
7 Reviews
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Psycho (1960)
The OG
7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How to begin talking about Psycho... It was the first movie to show a toilet! Beginning with the toilet, like many things in this movie the showing of a toilet showed the boldness's Alfred Hitchcock was willing to do when making this movie. Psycho may have been rated R but even as an R rated movie this movie when above and beyond any horror movie that had been made before it. The usage of black an white color in order to by pass restrictions on showing blood was a great idea that added so much to this movie. Of course how can you discuss this movie without talking about the infamous shower scene? Originally the shower murder was going to be completely without music, however what has become one of the most parodied movie scenes in movie history was most likely thanks to the inclusion of the ere and creepy music played during this scene. The shower murder itself was very bold like much of the movie, while nothing to revealing is shown, we do see and believe Janet Leigh is full blown naked while being realistically stabbed. Where this movie slows down a little is the explanation scene at the end which was a little awkward, long and boring. Psycho is very interesting movie worth seeing, this movie did so many firsts which overtime has really payed off as Psycho is one of the most well known and beloved movies.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First I should say that I watched Taxi Driver after I watched Joker. I watched Taxi Driver after hearing how Todd Phillips was inspired by that movie when creating Joker. Ultimately what I find different about the two movies is that 'Joker' is a lot more acknowledging to the fact that our protagonist is mentally ill and needs help. I also notice the complete difference in movie scores, while Joker's movie score delivers an award winning powerful score that heightens many of the movies scenes. Taxi Driver's score however is very repetitive and honestly boring. Most of the dialogue is delivered in an even duller way than the music. It's not till the last 40 minutes of the movie where something actually starts to happen. I wouldn't say Taxi Driver is a bad movie but just a little dull. What didn't help the movie in my opinion was that for the first half of the movie Travis Bickle he was portrayed as just being a little slow or dumb but not crazy as he quickly transitions to to the second half.
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The Best musical
16 April 2020
The Sound of Music is without a doubt the only musical I have ever genially liked , perhaps its the nostalgia of watching it as a kid; or more likely, when it comes to the Sound of Music the songs sung feel genuine and not forced. By this I mean for me personally I have always thought that the songs sung in most musicals seem non realistic and not genuine. The songs sung in the Sound of Music always feel like they could have actually be sung in real life. Without a doubt Julie Andrews carry's the movie with her amazing voice.
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13 March 2020
Looking into how this movie was made I did not know the origin of this story was simple a reunion of the people who made King Kong (1933); with that said like King Kong, Mighty Joe Young is a story full of adventure and emotion with one one soul purpose of again warming of mans intervention and manipulation of the natural world. What was nice about watching this after King Kong was seeing the improvements made over the years in how such a adventurous movie could be made. What was the best was the ability to use the Gorilla more than what was physically capable in 1933.
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Imitation of Life
27 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Imitation of Life was a very enjoyable movie with characters and actors that knew how to truly spark emotion. The pacing of this movie in my opinion is pretty quick and energetic, just as Claudette Colbert's character Beatrice Pullman. The beginning of this movie moves pretty quickly, the pacing of the movie's in world time can be measure by how quickly the two girls in this movie grow. While the pacing of the movie may have been quick, what I enjoyed the most was the genuine and heartbreaking emotion conveyed when Fredi Washington's character Peola, breaks her mother's heart, eventually leading to her early death. The conflict between Peola wanting to make her own life and success for her self without her mother's money is constantly undermined by her reality of being a black woman. The Imitation of life truly was an emotional experience.
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King Kong (1933)
12 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
King Kong (1933) does not disappoint. While I saw the 2005 version years before I saw this movie, I still had as much excitement for this movie as the 2005 remake. The effects in this movie are years ahead of its time in my opinion, the acting was equally as great. This movie gives you a wild sense of adventure as the characters search across Skull Island for Kong. The natives help greatly with keeping suspense and interest alive when their are no scenes of Kong. It is no wonder why this movie has stood the test of time, inspiring many remakes, paradises, spin offs, etc. The end "battle" in New York is legendary, again influencing many of creators for years to come with the iconic death of King Kong. Although its been seen and redone many times, the movies message with the death of Kong is equally as felt in this move as any other.
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The Circus (1928)
Charlie Ever After
5 February 2020
Previewing 'The Circus' I found that a lot of people called this movie very under rated. Now having watched the movie for myself I can see why so many people appreciate this movie. While the movie itself wasn't my first silent film, it was the first full length Charlie Chaplin movie. The movie does not disappoint with plenty of funny and tense moments throughout the film that keep you interested all the way through. The most suspenseful point of the movie for me was around the half way point where Charlie is confronted with one big cat. The movies music and characters expression fill the movie with plenty of emotion.The movie is a great inspiration for hope and happiness, something furthered by Charlie's final selfless act that brings happiness and content to everybody in the movie. Lastly my favorite part of the movie was the feeling of desperately wanting to see the end conclusion to the movies characters, Merna the abusive Ringmasters daughter being a prime example.
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