lean back to your seat and make you speechless.

This is this years most important movie. And of the best movies made this year also.

Everyone shud see this movie because it shows that we do not live in a perfect world.

Deticated to all the people that died that day.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
Better then the first
17 August 2006
Spider-man 1 was good, but this was much better. It had better special effects, visual effects, action and story. It even had more romance. Sam Raimi deliver us one of the best movies in 2004. In this movie Parker have problem being Spider-man an at the same time be a normal person. He get always fired because he is always late to work, he's grades on school gets weaker and he got love problems with Mary Jane Watson. Now he wonder if he really want to be Spider-man or not, and then finally quit as Spider-man. But when a scientist named octavius becomes deformed with tentacles attached to his back, and becomes Dr. Octopuss (Doc Och). Then Peter is forced to be Spider-man to save the world from Dr. Octopuss.
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Supercop (1992)
Good entertainment
13 August 2006
Supercop is the third , movie in the Police story series. I think this movie was better than Police story 2. This movie had much more stunts then Police story 2. It also had better story and the humor was funnier. Michelle Yeoh does also a good job in this movie. The motorcycle stunt is one of the movies best stunts. Michelle ain't as funny or good as Jackie, but still does some good fights. The story in this movie isn't very bad like they usually are in many of Jackies movies.

So i gave 7 of 10

I recommend this movie for every Jackie fan.
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Fun action movie
13 August 2006
Police story 2 is not as good, funny or action-packed as the original but is still a good movie to watch.

There are less fight scenes in this then it was in the first one, but have some fight scenes that are really good. The playground fight, is one of Jackies best ever.

The story is about some drug dealers who are trying to kill Ka-Kui (Jackie Chan) because he put them in jail in the first movie.

The stunts in the movie is very good. Specially the truck to bus stunt.

Many of the actors in the first movie is back.

I recommend this movie for everyone.
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Police Story (1985)
One of Jackie's best movies
13 August 2006
Police story brought Hong Kong movies to modern day cinema.

Jackie plays a policeman who tries to catch some drug dealers and at the same time take care of a young woman from the bad guys, and still take care of his relationship with his girlfriend Selina (Brigitte Lin).

The movie features plenty of stunts, not only from Jackie, but also from other actors (who are now in Jackies stunt club).

Three of Jackie's stunt members went to hospital during filming on the film.

The movie also have some incredible fights scenes like ''the car park fight'' and ''the shoppingmal fight ranks as one of Jackie's finest.

The movie also won award for best movie and best action design by Jackie Chan at Hong Kong film awards.

Everyone who loves Jackie Chan and/or martial art movies shud see this
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Mortuary (I) (2005)
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy bad!
13 August 2006
Me and some friends rented this movie too day. The movie turned out to be really bad. I wasn't surprised. I knew it was going to be bad.

The movie doesn't have a story. The actors are really bad, the scares are bad, the soundtrack is bad, the special effects are bad. Everything in the MOVIE is bad.

You never get scared in this movie. This is the worst horror and movie i've ever seen.

The movie is directed by Tobe Hopper, the director behind The Texas chainsaw massacre and the writer of Steven Spielberg's Poltergeist. It is strange that he made it so bad, after he has watched better movies before.

And the ending is one of the worst ever.

Don't watch this.
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Not scary, only bloody and gory
13 August 2006
I haven't seen the original but this is just bad. The actors aren't bad, but it is the gory and bloody scenes that makes it bad. The ''monsters'' in this movie is just ridicules. You don't even get frighten by them. Every time i saw them i began laughing.

Wes Craven didn't direct this time, he left that job to Alexandre Aja. Instead he wrote and produced the movie.

You should never watch this movie because it is really bad. Horror movies like The sixth sense, Scream, The grudge and The amityville horror is much, much better.

It's not the worst horror ever made, but is still very bad.

I recommend this movie for those who loves bad movies.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Incredible performances by Joaquin and Reese
13 August 2006
In the last two years Hollywood has given us many good movies like Good night and good luck, Brokeback mountain, Syriana, King Kong , The constant gardener, Crash, Star wars, Capote etc. but no one of these movies beats Walk the line.

Walk the line tells the true story about country-rock singer Johnny Cash life with such style and elegance that it make it one of my favourite movies.

The movie follows Johnny Cash (Joaquin Phoenix) from he is a little boy, his first wife, his first record, his drug addiction, up to his marriage with singer and comedian June Carter (Reese Witherspoon).

The movie features INCREDIBLE performances by Joaquin and Reese. They also sing the songs too. Joaquin does a really good job of portraiting Johnny Cash. But it is Reese that steals the show in this movie. She's not just beautiful, she really outdo herself in this movie. Ginnifer Goodwin, Robert Patrick, Dallas Roberts, Dan John Miller, Larry Bagby and Shelby Lynne also does good acting.

The movie is directed by James Mangold, the man behind Girl, interrupted and Identity. James does a really good job of putting Johnny's life to the big screen.

The script is also good. With good dialog and good story.

I recommend this movie for everyone that likes good movies.
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Fearless (2006)
Jet Li is the man
10 August 2006
This is Jet Li's last martial art movie. He has sworn that he will make other kind of movies because he want to be known as an actor rather than a martial art expert.

Jet Li plays YuanJia. A boy who dreams to be a martial artist master like his father. Several years later when he is an adult, he becomes kung-fu champion in the village he come from named Tianjin. But then... The movie is directed by Ronny Yu. The man behind Crouching tiger hidden dragon, House of the flying daggers and Hero. Jet Li is back again in his last martial art movie. Thats to bad, because Jet Li is still one of the best martial artists out there.

The movie features plenty of fight scenes. Not only hand to hand combat, but also sword fights, stick fights, etc.

