
21 Reviews
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Westworld (2016–2022)
The FREe WILl can MAKE you *fri*
22 March 2020
WorLd=SystemMATRIX (HELl) AND not THE LIVing' earth!
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The Outsider (2020)
An* OutSider* Is' SUMboDY That STANDs Out of THE SIde (sight) OF THIS ocCULT world
20 March 2020
He walks ALone' HE is' SOUVEreign. he can CREATe His SOLE
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Baaghi 3 (2020)
The INdiAn VERSsion* Of ram-bow
14 March 2020
FIGHTing ISis or the" TALIban 're'laZIONship FILMmovie=MOVINGmoveMENT ''
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The JUice* are disPLAYed more discrete
7 March 2020
CURTis' HANSon lead the direction of this movie after the novel of Jew James ELlRoy. In the beginning ONE SEes the boss of the Local (jewish) Mafia in the 50s: Meyer-Cohen "Mickey-C" for his buddies. He SEems to-be the king of THE crimes in his" Area: the king of drugs, blackMAILing and prostitution. He kills about 12 people per year. His name appears quite often in the news.
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An example for a Jewish career
5 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The nice movie from Sergio LeONE tells the STORY of JEwish Gangsters in NYC They Emigrated from POLand in the beginning of the century. They SMUGgle ALCOhol' and" FIDdle (talk YIDdish) THEY break in-to a JEWelry-shop of their competitor and murder him! They "own" discotheques and prostitute the wo'men of their society. Their boß* will "change" later and will be a Senator!
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KisSes BALls (baAL) & CanAILles
4 March 2020
It's NOT just about Apure PHILOspohy or" HUmanISM BUT al'so ABout THE deFENce Of their ownNOWwonNWO JEWish INTERest' AS seEN in this BERry case.
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The continuation of the movie Two Steel-strong PROFesSIONals
3 March 2020
Is' an Even bigger caricature. The two polICEmen That are symbolizing the happy multi-culti/society, will be at this time conFRONTed with fear-mongering drugs-dealer bandits from SouthAfrica. These criminals are all "white" with a Nordic look, blond and of cause terribly racist. Maybe it should be here MENTioned That THE director RICHard DONner is in "reality" Richard SchwartzenBERG (BLACKmountain) Such an inFORMaZION might be useful for somebody That wants to comprehend the message of this movie.
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proMOTing' CANniBalISM in How Every-thing' STARted
28 February 2020
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REveals" about THE Youth Of THe famous HanNiBAL lectEr That PSYcho-pathic MURDERer and HUman-EATer of the"movie The SILENce OF THE lambs. When HE was A=LITtle kid during Ww2 in LithuAnia HE SAW how HUNGERY RUSsian NKWD-SOLdiers ate his LITtle Sister. AS he was grown HanNiBAL tried to REvenGE IT and to find those" CRIMinals. HE wanted To EAT their"brains... ONE of them beCAME aCOok in France - JUice LIKE " 2COok. HanNiBAL Is' hapPy About IT beFOREhand... what He WILl do with HIM then... HE Sits AT a-table and"watches HIS next VICtim. WE can learn HEre' That THIS "man (the KINDer-MURDer) is' a FAITHful' CHISTian That values much That His" Childs go TO " CHUrch REGULarely. Thus BEware of THE CHRISTians!
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The Penitent (1988)
The ocCULTs Has no JUDaic BASis
27 February 2020
In this" MOVIE Paul JULIA plays the" ROLE of aFARMer in New MEXICO who CONverts To ApriMItive and" BRUTal' Cathodic" CULT in That" THE *subPORTers* ARE HAPpy" to SACRIfice hu'mans and" CRUcify CORPSes.
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A good example for an accusation-inversion
14 February 2020
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Gerard Oury Shows in JEW (Levite) and Non-Jew (Goliath) That Moshe=Moses (ocCULTist) High Priest, a Chassidic Jew and diamond-trader (diamonds are actually worthless=Jewish scam) in Answers has with his brother Albert a conncetion, who has a pub in Paris since he married a woman. Moise takes the train to France. He should deliver diamond-powder to a Renault-factory but with-out his consent (knowing) he gets involved in a drugs-smuggling trade (smuggle is a Yiddish term) deceived (tricked) by a Non-Jewish wo'man That were being hunted by"police. The Cocain-dealer and the pimp are in this case of course blond haired & blue Eyed and antiSEMItic=Against MIXed(halfs) as USual while the JUice* are ALways' nice, sym-pathic and with good will. David Against Goliath Shows" HOW the Jews defeat their Giant Enemy with deceit. PS All drugs-dealing is proven to be 100% kosher!
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Quand on sera grand (FR 2001)
13 February 2020
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Simon Dadoun, a 30 years old Jew and JOURnalist, divorces him-self from a girl-friend GOYim and meets a Sephardic JEWess. A friend of him is MARried with an Asian girl. Another friend with a wo'man from SeNEGal. This movie also celebrates the female HOmoSexuality besides all this multi-CULTural NonSENse.
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La tresse d'Aminata (2004 TV Movie)
How to exchange the European population
12 February 2020
In this French movie of 1999 Dominique Baron stages a young Senegalese wo(mb)man That is being adopted by a Breton family. That opens the door for the migration of her whole family...
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Fatou la Malienne (2001 TV Movie)
African foreigner's life in Europe
10 February 2020
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This film from Daniel Vigne of 2001 portraits a Senegalese wo(mb)man acting in Paris. This MALInese wo'man becomes 18 and passed her exams. Her friend Gaelle is a young French girl That has lots of fun with her Maghreb-contacts... In the end of the movie both women move to Bretagne and open a coeffeur-salon.
