
11 Reviews
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Movies like this are hard to come by these days
13 October 2023
This movie is so great because it's so relatable. I would rather watch this for the 10th time than watch most of the crap that Netflix is putting out there. Give me the Bravehearts and the Gladiators. I know I'm going to catch hell for not really reviewing American Beauty. This is more of a general praise for the great classics such as this one. Contrasting relationships. Couples that totally get each other and others that are completely clueless what the other really wants or needs. Cautionary tale about communication, or lack thereof. The character development in this film is amazing. And that's really what you want in a movie. You want to care about the least some of the characters.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
A world nobody would want to live in
5 October 2023
Where to start? Without giving away any spoilers, I just want to say that most of the drama from this show is about gullible people acting on false information given by vile disgusting people to further their own selfish interests. It pained me to watch this unfold. I don't know how many times I stopped and then come back a couple of days later hoping that this ridiculous trend would change into something more meaningful and believable. It didn't happen. Season 2 episode 5 was it for me. I hear from other reviews that it even gets worse. I don't see how that's possible and I don't intend to waste any more time finding out. Not a bad effort for a 10th grade drama class, if that was indeed where this came from.
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Midsommar (2019)
Don't waste your time
1 September 2023
This is by far the worst movie I've ever seen. Don't want to give away any spoilers other than to warn you not to waste your time watching it. No redeeming qualities, nothing to feel good about, nothing to really think about other than some sick minds coming up with this useless garbage. I've never regretted watching a movie as much as I have watching this one. This movie does not deserve this much attention, however I appeared to be required to write 600 words. Don't watch it. Please. You have been warned. To not heed this warning is to invite nausea into your life. It will make you sick. It should make you sick.
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Good Girls (2018–2021)
It's a good show but....
6 June 2021
Some of the decisions they make are just unimaginable. And one of the episodes this dude's cell phone battery seems to last forever despite having been frozen. I've heard of poetic license but that's just ridiculous.
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Braveheart (1995)
an epic masterpiece
19 January 2020
If you've seen this movie, then there is nothing to say. It speaks for itself. I do not have the words to describe how beautiful this movie is and make no mistake, it is a love story and about a man who had the courage to stand up for his freedom against seemingly insurmountable opposition... not just from the evil King of England, but the power-hungry noblemen of his own countrymen. I have seen this movie at least a dozen times and it has the same emotional impact on me each time. I've seen others claim that it is the best movie ever made, and I would not disagree... at least not in its genre.
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Voiceless (2015)
This isn't supposed to be a "how to" movie
9 October 2016
For the most part, the actors did a fine job portraying believable characters. It is probably not going to change anybody's opinion on abortion. If you were against it, you will have your beliefs affirmed, if you were pro-choice, you're most likely not going to have a change of heart. If this movie was intended to show the most effective way to deal with an abortion clinic, I believe it fell way short. I don't think that is what it was trying to do. It was simply the story of one man who decided to take a stand and make a difference in his community about something that he was passionate about. The last scene was supposed to make you wonder "what happened?", but not to the point where you'd be hoping for a sequel.
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Sliding Doors (1998)
Interesting enough
10 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting movie. Gwyneth Paltrow stars as a young English woman employed at a PR firm. Within the first 5 minutes of the movie, she loses her job and as she is walking towards the subway to catch a "tube" home, she encounters a brief disruption in her path that causes her to just barely miss the train. The movie then reverses back to that chance encounter and repositions the obstacle as to allow her to proceed unimpeded. From that point on, the viewer is presented with two different but parallel realities. In one reality, she gets home in time to catch her boyfriend cheating on her, but meets a new acquaintance on the train home who later becomes a romantic interest. In the other reality, she does not learn about her boyfriend's affair until near the end of the movie. Despite a couple of interesting twists at the end, one of the realities ends in tragedy, while the other is quite predictable, yet satisfying.
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Yes (I) (2004)
tedious; uninteresting; difficult to watch
19 January 2007
I suppose for some, this movie has some redeeming qualities. For me, however, I found myself hitting the fast-forward button through 75% of the film. First of all, the attempt at having all of the characters dialog rhyme was extremely distracting and so removed from real life that it made the already uninteresting plot even more unbearable.

Since I spent most of the time fast-forwarding through what seemed to me as the ridiculous and mundane, you should really watch the movie for yourself and make your own judgements. Maybe you'll get lucky and actually be able to get into it.

One word of advice, rent this movie first prior to purchasing. You'll be glad you did. I'll be putting my copy up for sale on eBay.
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Laurel Canyon (2002)
Leaves you not wanting more
15 January 2007
This film was not impressive on any level that I could see. Perhaps I lack the skills necessary to give merit to this work. However, after watching the movie, I simply thought "Is this it? So what?".

Near the end, I was thinking of what could happen to salvage this film. I, like the writer, was unable to come up with any good ideas.

There were several occasions where the character of Alex just acted unbelievable. I mean her behavior seemed to go from one extreme to another without any clear motivation.

I don't know, perhaps someone with a higher I.Q. can unravel this and explain what the point of the movie was because I don't have any clue.
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Sadistically Resistible
4 January 2007
This is by far the worst movie I have ever seen. I encourage everyone to watch it so they can waste 95 minutes of their lives as well. It's been 2 and 1/2 years since I watched it, but really bad movies are unforgettable. I kept waiting for something interesting to happen, but I kept waiting and waiting and suddenly there were the credits. I've see a lot of positive reviews, so maybe I will try to watch it again and see if I can view it in a different light, but darn there are so many other more interesting things I could be doing, like clipping my toenails or picking fuzz out of my navel. No, I believe that if ANYONE rated this movie over a 1, they didn't really watch it. Please watch the movie first before you comment on it people.

WARNING! THIS MOVIE MAY CONTAIN REPULSIVE SUBJECT MATTER (such as a lack of plot and incohesive script).

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Rocky V (1990)
Rocky V blows chunks
8 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Rocky fan. I've seen all five flicks and even own a couple of them on DVD. I'm sorry, but Rocky V is terrible. Who wrote the "Tommy Gunn" character's lines? An eighth grader? And oh, how believable is it that anybody in their right mind would entrust a drunk to handle their financial affairs? PUUUGH-LLLEEEEEEZZZZE! I'm trying to think of anything in the movie that just wasn't totally cliché or uninspiring... coming up blank... just like the minds of the writers of garbage. What is the moral of this story? Never befriend a wannabe boxer from Orlando or Oklahoma, take them into your house without doing any kind of background check, let them have your son's bedroom, totally ignore your son only to have your wife remind you that "your're losing your family Rocky!" unless you are prepared to fight the bum after he betrays your "long-standing" imagined relationship -- risking a life of total vegetation (arguably, Rocky was already in a near-vegetable state during the movie).
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