All the fight scenes is choreographed by Woo-Ping Yuen. The choreographer behind Kill Bill 1 and 2, Matrix trilogy, Fist of legend, etc.

This is the ultimate Martial art movie, featuring many fight scenes, good acting from Jet Li and a good story.

I recommend this movie for Jet Li fans, and everyone who likes Hong Kong movies.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Sam Raimi at his best
9 August 2006
Spider-man is an adaption by the comic-book series by Stan Lee.

Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco and Willem Dafoe stars in this magnificent movie by Sam Raimi.

The movie is about a young student named Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) who is a very shy, awkward person and not very lucky with the girls. One day when the class is on a school expedition, Peter gets bitten by a mutated spider. The morning after Peter wakes up with having superhuman strength, fast reflexes, etc. Peter soon begin using his powers to make money, but when his uncle gets killed by a criminal, Peter then swears to kill criminals as spider-man. At the same time a scientist named Norman Osbourn (Willem Dafoe)develops super-strength after he gets exposure by experimental nerve gas. Norman becomes spider-man's biggest enemy Green Goblin. The movie is directed well by Sam Raimi (Evil dead 1 and 2). The script is also very well written by David Koepp (Secret window, Jurassic park). The movie features some very good action and funny sequences. It also have some very good CGI-effects.

I recommend this movie for all action fans.
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King Kong (2005)
Peter is back
8 August 2006
Kong is king. Peter Jackson proves again that he is one of the best directors in the world.

This movie is just amazing. This is probably the best remake ever created. The CGI-work (speciall effects) in this movie is one of the best ever. Kong is very well done by Weta workshop. He is even better developed then Smeagol (Gollum) in the Lord of the rings trilogy.

The actors in the movie is very good. Naomi Watts, Adrien Brody and Jack Black is some of them.

But it is Kong that steals the show in this movie.

Andy Serkis is also in this movie as the boats chef and Kong himself.

I recommend this movie for everyone.
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Into the Blue (2005)
Jessica Alba saves the movie for disaster
8 August 2006
Into the blue is directed by Jhon Stockwell, and stars Paul Walker, Jessica Alba and Scott Caan in the leading roles. The movie isn't very good, but features some of the most beautiful underwater scenes ever caught on video-camera. The actors in this movie is not very good. except from Jessica Alba and Paul Walker who is good enough. The only good thing in this movie is to see the most beautiful woman in the world Jessica Alba in a swimming-suit. Jessica Alba was the only reason in wanted to see this movie. If you want to see a good movie don't watch this, but if you are looking for beautiful bodies and underwater cinematography this is the movie for you.
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Signs (2002)
A unique movie
8 August 2006
M. Night Shyamalan is one of my favourite directors. That because he makes his movies in an unique style. Signs is his first film after the smash-hits The sixth sense and Unbreakable. Evey movie he makes is good, and this is not a exception. The movie is about a preacher named Graham Hess who has lost his wife. He live on a farm with his two kids and his brother Meryll (Joaquin Phoenix).

One morning Graham finds a massive crop circle in his back yard. Graham thinks it's jokers fooling around, but when they begin to occur all around the world, he soon finds out that the planet are been invaded by aliens. Night focus more on the scares and suspense rather on the action. And thats not a bad thing. Everything in this movie is perfect. The soundtrack is beautifully composed by James Newton Howard (King Kong, The village). M. Night Shyamalan produced, directed, starred and wrote this peace of art. Signs is truly a work of art, and i recommend it for those who are a big Shyamalan fan or just love good movies.
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Good but not best
8 August 2006
Dragons forever is the last movie Yuen Biao, Samo Hung and Jackie Chan starred in together. The movie is also directed by Samo Hung. This movie features some cool fight scenes throughout the movie. It also have some funny moments. The movie also features Kickboxing champion Benny ''The jet'' Urquades. The last fight scene between Jackie and Benny is very cool. Samo Hung and Yuen Buao also have some cool fights. The last action scene is the biggest highlight. Dragons forever is a good movie but not as good as Project A. The story isn't the best, but it is the fight scenes and comedy who makes this movie good and fun to watch. I recommend you watch the original and not the American dub. They usually are bad, and they sometimes cut away some scenes.
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Best Jackie Chan movie
26 July 2006
Jackie chan is one of the biggest action stars in the world. He is known for his crazy fights, amazing stunts and humour. This is Jackie at his best.

The movie features not many stunts, instead it has some incredible fight scenes. And the fight scenes are many.

The movie is about Fei Hung (Jackie Chan) who fights foreigners who tries to steal artifacts out of China.

The biggest highlight in the movie is when Jackie Chan fights kickboxer Ken Lo. Ken Lo is actually Jackies bodyguard in real life. Ken has also been kickboxing champion seven times in Thailand. This is truly an amazing movie.

I recommend this movie for everyone who loves Jackie Chan movies or martial art movies.

My favorite Hong Kong stars in order is: 5: Sammo Hung 4: Tony Jaa 3: Jet Lee¨ 2: Bruce Lee 1: Jackie Chan
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A scary horror movie
25 July 2006
The Amityville horror is about a Man named Ronald Defeo who kills his family in a house in Amityville long island. One year later, the Lutz family moves into the house. They soon discover that the house is haunted. The movie is very good. It features many scares throughout the movie, and they all will make you jump up from your seat. The actors are good, specially Ryan Reynolds (Blade trinity, Just friends) as the husband who becomes insane. The movie is also well directed by action director Michael Bay (The Island, Bad boys). The movie also feature some gory scenes at the end of the movie.

I recommend this movie for those who like modern horror-flicks. If you hate movies like The grudge and The ring 2, then don't watch this because it's very similar in suspense and scares.
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