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An EMblematic SHOCKer
7 February 2020
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After volcano-eruptions, tornedos and meteorites; causes the "climate-warming" a flood-wave and then paradoxically a cold-snap. The so called whites must finally emigrate in-to the warmer countries of the South. The American president=CEO declares in the end: The Americans as well as other ethnics (Asians) are today the guests of those" whom before one called Third World countries. We have been in misery and they opened their doors for us. they welcomed us; I want to express my deep gratitude for your hospitality. In reality it is all set-up. The message of the director of this movie RE is very clear: We must let come the foreigners of the South and East to us (our living-space) because" it could happen That we could need them tomorrow in a very uncertain future That does not really exist.
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Anti-ZIONism in Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe
6 February 2020
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It describes endless interrogations of an "innocent" Zionist in Prague 51 as Stalin changed his direction after the 48 founding of IsRaEl. He finally confesses crimes That he never Did.
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IN-GLORious=NOT famous & BASTard=child with-out"fat-her
4 February 2020
In American or" Soviet *conCENTraZIONScamps* the GERman PoWs could after the war also very well experience the hat'red & vindictiveness of theJews Against them. This film from QT Shows us" a bit ABOUT it. what really happened in these termination camps after the "war - especially in Siberia. EveryBODY should know That hundreds of thousands could never leave these camps of the ALlies' alive. NOone talks about it in the media. In HEbrew they call it: lasoth nekama bagoyim = retaliate the goys... The humiliation of the fictional Enemy comes before the final victory.
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The Pianist (2002)
Liberation wars in Jewish interest
2 February 2020
I think here about a part of this movie from Jew Roman Polanski where one can see a Jewish-polish family from Warsaw That jumps of joy as they hear the news in the radio: Finally there is a war between Germany, England and France! It's great! They celebrate. Wladyslav Szpilman also told extra-terrestrial stories. In his book for this film from 1946 he describes the fate of a Jewish musician in the Warsaw ghetto. He saw with his own eyes the corpses of small girls: Those have been murdered by a method that the Nazis particularly liked. They took them with their legs and threw the heads against a wall. Atrocities follow shootings.
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Arab weapon-dealer are displayed as violent and stupid
1 February 2020
The Jew Robert Zemecki made this trilogy for the FANTasSEeA of time-travelling. That is captivating the audience - especially the young ones. With an interesting time-line it's very catchy to fall for that illusion and thus beLIEve in all That science fiction around Einstein & Co.
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The Real Man show Shows you Where you are!
31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
TrueMan is a deceived man That does not know That his whole life is just about to moderate a TV-show. All people around him are just actors (false characters) and he is the only ONE who doesn't KNOW anything about it. The director of this movie wanted to show the superficial society denounced in That TruMan lives, its hypocrisy and the false fortune. This hypocritic society is That of the WASP (white-anglo-saxon-protestants) in there are no drugs, no crimes and no pornography. When Tru'man finally leaves this closed, skewered world; he is able to enjoy the drugs, sex and ethic chaos of the viewers world. One could not expect anything else of the director from the Club of the Dead poets WEIRd. These cosmopolitics not only attack the European CULTure but anywhere they are THEY must make look the domestic elite ridiculed laughable to replace them with their chosen ones. It's all about leaving the old System to the NWO and a hint for the Flat Earth deception as well.
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Little Lips (1978)
A film about forbidden love That as an illusion comes to a fatal end
29 January 2020
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I watched this movie (rented in videoteque) in 1991 Some scenes are quite graphic with an erotic touch. But the main-point of the story is about this man that was broken by the ritual sacrifice (war) and in touch with this beautiful flower (living body) he could reconnect to life again. He was not able for an intercourse with her and thus lost her to another man that had no problems with satisfying her developing needs of reproduction. Thus he was already too soft for her age and did the fatal shot.
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A remarkable film That made me move
28 January 2020
It was in 1993 when I watched this movie on a German channel at late night. My girl-friend wanted to go to bed after 10 as we had to go to work next morning but I was n't tired yet. Thus I just let this film start with no idea of what will happen then but as the story developed I became so fascinated that I held my-body on the top of the sofa-chair standing with it's back-side to the TV I was laughing and at a certain moment I even screamed: Crazy! Because of the strange action between him and her. My girlfriend came into the living-room and asked" why I am making such noise in night-time? I just requested her to watch it with me but she was too tired: You should better come to bed now. No I can't. I must watch this movie till the end. The end was a little rough but also understandable in that impossible story.

The next day after work I told my girlfriend about it and she could relate to my fascination: Maybe you just like to experience the same? No!!! The film taught already that this is just a false dream that leads ultimately to a nightmare in that socially engineered society that we live in. These are two different worlds: of a teenager (dreams of fantasy) and an adult (adolt/adulled) that can not work out.

I wanted to get this video on VHS and a work-mate told me to make a request to the German movie data-base where the channels can borrow the videos from. But they couldn't give me a copy but sent me the producer details in Paris. Thus I went there at my France trip. At first I tried a videoteque in Nice but they had only the Disney cartoon. On Champs-Elysee I found the place of that company and asked for this movie but surprisingly they also couldn't help me with it. My French and their English wer'n't good enough either. Thus I gave up and until today I couldn't watch this film again as the streaming-sites seem to be fake.
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